961 resultados para Existence and Uniqueness Theory


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The key problems in discussing duality and monotonicity for continuous-time Markov chains are to find conditions for existence and uniqueness and then to construct corresponding processes in terms of infinitesimal characteristics, i.e., q-matrices. Such problems are solved in this paper under the assumption that the given q-matrix is conservative. Some general properties of stochastically monotone Q-process ( Q is not necessarily conservative) are also discussed.


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This paper presents some further results on proximal and asymptotic proximal contractions and on a class of generalized weak proximal contractions in metric spaces. The generalizations are stated for non-self-mappings of the forms for and , or , subject to and , such that converges uniformly to T, and the distances are iteration-dependent, where , , and are non-empty subsets of X, for , where is a metric space, provided that the set-theoretic limit of the sequences of closed sets and exist as and that the countable infinite unions of the closed sets are closed. The convergence of the sequences in the domain and the image sets of the non-self-mapping, as well as the existence and uniqueness of the best proximity points, are also investigated if the metric space is complete. Two application examples are also given, being concerned, respectively, with the solutions through pseudo-inverses of both compatible and incompatible linear algebraic systems and with the parametrical


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There is much common ground between the areas of coding theory and systems theory. Fitzpatrick has shown that a Göbner basis approach leads to efficient algorithms in the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes and in scalar interpolation and partial realization. This thesis simultaneously generalizes and simplifies that approach and presents applications to discrete-time modeling, multivariable interpolation and list decoding. Gröbner basis theory has come into its own in the context of software and algorithm development. By generalizing the concept of polynomial degree, term orders are provided for multivariable polynomial rings and free modules over polynomial rings. The orders are not, in general, unique and this adds, in no small way, to the power and flexibility of the technique. As well as being generating sets for ideals or modules, Gröbner bases always contain a element which is minimal with respect tot the corresponding term order. Central to this thesis is a general algorithm, valid for any term order, that produces a Gröbner basis for the solution module (or ideal) of elements satisfying a sequence of generalized congruences. These congruences, based on shifts and homomorphisms, are applicable to a wide variety of problems, including key equations and interpolations. At the core of the algorithm is an incremental step. Iterating this step lends a recursive/iterative character to the algorithm. As a consequence, not all of the input to the algorithm need be available from the start and different "paths" can be taken to reach the final solution. The existence of a suitable chain of modules satisfying the criteria of the incremental step is a prerequisite for applying the algorithm.


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The growth of computer power allows the solution of complex problems related to compressible flow, which is an important class of problems in modern day CFD. Over the last 15 years or so, many review works on CFD have been published. This book concerns both mathematical and numerical methods for compressible flow. In particular, it provides a clear cut introduction as well as in depth treatment of modern numerical methods in CFD. This book is organised in two parts. The first part consists of Chapters 1 and 2, and is mainly devoted to theoretical discussions and results. Chapter 1 concerns fundamental physical concepts and theoretical results in gas dynamics. Chapter 2 describes the basic mathematical theory of compressible flow using the inviscid Euler equations and the viscous Navier–Stokes equations. Existence and uniqueness results are also included. The second part consists of modern numerical methods for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations. Chapter 3 is devoted entirely to the finite volume method for the numerical solution of the Euler equations and covers fundamental concepts such as order of numerical schemes, stability and high-order schemes. The finite volume method is illustrated for 1-D as well as multidimensional Euler equations. Chapter 4 covers the theory of the finite element method and its application to compressible flow. A section is devoted to the combined finite volume–finite element method, and its background theory is also included. Throughout the book numerous examples have been included to demonstrate the numerical methods. The book provides a good insight into the numerical schemes, theoretical analysis, and validation of test problems. It is a very useful reference for applied mathematicians, numerical analysts, and practice engineers. It is also an important reference for postgraduate researchers in the field of scientific computing and CFD.


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Gowers, dans son article sur les matrices quasi-aléatoires, étudie la question, posée par Babai et Sos, de l'existence d'une constante $c>0$ telle que tout groupe fini possède un sous-ensemble sans produit de taille supérieure ou égale a $c|G|$. En prouvant que, pour tout nombre premier $p$ assez grand, le groupe $PSL_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ (d'ordre noté $n$) ne posséde aucun sous-ensemble sans produit de taille $c n^{8/9}$, il y répond par la négative. Nous allons considérer le probléme dans le cas des groupes compacts finis, et plus particuliérement des groupes profinis $SL_k(\mathbb{Z}_p)$ et $Sp_{2k}(\mathbb{Z}_p)$. La premiére partie de cette thése est dédiée à l'obtention de bornes inférieures et supérieures exponentielles pour la mesure suprémale des ensembles sans produit. La preuve nécessite d'établir préalablement une borne inférieure sur la dimension des représentations non-triviales des groupes finis $SL_k(\mathbb{Z}/(p^n\mathbb{Z}))$ et $Sp_{2k}(\mathbb{Z}/(p^n\mathbb{Z}))$. Notre théoréme prolonge le travail de Landazuri et Seitz, qui considérent le degré minimal des représentations pour les groupes de Chevalley sur les corps finis, tout en offrant une preuve plus simple que la leur. La seconde partie de la thése à trait à la théorie algébrique des nombres. Un polynome monogéne $f$ est un polynome unitaire irréductible à coefficients entiers qui endengre un corps de nombres monogéne. Pour un nombre premier $q$ donné, nous allons montrer, en utilisant le théoréme de densité de Tchebotariov, que la densité des nombres premiers $p$ tels que $t^q -p$ soit monogéne est supérieure ou égale à $(q-1)/q$. Nous allons également démontrer que, quand $q=3$, la densité des nombres premiers $p$ tels que $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{p})$ soit non monogéne est supérieure ou égale à $1/9$.


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In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time-dependent terms u(tt) - Delta u - gamma(t)Delta u(t) + beta(epsilon)(t)u(t) = f(u), in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), under some restrictions on beta(epsilon)(t), gamma(t) and growth restrictions on the nonlinear term f. The function beta(epsilon)(t) depends on a parameter epsilon, beta(epsilon)(t) -> 0. We will prove, under suitable assumptions, local and global well-posedness (using the uniform sectorial operators theory), the existence and regularity of pullback attractors {A(epsilon)(t) : t is an element of R}, uniform bounds for these pullback attractors, characterization of these pullback attractors and their upper and lower semicontinuity at epsilon = 0. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A risk management committee (RMC), as a newly evolving sub-committee of the board of directors, functions as a key governance support mechanism in the oversight an organisation’s risk management strategies, policies and processes. However, empirical evidence on the factors associated with the existence and the type of RMCs remains scant. Using an agency theory perspective, this study investigates the association between board factors such as proportion of non-executive directors, CEO duality, and board size; as well as, other firm-related factors (e.g. auditor type, industry, leverage, and complexity), and (1) the existence of a RMC, and (2) the type of RMC (namely, a separate RMC versus one that is combined with the audit committee). Data was collected from the annual reports of the top 300 ASX-listed companies. The results, based on logistic regression analyses, indicate that RMCs tend to exist in companies with an independent board chairman and larger boards. Further, the results also indicate that in comparison to companies with a combined RMC and audit committee, those with a separate RMC are more likely to have larger boards, higher financial reporting risk and lower organisational complexity. The findings of this study provide additional information on the use and design of RMCs in a voluntary setting.


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In this work, motivated by non-ideal mechanical systems, we investigate the following O.D.E. ẋ = f (x) + εg (x, t) + ε2g (x, t, ε), where x ∈ Ω ⊂ ℝn, g, g are T periodic functions of t and there is a 0 ∈ Ω such that f (a 0) = 0 and f′ (a0) is a nilpotent matrix. When n = 3 and f (x) = (0, q (x 3) , 0) we get results on existence and stability of periodic orbits. We apply these results in a non ideal mechanical system: the Centrifugal Vibrator. We make a stability analysis of this dynamical system and get a characterization of the Sommerfeld Effect as a bifurcation of periodic orbits. © 2007 Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Sznajd model is a sociophysics model that is used to model opinion propagation and consensus formation in societies. Its main feature is that its rules favor bigger groups of agreeing people. In a previous work, we generalized the bounded confidence rule in order to model biases and prejudices in discrete opinion models. In that work, we applied this modification to the Sznajd model and presented some preliminary results. The present work extends what we did in that paper. We present results linking many of the properties of the mean-field fixed points, with only a few qualitative aspects of the confidence rule (the biases and prejudices modeled), finding an interesting connection with graph theory problems. More precisely, we link the existence of fixed points with the notion of strongly connected graphs and the stability of fixed points with the problem of finding the maximal independent sets of a graph. We state these results and present comparisons between the mean field and simulations in Barabasi-Albert networks, followed by the main mathematical ideas and appendices with the rigorous proofs of our claims and some graph theory concepts, together with examples. We also show that there is no qualitative difference in the mean-field results if we require that a group of size q > 2, instead of a pair, of agreeing agents be formed before they attempt to convince other sites (for the mean field, this would coincide with the q-voter model).


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This paper discusses the power allocation with fixed rate constraint problem in multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) networks, that has been solved through game theoretic perspective by the use of an iterative water-filling algorithm (IWFA). The problem is analyzed under various interference density configurations, and its reliability is studied in terms of solution existence and uniqueness. Moreover, numerical results reveal the approach shortcoming, thus a new method combining swarm intelligence and IWFA is proposed to make practicable the use of game theoretic approaches in realistic MC-CDMA systems scenarios. The contribution of this paper is twofold: (i) provide a complete analysis for the existence and uniqueness of the game solution, from simple to more realist and complex interference scenarios; (ii) propose a hybrid power allocation optimization method combining swarm intelligence, game theory and IWFA. To corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed method, an outage probability analysis in realistic interference scenarios, and a complexity comparison with the classical IWFA are presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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My work concerns two different systems of equations used in the mathematical modeling of semiconductors and plasmas: the Euler-Poisson system and the quantum drift-diffusion system. The first is given by the Euler equations for the conservation of mass and momentum, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. The second one takes into account the physical effects due to the smallness of the devices (quantum effects). It is a simple extension of the classical drift-diffusion model which consists of two continuity equations for the charge densities, with a Poisson equation for the electrostatic potential. Using an asymptotic expansion method, we study (in the steady-state case for a potential flow) the limit to zero of the three physical parameters which arise in the Euler-Poisson system: the electron mass, the relaxation time and the Debye length. For each limit, we prove the existence and uniqueness of profiles to the asymptotic expansion and some error estimates. For a vanishing electron mass or a vanishing relaxation time, this method gives us a new approach in the convergence of the Euler-Poisson system to the incompressible Euler equations. For a vanishing Debye length (also called quasineutral limit), we obtain a new approach in the existence of solutions when boundary layers can appear (i.e. when no compatibility condition is assumed). Moreover, using an iterative method, and a finite volume scheme or a penalized mixed finite volume scheme, we numerically show the smallness condition on the electron mass needed in the existence of solutions to the system, condition which has already been shown in the literature. In the quantum drift-diffusion model for the transient bipolar case in one-space dimension, we show, by using a time discretization and energy estimates, the existence of solutions (for a general doping profile). We also prove rigorously the quasineutral limit (for a vanishing doping profile). Finally, using a new time discretization and an algorithmic construction of entropies, we prove some regularity properties for the solutions of the equation obtained in the quasineutral limit (for a vanishing pressure). This new regularity permits us to prove the positivity of solutions to this equation for at least times large enough.


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Denote the set of 21 non-isomorphic cubic graphs of order 10 by L. We first determine precisely which L is an element of L occur as the leave of a partial Steiner triple system, thus settling the existence problem for partial Steiner triple systems of order 10 with cubic leaves. Then we settle the embedding problem for partial Steiner triple systems with leaves L is an element of L. This second result is obtained as a corollary of a more general result which gives, for each integer v greater than or equal to 10 and each L is an element of L, necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a partial Steiner triple system of order v with leave consisting of the complement of L and v - 10 isolated vertices. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.