984 resultados para GF-AAS


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Neste estudo, cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho (SEC) com detecção por UV e detecção off-line por espectrometria de absorção atômica em forno de grafite (GF AAS) foi usada para investigar a associação de cobre a espécies de alta massa molecular (HMW) e baixa massa molecular (LMW) presentes na polpa de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.). A concentração total de cobre obtida nos digeridos da polpa de açaí foi 10,5 µg g-1. Cobre foi encontrado associado às frações de HMW e LMW, correspondentes às massas moleculares de 28,7, 2,6 e 0,43 kDa.


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The study assessed selenium concentrations in the muscle tissues and liver samples of three fish species and in the soft tissues of a mussel species. The samples were analyzed by GF-AAS using Zeeman background correction. Selenium in the muscle samples was higher in carnivorous fish. The liver of all studied fish species presented higher selenium concentrations than the muscle. The fish species presented a high positive correlation between their total length and selenium concentration. A significant correlation was observed between the selenium concentration in the mussel soft tissues and the condition index.


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This paper reports the development of a methodology for simultaneously determining As, Cd and Pb, employing GF AAS with polarized Zeeman-effect background correction. In order to make the procedure applicable, the influence of pyrolysis and atomization temperatures and the amount of chemical modifiers were studied. Factorial and central composite designs were used to optimize these variables. Precision and accuracy of the method were investigated using Natural Water Reference material, Nist SRM 1640. Results are in agreement with certified values at the 95% confidence limit when the Student t-test is used. This methodology was used for quality control of purified water for hemodialysis.


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This paper present an overview of way covered for the spectrometry of atomic absorption (AAS), tracing a line of the historical events in its development and its establishment as a multielement technique. Additionally, the efforts carried by through several researchers in the search for the instrumental evolution, the advances, advantages, limitations, and trends of this approach are related. Several works focusing its analytical applications are cited employing simultaneous multielement determination by flame (FAAS) and/or graphite furnace (GF AAS), and fast sequential multielement determination using FAAS are reported in the present review.


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This paper describes the development of methods for the determination of Pb and Mn in fishes by GF AAS after solubilization with tetramethylamonium hidroxide. The optimization of the operational conditions and the choice of modifier were made using multivariated optimization. Analytical Figures of Merit were adequately to propose. The Limit of Quantification obtained were 150 and 18.5 µg kg-1 to Mn and Pb, respectively. No significant difference was found between the slope values obtained for the aqueous and standard addition calibration curves. The D.P.R. was always lower than 12% and the analysis of the SRM NRCC TORT2 showed 80-120% of recovery.


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A influência de digeridos e suspensões de açúcar no comportamento térmico de As usando Pd(NO3)2, Pd(NO3)2 + Mg(NO3)2, and Ni(NO3)2 como modificadores químicos foi investigada. Influência de 0,2%, 5%, 10% e 35% (v/v) HNO3 na calibração (1,00 - 10,0 µg As L-1) também foi feita. Um volume de 20 µL de amostra mais 5 µL Pd ou 5 µL Pd + 3 µL Mg, ou 20 µL Ni foi injetado no atomizador do GF AAS. Para cada modificador, temperaturas de pirólise e atomização foram avaliadas por meio de curvas de pirólise e de atomização, respectivamente. Para suspensão de açúcar, temperaturas de pirólise e atomização (Tp, Ta) obtidas foram: sem modificador (400° C, 2000° C); Pd (1400° C, 2200° C); Pd/Mg (1400° C, 2200° C) e Ni (1600° C, 2200° C). Os valores para digeridos de açúcar foram: sem modificador (400° C, 2200° C); Pd (1400° C, 2200° C); Pd/Mg (1400° C, 2200° C) e Ni (600° C, 2200° C). Paládio foi selecionado como o melhor modificador químico. O tempo de vida do tubo de grafte foi de aproximadamente 350 queimas, o RSD (n = 12) para uma amostra típica contendo 5,52 µg As L-1 foi < 2,2% e o limite de detecção foi 2,4 pg As. Recuperações entre 80 e 92% foram encontradas.


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The Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) was the technique chosen by the inorganic contamination laboratory (INCQ/ FIOCRUZ) to be validated and applied in routine analysis for arsenic detection and quantification. The selectivity, linearity, sensibility, detection, and quantification limits besides accuracy and precision parameters were studied and optimized under Stabilized Temperature Platform Furnace (STPF) conditions. The limit of detection obtained was 0.13 µg.L-1 and the limit of quantification was 1.04 µg.L-1, with an average precision, for total arsenic, less than 15% and an accuracy of 96%. To quantify the chemical species As(III) and As(V), an ion-exchange resin (Dowex 1X8, Cl- form) was used and the physical-chemical parameters were optimized resulting in a recuperation of 98% of As(III) and of 90% of As(V). The method was applied to groundwater, mineral water, and hemodialysis purified water samples. All results obtained were lower than the maximum limit values established by the legal Brazilian regulations, in effect, 50, 10, and 5 µg.L-1 para As total, As(III) e As(V), respectively. All results were statistically evaluated.


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An approach was developed to estimate molecular weight distribution of water-soluble Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn species in Brazil nut, cupuassu seed and coconut pulp by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled on-line to ultra-violet (UV) and off-line to graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS) detectors and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). SEC-UV analytical signals showed the prevalence of high molecular weight (HMW) species (79-1.7 kDa for Brazil nut, 50-1.7 kDa for coconut pulp, and 34-1.7 kDa for cupuassu seeds). The Brazil nut SEC-UV, GF-AAS and MALDI-TOF mass spectra gave confirmation of the association of the elements with water-soluble compounds. The elemental profiles were associated with fractions of compounds of molecular weight 1.2-16 kDa for Brazil nut, 1.7-13 kDa for coconut pulp, and 1.2-7.6 kDa for cupuassu seeds. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In situ fusion on the boat-type graphite platform has been used as a sample pretreatment for the direct determination of Co, Cr and Mn in Portland cement by solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (SS-GF AAS). The 3-field Zeeman technique was adopted for background correction to decrease the sensitivity during measurements. This strategy allowed working with up to 200 mu g of sample. The in situ fusion was accomplished using 10 mu L of a flux mixture 4.0% m/v Na(2)CO(3) + 4.0% m/v ZnO + 0.1% m/v Triton (R) X-100 added over the cement sample and heated at 800 degrees C for 20 s. The resulting mould was completely dissolved with 10 mu L of 0.1% m/v HNO(3). Limits of detection were 0.11 mu g g(-1) for Co, 1.1 mu g g(-1) for Cr and 1.9 mu g g(-1) for Mn. The accuracy of the proposed method has been evaluated by the analysis of certified reference materials. The values found presented no statistically significant differences compared to the certified values (Student`s t-test, p<0.05). In general, the relative standard deviation was lower than 12% (n = 5). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the evaluation of several parameters for the preparation of a tuna fish candidate as a reference material (RM) in order to measure the total As mass fraction by slurry sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (SLS-GF AAS) and slurry sampling hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (SLS-HG AAS). The main parameters investigated were the homogeneity, analyte segregation and composition during material production. For candidate RM preparation, tuna fish was collected at a local market, cleaned, freeze-dried and treated using different procedures as follows: (1) ground in a cutting mill and separated in different particle sizes (2) ground in cryogenic mill. The mass fraction of As in the cryogenically ground sample was (4.77 +/- A 0.19) mu g g(-1) for SLS-GF AAS and (4.61 +/- A 0.34) mu g g(-1) for SLS-HG AAS. The accuracy of the procedures was checked with tuna fish certified reference material (BCR 627) with recoveries of 102 and 94% for SLS-GF AAS and SLS-HG AAS, respectively. The homogeneity factor was calculated for different pretreatment procedures and for particle sizes in the range of 500-150 mu g, indicating good homogeneity, except for raw fish. There was no observed analyte segregation and no losses, no contamination and no changes in the microdistribution of material during preparation.


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Neste trabalho foram investigados diferentes métodos de preparação de amostra para a determinação de níquel e vanádio em óleo cru usando a espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite (GF AAS). Investigou-se o uso de xileno como diluente, o qual foi inadequado devido à baixa estabilidade de níquel nas soluções e resultando na contaminação do equipamento. As soluções diluídas em isobutilmetilcetona apresentaram melhor estabilidade, mas não houve reprodutibilidade das medidas com os padrões orgânicos de níquel. Melhores resultados foram obtidos com emulsões óleo-em-água, usando Triton X-100 como surfactante. Também foi estudado o uso de padrões aquosos (inorgânicos) para o preparo das emulsões. Após o estabelecimento de curvas de pirólise para padrão e amostra de óleo cru, observou-se diferença no comportamento térmico do níquel na matriz de óleo cru. Foi então realizada uma investigação usando um espectrômetro de absorção atômica com fonte contínua de alta resolução (HR-CS AAS), equipamento com elevada capacidade de correção de fundo, e constatou-se que cerca de 50 % do analito é perdido em temperaturas abaixo de 400 ºC, enquanto que o restante é termicamente estável até pelo menos 1200 ºC. A fim de resolver o problema de perda de níquel volátil, foi investigado o uso de paládio como modificador químico. Através de curvas de pirólise com e sem paládio, observou-se que a mesma perda também ocorreu para o vanádio. Após a otimização da melhor quantidade de paládio, verificou-se que foi necessária uma quantidade de 20 µg de paládio para estabilização de níquel e vanádio. A determinação de níquel e vanádio total em amostras de óleo cru foi realizada usando-se paládio como modificador químico. A especiação destes elementos foi possível através da determinação das espécies estáveis, provavelmente compostos salinos não porfirínicos de níquel e vanádio, sem a adição de paládio, e a fração de compostos voláteis (provavelmente porfirinas de níquel e vanádio) foi calculada por diferença. Estabeleceram-se as figuras de mérito obtendo-se valores de massa característica de 19 e 33 pg e limite de detecção de 43 e 113 pg para níquel e vanádio, respectivamente. Esses resultados são compatíveis com dados reportados na literatura. A exatidão deste procedimento foi verificada pela análise dos materiais de referência certificados de metais traço em óleo residual (SRM 1634c) para níquel e vanádio e o petróleo (RM 8505) somente para vanádio e também por comparação com os resultados obtidos por HR-CS AAS para várias amostras de óleo cru. A aplicação do teste estatístico t-student aos resultados de níquel e vanádio total obtidos por GF AAS e HR-CS AAS mostrou que os mesmos não são significativamente diferentes a um nível de 95% de confiança.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)