973 resultados para Integrated Military Structure


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Si bien el Cid sigue su camino cuatrocentista en las derivaciones cronísticas y en el romancero épico, se afirma paralelamente a lo largo del siglo xv un nuevo paradigma en torno a Rodrigo, para acercarlo a los esquemas de la actuación caballeresca con que se entraman las biografías o crónicas particulares de héroes reales. Las ponderaciones del héroe en la literatura de la época se vinculan con los principales proyectos de renovación de la caballería, instigados a lo largo de los tres reinados de esta centuria, en especial a los promovidos en el entorno de don Álvaro de Luna y en el marco militar de los Reyes Católicos.


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Si bien el Cid sigue su camino cuatrocentista en las derivaciones cronísticas y en el romancero épico, se afirma paralelamente a lo largo del siglo xv un nuevo paradigma en torno a Rodrigo, para acercarlo a los esquemas de la actuación caballeresca con que se entraman las biografías o crónicas particulares de héroes reales. Las ponderaciones del héroe en la literatura de la época se vinculan con los principales proyectos de renovación de la caballería, instigados a lo largo de los tres reinados de esta centuria, en especial a los promovidos en el entorno de don Álvaro de Luna y en el marco militar de los Reyes Católicos.


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FOREWORD. When one looks at the present state of the CSDP, one cannot help but look on with disenchantment at the energy that appears to have abandoned both institutions and Member States. Commentators increasingly take for granted that nothing much should be expected from this field of EU policy. The reasons for this state of mind are well known: the recent economic and financial strains, which have impacted all EU action since 2008, means that most of the Member States will struggle to keep their defence budgets at their present level in the future, and we may even see reductions. Furthermore, and to put it mildly, most of the recent CSDP operations have also experienced a lack of enthusiasm. Adding to this overall trend, the EU is far from presenting a common vision of what security and defence should really mean. Many of the Member States do not want to be involved in all of today’s international turmoils, and they rarely share the strategic culture which inspires those Member States who see themselves as having special responsibilities in dealing with these crises. In the end it may be that Member States diverge fundamentally on the simple question of whether it is relevant for the EU to engage in most of the ‘hot’ crises Europe faces; many prefer to see Europe as a soft power, mostly dedicated to intervening on less dramatic fronts and more inclined to mend than to fight. For whatever reason given, it remains that if there is a lack of common understanding on what CSDP should really be about, it should not come as a surprise if this policy is presently in stalemate. As an additional blow, the Ukrainian crisis, which dragged on for the whole of last year, could only add to the downward spiral the EU has been experiencing, with a new Russia aggressively confronting Europe in a manner not too distant from the Cold War days. This attitude has triggered the natural reaction among EU Member States to seek reassurances from NATO about their own national security. Coupled with the return of France a few years ago into the integrated military command, NATO’s renewed relevance has sent a strong message to Europe about the military organisation’s credibility with regard to collective defence. Surprisingly, this overall trend was gathering momentum at the same time as other more positive developments. The European Council of December 2013 dedicated its main session to CSDP: it underlined Europe’s role as a ‘security provider’ while adopting a very ambitious road map for Europe in all possible dimensions of the security sector. Hence the impression of a genuine boost to all EU institutions, which have been invited to join efforts and give CSDP a reinvigorated efficiency. In the same way, the increasing instability in Europe’s neighbourhood has also called for more EU operations: most recently in Iraq, Libya, Northern Nigeria or South Sudan. Pressure for further EU engagement has been one of the most constant features of the discussions taking place around these crises. Moreover, a growing number of EU partners in Asia, Latin America or Eastern Europe have shown a renewed eagerness to join CSDP missions in what sounds like a vote of confidence for EU capacities. What kind of conclusion should be drawn from this contradictory situation? Probably that the EU has much more potential than it can sometimes figure out itself, if only it would be ready to adapt to the new global realities. But, more than anything else, an enhanced CSDP needs from all Member States strong political will and a clear vision of what they want this policy to be. Without this indispensable ingredient CSDP may continue to run its course, as it does today. It may even grow in efficiency but it will keep lacking the one resource that would definitely help it overcome all the present shortcomings that have prevented Europe from finding its true role and mission through the CSDP. Member States remain central to EU security and defence policy. This is why this collection of essays is so valuable for assessing in no uncertain way the long road that lies ahead for any progress to be made. Pierre VIMONT Senior Associate at Carnegie Europe Former Executive Secretary-General of the European External Action Service


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The Three-Layer distributed mediation architecture, designed by Secure System Architecture laboratory, employed a layered framework of presence, integration, and homogenization mediators. The architecture does not have any central component that may affect the system reliability. A distributed search technique was adapted in the system to increase its reliability. An Enhanced Chord-like algorithm (E-Chord) was designed and deployed in the integration layer. The E-Chord is a skip-list algorithm based on Distributed Hash Table (DHT) which is a distributed but structured architecture. DHT is distributed in the sense that no central unit is required to maintain indexes, and it is structured in the sense that indexes are distributed over the nodes in a systematic manner. Each node maintains three kind of routing information: a frequency list, a successor/predecessor list, and a finger table. None of the nodes in the system maintains all indexes, and each node knows about some other nodes in the system. These nodes, also called composer mediators, were connected in a P2P fashion. ^ A special composer mediator called a global mediator initiates the keyword-based matching decomposition of the request using the E-Chord. It generates an Integrated Data Structure Graph (IDSG) on the fly, creates association and dependency relations between nodes in the IDSG, and then generates a Global IDSG (GIDSG). The GIDSG graph is a plan which guides the global mediator how to integrate data. It is also used to stream data from the mediators in the homogenization layer which connected to the data sources. The connectors start sending the data to the global mediator just after the global mediator creates the GIDSG and just before the global mediator sends the answer to the presence mediator. Using the E-Chord and GIDSG made the mediation system more scalable than using a central global schema repository since all the composers in the integration layer are capable of handling and routing requests. Also, when a composer fails, it would only minimally affect the entire mediation system. ^


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A presente dissertação pretende compreender as origens e a actividade associada à capitania-mor do mar da Índia, considerado o segundo cargo mais relevante da estrutura político-militar do Estado Português da Índia, desde 1502 a 1564. Este cargo, transferido do reino para a Índia, ainda nos primórdios da presença portuguesa, em 1502, visou assegurar os interesses da Coroa na Ásia. Após a nomeação do primeiro vice-rei para a Índia, D. Francisco de Almeida, em 1505, este ofício foi desde logo disputado e requerido pelos governadores subsequentes. Na maioria das vezes era-lhes concedida a possibilidade de indicarem ao soberano quem pretendiam ao seu lado, para os auxiliar na realização do plano de expansão gizado pela Coroa. No entanto, ao monarca assistia a palavra final. Procuramos saber quem foram os oficiais que ocuparam a capitania e compreender que espaço era esse “Mar da Índia”. Considerado o controlo do mar como a base da afirmação e alargamento da presença portuguesa na Ásia, de acordo com os planos de expansão de D. Manuel I e D. João III, é relevante percebermos qual foi a área de autoridade desta capitania. Se o espaço é relevante, também as embarcações o são, por isso, tentamos perceber que tipos de embarcações faziam parte das armadas associadas a este ofício. Após o entendimento sobre o espaço e as embarcações, foi relevante percebermos os critérios da nomeação e as funções inerentes, as quais eram, sobretudo, do foro político-militar. Todavia, os poderes outorgados à capitania, de natureza marítima, foram por vezes alargados às praças portuguesas do Estado da Índia. Percepcionar de que forma e para que fins essa autoridade se ampliou também foi motivo de discussão. Compreender o estatuto social e o impacto do cargo nas trajectórias individuais, foram aspectos que foram tidos em linha de conta ao longo do nosso estudo. Tentamos igualmente avançar com hipóteses explicativas sobre o fim deste cargo. Com este estudo pretendemos compreender como a capitania-mor do mar da Índia fez parte do funcionamento da cúpula político-militar do Estado Português da Índia, ao longo de mais de meio século, como elemento estabilizador. Constatamos que o capitão-mor do mar também foi usado pelo rei, com o intuito de controlar o governador em funções.


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Quantitative estimates of the vertical structure and the spatial gradients of aerosol extinction coefficients have been made from airborne lidar measurements across the coastline into offshore oceanic regions along the east and west coasts of India. The vertical structure revealed the presence of strong, elevated aerosol layers in the altitude region of similar to 2-4 km, well above the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Horizontal gradients also showed a vertical structure, being sharp with the e(-1) scaling distance (D-0H) as small as similar to 150 km in the well-mixed regions mostly under the influence of local source effects. Above the ABL, where local effects are subdued, the gradients were much shallower (similar to 600-800 km); nevertheless, they were steep compared to the value of similar to 1500-2500 km reported for columnar AOD during winter. The gradients of these elevated layers were steeper over the east coast of India than over the west coast. Near-simultaneous radio sonde (Vaisala, Inc., Finland) ascents made over the northern Bay of Bengal showed the presence of convectively unstable regions, first from surface to similar to 750-1000 m and the other extending from 1750 to 3000 m separated by a stable region in between. These can act as a conduit for the advection of aerosols and favor the transport of continental aerosols in the higher levels (> 2 km) into the oceans without entering the marine boundary layer below. Large spatial gradient in aerosol optical and hence radiative impacts between the coastal landmass and the adjacent oceans within a short distance of < 300 km (even at an altitude of 3 km) during summer and the premonsoon is of significance to the regional climate.


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The influence of electric field and temperature on power consumption of piezoelectric actuated integrated structure is studied by using a single degree of freedom mass-spring-damper system model coupled with a piezoactuator. The material lead zirconate titanate, is considered as it is capable of producing relatively high strains (e.g., 3000 mu epsilon). Actuators are often subject to high electric fields to increase the induced strain produced, resulting in field dependant piezoelectric coefficient d(31), dielectric coefficient epsilon(33) and dissipation factor delta. Piezostructures are also likely to be used across a wide range of temperatures in aerospace and undersea operations. Again, the piezoelectric properties can vary with temperature. Recent experimental studies by physics researchers have looked at the effect of high electric field and temperature on piezoelectric properties. These properties are used together with an impedance based power consumption model. Results show that including the nonlinear variation of dielectric permittivity and dissipation factor with electric field is important. Temperature dependence of the dielectric constant also should be considered.


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A power filter is necessary to connect the output of a power converter to the grid so as to reduce the harmonic distortion introduced in the line current and voltage by the power converter. Many a times, a transformer is also present before the point of common coupling. Magnetic components often constitute a significant part of the overall weight, size and cost of the grid interface scheme. So, a compact inexpensive design is desirable. A higher-order LCL-filter and a transformer are increasingly being considered for grid interconnection of the power converter. This study proposes a design method based on a three-winding transformer, that generates an integrated structure that behaves as an LCL-filter, with both the filter inductances and the transformer that are merged into a single electromagnetic component. The parameters of the transformer are derived analytically. It is shown that along with a filter capacitor, the transformer parameters provide the filtering action of an LCL-filter. A single-phase full-bridge power converter is operated as a static compensator for performance evaluation of the integrated filter transformer. A resonant integrator-based single-phase phase locked loop and stationary frame AC current controller are employed for grid frequency synchronisation and line current control, respectively.


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An interesting GaN photodetector structure, which can be used for characterizing the wavelength of incident ultraviolet light, is proposed. It is composed of two back-to-back integrated diodes, i.e. p-n and p-i-n GaN ultraviolet photodiodes with different spectral response. The wavelength of monochromatic ultraviolet light could be identified by measuring the photocurrent ratio value through a simple electronic circuit.


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By integrating a three-barrier, two-well resonant tunneling structure with a 1.2-mu m-thick, slightly doped n-GaAs layer, a photoinduced voltage shift on the order of magnitude of 100 mV in resonant current peaks has been verified at an irradiance of low light power density. The 1.2-mu m-thick, slightly doped n-GaAs layer manifests itself of playing an important role in enhancing photoelectric sensitivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new structure of GaAs photocathode was introduced. The Be-doping concentration is variable in the new structure compared with the constant concentration of Be in the normal photocathode. Negative electron affinity GaAs photocathodes were fabricated by alternate input of Cs and O. The spectral response results measured by the on-line spectral response measurement system show that the integrated photosensitivity of the photocathodes with the new structure is enhanced by at least 50% as compared to those with the monolayer structure. Accordingly, two main factors leading to the enhanced photosensitivity of the photocathodes were discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a common cause of complicated skin and skin-structure infection (cSSSI). Increasing antimicrobial resistance in cSSSI has led to a need for new safe and effective therapies. Ceftaroline was evaluated as treatment for cSSSI in 2 identical phase 3 clinical trials, the pooled analysis of which is presented here. The primary objective of each trial was to determine the noninferiority of the clinical cure rate achieved with ceftaroline monotherapy, compared with that achieved with vancomycin plus aztreonam combination therapy, in the clinically evaluable (CE) and modified intent-to-treat (MITT) patient populations. METHODS: Adult patients with cSSSI requiring intravenous therapy received ceftaroline (600 mg every 12 h) or vancomycin plus aztreonam (1 g each every 12 h) for 5-14 days. RESULTS: Of 1378 patients enrolled in both trials, 693 received ceftaroline and 685 received vancomycin plus aztreonam. Baseline characteristics of the treatment groups were comparable. Clinical cure rates were similar for ceftaroline and vancomycin plus aztreonam in the CE (91.6% vs 92.7%) and MITT (85.9% vs 85.5%) populations, respectively, as well as in patients infected with MRSA (93.4% vs 94.3%). The rates of adverse events, discontinuations because of an adverse event, serious adverse events, and death also were similar between treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS: Ceftaroline achieved high clinical cure rates, was efficacious against cSSSI caused by MRSA and other common cSSSI pathogens, and was well tolerated, with a safety profile consistent with the cephalosporin class. Ceftaroline has the potential to provide a monotherapy alternative for the treatment of cSSSI. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifiers: NCT00424190 for CANVAS 1 and NCT00423657 for CANVAS 2.