867 resultados para Foreign subsidiaries
Le but de notre recherche est de répondre à la question suivante : Quelles sont les sources d’influence des pratiques d’emploi instaurées par les EMN originaires de pays européens dans leurs filiales québécoises? Comme les EMN constituent notre objet de recherche, nous avons, dans un premier temps, recensé les principales caractéristiques de celles-ci. Il faut noter que les EMN ont un portrait différent par rapport à celui des entreprises qui ne sont pas multinationales. Comme le Québec est l’endroit où notre recherche a eu lieu, nous avons aussi expliqué les caractéristiques socioéconomiques du marché québécois. Nous avons constaté que le marché québécois se distingue du reste du Canada par son hybridité résultant d’un mélange de caractéristiques libérales et coordonnées. Comme les EMN étudiées sont d’origine européenne, nous avons aussi expliqué les caractéristiques des pays européens à économie coordonnée et libérale. Il faut noter que les pays à économie coordonnée et à économie libérale ont de caractéristiques différentes, voire opposées. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons recensé les études qui ont tenté de répondre à notre question de recherche. La littérature identifie quatre sources d’influence des pratiques d’emploi que les EMN instaurent dans leurs filiales étrangères : le pays d’accueil, le pays d’origine, les sources d’influence hybrides, et les sources d’influence globales. Les sources d’influence provenant des pays d’accueil déterminent les pratiques d’emploi des filiales étrangères en mettant en valeur l’isomorphisme, les principes calculateur et collaborateur, et la capacité des filiales à modifier les marchés dans lesquels elles opèrent. Les sources d’influence provenant des pays d’origine influencent les pratiques d’emploi en mettant en valeur l’isomorphisme culturel, l’effet du pays d’origine, et l’effet du pays de gestion. Les sources d’influence hybrides combinent les facteurs en provenance des pays d’accueil, des pays d’origine, et du marché global pour déterminer les pratiques d’emploi des filiales étrangères. Finalement, les sources d’influence globales mettent en valeur les pressions d’intégration au marché mondial pour expliquer la convergence des pratiques d’emploi des filiales étrangères vers un modèle universel anglo-saxon. Pour répondre à notre question de recherche, nous avons identifié les niveaux de coordination des pays d’origine comme variable indépendante, et les niveaux de coordination des pratiques d’emploi comme variable dépendante. Sept hypothèses avec leurs indicateurs respectifs ont tenu compte des relations entre nos variables indépendantes et dépendante. Nous avons préparé un questionnaire de recherche, et avons interviewé des membres du personnel de RH de dix EMN européennes ayant au moins une filiale au Québec. Les filiales faisant partie de notre échantillon appartiennent à des EMN originaires de divers pays européens, autant à marché libéral que coordonné. Nous avons décrit en détail les caractéristiques de chacune de ces EMN et de leurs filiales québécoises. Nous avons identifié des facteurs explicatifs (index de coordination de Hall et Gingerich, secteur d’activité, taille des filiales, et degré de globalisation des EMN) qui auraient pu aussi jouer un rôle dans la détermination et la nature des pratiques d’emploi des filiales. En matière de résultats, nous n’avons constaté de lien entre le type de marché du pays d’origine et le degré de coordination des pratiques d’emploi que pour les pratiques salariales; confirmant ainsi notre première hypothèse. Les pratiques de stabilité d’emploi, de formation, et de relations de travail ont un lien avec le secteur d’activité; soit le secteur de la production des bien, ou celui des services. Ainsi, les filiales dans le secteur de la production de biens font preuve de plus de coordination en matière de ces trois pratiques comparativement aux filiales dans le secteur des services. Finalement, les pratiques de développement de carrière et de partage d’information et consultation sont de nature coordonnée dans toutes les filiales, mais aucun facteur explicatif n’explique ce résultat. Compte tenu que le marché d’accueil québécois est commun à toutes les filiales, le Québec comme province d’accueil pourrait expliquer le fort degré de coordination de ces deux pratiques. Outre le marché d’accueil, le caractère multinational des EMN auxquelles ces filiales appartiennent pourrait aussi expliquer des résultats semblables en matière des pratiques d’emploi. Notre recherche comporte des forces et des faiblesses. Concernant les forces, notre méthode de recherche nous a permis d’obtenir des données de source directe, car nous avons questionné directement les gens concernées par les pratiques d’emploi. Ceci a pour effet d’assurer une certaine validité à notre recherche. Concernant nos faiblesses, la nature restreinte de notre échantillon ne nous permet pas de généraliser les résultats. Il faudrait réaliser d’autres recherches pour améliorer la fiabilité. De plus, les pays d’origine des filiales demeure ambigu pour certaines d’entre elles, car celles-ci ont changé de propriétaire plusieurs fois. D’autres ont au moins deux propriétaires originaires de pays distincts.
Este trabajo recopila literatura académica relevante sobre estrategias de entrada y metodologías para la toma de decisión sobre la contratación de servicios de Outsourcing para el caso de empresas que planean expandirse hacia mercados extranjeros. La manera en que una empresa planifica su entrada a un mercado extranjero, y realiza la consideración y evaluación de información relevante y el diseño de la estrategia, determina el éxito o no de la misma. De otro lado, las metodologías consideradas se concentran en el nivel estratégico de la pirámide organizacional. Se parte de métodos simples para llegar a aquellos basados en la Teoría de Decisión Multicriterio, tanto individuales como híbridos. Finalmente, se presenta la Dinámica de Sistemas como herramienta valiosa en el proceso, por cuanto puede combinarse con métodos multicriterio.
An interdisciplinary theoretical framework is proposed for analysing justice in global working conditions. In addition to gender and race as popular criteria to identify disadvantaged groups in organizations, in multinational corporations (MNCs) local employees (i.e. host country nationals (HCNs) working in foreign subsidiaries) deserve special attention. Their working conditions are often substantially worse than those of expatriates (i.e. parent country nationals temporarily assigned to a foreign subsidiary). Although a number of reasons have been put forward to justify such inequalities—usually with efficiency goals in mind—recent studies have used equity theory to question the extent to which they are perceived as fair by HCNs. However, since perceptual equity theory has limitations, this study develops an alternative and non-perceptual framework for analysing such inequalities. Employment discrimination theory and elements of Rawls’s ‘Theory of Justice’ are the theoretical pillars of this framework. This article discusses the advantages of this approach for MNCs and identifies some expatriation practices that are fair according to our non-perceptual justice standards, whilst also reasonably (if not highly) efficient.
Firms outsource through connecting to local and global supply bases and making such connections produces costs of search and evaluation, which are a function of transaction characteristics and firm capabilities. We argue that firms outsource more when those costs are low. Hence, domestic subsidiaries of multinational firms, with low cost access to both local and global supply bases, outsource more than either domestic firms or foreign subsidiaries, as confirmed by evidence from a large data panel. We also propose that among foreign subsidiaries, distance from the home country co-determines search and evaluation costs such that subsidiaries from more distant countries outsource less. This is confirmed for geographic distance, but a positive effect is found for political distance and a mixed effect for cultural distance.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to shed new light on the debate about the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) and public policy in fostering economic development. Specifically, can the capital inflow of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and the ability of the subsidiaries to raise funds locally help promote development? This paper addresses this issue by examining the capital structure and financing sources of foreign subsidiaries of MNEs. Design/methodology/approach – This paper integrates the capital structure theories in finance with internalization theory in international business. It uses an original primary dataset collected by a survey of 101 foreign subsidiaries of British MNEs in six emerging economies in the ASEAN region. Findings – There are three significant findings. First, these subsidiaries rely heavily on internal funds generated within the MNEs and less on external debts raised in the host countries. Second, the foreign subsidiary's capital structure is influenced by the home country of origin of the parent firm and the parent firm's financing sources. Third, these subsidiaries have used the financial resources to develop business networks with local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which contribute to economic development of the host countries. Originality/value – This paper examines the internal capital market within the MNE. It provides theoretical and empirical support for the capital structure theory of the hierarchy financing approach and also for internalization theory by addressing FDI inflows by MNEs and the raising of funds locally. These findings have important implications for public policy, namely the facilitation of MNE entry to encourage economic development.
Using data on 5509 foreign subsidiaries established in 50 regions of 8 EU countries over the period 1991–1999, we estimate a mixed logit model of the location choice of multinational firms in Europe. In particular, we focus on the role of EU Cohesion Policy in attracting foreign investors from both within and outside Europe. We find that, after controlling for the role of agglomeration economies as well as a number of other regional and country characteristics and allowing for a very flexible correlation pattern among choices, Structural and Cohesion funds allocated by the EU to laggard regions have indeed contributed to attracting multinationals. These policies as well as other determinants play a different role in the case of European investors as opposed to non-European ones.
As subsidiárias de corporações multinacionais sofrem pressões do ambiente interno e externo. Internamente competem por recursos e reconhecimento da matriz, externamente precisam se preocupar com os concorrentes e demais forças do mercado, de maneira que para desenvolver-se a subsidiária deve explorar as oportunidades de mercado e mostrar o potencial empreendedor que possui. Essas oportunidades podem estar num produto ou processo novo ou substancialmente aprimorado no qual a subsidiária teve o auxílio de um parceiro da rede em que está inserida. Particularmente, essa pesquisa analisa as inovações desenvolvidas localmente (dentro do país hospedeiro) através das subsidiárias instaladas no país, essas inovações são passíveis de serem transferidas para as suas matrizes e então utilizadas pelas demais subsidiárias espalhadas pelo mundo, tornando-se inovações globais. O foco principal deste estudo está em compreender a influência do empreendedorismo e das redes de empresas sobre o desenvolvimento e transferência dessas inovações. Para tanto, o presente estudo analisa uma amostra de 172 subsidiárias estrangeiras que operam no Brasil, a qual foi modelada utilizando-se a técnica de equações estruturais para o teste das hipóteses, mensuração do efeito mediador e comparação multigrupos visando avaliar o efeito moderador referente ao porte das subsidiárias. Os resultados sugerem que o empreendedorismo da subsidiária exerce influência significativa sobre o desenvolvimento das parcerias e consequente enraizamento da subsidiária na rede de empresas do mercado emergente, esse enraizamento na rede é um fator determinante para o desenvolvimento de inovações na subsidiária as quais podem ser transferidas para a matriz e então tornarem-se inovações globais. A partir desses resultados, a pesquisa contribui para um maior entendimento dos direcionadores de inovação nas subsidiárias e aprofunda a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de inovações globais, particularmente àquelas provenientes de mercados emergentes.
Trade negotiations involving international public procurement rules are on the rise, stimulating a growing interest in having a clear picture of the economic stakes involved, including the current level of international openness. A recent paper published by the European Centre for International Political Economy (Messerlin, 2016) made an attempt to provide a range of estimates for the EU and the US and found relatively low rates of import penetration. This analytical approach, however, looked only at the ‘tip of the procurement iceberg’, as the data used covered primarily only one modality of international procurement (direct cross-border), which is not the main avenue for international government procurement. Other modalities, such as procurement from foreign subsidiaries established in Europe, account for much more. Such an approach therefore ignores the main modalities through which foreign firms win EU contracts. Once these other main procurement modalities are taken into account, EU openness in procurement is much higher. Comparable data across all modalities do not yet exist for the US, but we do have clear evidence that the US has introduced the largest number of protectionist procurement measures since 2008 affecting all modalities for international procurement. Against this background, this Policy Brief makes four basic points: i. Public procurement is a key area of trade negotiations, and TTIP is no exception to this rule. ii. The existing levels of openness in procurement markets need to be assessed across all three main procurement modalities and not based only on direct cross-border procurement, which is not the main procurement avenue. According to this comprehensive metric, the EU market already has a high foreign participation rate, including by US companies. iii. Unfortunately, similar data do not exist for the US market. But there is growing evidence of discriminatory measures introduced in recent years, which impede the ability of EU firms to compete on a level-playing field in US procurement markets. iv. The importance of procurement as a key negotiating area requires better data and a greater analytical engagement.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.
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This study examines the HRM practices and the role played by the HR department in foreign-owned units located in China and India. The study of 170 Western-owned subsidiaries analyses the extent to which the HRM practices associated with the local professionals and managerial-level employees resemble those of local firms versus those of the (main) Western parent organization, and investigates the degree to which the unit's HR department was perceived to play a strategic role. The results indicate clear differences between HRM characteristics in Western-owned units in China and India, and suggest that the use of expatriates and the background of the HR managers are important determinants of subsidiary HRM.
Would multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries be more profitable in host countries where corruption is less severe? Would MNC subsidiaries be more profitable in less corrupt countries if they focus on local sales? This paper examines the impact of the level of corruption on the profitability of US MNCs in the Asia Pacific region. Using foreign direct investment (FDI) data archived by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis and corruption data reported by the World Bank, we find that MNC subsidiaries located in countries with a lower level of corruption are more profitable. In addition, MNC subsidiaries with a greater focus on local sales are more profitable when the corruption level is low. This study contributes to the literature by showing that when local sales are important to MNC subsidiaries, a lower level of corruption by host countries positively affects the profitability of the MNC subsidiaries.
Studying the flows of parent country nationals in multinational enterprises (MNEs) to subsidiary operations has a relatively long tradition. Studying flows of subsidiary employees to other subsidiaries, as third country nationals, and to the corporate headquarters, as inpatriates, however, has empirically much less pedigree. Drawing on a large-scale empirical study of MNEs in Ireland, this paper provides a benchmark of outward flows of international assignees from the Irish subsidiaries of foreign-owned MNEs to both corporate headquarters and other worldwide operations. Building on insights from the resource-based view and neo-institutional theory, we develop and test a theoretical model to explain outward staffing flows. The results show that almost half of all MNEs use some form of outward staffing flows from their Irish operations. Although the impact of specific variables in explaining inter-organization variation differs between the utilization of inpatriate and third country national assignments, overall we find that a number of headquarters, subsidiary, structural, and human resource systems factors emerge as strong predictors of outward staffing flows. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We compare the strategies of manufacturing and service multinational enterprise (MNE) subsidiaries in South East Asia to investigate whether they follow global versus regional strategy. We examine foreign direct investment (FDI) motives, types of FDI, product and service offerings, and sales strategies of these two groups. Using a unique primary data set of 101 British MNE subsidiaries in six South East Asian countries over the five-year period (2003–2007), we find that manufacturing and service subsidiaries pursue regional strategies. Both groups have a strong regional focus in their sales. We explore the possible reasons for the relative lack of global strategy of these subsidiaries.
Performance and behavior between domestic and foreign-owned banks are grounded in assumptions about the ability of parent banks to provide subsidiaries with capital and knowledge and to manage asymmetric information and agency problems in the parent-subsidiary relationship. We complement research on internal capital markets and investigate how foreign owners of banks in emerging markets use their power to appoint executives at their subsidiaries to manage agency problems in the parent-subsidiary relationship. We find that perceived corruption and poor ICRG risk scores are associated with the appointment of parent-country executives as supervisors on behalf of the foreign owner. By contrast, a focus on retail clients, the absence of organizational routines and poor creditor rights are associated with the appointment of host-country executives. These bank and country characteristics create agency problems within the subsidiary, but not necessarily between the subsidiary and its parent. As such, they create a need for host-country executives’ superior knowledge of local markets and staff rather than for the supervisory role of parent-country executives.