40 resultados para Grieco, Janessa
T??tulo, resumen y palabras clave tambi??n en espa??ol
The present study evaluated stress indicators in pacu exposed to ammonia in water under the following conditions: without NH4Cl (0.00 g/L); with 0.0078 g NH4Cl/L; and with 0.078 g NH4Cl/L (pH 8.3 and 27 ºC). After the salt dilution the water flow was interrupted and reestablished in 24 hours. Sampling occurred prior to the addition of NH4Cl (control) and after 12, 24 and 48 hours. Glycaemia increased only in fish with the highest salt concentration when compared with group control, regardless of time, and at 24 hours, regardless of treatment. Plasma ammonia, highest in fish exposed to the highest NH4Cl concentration, decreased progressively up to 48 hours. Plasma chloride only decreased in fish not exposed to salt when compared with control and osmolality increased after 24 hours. Hematocrit (Ht), number and volume of erythrocytes and hemoglobin did not change when NH4Cl was added; Ht decrease was reported after 12 hours, but it was not followed by the other blood parameters. The results show tolerance of the pacu to ammonia in the environment.
Neste estudo, foram investigadas as densidades de carga adequadas para transporte de matrinxãs juvenis em sistema fechado com sacos plásticos. O transporte de 4h foi feito com peixes (23,5±0,4g; 11,6 (0,08cm) em jejum por 24h, em densidades de 83g L-1 (D1), 125g L-1 (D2), 168g L-1 (D3) e 206g L-1 (D4). Os peixes foram amostrados antes do transporte (AT), logo após o transporte (chegada) (DT) e 24h depois. A qualidade da água foi monitorada antes da captura dos peixes nos tanques de depuração, após o transporte nos sacos plásticos e nos tanques de recuperação. O oxigênio da água diminuiu para valores inferiores a 4mg L-1 em D2, D3 e D4, a temperatura esteve em torno de 32°C, pH 6,5-6,78, a amônia total foi de 1,09-1,7mg L-1, a amônia não-ionizada foi de 3,58-9,33 x 10³mg L-1 e alcalinidade 134-165mg CaCO3 L-1. O cortisol plasmático e a glicose sanguínea aumentaram após o transporte nos peixes em todas as densidades ensaiadas, voltando aos valores controle 24h depois. Os valores de osmolaridade não mudaram logo após o transporte, mas aumentaram 24h depois de modo igual em todas as densidades. O cloreto plasmático diminuiu na chegada, de modo inversamente proporcional à densidade de carga. O hematócrito diminuiu 24h depois da chegada dos peixes, em todas as densidades testadas, mas não houve diferença no número de eritrócitos. Não houve mortalidade até uma semana após o transporte. O matrinxã mostrou ser uma espécie tolerante a altas densidades de carga em embalagens para transporte além de suportar baixos níveis de oxigênio na água.
States that control is of the essence in cybernetics. Summarizes the dynamic equations for a flexible one-link manipulator moving in the horizontal plane. Employs the finite element method, based on elementary beam theory, during the process of formulation. Develops and instruments a one-link flexible manipulator in order to control its vibration modes. Uses a simple second-order vibration model which permits vibrations on the rod to be estimated using the hub angle. The validation of the dynamic model and the structural analysis of the flexible manipulator is reached using proper infrared cameras and active light sources for determining actual positions of objects in space. Shows that the performance of the control is satisfactory, even under perturbation action.
The objective of this experiment was to test the efficacy of a probiotic (Efinol (R) L) during transportation of marbled hatchetfish, Carnegiella strigata. Wild specimens were captured from a small stream and transported for 24 h in plastic fish boxes with a probiotic (10 mg L-1) and probiotic-free water. The boxes were sampled at 3. 12 and 24 h of transport. At the end of the experiment, the survival rate was close to.100%) in both treatments. Dissolved oxygen diminished with time in both treatments, but the probiotic group had significantly higher levels. Conductivity. pH and ammonia increased significantly during the transport. demonstrating higher levels in the probiotic-free group. Fish from both treatments presented very high net Na+ and K+ effluxes after 3 h of transport. At 24 h, net K+ effluxes in fish of the probiotic treatment reached values close to zero and a significantly lower Na+ efflux was observed. Cortisol levels in both treatments at 3 and 12 h were significantly higher than that in control samples. Higher body cortisol levels were observed in the probiotic-frec group than that in the probiotic group at 3 and 12 h. The results demonstrate that addition of a probiotic during fish transport improves water quality and leads to fish presenting a lower stress response intensity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
En este Boletín FAL se describen los problemas que se enfrentan para crear igualdad en la movilidad urbana y la necesidad de lograr un marco de sostenibilidad social, dado que las políticas existentes suelen acentuar las inequidades y desigualdades actuales en materia de accesibilidad. La falta de acceso a la movilidad tiene distintos efectos según el grupo social y el género, particularmente entre los pobres de las zonas urbanas.
This FAL Bulletin discusses the challenges involved in creating equality in urban mobility and the need to reach towards a social sustainability framework, as existing policies often accentuate current inequities and inequalities in accessibility. Lack of access to mobility has wide-ranging effects across social groups, gender and particularly the urban poor.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A má oclusão de Classe II divisão 2 é caracterizada pela verticalização dos incisivos superiores. Nesse tipo de má oclusão, é comum a presença de sobremordida profunda e curva de Spee inferior acentuada. O presente artigo ilustra que o tratamento dessa má oclusão pode ser facilitado com o emprego dos arcos seccionados, como por exemplo, o arco utilidade, segundo a técnica Bioprogressiva de Ricketts.
The present study investigated the effects of infertility on the spouses' relationship, with the objectives to describe the profile of the studied population, and analyze the effects of infertility on their emotional, sexual and marital life. To do this, a cross-sectional and prospective study was performed in a specialist institution. The sample consisted of 50 infertile couples with a mean of six years of infertility. The women manifested negative feelings in view of the infertility, while the men assumed an attitude of support. The effects on the couples' sexual life were more pronounced in women, and the infertility treatment resulted in positive changes for both spouses. No differences were found regarding the effects of infertility between the women who had undergone more than one treatment and those undergoing treatment for the first time; between the men there were differences in the emotional aspect ( frustration and relief) and in the marital relationship ( strengthening and maturing).
This research undertakes to provide a typology of multipolar systems. Multipolarity plays a key role in IR theory, for it is strictly associated with the history of European politics since the seventeenth century to the end of World War Two. Despite wide investigation, one can doubt the matter has received a definitive treatment. Trouble is that current studies often consider multipolarity as a one-dimensional concept. They obviously reckon that multipolarism is substantially different from other systems and deserves attention, but generally fail to distinguish between different types of multipolar systems (the few exceptions are listed in chapter one). The history of international politics tells us a different story. Multipolar power systems may share some general characteristics, but they also show a wide array of difference, and understanding this difference requires a preliminary work of classification. That is the purpose of the present study. The work is organized as follows. In chapter one, we provide a cursory review of the literature on multipolarity, with particular reference to the work of Duncan Snidal and Joseph Grieco. Then we propose a four-cell typology of multipolar systems to be tested via historical analysis. The first type, hegemony, is best represented by European international system to the time of Napoleonic France, and is discussed in chapter two. Type number two is the traditional concert of Europe, which history is detailed in chapter three. Type number three is the reversal of alliances, which closest example, the diplomatic revolution of 1756, is discussed in chapter four. Finally, chapter five is devoted to the chain-gang system, and the European politics from Bismarck’s late years to World War One represents a good illustration of how it works. In chapter six we proceed to draw a first evaluation of the main results achieved in the previous chapters, in order to see if, and to what extent, our typology serves the purpose of explaining the nature of multipolar systems.
Realizzazione di un software che utilizza la realtà virtuale unitamente al riconoscimento gesti. Si tratta nello specifico di un programma che permette all’utilizzatore, dotato di un paio di occhiali per la visione stereoscopica, la possibilità di muoversi all’interno di un mondo virtuale. Lo spostamento nell’ ambiente realizzato avviene mediante l'impiego di una cyclette, affinchè la sensazione finale per l'utente sia quella di muoversi lungo un percorso su di una bicicletta. A tale proposito viene illustata la realizzazione della pedalata rilevata attraverso un sensore in grado di registrare i movimenti della gamba. succesivamente i dati analizzati saranno impiegati per riconoscere il gesto specifico del movimento in questione, in modo tale da fornire la spinta necessaria a spostarsi nell'ambiente virtuale. L’elaborato si compone di una trattazione teorica degli argomenti, resa necessaria per la progettazione; e di una dettagliata illustrazione delle scelte effettuate nella fase di realizzazione del software. In conclusione vengono accennati i possibili sviluppi futuri, partendo dalla consapevolezza della possibilità di eventuali miglioramenti al software stesso.