789 resultados para History of brazilian math education
O presente estudo tem como tema central o trabalho docente em instituições privadas de ensino superior, em um contexto em que os trabalhadores estão subsumidos à ordem do capitalismo flexível e às suas diversas formas de dominação. Analisam-se os modos de organização do trabalho no campo educacional, e suas repercussões na educação superior. Realizam-se considerações sobre os sentidos de esfera pública e esfera privada, no âmbito do atual Estado burguês. Destacam-se alguns momentos da história da educação superior brasileira, e a trajetória de desenvolvimento desse nível de ensino no Brasil e em especial no Maranhão, estado que foi escolhido para ser o campo empírico da tese. Nesse percurso, dá-se ênfase para alguns dispositivos legais pós-LDB (1996) que facilitaram a expansão do setor privado/mercantil. O referencial teórico-metodológico assenta-se nas teorizações marxianas e marxistas, portanto, na articulação com a pesquisa empírica, fazendo-se necessário ultrapassar os limites das manifestações fenomênicas, para buscar as suas raízes, que, por sua vez, não são imediatamente observáveis. Utiliza-se, também, para essa finalidade a Teoria Social do Discurso, elaborada por Norman Fairclough. A partir do estudo de campo realizado é possível identificar um contexto de intensa precarização nas relações de trabalho dos professores nessas instituições, com a combinação de muitos elementos, objetivos e subjetivos, no complexo cotidiano desse trabalhador, entre eles: controles e pressões no cumprimento de prazos, salários rebaixados, cobranças, constrangimentos, sofrimentos, dores, ausência de democracia e de reconhecimento por parte dos superiores hierárquicos, sobrecarga de trabalho, desânimo, mas, também, transgressões de regras e normas, enfretamentos, satisfações, prazeres, momentos de criatividade e motivação, esses últimos componentes vividos, especialmente na relação com os alunos. Essas situações e sentimentos que transitam entre a dualidade prazer-sofrimento geram muitas e diferentes repercussões na saúde dos professores e para essa discussão lança-se mão de autores da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Conclui-se que para se pensar a possibilidade de uma educação humanizadora e avessa à perspectiva pragmática e mercantilista, tão em voga na atualidade, tornam-se necessários a superação do modelo neoliberal, a retomada da esfera pública como central e estratégica e a defesa do trabalho docente, permeado por dignidade, sentido e reconhecimento.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da qualificação (stricto sensu) realizada pelos docentes da UFPA, no período de 1985 a 2009, nos indicadores taxas de sucesso e taxa de evasão do ensino de graduação da instituição.Inicialmente foi realizada a contextualização do ensino superior brasileiro antes e depois da aprovação da atual Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação, onde se buscou caracterizar a universidade enquanto instituição e descrever a trajetória da pós-graduação no Brasil. Após a identificação dos institutos e cursos da UFPA foram coletados, junto aos anuários estatísticos, relatórios de gestão e sistemas oficiais da instituição, os dados relativos à qualificação de docentes, ao número alunos ingressantes, concluintes e matriculados. Estas informações foram armazenadas e processadas por um sistema informatizado criado pela pesquisadora para possibilitar a realização de cálculos e promover associações entre os dados referentes à qualificação docente e os indicadores que mensuram a graduação da UFPA. O sistema identificou a existência de relação entre a qualificação e as taxas de sucesso e de evasão, e, com o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi possível medir o nível dessa relação. Concluiu-se, através das análises estatísticas e tendo por base os marcos teóricos, que embora o número de docentes qualificados tenha aumentado, a taxa de sucesso não cresceu na mesma proporção. Inferiu-se que o aumento da qualificação dentro da instituição foi decorrente da LDB, o que tornou possível afirmar que a LDB intensificou a política de qualificação docente, porém, não melhorou os indicadores que mensuram a graduação da UFPA. Assim sendo, o estudo comprovou que não basta qualificar docentes. Outros fatores interferem na melhoria dos indicadores de desempenho do ensino de graduação. Espera-se, com esta pesquisa, suscitar a reflexão e o debate acerca do ensino de graduação na UFPA junto à gestão dos cursos e à Pró-reitora de Graduação, bem como contribuir com o direcionamento das políticas de ensino de graduação por meio da disponibilização do sistema SIAGRAD, que poderá se constituir em uma ferramenta importante para a gestão acadêmica da instituição.
The central focus of this paper is to establish that the Brazilian Education Programa to prepare professionals in Technical-Agricultural Schools is suffering a kind of marginalization which comes from two distinct perspectives: the intention to prepare professionals (being a branch of Technical Education) and the relationship to the countryside (a community space historically seen as peripheral in its relation to urban culture). The paper discusses – from a historical and sociological point of view and using Oral History as methodological approach – the experiences of Math’s teachers in their daily struggles against some conceptions of other teachers (mainly those of technical areas) and against all the “regular” schooling system.
The number of papers on History of Mathematics Education presented at EBRAPEM (Brazilian Meeting of Graduate Students in Mathematics Education) has increased significantly between 2003 and 2008. This article presents a study with the aim of identifying themes, periods in focus, and sources and theoretical and methodological references used by the authors of the papers on History of Mathematics Education published in the proceedings of VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII EBRAPEM. The study indicates that the approach of ongoing research in History of Mathematics Education in Brazil has been similar to the approach of research in History of Education in general. However, the institutional separation between these two areas of investigation is noted as a factor rendering communication between both groups of researchers difficult.
Ian Hunter's early work on the history of literature education and the emergence of English as school subject issued a bold challenge to traditional accounts that have in the main focused on English either as knowledge of a particular field or as ideology. The alternative proposal put forward by Hunter and supported by detailed historical analysis is that English exists as a series of historically contingent techniques and practices for shaping the self-managing capacities of children. The challenge for the field is to advance this historical work and to examine possible implications for English teaching.
This dissertation is a cultural biography of Mestre Cobra Mansa, a mestre of the Afro-Brazilian martial art of capoeira angola. The intention of this work is to track Mestre Cobrinha's life history and accomplishments from his beginning as an impoverished child in Rio to becoming a mestre of the tradition-its movements, music, history, ritual and philosophy. A highly skilled performer and researcher, he has become a cultural ambassador of the tradition in Brazil and abroad. Following the Trail of the Snake is an interdisciplinary work that integrates the research methods of ethnomusicology (oral history, interview, participant observation, musical and performance analysis and transcription) with a revised life history methodology to uncover the multiple cultures that inform the life of a mestre of capoeira. A reflexive auto-ethnography of the author opens a dialog between the experiences and developmental steps of both research partners' lives. Written in the intersection of ethnomusicology, studies of capoeira, social studies and music education, the academic dissertation format is performed as a roda of capoeira aiming to be respectful of the original context of performance. The result is a provocative ethnographic narrative that includes visual texts from the performative aspects of the tradition (music and movement), aural transcriptions of Mestre Cobra Mansa's storytelling and a myriad of writing techniques to accompany the reader in a multi-dimensional journey of multicultural understanding. The study follows Cinezio Feliciano Pe anha in his childhood struggle for survival as a street performer in Rio de Janeiro. Several key moves provided him with the opportunity to rebuild his life and to grow into a recognized mestre of the capoeira angola martial art as Mestre Cobra Mansa ("Tame Snake" in Portuguese). His dedicated work enabled him to contribute to the revival of the capoeira angola tradition during the 1980's in Bahia. After his move to the United States in the early 1990's, Mestre Cobrinha founded the International Capoeira Angola Foundation, which today has expanded to 28 groups around the world. Mestre Cobra returned home to Brazil to initiate projects that seek to develop a new sense of community from all that he has learned and been able to accomplish in his life through the performance and study of capoeira angola.
This article aims to propose a chronological subdivision in the history of African communication. African communication today is one of the most important axes for implementing development strategies, sustaining education, health, and schooling programmes, and so on. However, many of these programmes fail due to a lack of or ineffective communication between international organisations, local elite and lay people. The reasons for this situation must be found in Africa’s history of communication, which has undergone radical transformations in its different phases. Using the functionalist analysis drawn up by Jakobson, this article proposes a new chronological subdivision of Africa’s history of communication, reflecting on the current contradictions in contemporary communication in Africa.
The purpose of this article is to analyse the assessment procedures and instruments used by teachers of Geography and History of Compulsory Secondary School (ESO) in the Region of Murcia (Spain). The data have been extracted implementing a survey technique proceeded by a descriptive analysis. The results show that teachers generally have a traditional conception of assessment, reflected in the fact that they think that assessment should not change when teaching strategies are changed or when they innovate. On the other hand, although they consider that is necessary to employ a variety of instruments to assess well and to prevent school failure, they still use exams as the most objective and essential instrument in the assessment, while they don’t apply continuous assessment, only tests in a continuous way. The implementation of similar research in other areas or in other subjects shows the existence of contrasts in teacher assessment practices.
This chapter compares recent policy on the use of English and Norwegian in Higher Education with earlier policies on the relationship between the two standard varieties of Norwegian, and it charts how and why English became a policy issue in Norway. Based on the experience of over a century of language planning, a highly interventionist approach is today being avoided and language policies in the universities of Norway seek to nurture a situation where English and Norwegian may be used productively side-by-side. However, there remain serious practical challenges to be overcome. This paper also builds on a previous analysis (Linn 2010b) of the metalanguage of Nordic language policy and seeks to clarify the use of the term ‘parallelingualism’.
The Natural History of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Men: The HIM Study is a prospective multi-center cohort study that, among other factors, analyzes participants` diet. A parallel cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate the validity and reproducibility of the quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) used in the Brazilian center from the HIM Study. For this, a convenience subsample of 98 men aged 18 to 70 years from the HIM Study in Brazil answered three 54-item QFFQ and three 24-hour recall interviews, with 6-month intervals between them (data collection January to September 2007). A Bland-Altman analysis indicated that the difference between instruments was dependent on the magnitude of the intake for energy and most nutrients included in the validity analysis, with the exception of carbohydrates, fiber, polyunsaturated fat, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The correlation between the QFFQ and the 24-hour recall for the deattenuated and energy-adjusted data ranged from 0.05 (total fat) to 0.57 (calcium). For the energy and nutrients consumption included in the validity analysis, 33.5% of participants on average were correctly classified into quartiles, and the average value of 0.26 for weighted kappa shows a reasonable agreement. The intraclass correlation coefficients for all nutrients were greater than 0.40 in the reproducibility analysis. The QFFQ demonstrated good reproducibility and acceptable validity. The results support the use of this instrument in the HIM Study. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111:1045-1051.
We describe the advertisement call, tadpole, karyotype, and additional information on the natural history of Cycloramphus lutzorum from southern Brazil. Sonograms were generated from digitally recorded calls. Tadpoles were collected in the field for description in the lab, and an adult was collected for karyotyping. Data on seasonal activity were gathered monthly from November 2005 to November 2007. All tadpoles (N = 21), juveniles (N = 18), and adults (N = 52) were found exclusively in streams. Reproduction, as identified by calling frogs, occurred from July through November. Frogs call all day long, but mostly at dusk, from rock crevices inside the stream edges near the splash zone. The call is short and loud, with 11 pulsed notes, of 491-641 ms, with a dominant frequency of 0.98-1.39 kHz. We describe the exotrophic and semiterrestrial tadpoles, always found in constantly humid vertical rock walls in the stream. Tadpoles of C. lutzorum are recognized by differences in labial tooth row formula, eye diameter, body shape, position of nares, and development of tail. Like congeneric species, the karyotype of C. lutzorum comprises 26 metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Cycloramphus lutzorum is restricted to and adapted for living in fast flowing streams, many of which are threatened by deforestation, pollution, and habitat loss. Therefore, we recommend the status of C. lutzorum be changed from its current ""Data Deficient"" to ""Near Threatened (NT)"" in the IUCN species red list.
We present morphological and natural history data on Epipedobates pictus and three additional taxa currently regarded as synonyms of the former: Epipedobates braccatus, E. flavopictus, and E. hahneli. Topotypes of the four species were examined. Morphological data on tadpoles and adults, in addition to distribution patterns and vocalizations, indicate that the four taxa represent distinct species. Two groups are evident within them: (1) the slender-bodied, Amazonian E. hahneli with small flash marks on the thighs and a low-finned tadpole, and (2) the robust bodied, almost extra-Amazonian E. braccatus, E. flavopictus, and E. pictus with large flash marks on the thighs and tadpoles with fins of moderate height.