Non-invasive techniques for imaging in-vivo human corneal sub basal nerve mapping and migration rate in diabetic neuropathy

Autoria(s): Efron, Nathan; Pritchard, Nicola; Vagenas, Dimitrios; Dehghani, Cirous; Srinivassan, Sangeetha; Russell, Anthony; Malik, Rayaz; Edwards, Katie



Purpose Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) is a rapid non-invasive ophthalmic technique, which has been shown to diagnose and stratify the severity of diabetic neuropathy. Current morphometric techniques assess individual static images of the subbasal nerve plexus; this work explores the potential for non-invasive assessment of the wide-field morphology and dynamic changes of this plexus in vivo. Methods In this pilot study, laser scanning CCM was used to acquire maps (using a dynamic fixation target and semi-automated tiling software) of the central corneal sub-basal nerve plexus in 4 diabetic patients with and 6 without neuropathy and in 2 control subjects. Nerve migration was measured in an additional 7 diabetic patients with neuropathy, 4 without neuropathy and in 2 control subjects by repeating a modified version of the mapping procedure within 2-8 weeks, thus facilitating re-identification of distinctive nerve landmarks in the 2 montages. The rate of nerve movement was determined from these data and normalised to a weekly rate (µm/week), using customised software. Results Wide-field corneal nerve fibre length correlated significantly with the Neuropathy Disability Score (r = -0.58, p < 0.05), vibration perception (r = -0.66, p < 0.05) and peroneal conduction velocity (r = 0.67, p < 0.05). Central corneal nerve fibre length did not correlate with any of these measures of neuropathy (p > 0.05 for all). The rate of corneal nerve migration was 14.3 ± 1.1 µm/week in diabetic patients with neuropathy, 19.7 ± 13.3µm/week in diabetic patients without neuropathy, and 24.4 ± 9.8µm/week in control subjects; however, these differences were not significantly different (p = 0.543). Conclusions Our data demonstrate that it is possible to capture wide-field images of the corneal nerve plexus, and to quantify the rate of corneal nerve migration by repeating this procedure over a number of weeks. Further studies on larger sample sizes are required to determine the utility of this approach for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetic neuropathy.



Efron, Nathan, Pritchard, Nicola, Vagenas, Dimitrios, Dehghani, Cirous, Srinivassan, Sangeetha, Russell, Anthony, Malik, Rayaz, & Edwards, Katie (2014) Non-invasive techniques for imaging in-vivo human corneal sub basal nerve mapping and migration rate in diabetic neuropathy. In The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2014 Annual Meeting (ARVO 2014), 3 May 2014, Orlando, FL.


Copyright 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Inc

Permission to republish any abstract or part of an abstract in any form must be obtained in writing from the ARVO Office prior to publication.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Optometry & Vision Science

Palavras-Chave #111301 Ophthalmology #111399 Optometry and Ophthalmology not elsewhere classified #corneal confocal microscopy #corneal nerves #diabetic neuropathy #nerve migration

Conference Item