901 resultados para Invariant subspaces
MHC class II expression is regulated in dendritic cells independently of invariant chain degradation
We have investigated the mechanisms that control MHC class II (MHC II) expression in immature and activated dendritic cells (DC) grown from spleen and bone marrow precursors. Degradation of the MHC II chaperone invariant chain (li), acquisition of peptide cargo by MHC II, and delivery of MHC II-peptide complexes to the cell surface proceeded similarly in both immature and activated DC. However, immature DC reendocytosed and then degraded the MHC II-peptide complexes much faster than the activated DC. MHC II expression in DC is therefore not controlled by the activity of the protease(s) that degrade Ii, but by the rate of endocytosis of peptide-loaded MHC II. Late after activation, DC downregulated MHC II synthesis both in vitro and in vivo.
We describe the twisted affine superalgebra sl(2\2)((2)) and its quantized version U-q[sl(2\2)((2))]. We investigate the tensor product representation of the four-dimensional grade star representation for the fixed-point sub superalgebra U-q[osp(2\2)]. We work out the tensor product decomposition explicitly and find that the decomposition is not completely reducible. Associated with this four-dimensional grade star representation we derive two U-q[osp(2\2)] invariant R-matrices: one of them corresponds to U-q [sl(2\2)(2)] and the other to U-q [osp(2\2)((1))]. Using the R-matrix for U-q[sl(2\2)((2))], we construct a new U-q[osp(2\2)] invariant strongly correlated electronic model, which is integrable in one dimension. Interestingly this model reduces in the q = 1 limit, to the one proposed by Essler et al which has a larger sl(2\2) symmetry.
The anisotropic norm of a linear discrete-time-invariant system measures system output sensitivity to stationary Gaussian input disturbances of bounded mean anisotropy. Mean anisotropy characterizes the degree of predictability (or colouredness) and spatial non-roundness of the noise. The anisotropic norm falls between the H-2 and H-infinity norms and accommodates their loss of performance when the probability structure of input disturbances is not exactly known. This paper develops a method for numerical computation of the anisotropic norm which involves linked Riccati and Lyapunov equations and an associated special type equation.
Sensitivity of output of a linear operator to its input can be quantified in various ways. In Control Theory, the input is usually interpreted as disturbance and the output is to be minimized in some sense. In stochastic worst-case design settings, the disturbance is considered random with imprecisely known probability distribution. The prior set of probability measures can be chosen so as to quantify how far the disturbance deviates from the white-noise hypothesis of Linear Quadratic Gaussian control. Such deviation can be measured by the minimal Kullback-Leibler informational divergence from the Gaussian distributions with zero mean and scalar covariance matrices. The resulting anisotropy functional is defined for finite power random vectors. Originally, anisotropy was introduced for directionally generic random vectors as the relative entropy of the normalized vector with respect to the uniform distribution on the unit sphere. The associated a-anisotropic norm of a matrix is then its maximum root mean square or average energy gain with respect to finite power or directionally generic inputs whose anisotropy is bounded above by a≥0. We give a systematic comparison of the anisotropy functionals and the associated norms. These are considered for unboundedly growing fragments of homogeneous Gaussian random fields on multidimensional integer lattice to yield mean anisotropy. Correspondingly, the anisotropic norms of finite matrices are extended to bounded linear translation invariant operators over such fields.
The minimal supersymmetric standard model involves a rather restrictive Higgs potential with two Higgs fields. Recently, the full set of classes of symmetries allowed in the most general two-Higgs-doublet model was identified; these classes do not include the supersymmetric limit as a particular class. Thus, a physically meaningful definition of the supersymmetric limit must involve the interaction of the Higgs sector with other sectors of the theory. Here we show how one can construct basis invariant probes of supersymmetry involving both the Higgs sector and the gaugino-Higgsino-Higgs interactions.
Invariant integrals are derived for nematic liquid crystals and applied to materials with small Ericksen number and topological defects. The nematic material is confined between two infinite plates located at y = -h and y = h (h is an element of R+) with a semi-infinite plate at y = 0 and x < 0. Planar and homeotropic strong anchoring boundary conditions to the director field are assumed at these two infinite and semi-infinite plates, respectively. Thus, a line disclination appears in the system which coincides with the z-axis. Analytical solutions to the director field in the neighbourhood of the singularity are obtained. However, these solutions depend on an arbitrary parameter. The nematic elastic force is thus evaluated from an invariant integral of the energy-momentum tensor around a closed surface which does not contain the singularity. This allows one to determine this parameter which is a function of the nematic cell thickness and the strength of the disclination. Analytical solutions are also deduced for the director field in the whole region using the conformal mapping method. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Matemática na especialidade de Equações Diferenciais, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Matemática
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Planar polynomial vector fields which admit invariant algebraic curves, Darboux integrating factors or Darboux first integrals are of special interest. In the present paper we solve the inverse problem for invariant algebraic curves with a given multiplicity and for integrating factors, under generic assumptions regarding the (multiple) invariant algebraic curves involved. In particular we prove, in this generic scenario, that the existence of a Darboux integrating factor implies Darboux integrability. Furthermore we construct examples where the genericity assumption does not hold and indicate that the situation is different for these.
We give sufficient conditions for existence, uniqueness and ergodicity of invariant measures for Musiela's stochastic partial differential equation with deterministic volatility and a Hilbert space valued driving Lévy noise. Conditions for the absence of arbitrage and for the existence of mild solutions are also discussed.
We present an invariant of a three dimensional manifold with a framed knot in it based on the Reidemeister torsion of an acyclic complex of Euclidean geometric origin. To show its nontriviality, we calculate the invariant for some framed (un)knots in lens spaces. An important feature of our work is that we are not using any nontrivial representation of the manifold fundamental group or knot group.
Given an algebraic curve in the complex affine plane, we describe how to determine all planar polynomial vector fields which leave this curve invariant. If all (finite) singular points of the curve are nondegenerate, we give an explicit expression for these vector fields. In the general setting we provide an algorithmic approach, and as an alternative we discuss sigma processes.
In this paper, we develop numerical algorithms that use small requirements of storage and operations for the computation of invariant tori in Hamiltonian systems (exact symplectic maps and Hamiltonian vector fields). The algorithms are based on the parameterization method and follow closely the proof of the KAM theorem given in [LGJV05] and [FLS07]. They essentially consist in solving a functional equation satisfied by the invariant tori by using a Newton method. Using some geometric identities, it is possible to perform a Newton step using little storage and few operations. In this paper we focus on the numerical issues of the algorithms (speed, storage and stability) and we refer to the mentioned papers for the rigorous results. We show how to compute efficiently both maximal invariant tori and whiskered tori, together with the associated invariant stable and unstable manifolds of whiskered tori. Moreover, we present fast algorithms for the iteration of the quasi-periodic cocycles and the computation of the invariant bundles, which is a preliminary step for the computation of invariant whiskered tori. Since quasi-periodic cocycles appear in other contexts, this section may be of independent interest. The numerical methods presented here allow to compute in a unified way primary and secondary invariant KAM tori. Secondary tori are invariant tori which can be contracted to a periodic orbit. We present some preliminary results that ensure that the methods are indeed implementable and fast. We postpone to a future paper optimized implementations and results on the breakdown of invariant tori.