896 resultados para Head trauma
Introducción La hipertensión endocraneana es la principal causa de morbimortalidad en trauma craneoencefálico. Objetivo Evaluar si el uso de la solución salina hipertónica en niños con trauma craneoencefálico moderado a severo disminuye la lesión secundaria. Materiales y métodos Revisión sistemática de la literatura donde se buscaron ensayos clínicos controlados y cohortes prospectivas. Se utilizó la escala de Jadad para la calificación de los estudios. 3 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Resultados La solución salina hipertónica logró una disminución de la presión intracraneana (PIC) con aumento de la volemia y la presión de perfusión cerebral (PPC) más efectiva comparada con otros líquidos utilizados en reanimación como manitol y lactato ringer (p<0,01). Se encontró que estos pacientes tuvieron una menor estancia en UCIP y requirieron menos intervenciones para disminuir la PIC (p<0,04). Conclusiones La solución salina hipertónica como tratamiento de la hipertensión endocraneana secundaria a trauma craneoencefálico en niños ha mostrado beneficios importantes como aumento de la volemia y consecuentemente de la PPC, disminución de la respuesta inflamatoria, estancia en UCIP y la cantidad de intervenciones necesarias para disminuir la PIC. Se necesitan más ensayos clínicos aleatorizados controlados en niños que soporten su uso como primera línea en trauma craneoencefálico. Palabras clave: Solución hipertónica, trauma craneoencefálico, presión intracraneana, niños, lesión cerebral
El traumatismo craneoencefálico, es la epidemia silenciosa de nuestra época, que genera gastos en salud, en países como Estados Unidos, cercanos a los 60 billones de dólares anuales, y cerca de 400 billones en rehabilitación de los discapacitados. El pilar del manejo médico del trauma craneoencefálico moderado o severo, es la osmoterapia, principalmente con sustancias como el manitol y las soluciones hipertónicas. Se realizó la revisión de 14 bases de datos, encontrando 4657754 artículos, quedando al final 40 artículos después de un análisis exhaustivo, que se relacionaban con el manejo de la hipertensión endocraneana y terapia osmótica. Resultados: Se compararon diferentes estudios, encontrando gran variabilidad estos, sin homogenización en los análisis estadísticos, y la poca rigurosidad no permitieron, la recolección de datos y la comparación entre los diferentes estudios, no permitió realizar el meta-análisis y por esto se decidió la realización de una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se evidenció principalmente tres cosas: la primera es la poca rigurosidad con la que se realizan los estudios clínicos; la segunda, es que aún falta mucha más investigación principalmente, la presencia de estudios clínicos aleatorizados multicéntricos, que logren dar una sólida evidencia y que genere validez científica que se requiere, a pesar de la evidencia clara en la práctica clínica; la tercera es la seguridad para su uso, con poca presencia de complicaciones para las soluciones salinas hipertónicas.
El Trauma Craneoencefálico (TCE) infantil constituye un motivo frecuente de consulta en Urgencias y supone la primera causa de muerte en niños, llegando a ser hasta del 50% en trauma severo. En Colombia se conocen cifras de TCE por algunos estudios descriptivos, pero no existen reportes en Bogotá ni específicamente en TCE severo. Objetivo: Caracterizar el trauma craneoencefálico severo pediátrico en la Unidad de Cuidado intensivo del Hospital de la Misericordia entre los años 2010 y 2013. Materiales y métodos: Un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo fue realizado en el Hospital de la Misericordia mediante revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron a la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo pediátrico con diagnóstico de trauma craneoencefálico severo entre el año 2010 al 2013. Resultados: Se incluyeron 63 pacientes (71,4% hombres) con una edad mediana de 4 años (RIQ 2-8). La mayoría de los traumas fueron originados por caída o accidente de tránsito (79,4%). La principal lesión fue fractura de cráneo (79%). Casi la mitad de los pacientes sufrieron algún tipo de secuela neurológica al egreso (47,1%). La mayoría de los pacientes que murieron (19%) sufrieron choque hipovolémico (83,3%) y presentaron trauma asociado (66,7%). Conclusión: Las características y epidemiología del trauma craneoencefálico en nuestra población muestran claras similitudes con lo reportados en otras series de la literatura mundial y de Colombia, excepto por la mortalidad, que se esperaba más alta al estudiar solo pacientes con TCE severo.
Os autores apresentam revisão geral da distribuição e metabolização da glicose, com ênfase para os distúrbios que ocorrem no trauma crânio-encefálico, como a hiperglicemia que ocorre na fase aguda. Finalizando, são feitos comentários sobre as possíveis conseqüências desses conhecimentos sobre os procedimentos atuais, que aconselham a restrição na oferta de glicose a pacientes com catabolismo acentuado e que necessitam poupar o contingente de proteína corporal.
Nos últimos anos tem havido referências à limitação da resposta metabólica nas duas primeiras semanas após trauma cranioencefálico (TCE). Foi feita proposta de estudo a partir de experimento clínico em pacientes com trauma encefálico grave, que foram avaliados por volta de 7 dias após a lesão (M1). A segunda avaliação ocorreu 4 dias após (M2), e a terceira 3 a 4 dias após (M3). em um período de 2 anos, foram selecionados 28 pacientes do sexo masculino, com trauma encefálico grave, escala de gravidade de Glasgow entre 4 e 6. Dentre os 28 pacientes, 6 completaram o estudo proposto. Os pacientes foram acompanhados clinicamente durante toda a fase do experimento. em cada um dos momentos de análise, foram feitas análises da excreção nitrogenada e proteínas de fase aguda. da mesma forma foram feitas determinações da glicemia plasmática, N-amínico e triglicerídeos. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram não haver modificações no balanço nitrogenado, normalização da proteína-C-reativa e redução relativa da glicemia ao final do experimento. Os autores tecem considerações sobre os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na modulação da resposta metabólica e concluem que o hipermetabolismo, a basear-se na análise da glicemia e das proteínas de fase aguda, não persiste além do 13° dia do período de recuperação pós-trauma. São feitas sugestões de estudos futuros que possam elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos na normalização do hipercatabolismo e hipermetabolismo observados nas duas primeiras semanas após TCE.
Due to the importance of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in small animals, this paper aimed to discuss the pathophysiology of the TBI, the pre-hospital and hospital therapeutic procedures, as well as considerations related to transport and initial care of the patient immediately after trauma. The professional must identify the pre-hospital TBI and to treat the victim as a polytraumatized patient, including immobilization. In hospital therapy the procedures of craniotomy are important, especially to remove blood clots. In addition, the use of glucocorticoids must be avoided because of side effects, but combination therapies such as mannitol with furosemide increase the probability of success
Abstract Background Heart chambers rupture in blunt trauma is uncommon and is associated with a high mortality. The determinant factors, and the incidence of isolated heart chambers rupture remains undetermined. Isolated rupture of the right atrium appendage (RAA) is very rare, with 8 cases reported in the reviewed literature. The thin wall of the RAA has been presumed to render this chamber more prone to rupture in blunt trauma. Objective To report a case of isolated RAA rupture in blunt trauma, and to compare right atrium (RA) and RAA wall thickness in a necropsy study. Methods The thickness of RA and RAA wall of hearts from cadavers of fatal penetrating head trauma victims was measured. Our case of isolated RAA rupture is presented. The main findings of the 8 cases reported in the literature, and the findings of our case, were organized in a table. Result The comparison of the data showed that wall thickness of the RAA (0.53 ± 0.33 mm) was significantly thinner than that of RA (1.11 ± 0.42 mm) (p < 0.05). Comments In all these 9 cases of isolated RAA rupture, cardiac tamponade occurred, RAA rupture was diagnosed intraoperatively and sutured, and the patients survived. Main mechanisms hypothesized for heart chamber rupture include mechanical compression coincident with phases of cardiac cycle, leading to high hydrostatic pressure inside the chamber. Published series include numerous cases of RA rupture, and only a few cases of RAA rupture. Conclusion Thus, our data suggests that wall thickness is not a determinant factor for RA or RAA rupture in blunt trauma.
The development of nosocomial pneumonia was monitored in 96 head-trauma patients requiring mechanical ventilation for up to 10 days. Pneumonia occurred in 28 patients (29.2%) or 53.9 cases per 1,000 admission days. The incidence of nosocomial pneumonia was negatively correlated with cerebral oxygen metabolic rate (CMRO$\sb2$) measured during the first five days. The relative risk of nosocomial pneumonia for patients with CMRO$\sb2$ less than 0.6 umol/gm/min is 2.08 (1.09$-$3.98) times those patients with CMRO$\sb2$ greater than 0.6 umol/gm/min. The association between cerebral oxygen metabolic rate and nosocomial pneumonia was not affected by adjustment of potential confounding factors including age, cimetidine and other infections. These findings provide evidences underlying the CNS-immune system interaction. ^
Stroke and head trauma are worldwide public health problems and leading causes of death and disability in humans, yet, no adequate neuroprotective treatment is available for therapy. Glutamate antagonists are considered major drug candidates for neuroprotection in stroke and trauma. However, N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists failed clinical trials because of unacceptable side effects and short therapeutic time window. α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) antagonists derived from the quinoxalinedione scaffold cannot be used in humans because of their insolubility and resulting renal toxicity. Therefore, achieving water solubility of quinoxalinediones without loss of selectivity and potency profiles becomes a major challenge for medicinal chemistry. One of the major tenets in the chemistry of glutamate antagonists is that the incorporation of phosphonate into the glutamate framework results in preferential N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonism. Therefore, synthesis of phosphonate derivatives of quinoxalinediones was not pursued because of a predicted loss of their selectivity toward AMPA. Here, we report that introduction of a methylphosphonate group into the quinoxalinedione skeleton leaves potency as AMPA antagonists and selectivity for the AMPA receptor unchanged and dramatically improves solubility. One such novel phosphonate quinoxalinedione derivative and competitive AMPA antagonist ZK200775 exhibited a surprisingly long therapeutic time window of >4 h after permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in rats and was devoid of renal toxicity. Furthermore, delayed treatment with ZK200775 commencing 2 h after onset of reperfusion in transient middle cerebral artery occlusion resulted in a dramatic reduction of the infarct size. ZK200775 alleviated also both cortical and hippocampal damage induced by head trauma in the rat. These observations suggest that phosphonate quinoxalinedione-based AMPA antagonists may offer new prospects for treatment of stroke and trauma in humans.
ANTECEDENTES: la elevada concurrencia de pacientes pediátricos a las salas de emergencia de los diferentes hospitales por causas traumáticas, ha generado preocupación en la colectividad y principalmente en las personas que laboran en las casas de salud. OBJETIVO GENERAL: determinar la frecuencia y las características del trauma en pacientes de 0 a 16 años que acuden a emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de la ciudad de Cuenca, en un período comprendido entre julio a diciembre del 2014. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo-retrospectivo, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de emergencia y formularios del SOAT. En el periodo de estudio se registraron 6891 consultas en la emergencia, de los cuales 3128 pacientes de 0 a 16 años consultaron por trauma. Se valoraron variables como: sexo, edad, área de residencia, causas, escenario físico, persona o institución que lleva al niño, forma de transporte, tipos de lesiones, el horario y calendario en el que se presentó el trauma. La información se analizó con la base de datos en Excel 2010, SPSS versión 19. RESULTADOS: el 59,6% de los pacientes fue de sexo masculino, con una edad promedio 7 años, presentaron mayormente caídas 51,11% y el trauma de cabeza 35.81% de acuerdo a la lesión. La mayoría de pacientes en un 61% fueron de zona urbana; el lugar más frecuente de producción del accidente fue el domicilio con 54.53%. Un 93.9% de niños fueron llevados por sus familiares en forma ambulatoria con 73.6%, acudieron al hospital dentro de la primera hora después del percance un 67.3%
Objective: To determine if systematic variation of diagnostic terminology (i.e. concussion, minor head injury [MHI], mild traumatic brain injury [mTBI]) following a standardized injury description produced different expected symptoms and illness perceptions. We hypothesized that worse outcomes would be expected of mTBI, compared to other diagnoses, and that MHI would be perceived as worse than concussion. Method:108 volunteers were randomly allocated to conditions in which they read a vignette describing a motor vehicle accident-related mTBI followed by: a diagnosis of mTBI (n=27), MHI (n=24), concussion (n=31); or, no diagnosis (n=26). All groups rated: a) event ‘undesirability’; b) illness perception, and; c) expected Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms six months post injury. Results: On average, more PCS symptomatology was expected following mTBI compared to other diagnoses, but this difference was not statistically significant. There was a statistically significant group effect on undesirability (mTBI>concussion & MHI), PTSD symptomatology (mTBI & no diagnosis>concussion), and negative illness perception (mTBI & no diagnosis>concussion). Conclusion: In general, diagnostic terminology did not affect anticipated PCS symptoms six months post injury, but other outcomes were affected. Given that these diagnostic terms are used interchangeably, this study suggests that changing terminology can influence known contributors to poor mTBI outcome.
Vertigo in children is more common than previously thought. However, only a small fraction of affected children meet a physician. The reason for this may be the benign course of vertigo in children. Most childhood vertigo is self-limiting, and the provoking factor can often be identified. The differential diagnostic process in children with vertigo is extensive and quite challenging even for otologists and child neurologists, who are the key persons involved in treating vertiginous children. The cause of vertigo can vary from orthostatic hypotension to a brain tumor, and thus, a structured approach is essential in avoiding unnecessary examinations and achieving a diagnosis. Common forms of vertigo in children are otitis media-related dizziness, benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood, migraine-associated dizziness, and vestibular neuronitis. Orthostatic hypotension, which is not a true vertigo, is the predominant type of dizziness in children. Vertigo is often divided according to origin into peripheral and central types. An otologist is familiar with peripheral causes, while a neurologist treats central causes. Close cooperation between different specialists is essential. Sometimes consultation with a psy-chiatrist or an ophthalmologist can lead to the correct diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of vertigo in children. We prospectively collected general population-based data from three schools and one child wel-fare clinic located close to Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH). A simple questionnaire with mostly closed questions was given to 300 consecutive children visiting the welfare clinic. At the schools, entire classes that fit the desired age groups received the questionnaire. Of the 1050 children who received the questionnaire, 938 (473 girls, 465 boys) returned it, the response rate thus being 89% (I). In Study II, we evaluated the 24 vertiginous children (15 girls, 9 boys) with true vertigo and 12 healthy age- and gender-matched controls. A detailed medical history was obtained using a structured approach, and an otoneurologic examination, including audiogram, electronystagmography, and tympanometry, was performed at the HUCH ear, nose, and throat clinic for cooperative subjects. In Study III, we reviewed and evaluated the medical records of 119 children (63 girls, 56 boys) aged 0-17 years who had visited the ear, nose, and throat clinic with a primary complaint of vertigo in 2000-2004. We also wanted information about indications for imaging of the head in vertiginous children. To this end, we reviewed the medical records of 978 children who had undergone imaging of the head for various indications. Of these, 87 children aged 0-16 years were imaged because of vertigo. Subjects of interest were the 23 vertiginous children with an acute deviant finding in magnetic resonance images or com-puterized tomography (IV). Our results indicate that vertigo and other balance problems in children are quite common. Of the HUCH area population, 8% of the children had sometimes experienced vertigo, dizziness, or balance problems. Of these 23% had vertigo sufficiently severe to stop their activity (I). The structured data collection approach eased the evaluation of vertiginous children. More headaches and head traumas were observed in vertiginous children than in healthy controls (II). The most common diagnoses of ear, nose, and throat clinic patients within the five-year period were benign paroxysmal vertigo of child-hood, migraine-associated dizziness, vestibular neuronitis, and otitis media-related vertigo. Valuable diagnostic tools in the diagnostic process were patient history and otoneurologic examinations, includ-ing audiogram, electronystagmography, and tympanometry (III). If the vertiginous child had neurologi-cal deficits, persistent headache, or preceding head trauma, imaging of the head was indicated (IV).
Evidence of interpersonal violence has been documented previously in Pleistocene members of the genus Homo, but only very rarely has this been posited as the possible manner of death. Here we report the earliest evidence of lethal interpersonal violence in the hominin fossil record. Cranium 17 recovered from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site shows two clear perimortem depression fractures on the frontal bone, interpreted as being produced by two episodes of localized blunt force trauma. The type of injuries, their location, the strong similarity of the fractures in shape and size, and the different orientations and implied trajectories of the two fractures suggest they were produced with the same object in face-to-face interpersonal conflict. Given that either of the two traumatic events was likely lethal, the presence of multiple blows implies an intention to kill. This finding shows that the lethal interpersonal violence is an ancient human behavior and has important implications for the accumulation of bodies at the site, supporting an anthropic origin.