956 resultados para HOTEL INDUSTRY
What is the connection between the hotel and fashion industry? The authors aim to answer this question approaching from different aspects. It can be stated that both of these industries are harmful for the environment from the point of sustainability. On the other hand there is a common solution from the viewpoint of sustainability: the uniforms and the primary materials, which are used during the production, such as the man-made and natural fibres. In our research the authors introduce the main problems which are related to the fashion industry, especially focusing on producing fibres from the viewpoint of sustainability. We introduce the solution for the fashion industry based on the literature and also present the emerging problems and solutions of the hotel industry based on the best practices. As a part of it, we are introducing the best practices from the hotel industry, where environmentally friendly uniforms are used. Finally, as a primary research part of our paper, we interpret the results of a Hungarian case-study.
A factor analysis is presented which indicates that among 20 potential strategic issues reated by hotl industry executives three fundamental strategic directions exist. The author summarizes an empiracle study that queried these individuals' beliefs regarding strategic issues they rated at most important.
Recruiting talented managerial employees for the hotel industry is a constant challenge. Identifying and training supervisors and junior level managers for senior positions seems to be one solution. The authors explore the career influences confronting these individuals and make recommendations for recruitment and retention.
Even though the popularity and usage of teleconferencing is evident primarily outside the lodging industry, lodging operators cannot choose to ifnore the role teleconferencing will play in meeting the changing needs of guests. The authors discuss the factors that spurred the growth of teleconferencing, the opportunities and threats faced by lodging operators, and suggestions for taking advantage of the technology.
The purpose of this study is to investigate supervisory support as a moderator of the effects of role conflict and role ambiguity on emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction. This study also examines the moderating role of supervisory support on the relationship between emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction. Data were collected from a sample of frontline hotel employees in Northern Cyprus. The aforementioned relationships were tested based on hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results demonstrate that supervisory support mitigates the impact of role conflict on emotional exhaustion and further reveal that supervisory support reduces the effect of emotional exhaustion on job satisfaction. There is no empirical support for the rest of the hypothesized relationships. Implications of the empirical results are discussed, and future research directions are offered.
Asia is experiencing a rapid growth in intra-Asian tourism, and is finding that the spending priorities of these new visitor markets is quite different from traditional markets. Not only have Hong Kong's markets changed, but the economic operational environment is becoming increasingly difficult as a result of the change in sovereignty in 1997, increasing land prices, and new regulations. The current structure of the hotel industry is out of balance with the demands of these new markets. Hong Kong now needs to consider some intervention in the hotel industry to further encourage the development of properties in this mid-market.
The mature market, defined as age 55 and up and consisting of approximately 64 million Americans, is expected to increase. Studies show that this group travels more frequently, travels greater distances, and stays longer. The authors seek to determine if underlying dimensions exist for the mature individual with regard to the selection criteria for lodging when traveling for pleasure, and to determine if differences exist between various demographic subsegments of this market with regard to these underlying dimensions.
Successful introduction of information technology applications in various operations of hotel management is vital to most service firms. In recent decades, technologies of information, automation, and communication are increasingly recognized as essential components of a hotel company’s strategic plan. In this study, 62 super-deluxe hotels (5 star), deluxe hotels (4 star), and tourist hotels (3 star) in Korea are examined for differences in the impact of information technology services on guest’ satisfaction, guest convenience, and operational efficiency. The findings generally suggest that the impacts of information technology-enhanced services vary according to the category of hotels in Korea. The results of the study are expected to assist managers in the selections and implementation of information technology systems in their hotel.
The top priorities of 170 hotel managers from 25 countries were identified as human capital, understanding customers, use of capital, alignment of stakeholder interests, use of information technology, and valuing brands in a Cornell University study.' The authors discuss how managers in a hotel's functional departments are ultimately responsible for addressing each of these concerns and issues.
In a professional and business-social context such as that of global hotel brands in the United Kingdom, intercultural communication, contacts and relationships are found at the heart of daily operations and of customer service. A large part of the clientele base of hotels in the United Kingdom is formed by individuals who belong to different cultural groups that travel in the country either for leisure or business. At the same time, the global workforce which is recruited in the hotel industry in the United Kingdom is a reality here to stay. Global travelling and labor work mobility are phenomena which have been generated by changes which occur on a socio-economic, cultural and political level due to the phenomenon of globalization. The hotel industry is therefore well acquainted with the essence of different cultures either to be accommodated within hotel premises, as in the case of external customers, or of diversity management where different cultures are recruited in the hotel industry, as in the case of internal customers. This thesis derives from research conducted on eight different global hotel brands in the United Kingdom in particular, with reference to three, four and five star categories. The research aimed to answer the question of how hotels are organized in order to address issues of intercultural communication during customer service and if intercultural barriers arise during the intercultural interaction of hotel staff and global customers. So as to understand how global hotel brands operate the research carried out focused in three main areas relating to each hotel: organizational culture, customer service–customer care and intercultural issues. The study utilized qualitative interviews with hotel management staff and non-management staff from different cultural backgrounds, public space observations between customers and staff during check-in and checkout in the reception area and during dining at the café-bar and restaurant. Thematic analysis was also applied to the official web page of each hotel and to job advertisements to enhance the findings from the interviews and the observations. For the process of analysis of the data interpretive (hermeneutic) phenomenology of Martin Heidegger has been applied. Generally, it was found that hotel staff quite often feel perplexed by how to deal with and how to overcome, for instance, language barriers and religious issues and how to interpret non verbal behaviors or matters on food culture relating to the intercultural aspect of customer service. In addition, it was interesting to find that attention to excellent customer service on the part of hotel staff is a top organizational value and customer care is a priority. Despite that, the participating hotel brands appear to have not yet, realized how intercultural barriers can affect the daily operation of the hotel, the job performance and the psychology of hotel staff. Employees indicated that they were keen to receive diversity training, provided by their organizations, so as to learn about different cultural needs and expand their intercultural skills. The notion of diversity training in global hotel brands is based on the sense that one of the multiple aims of diversity management as a practice and policy in the workplace of hotels is the better understanding of intercultural differences. Therefore global hotel brands can consider diversity training as a practice which will benefit their hotel staff and clientele base at the same time. This can have a distinctive organizational advantage for organizational affairs in the hotel industry, with potential to influence the effectiveness and performance of hotels.
Traditionally, consumers who have been dissatisfied with service have typically complained to the frontline personnel or to a manager in either a direct (face-to-face, over the phone) manner, indirect by writing, or done nothing but told friends and family of the incident. More recently, the Internet has provided various “new” ways to air a grievance, especially when little might have been done at the point of service failure. With the opportunity to now spread word-of-mouth globally, consumers have the potential to impact the standing of a brand or a firm's reputation. The hotel industry is particularly vulnerable, as an increasing number of bookings are undertaken via the Internet and the decision process is likely to be influenced by what other previous guests might post on many booking-linked sites. We conducted a qualitative study of a key travel site to ascertain the forms and motives of complaints made online about hotels and resorts. 200 web-based consumer complaints were analyzed using NVivo 8 software. Findings revealed that consumers report a wide range of service failures on the Internet. They tell a highly descriptive, persuasive, and credible story, often motivated by altruism or, at the other end of the continuum, by revenge. These stories have the power to influence potential guests to book or not book accommodation at the affected properties. Implications for managers of hotels and resorts are discussed.
In the hotel industry, undistributed operating expenses represent a significant portion of the operating costs for a hotel. Exactly how most of these expenses arise is not well understood. Using data from more than 40 hotels operated by a major chain, the authors examine the links between the variety of a hotel’s products and customers and its undistributed operating expenses and revenues. Their findings show that undistributed operating expenses are related to the extent of the property’s business and product-services mix. The results suggest that although increasing a property's product-service mix results in higher undistributed operating expenses, the incremental costs are compensated for by higher revenues. However, increasing business mix while increasing undistributed operating expenses does not result in higher revenues.
A liderança e a motivação são aspetos essenciais no alcance do sucesso das organizações. Os líderes alcançaram um papel de destaque nas organizações, quer através da tomada de decisões estratégicas, quer na motivação dos colaboradores. Os conceitos e o entendimento da liderança têm vindo a mudar no decurso do tempo. E sugere que, provavelmente, a liderança adquirirá novos significados e será alvo de novas abordagens no futuro. Porque as sociedades, as organizações e as pessoas mudam, é presumível que novas janelas de compreensão venham a ser abertas. Atendendo a que vivemos numa era de globalização, em que a tecnologia, as estratégias e a estrutura das organizações são quase uniformes, a verdadeira vantagem competitiva só poderá surgir das competências dos recursos humanos. Os líderes também alcançaram um papel de destaque nas organizações, quer através da tomada de decisões estratégicas, quer na motivação dos colaboradores, motivação esta que é o motor que potencia capacidade para que os colaboradores sejam persistentes visando alcançar os seus objetivos. Na indústria hoteleira, objeto de estudo da presente investigação, um dos desafios permanentes é proporcionar níveis consistentes de qualidade de serviço. Esse segmento é profundamente afetado pelo comportamento dos seus líderes e das suas características pessoais e especialmente pela maneira como influenciam os seus colaboradores a alcançarem um resultado. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo geral conhecer, identificar e analisar os estilos e comportamentos de liderança praticados pelos líderes dos vários departamentos de uma unidade hoteleira do Grande Porto. Para isso, recorremos ao estudo de caso, que inclui as metodologias quantitativa e qualitativa, por forma a identificar o(s) estilo(s) de liderança presente(s) no hotel. As conclusões que resultaram da aplicação das entrevistas e do inquérito por questionário mostram que o líder atual da unidade hoteleira em estudo é o líder democrático.
A dinâmica do mercado actual em constante mutação torna-o cada vez mais exigente, obrigando as empresas a acompanhar de forma constante todas estas mudanças rápidas e muitas vezes inesperadas. É neste contexto que a questão do valor da marca se torna essencial para as organizações. De forma a criar uma imagem positiva na mente dos consumidores é necessária uma gestão rigorosa da marca, cabendo aos gestores a responsabilidade de criar uma estratégia de posicionamento tendo como base a oferta de um benefício junto de todos os seus públicos-alvo, cumprindo sempre uma promessa. A marca é assim um sinal que pode representar um benefício ou uma missão de determinada empresa, distinguindo os seus produtos e serviços das empresas concorrentes. A presente dissertação expõe a concepção de um projecto real de desenvolvimento e implementação de uma estratégia de reposicionamento levada a cabo por uma organização ligada à hotelaria, tendo como objectivo a sua avaliação crítica. Esta será analisada através de apoio bibliográfico sobre a temática assim como através de entrevistas realizadas aos responsáveis do grupo e documentos por eles fornecidos. De forma a contornar a limitação do estudo sobre a impossibilidade de reunir dados primários por conta da autora, colaboradora na empresa em estudo, será analisado um site através do qual se poderá observar o grau de satisfação dos clientes antes e depois da implementação da nova estratégia. Este estudo permitirá concluir se a implementação está a ser realizada de forma correcta e de que forma poderão ser corrigidas posteriormente as anomalias ou melhorados alguns aspectos.
A partir del análisis de un caso particular, como lo es el trabajo de las mucamas de hotel en la ciudad de Mar del Plata (entre las décadas de 1960 y 1980), el presente artículo se propone como una contribución al campo de estudios sobre el trabajo urbano femenino. En Mar del Plata, el impulso del turismo de masas a mediados del siglo XX fue acompañado por un importante desarrollo hotelero. Éste supuso una atractiva y amplia oferta de trabajo para hombres y mujeres que encontraron allí una forma de acceso al mercado laboral, principalmente durante la temporada estival. En este espacio, las mujeres se han concentrado en puestos de trabajo determinados. En el artículo observamos cómo las continuidades entre algunas de las labores desarrolladas en el hotel y el trabajo doméstico no remunerado contribuyeron a su feminización e indagamos en las implicancias que conllevó que un empleo presente importantes continuidades con dicho trabajo. El análisis de testimonios orales nos permitió un acercamiento a las experiencias de las trabajadoras y, junto a las sentencias de los Tribunales de Trabajo, contribuyeron a visibilizar los procesos (sociales, culturales y económicos) que intervienen en la generización del trabajo y en la segregación ocupacional que caracteriza al mercado de trabajo urbano.