950 resultados para Genomic shotgun libraries


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La compréhension de processus biologiques complexes requiert des approches expérimentales et informatiques sophistiquées. Les récents progrès dans le domaine des stratégies génomiques fonctionnelles mettent dorénavant à notre disposition de puissants outils de collecte de données sur l’interconnectivité des gènes, des protéines et des petites molécules, dans le but d’étudier les principes organisationnels de leurs réseaux cellulaires. L’intégration de ces connaissances au sein d’un cadre de référence en biologie systémique permettrait la prédiction de nouvelles fonctions de gènes qui demeurent non caractérisées à ce jour. Afin de réaliser de telles prédictions à l’échelle génomique chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, nous avons développé une stratégie innovatrice qui combine le criblage interactomique à haut débit des interactions protéines-protéines, la prédiction de la fonction des gènes in silico ainsi que la validation de ces prédictions avec la lipidomique à haut débit. D’abord, nous avons exécuté un dépistage à grande échelle des interactions protéines-protéines à l’aide de la complémentation de fragments protéiques. Cette méthode a permis de déceler des interactions in vivo entre les protéines exprimées par leurs promoteurs naturels. De plus, aucun biais lié aux interactions des membranes n’a pu être mis en évidence avec cette méthode, comparativement aux autres techniques existantes qui décèlent les interactions protéines-protéines. Conséquemment, nous avons découvert plusieurs nouvelles interactions et nous avons augmenté la couverture d’un interactome d’homéostasie lipidique dont la compréhension demeure encore incomplète à ce jour. Par la suite, nous avons appliqué un algorithme d’apprentissage afin d’identifier huit gènes non caractérisés ayant un rôle potentiel dans le métabolisme des lipides. Finalement, nous avons étudié si ces gènes et un groupe de régulateurs transcriptionnels distincts, non préalablement impliqués avec les lipides, avaient un rôle dans l’homéostasie des lipides. Dans ce but, nous avons analysé les lipidomes des délétions mutantes de gènes sélectionnés. Afin d’examiner une grande quantité de souches, nous avons développé une plateforme à haut débit pour le criblage lipidomique à contenu élevé des bibliothèques de levures mutantes. Cette plateforme consiste en la spectrométrie de masse à haute resolution Orbitrap et en un cadre de traitement des données dédié et supportant le phénotypage des lipides de centaines de mutations de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Les méthodes expérimentales en lipidomiques ont confirmé les prédictions fonctionnelles en démontrant certaines différences au sein des phénotypes métaboliques lipidiques des délétions mutantes ayant une absence des gènes YBR141C et YJR015W, connus pour leur implication dans le métabolisme des lipides. Une altération du phénotype lipidique a également été observé pour une délétion mutante du facteur de transcription KAR4 qui n’avait pas été auparavant lié au métabolisme lipidique. Tous ces résultats démontrent qu’un processus qui intègre l’acquisition de nouvelles interactions moléculaires, la prédiction informatique des fonctions des gènes et une plateforme lipidomique innovatrice à haut débit , constitue un ajout important aux méthodologies existantes en biologie systémique. Les développements en méthodologies génomiques fonctionnelles et en technologies lipidomiques fournissent donc de nouveaux moyens pour étudier les réseaux biologiques des eucaryotes supérieurs, incluant les mammifères. Par conséquent, le stratégie présenté ici détient un potentiel d’application au sein d’organismes plus complexes.


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With the aim of determining the genetic basis of metabolic regulation in tomato fruit, we constructed a detailed physical map of genomic regions spanning previously described metabolic quantitative trait loci of a Solanum pennellii introgression line population. Two genomic libraries from S. pennellii were screened with 104 colocated markers from five selected genomic regions, and a total of 614 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)/cosmids were identified as seed clones. Integration of sequence data with the genetic and physical maps of Solanum lycopersicum facilitated the anchoring of 374 of these BAC/cosmid clones. The analysis of this information resulted in a genome-wide map of a nondomesticated plant species and covers 10% of the physical distance of the selected regions corresponding to approximately 1% of the wild tomato genome. Comparative analyses revealed that S. pennellii and domesticated tomato genomes can be considered as largely colinear. A total of 1,238,705 bp from both BAC/cosmid ends and nine large insert clones were sequenced, annotated, and functionally categorized. The sequence data allowed the evaluation of the level of polymorphism between the wild and cultivated tomato species. An exhaustive microsynteny analysis allowed us to estimate the divergence date of S. pennellii and S. lycopersicum at 2.7 million years ago. The combined results serve as a reference for comparative studies both at the macrosyntenic and microsyntenic levels. They also provide a valuable tool for fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci in tomato. Furthermore, they will contribute to a deeper understanding of the regulatory factors underpinning metabolism and hence defining crop chemical composition.


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O café é um dos principais produtos agrícolas, sendo considerado o segundo item em importância do comércio internacional de commodities. O gênero Coffea pertence à família Rubiaceae que também inclui outras plantas importantes. Este gênero contém aproximadamente 100 espécies, mas a produção comercial é baseada somente em duas espécies, Coffea arabica e Coffea canephora, que representam aproximadamente 70 % e 30 % do mercado total de café, respectivamente. O Projeto Genoma Café Brasileiro foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de disponibilizar os modernos recursos da genômica à comunidade científica e aos diferentes segmentos da cadeia produtiva do café. Para isso, foram seqüenciados 214.964 clones escolhidos aleatoriamente de 37 bibliotecas de cDNA de C. arabica, C. canephora e C. racemosa representando estádios específicos do desenvolvimento de células e de tecidos do cafeeiro, resultando em 130.792, 12.381 e 10.566 seqüências de cada espécie, respectivamente, após processo de trimagem. Os ESTs foram agrupados em 17.982 contigs e em 32.155 singletons. A comparação destas seqüências pelo programa BLAST revelou que 22 % não tiveram nenhuma similaridade significativa às seqüências no banco de dados do National Center for Biotechnology Information (de função conhecida ou desconhecida). A base de dados de ESTs do cafeeiro resultou na identificação de cerca de 33.000 unigenes diferentes. Os resultados de anotação das seqüências foram armazenados em base de dados online em http://www.lge.ibi.unicamp.br/cafe. Os recursos desenvolvidos por este projeto disponibilizam ferramentas genéticas e genômicas que podem ser decisivas para a sustentabilidade, a competitividade e a futura viabilidade da agroindústria cafeeira nos mercados interno e externo.


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LigB is an adhesin from pathogenic Leptospira that is able to bind to extracellular matrix and is considered a virulence factor. A shotgun phage display genomic library was constructed and used for panning against Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan (HSPG). A phage clone encoding part of LigB protein was selected in panning experiments and showed specific binding to heparin. To validate the selected clone, fragments of LigB were produced as recombinant proteins and showed affinity to heparin and to mammalian cells. Heparin was also able to reduce the binding of rLB-Ct to mammalian cells. Our data suggests that the glycosaminoglycan moiety of the HSPG is responsible for its binding and could mediate the attachment of the recombinant protein rLB-Ct. Thus, heparin may act as a receptor for Leptospira to colonize and to invade the host tissue. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This thesis is developed in the contest of Ritmare project WP1, which main objective is the development of a sustainable fishery through the identification of populations boundaries in commercially important species in Italian Seas. Three main objectives are discussed in order to help reach the main purpose of identification of stock boundaries in Parapenaeus longirostris: 1 -Development of a representative sampling design for Italian seas; 2 -Evaluation of 2b-RAD protocol; 3 -Investigation of populations through biological data analysis. First of all we defined and accomplished a sampling design which properly represents all Italian seas. Then we used information and data about nursery areas distribution, abundance of populations and importance of P. longirostris in local fishery, to develop an experimental design that prioritize the most important areas to maximize the results with actual project funds. We introduced for the first time the use of 2b-RAD on this species, a genotyping method based on sequencing the uniform fragments produced by type IIB restriction endonucleases. Thanks to this method we were able to move from genetics to the more complex genomics. In order to proceed with 2b-RAD we performed several tests to identify the best DNA extraction kit and protocol and finally we were able to extract 192 high quality DNA extracts ready to be processed. We tested 2b-RAD with five samples and after high-throughput sequencing of libraries we used the software “Stacks” to analyze the sequences. We obtained positive results identifying a great number of SNP markers among the five samples. To guarantee a multidisciplinary approach we used the biological data associated to the collected samples to investigate differences between geographical samples. Such approach assures continuity with other project, for instance STOCKMED, which utilize a combination of molecular and biological analysis as well.


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Understanding the effects of the external environment on bacterial gene expression can provide valuable insights into an array of cellular mechanisms including pathogenesis, drug resistance, and, in the case of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, latency. Because of the absence of poly(A)+ mRNA in prokaryotic organisms, studies of differential gene expression currently must be performed either with large amounts of total RNA or rely on amplification techniques that can alter the proportional representation of individual mRNA sequences. We have developed an approach to study differences in bacterial mRNA expression that enables amplification by the PCR of a complex mixture of cDNA sequences in a reproducible manner that obviates the confounding effects of selected highly expressed sequences, e.g., ribosomal RNA. Differential expression using customized amplification libraries (DECAL) uses a library of amplifiable genomic sequences to convert total cellular RNA into an amplified probe for gene expression screens. DECAL can detect 4-fold differences in the mRNA levels of rare sequences and can be performed on as little as 10 ng of total RNA. DECAL was used to investigate the in vitro effect of the antibiotic isoniazid on M. tuberculosis, and three previously uncharacterized isoniazid-induced genes, iniA, iniB, and iniC, were identified. The iniB gene has homology to cell wall proteins, and iniA contains a phosphopantetheine attachment site motif suggestive of an acyl carrier protein. The iniA gene is also induced by the antibiotic ethambutol, an agent that inhibits cell wall biosynthesis by a mechanism that is distinct from isoniazid. The DECAL method offers a powerful new tool for the study of differential gene expression.


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The human Rb2/p130 gene shares many structural and functional features with the retinoblastoma gene and the retinoblastoma-related p107 gene. In the present study, we have cloned and partially sequenced the gene coding for the Rb2/p130 protein from human genomic libraries. The complete intron-exon organization of this gene has been elucidated. The gene contains 22 exons spanning over 50 kb of genomic DNA. The length of individual exons ranges from 65 to 1517 bp. The largest intron spans over 9 kb, and the smallest has only 82 bp. The 5' flanking region revealed a structural organization characteristic of promoters of "housekeeping" and growth control-related genes. A typical TATA or CAAT box is not present, but there are several GC boxes and potential binding sites for numerous transcription factors. This study provides the molecular basis for understanding the transcriptional control of the Rb2/p130 gene and for implementing a comprehensive Rb2/p130 mutation screen using genomic DNA as a template.


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Background: Reduced-representation sequencing technology iswidely used in genotyping for its economical and efficient features. A popular way to construct the reduced-representation sequencing libraries is to digest the genomic DNA with restriction enzymes. A key factor of this method is to determine the restriction enzyme(s). But there are few computer programs which can evaluate the usability of restriction enzymes in reduced-representation sequencing. SimRAD is an R package which can simulate the digestion of DNA sequence by restriction enzymes and return enzyme loci number as well as fragment number. But for linkage mapping analysis, enzyme loci distribution is also an important factor to evaluate the enzyme. For phylogenetic studies, comparison of the enzyme performance across multiple genomes is important. It is strongly needed to develop a simulation tool to implement these functions. Results: Here, we introduce a Perl module named RestrictionDigest with more functions and improved performance. It can analyze multiple genomes at one run and generate concise comparison of enzyme performance across the genomes. It can simulate single-enzyme digestion, double-enzyme digestion and size selection process and generate comprehensive information of the simulation including enzyme loci number, fragment number, sequences of the fragments, positions of restriction sites on the genome, the coverage of digested fragments on different genome regions and detailed fragment length distribution. Conclusions: RestrictionDigest is an easy-to-use Perl module with flexible parameter settings.With the help of the information produced by the module, researchers can easily determine the most appropriate enzymes to construct the reduced-representation libraries to meet their experimental requirements.


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Many Bacillus species can produce biosurfactant, although most of the studies on lipopeptide production by this genus have been focused on Bacillus subtilis. Surfactants are broadly used in pharmaceutical, food and petroleum industry, and biological surfactant shows some advantages over the chemical surfactants, such as less toxicity, production from renewable, cheaper feedstocks and development of novel recombinant hyperproducer strains. This study is aimed to unveil the biosurfactant metabolic pathway and chemical composition in Bacillus safensis strain CCMA-560. The whole genome of the CCMA-560 strain was previously sequenced, and with the aid of bioinformatics tools, its biosurfactant metabolic pathway was compared to other pathways of closely related species. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and high-resolution TOF mass spectrometry (MS) were used to characterize the biosurfactant molecule. B. safensis CCMA-560 metabolic pathway is similar to other Bacillus species; however, some differences in amino acid incorporation were observed, and chemical analyses corroborated the genetic results. The strain CCMA-560 harbours two genes flanked by srfAC and srfAD not present in other Bacillus spp., which can be involved in the production of the analogue gramicidin. FTIR and MS showed that B. safensis CCMA-560 produces a mixture of at least four lipopeptides with seven amino acids incorporated and a fatty acid chain with 14 carbons, which makes this molecule similar to the biosurfactant of Bacillus pumilus, namely, pumilacidin. This is the first report on the biosurfactant production by B. safensis, encompassing the investigation of the metabolic pathway and chemical characterization of the biosurfactant molecule.


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Metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma (MPA) is a rare tumour, and its mechanism of metastasis still is unknown. To date, there has been no study on MPA genomics. We analysed primary and secondary MPAs with array comparative genomic hybridization to identify somatic copy number alterations and affected genes. Tumour DNA samples from primary (parotid salivary gland) and secondary (scalp skin) MPAs were subjected to array comparative genomic hybridization investigation, and the data were analysed with NEXUS COPY NUMBER DISCOVERY. The primary MPA showed copy number losses affecting 3p22.2p14.3 and 19p13.3p123, and a complex pattern of four different deletions at chromosome 6. The 3p deletion encompassed several genes: CTNNB1, SETD2, BAP1, and PBRM1, among others. The secondary MPA showed a genomic profile similar to that of the primary MPA, with acquisition of additional copy number changes affecting 9p24.3p13.1 (loss), 19q11q13.43 (gain), and 22q11.1q13.33 (gain). Our findings indicated a clonal origin of the secondary MPA, as both tumours shared a common profile of genomic copy number alterations. Furthermore, we were able to detect in the primary tumour a specific pattern of copy number alterations that could explain the metastasizing characteristic, whereas the secondary MPA showed a more unbalanced genome.


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Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common malignancies in humans. The average 5-year survival rate is one of the lowest among aggressive cancers, showing no significant improvement in recent years. When detected early, HNSCC has a good prognosis, but most patients present metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, which significantly reduces survival rate. Despite extensive research, no molecular markers are currently available for diagnostic or prognostic purposes. Methods: Aiming to identify differentially-expressed genes involved in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) development and progression, we generated individual Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) libraries from a metastatic and non-metastatic larynx carcinoma, as well as from a normal larynx mucosa sample. Approximately 54,000 unique tags were sequenced in three libraries. Results: Statistical data analysis identified a subset of 1,216 differentially expressed tags between tumor and normal libraries, and 894 differentially expressed tags between metastatic and non-metastatic carcinomas. Three genes displaying differential regulation, one down-regulated (KRT31) and two up-regulated (BST2, MFAP2), as well as one with a non-significant differential expression pattern (GNA15) in our SAGE data were selected for real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a set of HNSCC samples. Consistent with our statistical analysis, quantitative PCR confirmed the upregulation of BST2 and MFAP2 and the downregulation of KRT31 when samples of HNSCC were compared to tumor-free surgical margins. As expected, GNA15 presented a non-significant differential expression pattern when tumor samples were compared to normal tissues. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting SAGE data in head and neck squamous cell tumors. Statistical analysis was effective in identifying differentially expressed genes reportedly involved in cancer development. The differential expression of a subset of genes was confirmed in additional larynx carcinoma samples and in carcinomas from a distinct head and neck subsite. This result suggests the existence of potential common biomarkers for prognosis and targeted-therapy development in this heterogeneous type of tumor.


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We present the genome sequences of a new clinical isolate of the important human pathogen, Aspergillus fumigatus, A1163, and two closely related but rarely pathogenic species, Neosartorya fischeri NRRL181 and Aspergillus clavatus NRRL1. Comparative genomic analysis of A1163 with the recently sequenced A. fumigatus isolate Af293 has identified core, variable and up to 2% unique genes in each genome. While the core genes are 99.8% identical at the nucleotide level, identity for variable genes can be as low 40%. The most divergent loci appear to contain heterokaryon incompatibility ( het) genes associated with fungal programmed cell death such as developmental regulator rosA. Cross-species comparison has revealed that 8.5%, 13.5% and 12.6%, respectively, of A. fumigatus, N. fischeri and A. clavatus genes are species-specific. These genes are significantly smaller in size than core genes, contain fewer exons and exhibit a subtelomeric bias. Most of them cluster together in 13 chromosomal islands, which are enriched for pseudogenes, transposons and other repetitive elements. At least 20% of A. fumigatus-specific genes appear to be functional and involved in carbohydrate and chitin catabolism, transport, detoxification, secondary metabolism and other functions that may facilitate the adaptation to heterogeneous environments such as soil or a mammalian host. Contrary to what was suggested previously, their origin cannot be attributed to horizontal gene transfer ( HGT), but instead is likely to involve duplication, diversification and differential gene loss (DDL). The role of duplication in the origin of lineage-specific genes is further underlined by the discovery of genomic islands that seem to function as designated ""gene dumps'' and, perhaps, simultaneously, as "" gene factories''.


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Based on pre-DNA racial/color methodology, clinical and pharmacological trials have traditionally considered the different geographical regions of Brazil as being very heterogeneous. We wished to ascertain how such diversity of regional color categories correlated with ancestry. Using a panel of 40 validated ancestry-informative insertion-deletion DNA polymorphisms we estimated individually the European, African and Amerindian ancestry components of 934 self-categorized White, Brown or Black Brazilians from the four most populous regions of the Country. We unraveled great ancestral diversity between and within the different regions. Especially, color categories in the northern part of Brazil diverged significantly in their ancestry proportions from their counterparts in the southern part of the Country, indicating that diverse regional semantics were being used in the self-classification as White, Brown or Black. To circumvent these regional subjective differences in color perception, we estimated the general ancestry proportions of each of the four regions in a form independent of color considerations. For that, we multiplied the proportions of a given ancestry in a given color category by the official census information about the proportion of that color category in the specific region, to arrive at a ""total ancestry"" estimate. Once such a calculation was performed, there emerged a much higher level of uniformity than previously expected. In all regions studied, the European ancestry was predominant, with proportions ranging from 60.6% in the Northeast to 77.7% in the South. We propose that the immigration of six million Europeans to Brazil in the 19(th) and 20(th) centuries - a phenomenon described and intended as the ""whitening of Brazil"" -is in large part responsible for dissipating previous ancestry dissimilarities that reflected region-specific population histories. These findings, of both clinical and sociological importance for Brazil, should also be relevant to other countries with ancestrally admixed populations.


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In the present study, we investigated the relationship between polymorphisms in the estrogen-metabolizing genes CYP17, CYP1B1, CYP1A1, and COMT and genomic instability in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 62 BC patients and 62 controls considering that increased or prolonged exposure to estrogen can damage the DNA molecule and increase the genomic instability process in breast tissue. Our data demonstrated increased genomic instability in BC patients and that individuals with higher frequencies of MN exhibited higher risk to BC when belonging Val/Met genotype of the COMT gene. We also observed that CYP17 and CYP1A1 polymorphisms can modify the risk to BC depending on the menopause status. We can conclude that the genetic background in estrogen metabolism pathway can modulate chromosome damage in healthy controls and patients and thereby influence the risk to BC. These findings suggest the importance to ally biomarkers of susceptibility and effects to estimate risk groups.


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Background: Feature selection is a pattern recognition approach to choose important variables according to some criteria in order to distinguish or explain certain phenomena (i.e., for dimensionality reduction). There are many genomic and proteomic applications that rely on feature selection to answer questions such as selecting signature genes which are informative about some biological state, e. g., normal tissues and several types of cancer; or inferring a prediction network among elements such as genes, proteins and external stimuli. In these applications, a recurrent problem is the lack of samples to perform an adequate estimate of the joint probabilities between element states. A myriad of feature selection algorithms and criterion functions have been proposed, although it is difficult to point the best solution for each application. Results: The intent of this work is to provide an open-source multiplataform graphical environment for bioinformatics problems, which supports many feature selection algorithms, criterion functions and graphic visualization tools such as scatterplots, parallel coordinates and graphs. A feature selection approach for growing genetic networks from seed genes ( targets or predictors) is also implemented in the system. Conclusion: The proposed feature selection environment allows data analysis using several algorithms, criterion functions and graphic visualization tools. Our experiments have shown the software effectiveness in two distinct types of biological problems. Besides, the environment can be used in different pattern recognition applications, although the main concern regards bioinformatics tasks.