980 resultados para Epistemological pluralism


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The study is a philosophical analysis of Israel Scheffler’s philosophy of education, focusing on three crucial conceptions in his philosophy: the conception of rationality, the conception of human nature, and the conception of reality. The interrelations of these three concepts as well as their relations to educational theorizing are analysed and elaborated. A conceptual problem concerning Scheffler’s ideal of rationality derives from Scheffler’s supposition of the strong analogy between science education and moral education in terms of the ideal of rationality. This analogy is argued to be conceptually problematic, since the interconnections of rationality, objectivity, and truth, appear to differ from each other in the realms of ethics and science, given the presuppositions of ontological realism and ethical naturalism, to which Scheffler explicitly subscribes. This study considers two philosophical alternatives for solving this problem. The first alternative relates the analogy to the normative concept of personhood deriving from the teleological understanding of human nature. Nevertheless, this position turns out to be problematic for Scheffler, since he rejects all teleological thinking in his philosophy. The problem can be solved, as it is argued, by limiting Scheffler’s rejection of teleology – in light of his philosophical outlook on the whole – in a manner that allows a modest version of a teleological conception of human nature. The second alternative, based especially on Scheffler’s later contributions, is to suggest that reality is actually more complex and manifold than it appears to be in light of a contemporary naturalist worldview. This idea of plurealism – Scheffler’s synthesis of pluralism and realism – is represented especially in Scheffler’s contributions related to his debate with Nelson Goodman dealing with both constructivism and realism. The idea of plurealism is not only related to the ethics-science-distinction, but is more widely related to the relationship between ontological realism and the incommensurable systems of description in diverse realms of human understanding. The Scheffler-Goodman debate is also analysed in relation to the contemporary constructivism-realism debate in educational philosophy. In terms of educational questions, Scheffler’s plurealism is argued as offering a fruitful perspective. Scheffler’s philosophy of education can be interpreted as searching for solutions to the problems deriving from the tension between the tradition of analytical philosophy and the complexity and multiplicity of educational reality. The complexity of reality combined with the supposition of the limitedness of human knowledge does not lead Scheffler to relativism or particularism, but, in contrast, Schefflerian formulations of rationality and objectivity preserve the possibility for critical inquiry in all realms of educational reality. In light of this study, Scheffler’s philosophy of education provides an exceptional example of combining ontological realism, epistemological fallibilism, and the defence of the ideal of rationality, combined with a wide-ranging understanding of educational reality.


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This study examines different ways in which the concept of media pluralism has been theorized and used in contemporary media policy debates. Access to a broad range of different political views and cultural expressions is often regarded as a self-evident value in both theoretical and political debates on media and democracy. Opinions on the meaning and nature of media pluralism as a theoretical, political or empirical concept, however, are many, and it can easily be adjusted to different political purposes. The study aims to analyse the ambiguities surrounding the concept of media pluralism in two ways: by deconstructing its normative roots from the perspective of democratic theory, and by examining its different uses, definitions and underlying rationalities in current European media policy debates. The first part of the study examines the values and assumptions behind the notion of media pluralism in the context of different theories of democracy and the public sphere. The second part then analyses and assesses the deployment of the concept in contemporary European policy debates on media ownership and public service media. Finally, the study critically evaluates various attempts to create empirical indicators for measuring media pluralism and discusses their normative implications and underlying rationalities. The analysis of contemporary policy debates indicates that the notion of media pluralism has been too readily reduced to an empty catchphrase or conflated with consumer choice and market competition. In this narrow technocratic logic, pluralism is often unreflectively associated with quantitative data in a way that leaves unexamined key questions about social and political values, democracy, and citizenship. The basic argument advanced in the study is that media pluralism needs to be rescued from its depoliticized uses and re-imagined more broadly as a normative value that refers to the distribution of communicative power in the public sphere. Instead of something that could simply be measured through the number of media outlets available, the study argues that media pluralism should be understood in terms of its ability to challenge inequalities in communicative power and create a more democratic public sphere.


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Este póster fue presentado en la Summer School on Evolution en Lisboa (15-19 julio de 2013)


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Este trabalho discute os fundamentos históricos e conceituais do movimento da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira. A questão principal que se coloca é como realizar a transformação da assistência em saúde mental sem recorrer a teorias reducionistas psiquiátricas, psicanalíticas ou culturais, mas apontando para um pluralismo clínico. Para responder a essa questão percorremos os trabalhos de autores que fizeram uma abordagem Epistemológica sobre a constituição da psiquiatria colocando em debate duas idéias centrais. A primeira idéia é defendida por Foucault que considera a invenção da psiquiatria e de seu objeto, a doença mental, uma redução indesejável da loucura cuja conseqüência é sua exclusão do mundo. A segunda idéia defendida por Gauchet e Swain se opõe à anterior e procura mostrar que a psiquiatria foi um avanço no entendimento de um fenômeno complexo. No entanto, o modelo assistencial promovido pela psiquiatria baseado no manicômio faliu ao não oferecer eficácia terapêutica e inclusão social para uma grande parcela de pacientes. Em conseqüência desse processo iniciaram-se movimentos de reforma psiquiátrica na maior parte do mundo. Experiências pioneiras foram capazes de formular novas formas de tratamento, em que teorias psicanalíticas, fenomenológicas e sociológicas tiveram um importante papel. Baseadas nessas experiências foram formuladas políticas públicas em saúde mental que tentaram conciliar o tratamento com a não exclusão. Examinamos, a partir daí, as principais experiências de reforma, seu estado atual e suas influências no Brasil. Analisamos a reforma psiquiátrica brasileira e as críticas que lhe são feitas. Em seguida procuramos entender as bases teóricas que fundamentam a experiência reformista no país. Descrevemos três vertentes de pensamento que fundamentam as ações dos novos serviços criados pela reforma psiquiátrica. Essas vertentes, embora em alguns aspectos se superpõem, em outros se antagonizam frontalmente. São elas as perspectivas basagliana, lacaniana e pluralista. Visando fundamentar essa última perspectiva, discutimos autores que fazem a interface da psiquiatria com a filosofia pragmática e também aproximamos essa concepção do pensamento do psicanalista Donald Winnicott como uma forma de contribuição à clínica da reforma. O estudo considera a possibilidade de abordar a reforma psiquiátrica a partir da concepção de uma clínica plural que autorize a incorporação de outros referenciais teóricos e que sirvam como instrumentos de reflexão e ação prática na condução de situações clínicas complexas e multifacetadas.


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Lacey, N. J., Lee, M. H. (2003). The Epistemological Foundations of Artificial Agents. Minds and Machines, 13, 339-365.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Relações Internacionais com o Mundo Árabe e Islâmico.


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This is a postprint (author's final draft) version of an article published in the journal Social Compass in 2010. The final version of this article may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0037768610362406 (login may be required). The version made available in OpenBU was supplied by the author.


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HYPERJOSEPH combines hypertext, information retrieval, literary studies, Biblical scholarship, and linguistics. Dialectically, this paper contrasts hypertextual form (the extant tool) and AI-captured content (a desideratum), in the HYPERJOSEPH project. The discussion is more general and oriented to epistemology.


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