990 resultados para INTEGRAL-OPERATORS


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2000 Math. Subject Classification: 30C45


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A method is presented for obtaining useful closed form solution of a system of generalized Abel integral equations by using the ideas of fractional integral operators and their applications. This system appears in solving certain mixed boundary value problems arising in the classical theory of elasticity.


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In this thesis we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with Fourier symbols in the class of almost periodic, semi-almost periodic and piecewise almost periodic functions. In the first place, we consider Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2 Lebesgue spaces with possibly different Fourier matrix symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators. In the second place, we consider these operators with equal Fourier symbols and acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces Lp(R;w), where 1 < p < 1 and w belongs to a subclass of Muckenhoupt weights. In addition, singular integral operators with Carleman shift and almost periodic coefficients are also object of study. The main purpose of this thesis is to obtain regularity properties characterizations of those classes of operators. By regularity properties we mean those that depend on the kernel and cokernel of the operator. The main techniques used are the equivalence relations between operators and the factorization theory. An invertibility characterization for the Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with symbols belonging to the Wiener subclass of almost periodic functions APW is obtained, assuming that a particular matrix function admits a numerical range bounded away from zero and based on the values of a certain mean motion. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces and with possibly different AP symbols, criteria for the semi-Fredholm property and for one-sided and both-sided invertibility are obtained and the inverses for all possible cases are exhibited. For such results, a new type of AP factorization is introduced. Singular integral operators with Carleman shift and scalar almost periodic coefficients are also studied. Considering an auxiliar and simpler operator, and using appropriate factorizations, the dimensions of the kernels and cokernels of those operators are obtained. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators with (possibly different) SAP and PAP matrix symbols and acting between L2-spaces, criteria for the Fredholm property are presented as well as the sum of the Fredholm indices of the Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel and Wiener-Hopf minus Hankel operators. By studying dependencies between different matrix Fourier symbols of Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators acting between L2-spaces, results about the kernel and cokernel of those operators are derived. For Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators acting between weighted Lebesgue spaces, Lp(R;w), a study is made considering equal scalar Fourier symbols in the Wiener-Hopf and in the Hankel operators and belonging to the classes of APp;w, SAPp;w and PAPp;w. It is obtained an invertibility characterization for Wiener-Hopf plus Hankel operators with APp;w symbols. In the cases for which the Fourier symbols of the operators belong to SAPp;w and PAPp;w, it is obtained semi-Fredholm criteria for Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators as well as formulas for the Fredholm indices of those operators.


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In the first half of this memoir we explore the interrelationships between the abstract theory of limit operators (see e.g. the recent monographs of Rabinovich, Roch and Silbermann (2004) and Lindner (2006)) and the concepts and results of the generalised collectively compact operator theory introduced by Chandler-Wilde and Zhang (2002). We build up to results obtained by applying this generalised collectively compact operator theory to the set of limit operators of an operator (its operator spectrum). In the second half of this memoir we study bounded linear operators on the generalised sequence space , where and is some complex Banach space. We make what seems to be a more complete study than hitherto of the connections between Fredholmness, invertibility, invertibility at infinity, and invertibility or injectivity of the set of limit operators, with some emphasis on the case when the operator is a locally compact perturbation of the identity. Especially, we obtain stronger results than previously known for the subtle limiting cases of and . Our tools in this study are the results from the first half of the memoir and an exploitation of the partial duality between and and its implications for bounded linear operators which are also continuous with respect to the weaker topology (the strict topology) introduced in the first half of the memoir. Results in this second half of the memoir include a new proof that injectivity of all limit operators (the classic Favard condition) implies invertibility for a general class of almost periodic operators, and characterisations of invertibility at infinity and Fredholmness for operators in the so-called Wiener algebra. In two final chapters our results are illustrated by and applied to concrete examples. Firstly, we study the spectra and essential spectra of discrete Schrödinger operators (both self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint), including operators with almost periodic and random potentials. In the final chapter we apply our results to integral operators on .


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In this article we describe recent progress on the design, analysis and implementation of hybrid numerical-asymptotic boundary integral methods for boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation that model time harmonic acoustic wave scattering in domains exterior to impenetrable obstacles. These hybrid methods combine conventional piecewise polynomial approximations with high-frequency asymptotics to build basis functions suitable for representing the oscillatory solutions. They have the potential to solve scattering problems accurately in a computation time that is (almost) independent of frequency and this has been realized for many model problems. The design and analysis of this class of methods requires new results on the analysis and numerical analysis of highly oscillatory boundary integral operators and on the high-frequency asymptotics of scattering problems. The implementation requires the development of appropriate quadrature rules for highly oscillatory integrals. This article contains a historical account of the development of this currently very active field, a detailed account of recent progress and, in addition, a number of original research results on the design, analysis and implementation of these methods.


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We consider integral equations of the form ψ(x) = φ(x) + ∫Ωk(x, y)z(y)ψ(y) dy(in operator form ψ = φ + Kzψ), where Ω is some subset ofRn(n ≥ 1). The functionsk,z, and φ are assumed known, withz ∈ L∞(Ω) and φ ∈ Y, the space of bounded continuous functions on Ω. The function ψ ∈ Yis to be determined. The class of domains Ω and kernelskconsidered includes the case Ω = Rnandk(x, y) = κ(x − y) with κ ∈ L1(Rn), in which case, ifzis the characteristic function of some setG, the integral equation is one of Wiener–Hopf type. The main theorems, proved using arguments derived from collectively compact operator theory, are conditions on a setW ⊂ L∞(Ω) which ensure that ifI − Kzis injective for allz ∈ WthenI − Kzis also surjective and, moreover, the inverse operators (I − Kz)−1onYare bounded uniformly inz. These general theorems are used to recover classical results on Wiener–Hopf integral operators of21and19, and generalisations of these results, and are applied to analyse the Lippmann–Schwinger integral equation.


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The shape of a plane acoustical sound-soft obstacle is detected from knowledge of the far field pattern for one time-harmonic incident field. Two methods based on solving a system of integral equations for the incoming wave and the far field pattern are investigated. Properties of the integral operators required in order to apply regularization, i.e. injectivity and denseness of the range, are proved.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45A05, 45B05, 45E05,45P05, 46E30


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 33D90, 26A33


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The topic of this dissertation lies in the intersection of harmonic analysis and fractal geometry. We particulary consider singular integrals in Euclidean spaces with respect to general measures, and we study how the geometric structure of the measures affects certain analytic properties of the operators. The thesis consists of three research articles and an overview. In the first article we construct singular integral operators on lower dimensional Sierpinski gaskets associated with homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund kernels. While these operators are bounded their principal values fail to exist almost everywhere. Conformal iterated function systems generate a broad range of fractal sets. In the second article we prove that many of these limit sets are porous in a very strong sense, by showing that they contain holes spread in every direction. In the following we connect these results with singular integrals. We exploit the fractal structure of these limit sets, in order to establish that singular integrals associated with very general kernels converge weakly. Boundedness questions consist a central topic of investigation in the theory of singular integrals. In the third article we study singular integrals of different measures. We prove a very general boundedness result in the case where the two underlying measures are separated by a Lipshitz graph. As a consequence we show that a certain weak convergence holds for a large class of singular integrals.


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Various Tb theorems play a key role in the modern harmonic analysis. They provide characterizations for the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund type singular integral operators. The general philosophy is that to conclude the boundedness of an operator T on some function space, one needs only to test it on some suitable function b. The main object of this dissertation is to prove very general Tb theorems. The dissertation consists of four research articles and an introductory part. The framework is general with respect to the domain (a metric space), the measure (an upper doubling measure) and the range (a UMD Banach space). Moreover, the used testing conditions are weak. In the first article a (global) Tb theorem on non-homogeneous metric spaces is proved. One of the main technical components is the construction of a randomization procedure for the metric dyadic cubes. The difficulty lies in the fact that metric spaces do not, in general, have a translation group. Also, the measures considered are more general than in the existing literature. This generality is genuinely important for some applications, including the result of Volberg and Wick concerning the characterization of measures for which the analytic Besov-Sobolev space embeds continuously into the space of square integrable functions. In the second article a vector-valued extension of the main result of the first article is considered. This theorem is a new contribution to the vector-valued literature, since previously such general domains and measures were not allowed. The third article deals with local Tb theorems both in the homogeneous and non-homogeneous situations. A modified version of the general non-homogeneous proof technique of Nazarov, Treil and Volberg is extended to cover the case of upper doubling measures. This technique is also used in the homogeneous setting to prove local Tb theorems with weak testing conditions introduced by Auscher, Hofmann, Muscalu, Tao and Thiele. This gives a completely new and direct proof of such results utilizing the full force of non-homogeneous analysis. The final article has to do with sharp weighted theory for maximal truncations of Calderón-Zygmund operators. This includes a reduction to certain Sawyer-type testing conditions, which are in the spirit of Tb theorems and thus of the dissertation. The article extends the sharp bounds previously known only for untruncated operators, and also proves sharp weak type results, which are new even for untruncated operators. New techniques are introduced to overcome the difficulties introduced by the non-linearity of maximal truncations.


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Iantchenko, A.; Sj?strand, J.; Zworski, M., (2002) 'Birkhoff normal forms in semi-classical inverse problems', Mathematical Research Letters 9(3) pp.337-362 RAE2008


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Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki


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For a nonlocally perturbed half- space we consider the scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves. A second kind boundary integral equation formulation is proposed for the sound-soft case, based on a standard ansatz as a combined single-and double-layer potential but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half- space Green's function. Due to the unboundedness of the surface, the integral operators are noncompact. In contrast to the two-dimensional case, the integral operators are also strongly singular, due to the slow decay at infinity of the fundamental solution of the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation. In the case when the surface is sufficiently smooth ( Lyapunov) we show that the integral operators are nevertheless bounded as operators on L-2(Gamma) and on L-2(Gamma G) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and that the operators depend continuously in norm on the wave number and on G. We further show that for mild roughness, i.e., a surface G which does not differ too much from a plane, the boundary integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2(Gamma) boolean AND BC(Gamma) and the scattering problem has a unique solution which satisfies a limiting absorption principle in the case of real wave number.


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We consider two weakly coupled systems and adopt a perturbative approach based on the Ruelle response theory to study their interaction. We propose a systematic way of parameterizing the effect of the coupling as a function of only the variables of a system of interest. Our focus is on describing the impacts of the coupling on the long term statistics rather than on the finite-time behavior. By direct calculation, we find that, at first order, the coupling can be surrogated by adding a deterministic perturbation to the autonomous dynamics of the system of interest. At second order, there are additionally two separate and very different contributions. One is a term taking into account the second-order contributions of the fluctuations in the coupling, which can be parameterized as a stochastic forcing with given spectral properties. The other one is a memory term, coupling the system of interest to its previous history, through the correlations of the second system. If these correlations are known, this effect can be implemented as a perturbation with memory on the single system. In order to treat this case, we present an extension to Ruelle's response theory able to deal with integral operators. We discuss our results in the context of other methods previously proposed for disentangling the dynamics of two coupled systems. We emphasize that our results do not rely on assuming a time scale separation, and, if such a separation exists, can be used equally well to study the statistics of the slow variables and that of the fast variables. By recursively applying the technique proposed here, we can treat the general case of multi-level systems.