767 resultados para Endkunde – end customer
The aim of the thesis was to study quality management with process approach and to find out how to utilize process management to improve quality. The operating environment of organizations has changed. Organizations are focusing on their core competences and networking with suppliers and customers to ensure more effective and efficient value creation for the end customer. Quality management is moving from inspection of the output to prevention of problems from occurring in the first place and management thinking is changing from functional approach to process approach. In the theoretical part of the thesis, it is studied how to define quality, how to achieve good quality, how to improve quality, and how to make sure the improvement goes on as never ending cycle. A selection of quality tools is introduced. Process approach to quality management is described and compared to functional approach, which is the traditional way to manage operations and quality. The customer focus is also studied, and it is presented, that to ensure long term customer commitment, organization needs to react to changing customer requirements and wishes by constantly improving the processes. In the experimental part the theories are tested in a process improvement business case. It is shown how to execute a process improvement project starting from defining the customer requirements, continuing to defining the process ownership, roles and responsibilities, boundaries, interfaces and the actual process activities. The control points and measures are determined for the process, as well as the feedback and corrective action process, to ensure continual improvement can be achieved and to enable verification that customer requirements are fulfilled.
To describe the change of purchasing moving from administrative to strategic function academics have put forward maturity models which help practitioners to compare their purchasing activities to industry top performers and best practices. However, none of the models aim to distinguish the purchasing maturity from the after-sales point of view, even though after-sales activities are acknowledged as a relevant source of revenue, profit and competitive advantage in most manufacturing firms. The maturity of purchasing and supply management practices have a large impact to the overall performance of the spare parts supply chain and ultimately to the value creation and relationship building for the end customer. The research was done as a case study for a European after-sales organization which is part of a globally operating industrial firm specialized in heavy machinery. The study mapped the current state of the purchasing practices in the case organization and also distinguished the relevant areas for future development. The study was based on the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) and investigated also how applicable is the maturity model in the spare parts supply chain context. Data for the assessment was gathered using five expert interviews inside the case organization and other parties involved in the company’s spare parts supply chain. Inventory management dimension was added to the original maturity model in order to better capture the important areas in a spare parts supply chain. The added five questions were deduced from the spare parts management literature and verified as relevant areas by the case organization’s personnel. Results indicate that largest need for development in the case organization are: better collaboration between sourcing and operative procurement functions, use of installed base information in the spare parts management, training plan development for new buyers, assessment of aligned KPI’s between the supply chain parties and better defining the role of after-sales sourcing. The purchasing maturity model used in this research worked well in H&R Leading, Controlling and Inventory Management dimensions. The assessment was more difficult to conduct in the Supplier related processes, Process integration and Organizational structure –dimensions, mainly because the assessment in these sections would for some parts require more company-wide assessment. Results indicate also that the purchasing maturity model developed by Schiele (2007) captures the relevant areas in the spare parts supply as well.
The trend of concentrating to core competencies leads to outsourcing of non-core activities. One such activity is logistics, where the responsibility is given to third-party service providers. This means the service provider acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the end customer. This thesis concentrates on depicting the operational environment of one such service provider, Swissport Finland Ltd, and the improvement of their checked baggage irregularity service. The tools used for this work were service blueprinting, an illustrative method for service mapping, and failure modes and effects analysis. The theoretical part of the thesis offers a framework for using these tools for logistics services, while the empirical part consists of a study mostly qualitative in nature. Action research method was used for the service improvement research. According to the results of this study the combination of service blueprinting and FMEA can be used successfully for irregularity service improvement. The most important result was an enhanced irregularity process that has been found to alleviate earlier problems.
Colombia siempre ha velado por tener una mejor infraestructura del país, haciendo que se mantenga preocupado por su posición competitiva frente a su desarrollo como hub logístico de Latinoamérica. Esto se ve fundamentado a través de la política nacional logística escrita en el COMPES 3547. Sin embargo, hay un desconocimiento por los empresarios grandes y pequeños del país acerca de las pretensiones que el gobierno quiere llevar a cabo sobre los distintos sectores económicos. La simulación de estructuras como sistemas es de vital importancia para el desarrollo y mejoramiento de cadenas de suministro. La administración de la cadena como sistema que integra procesos permite producir constantemente, mantener niveles adecuados de inventario y cumplir con los requerimientos del cliente final. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que los principales actores de la cadena son proveedores, fabricantes, clientes, detallistas, transportadores y distribuidores, En un entorno en el que la globalización constituye quizá el motor más importante para el desempeño de la cadena de suministros, pues rompe barreras geográficas. En síntesis la simulación es un aporte importante para la correcta planeación y operación de la cadena de suministros y esto a la vez permite prestar un buen servicio al cliente mientras se reducen costos y tiempos.
La relación que tienen las empresas mayoristas con los consumidores se hace un tema de suma importancia en la actualidad, su adelanto y progreso en la economía y en la sociedad están atados a que las estrategias que brinden sean no solo suficientes si no útiles para los clientes; y estos al mismo tiempo formar las llamadas estrategias de consumo para el cliente final que es quien definitivamente interviene y maneja toda la industria de consumo.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEG
En la actualidad, a través de los sistemas de Tecnologías de la Información (TI) se ofrecen servicios muy diversos que tienen requisitos cada vez más específicos para garantizar su funcionamiento. Con el fin de cumplir dichas garantías, se han estandarizado diferentes normativas, así como marcos de trabajo, también llamadas recomendaciones o manuales de buenas prácticas, que permiten al proveedor de servicios verificar que se cumplen dichos requisitos y ofrecer tanto al cliente final como a la propia organización un servicio de calidad que permita generar valora todas las partes. Con la aplicación de dichas recomendaciones y normativas, las empresas y Administraciones Públicas garantizan que los servicios telemáticos que ofrecen, cumplen estándares de calidad permitiendo así ofrecer al usuario final una plataforma estable y adecuada al servicio prestado. Dichas normas y marcos hacen referencia tanto al servicio TI propiamente dicho como al propio sistema de gestión del servicio TI, de tal forma que, a través de una operación adecuada del sistema que gestiona el servicio, podemos hacer que dicho servicio esté continuamente mejorando. En concreto nos centramos en la norma más empleada, ISO 20000, y en el marco de trabajo o referencia de buenas prácticas, ITIL 2011, con el fin de dar una visión clara de los diferentes procesos, actividades y funciones que ambas definen para generar valor en la empresa a través de los sistemas de TI. Con el fin de ayudar a la comprensión tanto de ITIL como de ISO 20000, se ha desarrollado a modo de ejemplo la implementación tanto de ITIL inicialmente y luego ISO 20000 sobre de un servicio que ya está en funcionamiento definiendo para cada una de las cinco fases del ciclo de vida que, tanto en la norma como en el marco se utilizan, los procesos y funciones necesarias para su implementación, y su posterior revisión. ABSTRACT. Today, we’ve got a lot of different services thanks to Information Technologies (IT) service management: they have increasingly specific requirements to ensure a good operation on the service they support. In order to meet these requirements, it has been released different standardized regulations and frameworks, also called recommendations or good practice guides. They allow the service provider to verify that such requirements are met and offer both to the end customer and to the own organization that manage this system, a quality service that will generate value to both parts. In the end, with the implementation of these recommendations and regulations, companies and public authorities ensure that the telematics services offered meet the quality standards they seek, allowing the end user to offer a stable and appropriate service platform. So these standards and reference frames both implies on the IT service itself and on the IT service management, so that, through proper operation of the parts implied on the process that manages the service, we can offer a better service. In particular we focus on the most widely used standard, ISO 20000, and the reference framework or best practices, ITIL 2011, in order to give a clear overview of the different processes, activities and functions that define both to create value in the company through IT service management. To help the understanding of both ITIL and ISO 20000, it has been developed an example of an ITIL and then ISO 20000 implementation on a service that is already in operation defining for each of the five phases of the life cycle, both in the standard as used in the context, processes and functions necessary for its implementation, and later review.
This thesis describes an investigation by the author into the spares operation of compare BroomWade Ltd. Whilst the complete system, including the warehousing and distribution functions, was investigated, the thesis concentrates on the provisioning aspect of the spares supply problem. Analysis of the historical data showed the presence of significant fluctuations in all the measures of system performance. Two Industrial Dynamics simulation models were developed to study this phenomena. The models showed that any fluctuation in end customer demand would be amplified as it passed through the distributor and warehouse stock control systems. The evidence from the historical data available supported this view of the system's operation. The models were utilised to determine which parts of the total system could be expected to exert a critical influence on its performance. The lead time parameters of the supply sector were found to be critical and further study showed that the manner in which the lead time changed with work in progress levels was also an important factor. The problem therefore resolved into the design of a spares manufacturing system. Which exhibited the appropriate dynamic performance characteristics. The gross level of entity presentation, inherent in the Industrial Dynamics methodology, was found to limit the value of these models in the development of detail design proposals. Accordingly, an interacting job shop simulation package was developed to allow detailed evaluation of organisational factors on the performance characteristics of a manufacturing system. The package was used to develop a design for a pilot spares production unit. The need for a manufacturing system to perform successfully under conditions of fluctuating demand is not limited to the spares field. Thus, although the spares exercise provides an example of the approach, the concepts and techniques developed can be considered to have broad application throughout batch manufacturing industry.
As identified by Griffin (1997) and Kahn (2012), manufacturing organisations typically improve their market position by accelerating their product development (PD) cycles. One method for achieving this is to reduce the time taken to design, test and validate new products, so that they can reach the end customer before competition. This paper adds to existing research on PD testing procedures by reporting on an exploratory investigation carried out in a UK-based manufacturing plant. We explore the organisational and managerial factors that contribute to the time spent on testing of new products during development. The investigation consisted of three sections, viz. observations and process modelling, utilisation metrics and a questionnaire-based investigation, from which a proposed framework to improve and reduce the PD time cycle is presented. This research focuses specifically on the improvement of the utilisation of product testing facilities and the links to its main internal stakeholders - PD engineers.
The impact of end customer quality complaints with direct relationship with automotive components has presented negative trend at European level for the entire automotive industry. Thus, this research proposal is to concentrate efforts on the most important items of Pareto chart and understand the failure type and the mechanism involved, link and impact of the project and parameters on the process, ending it with the development of one of the company’s most desired tool, that hosted this project – European methodology of terminals defects classification, and listing real opportunities for improvement based on measurement and analysis of actual data. Through the development of terminals defects classification methodology, which is considered a valuable asset to the company, all the other companies of the YAZAKI’s group will be able to characterize terminals as brittle or ductile, in order to put in motion, more efficiently, all the other different existing internal procedures for the safeguarding of the components, improving manufacturing efficiency. Based on a brief observation, nothing can be said in absolute sense, concerning the failure causes. Base materials, project, handling during manufacture and storage, as well as the cold work performed by plastic deformation, all play an important role. However, it was expected that this failure has been due to a combination of factors, in detriment of the existence of a single cause. In order to acquire greater knowledge about this problem, unexplored by the company up to the date of commencement of this study, was conducted a thorough review of existing literature on the subject, real production sites were visited and, of course, the actual parts were tested in lab environment. To answer to many of the major issues raised throughout the investigation, were used extensively some theoretical concepts focused on the literature review, with a view to realizing the relationship existing between the different parameters concerned. Should here be stated that finding technical studies on copper and its alloys is really hard, not being given all the desirable information. This investigation has been performed as a YAZAKI Europe Limited Company project and as a Master Thesis for Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, conducted during 9 months between 2012/2013.
In recent years, the network vulnerability to natural hazards has been noticed. Moreover, operating on the limits of the network transmission capabilities have resulted in major outages during the past decade. One of the reasons for operating on these limits is that the network has become outdated. Therefore, new technical solutions are studied that could provide more reliable and more energy efficient power distributionand also a better profitability for the network owner. It is the development and price of power electronics that have made the DC distribution an attractive alternative again. In this doctoral thesis, one type of a low-voltage DC distribution system is investigated. Morespecifically, it is studied which current technological solutions, used at the customer-end, could provide better power quality for the customer when compared with the current system. To study the effect of a DC network on the customer-end power quality, a bipolar DC network model is derived. The model can also be used to identify the supply parameters when the V/kW ratio is approximately known. Although the model provides knowledge of the average behavior, it is shown that the instantaneous DC voltage ripple should be limited. The guidelines to choose an appropriate capacitance value for the capacitor located at the input DC terminals of the customer-end are given. Also the structure of the customer-end is considered. A comparison between the most common solutions is made based on their cost, energy efficiency, and reliability. In the comparison, special attention is paid to the passive filtering solutions since the filter is considered a crucial element when the lifetime expenses are determined. It is found out that the filter topology most commonly used today, namely the LC filter, does not provide economical advantage over the hybrid filter structure. Finally, some of the typical control system solutions are introduced and their shortcomings are presented. As a solution to the customer-end voltage regulation problem, an observer-based control scheme is proposed. It is shown how different control system structures affect the performance. The performance meeting the requirements is achieved by using only one output measurement, when operating in a rigid network. Similar performance can be achieved in a weak grid by DC voltage measurement. An additional improvement can be achieved when an adaptive gain scheduling-based control is introduced. As a conclusion, the final power quality is determined by a sum of various factors, and the thesis provides the guidelines for designing the system that improves the power quality experienced by the customer.
Potential impacts of electrical capacity market design on capacity mobility and end use customer pricing are analyzed. Market rules and historical evolution are summarized to provide a background for the analysis. The summarized rules are then examined for impacts on capacity mobility. A summary of the aspects of successful capacity markets is provided. Two United States market regions are chosen for analysis based upon their market history and proximity to each other. The MISO region is chosen due to recent developments in capacity market mechanisms. The PJM region neighbors the MISO region and is similar in size and makeup. The PJM region has had a capacity market mechanism for over a decade and allows for a controlled comparison of the MISO region’s developments. Capacity rules are found to have an impact on the mobility of capacity between regions. Regulatory restrictions and financial penalties for the movement of capacity between regions are found which effectively hinder such mobility. Capacity market evolution timelines are formed from the historical evolution previously summarized and compared to historical pricing to inspect for a correlation. No direct and immediate impact on end use customer pricing was found due to capacity market design. The components of end use customer pricing are briefly examined.
Al giorno d'oggi, l'industry 4.0 è un movimento sempre più prominente che induce ad equipaggiare gli impianti industriali con avanzate infrastrutture tecnologiche digitali, le quali operano sinergicamente con l'impianto, al fine di controllare ed aumentare la produttività, monitorare e prevenire i futuri guasti, ed altro ancora. In questo ambito, gli utenti sono parte integrante della struttura produttiva, in cui ricoprono ruoli strategici e flessibili, collaborano fra loro e con le macchine, con l’obiettivo di affrontare e risolvere proattivamente una vasta gamma di problemi complessi. In particolare, la customer assistance nel settore industriale può certamente variare in relazione a molteplici elementi: il tipo di produzione e le caratteristiche del prodotto; l'organizzazione ed infrastruttura aziendale interna; la quantità di risorse disponibili che possono essere impiegate; il grado di importanza ricoperto dalla customer assistance nel settore industriale di riferimento; altri eventuali fattori appartenenti ad un dominio specifico. Per queste ragioni, si è cercato di individuare e categorizzare nel modo più accurato possibile, il lavoro svolto in questo elaborato ed il contesto nel quale è stato sviluppato. In questa tesi, viene descritta un'applicazione web per erogare assistenza al cliente in ambito di industria 4.0, attraverso il paradigma di ticketing o ticket di supporto/assistenza. Questa applicazione è integrata nel sistema Mentor, il quale è attivo già da anni nel settore industriale 4.0. Il progetto Mentor è una suite di applicazioni cloud-based creata dal gruppo Bucci Industries, una multinazionale attiva nell'industria e nell'automazione con sede a Faenza. In questo caso di studio, si presenta la progettazione ed implementazione della parte front-end del suddetto sistema di assistenza, il quale è integrato ed interconnesso con un paio di applicazioni tipiche di industria 4.0, presenti nella stessa suite di applicazioni.
Value has been defined in different theoretical contexts as need, desire, interest, standard /criteria, beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. The creation of value is key to any business, and any business activity is about exchanging some tangible and/or intangible good or service and having its value accepted and rewarded by customers or clients, either inside the enterprise or collaborative network or outside. “Perhaps surprising then is that firms often do not know how to define value, or how to measure it” (Anderson and Narus, 1998 cited by [1]). Woodruff echoed that we need “richer customer value theory” for providing an “important tool for locking onto the critical things that managers need to know”. In addition, he emphasized, “we need customer value theory that delves deeply into customer’s world of product use in their situations” [2]. In this sense, we proposed and validated a novel “Conceptual Model for Decomposing the Value for the Customer”. To this end, we were aware that time has a direct impact on customer perceived value, and the suppliers’ and customers’ perceptions change from the pre-purchase to the post-purchase phases, causing some uncertainty and doubts.We wanted to break down value into all its components, as well as every built and used assets (both endogenous and/or exogenous perspectives). This component analysis was then transposed into a mathematical formulation using the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), so that the uncertainty and vagueness of value perceptions could be embedded in this model that relates used and built assets in the tangible and intangible deliverable exchange among the involved parties, with their actual value perceptions.
The evaluation of investments in advanced technology is one of the most important decision making tasks. The importance is even more pronounced considering the huge budget concerning the strategic, economic and analytic justification in order to shorten design and development time. Choosing the most appropriate technology requires an accurate and reliable system that can lead the decision makers to obtain such a complicated task. Currently, several Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) manufacturers that design global products are seeking local firms to act as their sales and services representatives (called distributors) to the end user. At the same time, the end user or customer is also searching for the best possible deal for their investment in ICT's projects. Therefore, the objective of this research is to present a holistic decision support system to assist the decision maker in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - working either as individual decision makers or in a group - in the evaluation of the investment to become an ICT's distributor or an ICT's end user. The model is composed of the Delphi/MAH (Maximising Agreement Heuristic) Analysis, a well-known quantitative method in Group Support System (GSS), which is applied to gather the average ranking data from amongst Decision Makers (DMs). After that the Analytic Network Process (ANP) analysis is brought in to analyse holistically: it performs quantitative and qualitative analysis simultaneously. The illustrative data are obtained from industrial entrepreneurs by using the Group Support System (GSS) laboratory facilities at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and in Thailand. The result of the research, which is currently implemented in Thailand, can provide benefits to the industry in the evaluation of becoming an ICT's distributor or an ICT's end user, particularly in the assessment of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programme. After the model is put to test with an in-depth collaboration with industrial entrepreneurs in Finland and Thailand, the sensitivity analysis is also performed to validate the robustness of the model. The contribution of this research is in developing a new approach and the Delphi/MAH software to obtain an analysis of the value of becoming an ERP distributor or end user that is flexible and applicable to entrepreneurs, who are looking for the most appropriate investment to become an ERP distributor or end user. The main advantage of this research over others is that the model can deliver the value of becoming an ERP distributor or end user in a single number which makes it easier for DMs to choose the most appropriate ERP vendor. The associated advantage is that the model can include qualitative data as well as quantitative data, as the results from using quantitative data alone can be misleading and inadequate. There is a need to utilise quantitative and qualitative analysis together, as can be seen from the case studies.