950 resultados para GLUCEMIA BASAL
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a skin cancer of particular importance to the Australian community. Its rate of occurrence is highest in Queensland, where 1% to 2% of people are newly affected annually. This is an order of magnitude higher than corresponding incidence estimates in European and North American populations. Individuals with a sun-sensitive complexion are particularly susceptible because sun exposure is the single most important causative agent, as shown by the anatomic distribution of BCC which is in general consistent with the levels of sun exposure across body sites. A distinguishing feature of BCC is the occurrence of multiple primary tumours within individuals, synchronously or over time, and their diagnosis and treatment costs contribute substantially to the major public health burden caused by BCC. A primary knowledge gap about BCC pathogenesis however was an understanding of the true frequency of multiple BCC occurrences and their body distribution, and why a proportion of people do develop more than one BCC in their life. This research project sought to address this gap under an overarching research aim to better understand the detailed epidemiology of BCC with the ultimate goal of reducing the burden of this skin cancer through prevention. The particular aim was to document prospectively the rate of BCC occurrence and its associations with constitutional and environmental (solar) factors, all the while paying special attention to persons affected by more than one BCC. The study built on previous findings and recent developments in the field but set out to confirm and extend these and propose more adequate theories about the complex epidemiology of this cancer. Addressing these goals required a new approach to researching basal cell carcinoma, due to the need to account for the phenomenon of multiple incident BCCs per person. This was enabled by a 20 year community-based study of skin cancer in Australians that provided the methodological foundation for this thesis. Study participants were originally randomly selected in 1986 from the electoral register of all adult residents of the subtropical township of Nambour in Queensland, Australia. On various occasions during the study, participants were fully examined by dermatologists who documented cumulative photodamage as well as skin cancers. Participants completed standard questionnaires about skin cancer-related factors, and consented to have any diagnosed skin cancers notified to the investigators by regional pathology laboratories in Queensland. These methods allowed 100% ascertainment of histologically confirmed BCCs in this study population. 1339 participants had complete follow-up to the end of 2007. Statistical analyses in this thesis were carried out using SAS and SUDAAN statistical software packages. Modelling methods, including multivariate logistic regressions, allowed for repeated measures in terms of multiple BCCs per person. This innovative approach gave new findings on two levels, presented in five chapters as scientific papers: 1. Incidence of basal cell carcinoma multiplicity and detailed anatomic distribution: longitudinal study of an Australian population The incidence of people affected multiple times by BCC was 705 per 100,000 person years compared to an incidence rate of people singly affected of 935 per 100,000 person years. Among multiply and singly affected persons alike, site-specific BCC incidence rates were far highest on facial subsites, followed by upper limbs, trunk, and then lower limbs 2. Melanocytic nevi and basal cell carcinoma: is there an association? BCC risk was significantly increased in those with forearm nevi (Odds Ratios (OR) 1.43, 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) 1.09-1.89) compared to people without forearm nevi, especially among those who spent their time mainly outdoors (OR 1.6, 95%CI 1.1-2.3) compared to those who spent their time mainly indoors. Nevi on the back were not associated with BCC. 3. Clinical signs of photodamage are associated with basal cell carcinoma multiplicity and site: a 16-year longitudinal study Over a 16-year follow-up period, 58% of people affected by BCC developed more than one BCC. Among these people 60% developed BCCs across different anatomic sites. Participants with high numbers of solar keratoses, compared to people without solar keratoses, were most likely to experience the highest BCC counts overall (OR 3.3, 95%CI 1.4-13.5). Occurrences of BCC on the trunk (OR 3.3, 95%CI 1.4-7.6) and on the limbs (OR 3.7, 95%CI 2.0-7.0) were strongly associated with high numbers of solar keratoses on these sites. 4. Occurrence and determinants of basal cell carcinoma by histological subtype in an Australian community Among 1202 BCCs, 77% had a single growth pattern and 23% were of mixed histological composition. Among all BCCs the nodular followed by the superficial growth patterns were commonest. Risk of nodular and superficial BCCs on the head was raised if 5 or more solar keratoses were present on the face (OR 1.8, 95%CI 1.2-2.7 and OR 4.5, 95%CI 2.1-9.7 respectively) and similarly on the trunk in the presence of multiple solar keratoses on the trunk (OR 4.2, 95%CI 1.5-11.9 and OR 2.2, 95%CI 1.1-4.4 respectively). 5. Basal cell carcinoma and measures of cumulative sun exposure: an Australian longitudinal community-based study Dermal elastosis was more likely to be seen adjacent to head and neck BCCs than trunk BCCs (p=0.01). Severity of dermal elastosis increased on each site with increasing clinical signs of cutaneous sun damage on that site. BCCs that occurred without perilesional elastosis per se, were always found in an anatomic region with signs of photodamage. This thesis thus has identified the magnitude of the burden of multiple BCCs. It does not support the view that people affected by more than one BCC represent a distinct group of people who are prone to BCCs on certain body sites. The results also demonstrate that BCCs regardless of site, histology or order of occurrence are strongly associated with cumulative sun exposure causing photodamage to the skin, and hence challenge the view that BCCs occurring on body sites with typically low opportunities for sun exposure or of the superficial growth pattern are different in their association with the sun from those on typically sun-exposed sites, or nodular BCCs, respectively. Through dissemination in the scientific and medical literature, and to the community at large, these findings can ultimately assist in the primary and secondary prevention of BCC, perhaps especially in high-risk populations.
Purpose Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) is a rapid non-invasive ophthalmic technique, which has been shown to diagnose and stratify the severity of diabetic neuropathy. Current morphometric techniques assess individual static images of the subbasal nerve plexus; this work explores the potential for non-invasive assessment of the wide-field morphology and dynamic changes of this plexus in vivo. Methods In this pilot study, laser scanning CCM was used to acquire maps (using a dynamic fixation target and semi-automated tiling software) of the central corneal sub-basal nerve plexus in 4 diabetic patients with and 6 without neuropathy and in 2 control subjects. Nerve migration was measured in an additional 7 diabetic patients with neuropathy, 4 without neuropathy and in 2 control subjects by repeating a modified version of the mapping procedure within 2-8 weeks, thus facilitating re-identification of distinctive nerve landmarks in the 2 montages. The rate of nerve movement was determined from these data and normalised to a weekly rate (µm/week), using customised software. Results Wide-field corneal nerve fibre length correlated significantly with the Neuropathy Disability Score (r = -0.58, p < 0.05), vibration perception (r = -0.66, p < 0.05) and peroneal conduction velocity (r = 0.67, p < 0.05). Central corneal nerve fibre length did not correlate with any of these measures of neuropathy (p > 0.05 for all). The rate of corneal nerve migration was 14.3 ± 1.1 µm/week in diabetic patients with neuropathy, 19.7 ± 13.3µm/week in diabetic patients without neuropathy, and 24.4 ± 9.8µm/week in control subjects; however, these differences were not significantly different (p = 0.543). Conclusions Our data demonstrate that it is possible to capture wide-field images of the corneal nerve plexus, and to quantify the rate of corneal nerve migration by repeating this procedure over a number of weeks. Further studies on larger sample sizes are required to determine the utility of this approach for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetic neuropathy.
Biological factors underlying individual variability in fearfulness and anxiety have important implications for stress-related psychiatric illness including PTSD and major depression. Using an advanced intercross line (AIL) derived from C57BL/6 and DBA/2J mouse strains and behavioral selection over 3 generations, we established two lines exhibiting High or Low fear behavior after fear conditioning. Across the selection generations, the two lines showed clear differences in training and tests for contextual and conditioned fear. Before fear conditioning training, there were no differences between lines in baseline freezing to a novel context. However, after fear conditioning High line mice demonstrated pronounced freezing in a new context suggestive of poor context discrimination. Fear generalization was not restricted to contextual fear. High fear mice froze to a novel acoustic stimulus while freezing in the Low line did not increase over baseline. Enhanced fear learning and generalization are consistent with transgenic and pharmacological disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis) (Brinks, 2009, Thompson, 2004, Kaouane, 2012). To determine whether there were differences in HPA-axis regulation between the lines, morning urine samples were collected to measure basal corticosterone. Levels of secreted corticosterone in the circadian trough were analyzed by corticosterone ELISA. High fear mice were found to have higher basal corticosterone levels than low line animals. Examination of hormonal stress response components by qPCR revealed increased expression of CRH mRNA and decreased mRNA for MR and CRHR1 in hypothalamus of high fear mice. These alterations may contribute to both the behavioral phenotype and higher basal corticosterone in High fear mice. To determine basal brain activity in vivo in High and Low fear mice we used manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI). Analysis revealed a pattern of basal brain activity made up of amygdala, cortical and hippocampal circuits that was elevated in the High line. Ongoing studies also seek to determine the relative balance of excitatory and inhibitory tone in the amygdala and hippocampus and the neuronal structure of its neurons. While these heterogeneous lines are selected on fear memory expression, HPA-axis alterations and differences in hippocampal activity segregate with the behavioral phenotypes. These differences are detectable in a basal state strongly suggesting these are biological traits underlying the behavioral phenotype (Johnson et al, 2011).
Objective: To compare measurements of sleeping metabolic rate (SMR) in infancy with predicted basal metabolic rate (BMR) estimated by the equations of Schofield. Methods: Some 104 serial measurements of SMR by indirect calorimetry were performed in 43 healthy infants at 1.5, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age. Predicted BMR was calculated using the weight only (BMR-wo) and weight and height (BMR-wh) equations of Schofield for 0-3-y-olds. Measured SMR values were compared with both predictive values by means of the Bland-Altman statistical test. Results: The mean measured SMR was 1.48 MJ/day. The mean predicted BMR values were 1.66 and 1.47 MJ/day for the weight only and weight and height equations, respectively. The Bland-Altman analysis showed that BMR-wo equation on average overestimated SMR by 0.18 MJ/day (11%) and the BMR-wh equation underestimated SMR by 0.01 MJ/day (1%). However the 95% limits of agreement were wide: -0.64 to + 0.28 MJ/day (28%) for the former equation and -0.39 to + 0.41 MJ/day (27%) for the latter equation. Moreover there was a significant correlation between the mean of the measured and predicted metabolic rate and the difference between them. Conclusions: The wide variation seen in the difference between measured and predicted metabolic rate and the bias probably with age indicates there is a need to measure actual metabolic rate for individual clinical care in this age group.
How the brain converts parallel representations of movement goals into sequential movements is not known. We tested the role of basal ganglia (BG) in the temporal control of movement sequences by a convergent approach involving inactivation of the BG by muscimol injections into the caudate nucleus of monkeys and assessing behavior of Parkinson's disease patients, performing a modified double-step saccade task. We tested a critical prediction of a class of competitive queuing models that explains serial behavior as the outcome of a selection of concurrently activated goals. In congruence with these models, we found that inactivation or impairment of the BG unmasked the parallel nature of goal representations such that a significantly greater extent of averaged saccades, curved saccades, and saccade sequence errors were observed. These results suggest that the BG perform a form of competitive queuing, holding the second movement plan in abeyance while the first movement is being executed, allowing the proper temporal control of movement sequences.
El presente estudio se realizó en la finca “Santa Rosa” propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, localizada geográficamente a los 12°08’15’’ latitud Norte y a los 86°09’36’’ longitud Este, en el departamento de Managua, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo de ovinos alimentados con una dieta basal de pasto guinea (Panicum máximum Jacq) y suplementados con diferentes niveles de Moringa oleífera. Se utilizaron 18 corderos mestizos (Pelibuey x Blackbelly) con pesos iníciales promedio de 20 ± 2 kg, los cuales fueron desparasitados, vitaminados y distribuidos en un Diseño Completamente Aleatorio con tres tratamientos: TI Panicum máximumad-libitum, TII P. máximum ad-libitum + 0.35 kg MSM. oleífera, TIII P. máximum ad-libitum + 0.50 kg MSM. oleífera. Las variables estudiadas fueron: consumo diario de MS, ganancia media diaria y conversión alimenticia. Se realizó análisis de varianza y comparaciones de medias con la Prueba de Tukey utilizando MINITAB, versión 12.0. Los resultados de los análisis de varianza (P<0,05) mostraron que el m ayor consumo total de MS, ganancia media diaria y conversión alimenticia se obtiene con el TIII (0.8 kg MS/animal/día, 117.97 g/animal/día y 6.78) el que difiere e stadísticamente (P< 0.01) del TI (0.57 kg MS/animal/día, 30.85 g/animal/día y 18.47) pero no difiere significativamente (P> 0.05)del TII (0.73 kg MS/animal/día, 90.91 g/animal/día y 8.02).En conclusión el forraje de M. oleífera como suplemento proteico para ovinos consumiendo una dieta basal de P.máximum incrementa la ganancia de peso y mejora el consumo total de MS y la conversión alimenticia.
El presente estudio se realizó en la finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, localizada geográficamente en los 12°08’15’’ latitud Norte y 86°09’36’’ longitud Este, en el Departamento de Managua, Nicaragua con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo de ovinos alimentados con una dieta basal de pasto guinea ( Panicum máximum Jacq) y suplementados con diferentes niveles de Moringa oleífera . Se utilizaron 18 corderos mestizos (Pelibuey x Black belly) con pesos iníciales promedio de 20 ± 2 kg, los cuales fueron desparasitados, vitaminados y distribuidos en un Diseño Completamente Aleatorio con tres tratamientos: Panicum máximum ad-libitum , P. máximum ad-libitum + 0.35 kg MS M. oleífera , y P. máximum ad-libitum + 0.50 kg MS M. oleífera . Las variables estudiadas fueron: consumo total de MS (CTMS), ganancia media diaria (GMD) y conversión alimenticia (CA). Se realizó análisis de varianza y comparaciones de medias con la Prueba de Tukey utilizando MINITAB, versión 12.0. Los resultados de los análisis de varianza (P<0,05) mostraron que el mejor CTMS, GMD y CA se obtiene con la utilización de P. máximum ad-libitum + 0.50 kg MS M. oleífera (0.8 kg MS/animal/día, 117.97 g/animal/día y 6.78), el que difiere estadísticamente (P< 0.05) del tratamiento con Panicum máximum ad-libitum , (0.57 kg MS/animal/día, 30.85 g/ animal/día y 18.47) pero (P> 0.05) del tratamiento P. máximum ad-libitum + 0.35 kg MS M. oleífera , (0.73 kg MS/animal/día, 90.91 g/animal/día y 8.02). En conclusión el forraje de M. oleifera como suplemento proteico para ovinos consumiendo una dieta basal de P. máximum incrementa la ganancia de peso y mejora el consumo total de MS y la conversión alimenticia.
The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) has a multifaceted function in the modulation of information processing through the activation of multiple receptor families, including G-protein-coupled receptor subtypes (5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT4-7) and ligand-gated ion channels (5-HT3). The largest population of serotonergic neurons is located in the midbrain, specifically in the raphe nuclei. Although the medial and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) share common projecting areas, in the basal ganglia (BG) nuclei serotonergic innervations come mainly from the DRN. The BG are a highly organized network of subcortical nuclei composed of the striatum (caudate and putamen), subthalamic nucleus (STN), internal and external globus pallidus (or entopeduncular nucleus in rodents, GPi/EP and GPe) and substantia nigra (pars compacta, SNc, and pars reticulata, SNr). The BG are part of the cortico-BG-thalamic circuits, which play a role in many functions like motor control, emotion, and cognition and are critically involved in diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD). This review provides an overview of serotonergic modulation of the BG at the functional level and a discussion of how this interaction may be relevant to treating PD and the motor complications induced by chronic treatment with L-DOPA.
We analysed the whole-genome transcriptional profile of 6 cell lines of dark melanocytes (DM) and 6 of light melanocytes (LM) at basal conditions and after ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation at different time points to investigate the mechanisms by which melanocytes protect human skin from the damaging effects of UVB. Further, we assessed the effect of different keratinocyte-conditioned media (KCM+ and KCM-) on melanocytes. Our results suggest that an interaction between ribosomal proteins and the P53 signaling pathway may occur in response to UVB in both DM and LM. We also observed that DM and LM show differentially expressed genes after irradiation, in particular at the first 6h after UVB. These are mainly associated with inflammatory reactions, cell survival or melanoma. Furthermore, the culture with KCM+ compared with KCM- had a noticeable effect on LM. This effect includes the activation of various signaling pathways such as the mTOR pathway, involved in the regulation of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation and survival. Finally, the comparison of the transcriptional profiles between LM and DM under basal conditions, and the application of natural selection tests in human populations allowed us to support the significant evolutionary role of MIF and ATP6V0B in the pigmentary phenotype.