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The 3.0-Å structure of a 190-residue fragment of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1, CD54) reveals two tandem Ig-superfamily (IgSF) domains. Each of two independent molecules dimerizes identically with a symmetry-related molecule over a hydrophobic interface on the BED sheet of domain 1, in agreement with dimerization of ICAM-1 on the cell surface. The residues that bind to the integrin LFA-1 are well oriented for bivalent binding in the dimer, with the critical Glu-34 residues pointing away from each other on the periphery. Residues that bind to rhinovirus are in the flexible BC and FG loops at the tip of domain 1, and these and the upper half of domain 1 are well exposed in the dimer for docking to virus. By contrast, a residue important for binding to Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes is in the dimer interface. The presence of A′ strands in both domains 1 and 2, conserved hydrogen bonds at domain junctions, and elaborate hydrogen bond networks around the key integrin binding residues in domain 1 make these domains suited to resist tensile forces during adhesive interactions. A subdivision of the intermediate (I) set of IgSF domains is proposed in which domain 1 of ICAM-1 and previously described I set domains belong to the I1 set and domain 2 of ICAM-1, ICAM-2, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 belong to the I2 set.


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Dendritic cells (DC) are crucial for the induction of immune responses and thus an inviting target for modulation by pathogens. We have previously shown that Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes inhibit the maturation of DCs. Intact P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes can bind directly to CD36 and indirectly to CD51. It is striking that these receptors, at least in part, also mediate the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Here we show that antibodies against CD36 or CD51, as well as exposure to early apoptotic cells, profoundly modulate DC maturation and function in response to inflammatory signals. Although modulated DCs still secrete tumor necrosis factor-α, they fail to activate T cells and now secrete IL-10. We therefore propose that intact P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes and apoptotic cells engage similar pathways regulating DC function. These findings may have important consequences for the treatment of malaria and may suggest strategies for modulating pathological immune responses in autoimmune diseases.


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IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling controls a myriad of cellular processes in higher eukaryotes and similar signaling pathways are evolutionarily conserved in Plasmodium, the intracellular parasite that causes malaria. We have reported that isolated, permeabilized Plasmodium chabaudi, releases Ca(2+) upon addition of exogenous IP(3). In the present study, we investigated whether the IP(3) signaling pathway operates in intact Plasmodium falciparum, the major disease-causing human malaria parasite. P. falciparum-infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the trophozoite stage were simultaneously loaded with the Ca(2+) indicator Fluo-4/AM and caged-IP(3). Photolytic release of IP(3) elicited a transient Ca(2+) increase in the cytosol of the intact parasite within the RBC. The intracellular Ca(2+) pools of the parasite were selectively discharged, using thapsigargin to deplete endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) and the antimalarial chloroquine to deplete Ca(2+) from acidocalcisomes. These data show that the ER is the major IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) store. Previous work has shown that the human host hormone melatonin regulates P. falciparum cell cycle via a Ca(2+)-dependent pathway. In the present study, we demonstrate that melatonin increases inositol-polyphosphate production in intact intraerythrocytic parasite. Moreover, the Ca(2+) responses to melatonin and uncaging of IP(3) were mutually exclusive in infected RBCs. Taken together these data provide evidence that melatonin activates PLC to generate IP(3) and open ER-localized IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) channels in P. falciparum. This receptor signaling pathway is likely to be involved in the regulation and synchronization of parasite cell cycle progression.


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The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum expresses erythrocyte-surface directed variant antigens which are important virulence factors Many are transcribed from multigene families and presumably their mode of expression is strictly controlled to guarantee immune evasion in the human host. In order to elucidate the dynamics of rif transcription and to investigate if rif switching is comparable to var switching we monitored rif variant gene expression in parasites with different cytoadhesive properties as well as after a number of reinvasions. We found identical transcripts in parasite lines with different adhesive phenotypes suggesting that rif genes do not have a critical role in determining the cytoadhesion specificity of infected erythrocytes. We show for the first time that rif genes may show a conserved mode of transcription, maintaining the previously dominant rif transcript in subsequent reinvasions, but also observed rapid switching at rates up to 45% per generation, much higher than for the var gene family. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o comportamento dos níveis séricos de cortisol e dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) em pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum. Como o cortisol apresenta um efeito imunossupressor e o DHEA um efeito imunoestimulador, estudou- se a correlação entre os níveis destes esteróides e a condição clínica do paciente de malária. A amostra constou de 24 pacientes com malária por P. falciparum não-complicada, sendo 18 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com idade variando de 15 a 47 anos, 12 primoinfectados e 12 multi-infectados, provenientes de área endêmica de malária da Amazônia. Coletaram-se amostras diárias de sangue de 20 em 20 minutos no pré-tratamento (D0), 24 horas após o início da medicação (D1) e no 8º dia de acompanhamento (D7), quando o paciente já se encontrava assintomático. Todos os pacientes apresentavam parasitemia negativa em D7. Dosaram-se: os níveis séricos de cortisol em D0, D1 e D7; DHEA em D0 e D7; os níveis de anticorpos totais IgG anti-P. falciparum, anti-P. vivax, e anticorpos IgM anti-P. falciparum em D0. Comparam-se os níveis séricos de cortisol dos três dias, concluindo-se que os níveis de cortisol eram significativamente mais elevados em D0 do que nos outros dias. Foram correlacionados os níveis de cortisol com a parasitemia, obtendo-se como significativas as correlações entre cortisol D0 e parasitemia D1, assim como cortisol D1 com parasitemia D1, levando-se a deduzir que o cortisol pode interferir na resposta inicial à terapêutica de pacientes com malária por P. falciparum. O cortisol foi correlacionado com a temperatura, tempo de evolução da doença, níveis de anticorpos IgG anti-P. falciparum, não se obtendo resultados estatisticamente significativos, levando a inferir que a temperatura não interfere nos níveis de cortisol e o mesmo não interfere nos níveis de anticorpos, e não apresenta variações importantes com o tempo de evolução da doença. Os níveis de DHEA em D0, foram significativamente mais elevados do que em D7, apesar dos pacientes estarem sintomáticos há mais de um dia, já que um estímulo mantido do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA) leva a uma diminuição deste esteróide. O DHEA foi correlacionado com a parasitemia obtendo-se um resultado significativo na correlação DHEA D0 com parasitemia D1. A correlação entre cortisol e DHEA em D0 não foi significativa (p = 0,057), porém este resultado leva a crer que o DHEA acompanha o aumento dos níveis de cortisol. Obteve-se uma correlação negativa entre DHEA e tempo de evolução de doença, apesar destes níveis estarem aumentados no pré-tratamento. Calculou-se a correlação parcial entre cortisol, DHEA e temperatura, concluindo-se que a temperatura interfere positivamente na correlação cortisol e DHEA. Uma vez que a febre reflete o momento em que ocorre a lise das hemácias secundária a esquizogonia, provavelmente esta lise com conseqüente liberação de citocinas serve como um fator agudizador da estimulação do eixo HPA, sugerindo que a liberação dos dois hormônios apresenta mecanismo comum. A correlação entre DHEA e anticorpos não foi significativa, portanto o DHEA não deve interferir na produção de anticorpos de pacientes com malária por P. falciparum.


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A recent addition to the arsenal of tools for glycome analysis is the use of metabolic labels that allow covalent tagging of glycans with imaging probes. In this work we show that N-azidoglucosamine was successfully incorporated into glycolipidic structures of Plasmodium falciparum intraerythrocytic stages. The ability to tag glycoconjugates selectively with a fluorescent reporter group permits TLC detection of the glycolipids providing a new method to quantify dynamic changes in the glycosylation pattern and facilitating direct mass spectrometry analyses. Presence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol and glycosphingolipid structures was determined in the different extracts. Furthermore, the fluorescent tag was used as internal matrix for the MALDI experiment making even easier the analysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Binding of infected erythrocytes to brain venules is a central pathogenic event in the lethal malaria disease complication, cerebral malaria. The only parasite adhesion trait linked to cerebral sequestration is binding to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). In this report, we show that Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) binds ICAM-1. We have cloned and expressed PfEMP1 recombinant proteins from the A4tres parasite. Using heterologous expression in mammalian cells, the minimal ICAM-1 binding domain was a complex domain consisting of the second Duffy binding-like (DBL) domain and the C2 domain. Constructs that contained either domain alone did not bind ICAM-1. Based on phylogenetic criteria, there are five distinct PfEMP1 DBL types designated α, β, γ, δ, and ɛ. The DBL domain from the A4tres that binds ICAM-1 is DBLβ type. A PfEMP1 cloned from a distinct ICAM-1 binding variant, the A4 parasite, contains a DBLβ domain and a C2 domain in tandem arrangement similar to the A4tres PfEMP1. Anti-PfEMP1 antisera implicate the DBLβ domain from A4var PfEMP1 in ICAM-1 adhesion. The identification of a P. falciparum ICAM-1 binding domain may clarify mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria and lead to interventions or vaccines that reduce malarial disease.


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Adherence of mature Plasmodium falciparum parasitized erythrocytes (PRBCs) to microvascular endothelium contributes directly to acute malaria pathology. We affinity purified molecules from detergent extracts of surface-radioiodinated PRBCs using several endothelial cell receptors known to support PRBC adherence, including CD36, thrombospondin (TSP), and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). All three host receptors affinity purified P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a very large malarial protein expressed on the surface of adherent PRBCs. Binding of PfEMP1 to particular host cell receptors correlated with the binding phenotype of the PRBCs from which PfEMP1 was extracted. Preadsorption of PRBC extracts with anti-PfEMP1 antibodies, CD36, or TSP markedly reduced PfEMP1 binding to CD36 or TSP. Mild trypsinization of intact PRBCs of P. falciparum strains shown to express antigenically different PfEMP1 released different (125)I-labeled tryptic fragments of PfEMP1 that bound specifically to CD36 and TSP. In clone C5 and strain MC, these activities resided on different tryptic fragments, but a single tryptic fragment from clone ItG-ICAM bound to both CD36 and TSP. Hence, the CD36- and TSP-binding domains are distinct entities located on a single PfEMP1 molecule. PfEMP1, the malarial variant antigen on infected erythrocytes, is therefore a receptor for CD36, TSP, and ICAM-1. A therapeutic approach to block or reverse adherence of PRBCs to host cell receptors can now be pursued with the identification of PfEMP1 as a malarial receptor for PRBC adherence to host proteins.


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The multicopy var gene family encoding the variant surface antigen Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 is highly diverse, with little overlap between different P. falciparum isolates. We report 5 var genes (varS1-varS5) that are shared at relatively high frequency among 63 genetically diverse P. falciparum isolates collected from 5 islands in the West Pacific region. The varS1, varS2, and varS3 genes were localized to the internal region on chromosome 4, similar to 200 kb from pfdhfr-ts, whereas varS4 and varS5 were mapped to an internal region of chromosome 7, within 100 kb of pfcrt. The presence of varS2 and varS3 were significantly correlated with the pyrimethamine-resistant pfdhfr genotype, whereas varS4 was strongly correlated with the chloroquine-resistant pfcrt genotype. Thus, the conservation of these var genes is the result of their physical linkage with drug-resistant genes in combination with the antimalarial drug pressure in the region.


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A reverse line blot hybridization (RLB) one-stage nested PCR (nPCR) for Anaplasma centrale and a nested PCR for Anaplasma marginale were used to detect infected cattle grazing within an endemic region in Israel. A novel set of PCR primers and oligonucleotide probes based on a 16S ribosomal RNA gene was designed for RLB detection of both Anaplasma species, and the performance of the molecular assays compared. The immunofluorescent antibody test (IFA) was used to detect antibodies to both Anaplasma species, whereas, a highly sensitive and specific competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) was used to detect antibodies in A. centrale-vaccinated cattle. The RLB and the nested PCR procedures showed bacteremia with sensitivity of 50 infected erythrocytes per milliliter. Up to 93% of the A. centrale vaccinates carried specific antibodies that were detected by cELISA, and up to 71% of the vaccinated cattle were found to be naturally infected with A. marginale according to the PCR and the RLB assays. Nevertheless, no severe outbreaks of A. marginale infection occurred among vaccinated herds in this endemic region. It appears that both, molecular tools and serology are useful for evaluation of the vaccine efficacy. In the light of wide natural field infection with A. marginale, strong recommendations to continue the A. centrale vaccination program regime will continue until a new generation of non-blood-based vaccine will be developed.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Merozoite surface protein 8 (MSP8) has shown promise as a vaccine candidate in the Plasmodium yoelii rodent malaria model and has a proposed role in merozoite invasion of erythrocytes. However, the temporal expression and localisation of MSP8 are unusual for a merozoite antigen. Moreover, in Plasmodium falciparum the MSP8 gene could be disrupted with no apparent effect on in vitro growth. To address the in vivo function of full-length MSP8, we truncated MSP8 in the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei. PbΔMSP8 disruptant parasites displayed a normal blood-stage growth rate but no increase in reticulocyte preference, a phenomenon observed in P. yoelii MSP8 vaccinated mice. Expression levels of erythrocyte surface antigens were similar in P. berghei wild-type and PbΔMSP8-infected erythrocytes, suggesting that a parasitophorous vacuole function for MSP8 does not involve global trafficking of such antigens. These data demonstrate that a full-length membrane-associated form of PbMSP8 is not essential for blood-stage growth.


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Plasmodium falciparum causes the virulent form of malaria and disease manifestations are linked to growth inside infected erythrocytes. To survive and evade host responses the parasite remodels the erythrocyte by exporting several hundred effector proteins beyond the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane. A feature of exported proteins is a pentameric motif (RxLxE/Q/D) that is a substrate for an unknown protease. Here we show that the protein responsible for cleavage of this motif is plasmepsin V (PMV), an aspartic acid protease located in the endoplasmic reticulum. PMV cleavage reveals the export signal (xE/Q/D) at the amino terminus of cargo proteins. Expression of an identical mature protein with xQ at the N terminus generated by signal peptidase was not exported, demonstrating that PMV activity is essential and linked with other key export events. Identification of the protease responsible for export into erythrocytes provides a novel target for therapeutic intervention against this devastating disease.


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We investigated the ABO genotypes and heterogeneity of the O alleles in Plasmodium falciparum-infected and non-infected individuals from the Brazilian Amazon region. Sample collection took place from May 2003 to August 2005, from P. falciparum malaria patients from four endemic regions of the Brazilian Amazon. The control group consisted of donors from four blood banks in the same areas. DNA was extracted using the Easy-DNA(TM) extraction kit. ABO genotyping was performed using PCR/RFLP. There was a high frequency of ABO*O01O01. ABO*AO01 was the second most frequent genotype, and the third most frequent genotype was ABO*BO01. There were low frequencies of the ABO*O01O02, ABO*AA, ABO*AB, ABO*BB, and ABO*O02O02 genotypes. We analyzed the alleles of the O phenotype; the O(1variant) allele was the most frequent, both in malaria and non-malaria groups; consequently, the homozygous genotype O(1)(v)O(1)(v) was the most frequently observed. There was no evidence of the homozygous O(2) allele. Significant differences were not detected in the frequency of individuals with the various alleles in the comparison of the malaria patients and the general population (blood donors).