878 resultados para English language -- Study and teaching -- Nicaragua
The purpose of this qualitative inquiry was to determine how the Practical Nursing and Pharmacy Technician programs in one southern Ontario community college could more effectively accommodate ESL learners' communication needs. The literature review examined (a) linguistic issues, such as language testing and second-language learning theories, (b) organizational matters, such as ESL curriculum and teacher training, and (c) affective issues, such as motivation for second-language learning, learning styles, and the student-teacher relationship. I gathered perceptual data from the programs' administrators, faculty members, and ESL learners. Eleven participants took part in individual interviews or a focus group session. The results suggest that ESL learners need assistance with discipline-specific vocabulary and cultural nuances. College ESL learners' weak communicative competence, together with misleading acceptance standards for ESL learners and limited support available to faculty members and to students, decrease opportunities for successful completion of the programs. The results point to re-assessment of the college's admission policies and procedures, program evaluation practices that consider the needs of ESL learners, discipline-specific language support, and strategies to enhance the ESL student-teacher relationship. The study highlights theory relating to ESL learners' self-perception and engagement, as well as the importance of including the voice of college ESL learners in educational research. The results suggest that despite ESL learners' perseverance in completing their studies, power imbalances remain. The college has yet to implement organizational strategies such as discipline-specific communications and ESL courses and extended language support that could meet the communication needs of ESL learners in the two programs.
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A study of students' metacognitive beliefs about foreign language study and their impact on learning
This article reports on an investigation into the language learning beliefs of students of French in England, aged 16 to 18. It focuses on qualitative data from two groups of learners (10 in total). While both groups had broadly similar levels of achievement in French in terns of examination success, they dffered greatly in the self-image they had of themselves as language learners, with one group displaying low levels of self-eficacy beliefs regarding the possibility of future success. The implica tions of such beliefs for students' levels of motivation and persistence are discussed, together with their possible causes. The article concludes by suggesting changes in classroom practice that might help students develop a more positive image of them selves as language learners.
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The Mufarriḥ an-nafs (Soul-Cheerer), attributed to Badr ad-Dīn Muẓaffar Ibn Qāḍī Baʿlabakk, who served under the Ayyubids as the Chief Medical Officer of Damascus in the mid-13th century, was written as a comprehensive guide for physicians outlining different approaches to cheering the soul. The tractate is divided into ten chapters, which explore the nature of the soul, its distinction to the body as well as their connection through sensorial perception. Ibn Qāḍī Baʿlabakk distinguishes the bodily senses – hearing, vision, smell, taste, touch – and the inner senses, which he sees as stimulated through activities such as hunting and engagement in poetry and the sciences. The seventh chapter of the Mufarriḥ an-nafs includes an extended encyclopedia on materia medica as well as dispensatory of simple and compound drugs, which is devoted to treating the soul and remains unparalleled in the history of Islamicate medicine. My doctoral dissertation offers a complete recension and translation of the Mufarriḥ an-nafs based on a stemma codicum drawn from the seventeen extant text witnesses. The dissertation contextualizes the work, its author as well as sources, and features a text commentary that seeks to enable the reader to easily place and understand the Mufarriḥ an-nafs within the tradition of Galenic medicine. The glossaries on materia medica found at the end of the dissertation are aimed at facilitating access to the pharmacological dispensatory included in the seventh chapter.
This study attempted to determine whether or not dialogue journal writing encouraged critical reflection in the adult ESL (English as a Second Language) learner. According to research in adult education and anecdotal evidence, the process ofdialogue journal writing can facilitate critical reflection in the adult learner. However, little research has been conducted to examine whether or not journal writing can facilitate critical reflection in the second language learner. As a result, ten low-intermediate level adult ESL students from Brock University's Intensive English Language Programme participated in a dialogue journal writing programme in their writing class. The participants wrote journal entries over a 10-week period, and were interviewed once throughout the process to determine their perceptions ofthe journal writing experience. They also were observed by the researcher throughout the journal writing sessions to establish whether any behaviours or intrusions might affect the participants' writing processes. After the content ofthe journals and the interviews, and the observations made by the researcher were analysed, it was confirmed that, for these participants, dialogue journal writing did not necessarily encourage critical reflection. Moreover, the participants' perceptions ofjournal writing were that it helped them to practise the syntax, vocabulary, and rhetorical patterns ofEnglish; nevertheless, it did not foster critical reflection or thinking.
La recherche présentée est issue d’une thèse en cours qui étudie la manière dont se nouent les relations entre les compétences culturelles et linguistiques au cours de séances de langue étrangère au cycle 3 de l’école primaire. Notre recherche s’appuie sur des données empiriques quantitatives et qualitatives et sur un cadre théorique articulant des concepts de didactique des langues et cultures (notamment, Aden, 2007; Gruson, 2007; Puren, 2002; Zarate, 1993), mais aussi de didactique des mathématiques dans une perspective comparatiste (entre autres, Brousseau, 1998; Sensevy, Mercier & Schubauer-Leoni, 2000; Sensevy & Mercier, 2007)
El presente trabajo, que se ha iniciado en la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla, y luego se extenderá a Ceuta y Granada, pretende ofrecer al especialista de inglés un repertorio de canciones populares inglesas, (o traducidas al inglés), ritmos retahílas, danzas, etc., que recoja los conceptos que se van a trabajar (vocabulario). La idea es elaborar cooperativamente unos recursos y materiales donde la música cobre protagonismo en la clase de inglés, y que a la vez sirva al especialista de música en el desarrollo de su currículo musical. Es decir poner la música al servicio del inglés, pero a la vez favoreciendo el proceso de musicalización escolar
La primera justificación que se puede hacer para este trabajo es la necesidad que tienen los gobiernos europeos de fomentar el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, especialmente a destacar el empeño del gobierno inglés por incluir el aprendizaje de éstas en los primeros niveles de la Educación Primaria o el interés de la Junta de Andalucía en el desarrollo del Plan de Plurilingüismo. En este sentido podemos destacar las iniciativas propuestas por la Unión Europea (Plan de acción 2004-2006 para el aprendizaje de lenguas y la diversidad lingüística, 2003, el Plan Bolonia, la Estrategia de Lisboa de 2000, etc.) y que han dado la importancia que requería el comienzo temprano del aprendizaje de otras lenguas distintas de la materna. Un énfasis cada vez mayor en el papel de las lenguas, una dimensión global del aprendizaje, la aparición del AICLE (CLIL) como un nuevo enfoque en la enseñanza de las lenguas han de ir, como no podría ser de otra manera, de la mano de las nuevas tecnologías
EL presente trabajo se centra en la enseñanza en inglés de una asignatura a los alumnos del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Estos estudios son eminentemente prácticos y tienen por objeto formar profesionales capaces de dirigir y gestionar modernas organizaciones en entornos cambiantes. La selección de contenidos para la enseñanza en inglés de finanzas no puede hacerse de forma arbitraria, sino mediante el establecimiento de unos criterios que permitan configurar un corpus con el que conseguir los resultados que se pretenden, de acuerdo con los objetivos pedagógicos establecidos por el profesor y los intereses de los estudiantes. Para el diseño de la asignatura Financial Operations se llevó a cabo una adaptación tanto de la metodología pedagógica como de los contenidos con el fin de alcanzar el objetivo perseguido (adquirir una formación básica sobre el mundo de las finanzas) al mismo tiempo que adquirir unas competencias en el uso de un inglés para fines específicos, en este caso, el inglés financiero
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)