904 resultados para ELT in Angola


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Introduction - This study was designed to determine the presence and identity of potential intermediate snail hosts of schistosomiasis in Bengo, Luanda, Kwanza Norte and Malanje Provinces in NW Angola. This is an area where infection with Schistosoma haematobium, causing urogenital schistosomiasis, is common but little is known about transmission of the disease. Angola has had a varied past with regards to disease control and is revitalising efforts to combat Neglected Tropical Diseases.


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Field lab: SME competitiveness


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Poster presented at the 17th Annual International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology. Baltimore, 27-30 September 2015


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This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses .


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The Earth we know today was not always so. Over millions of years have undergone significant ch an g e s brought about by numerous geological phenomena aimed at your balance, some internal order, creating new geological formations and other external order smoothing formations previously created. From t h e tectonic standpoint, Angola is located in a relatively stable area which gives it a certain p ri v i l e g e w h e n compared with some Asian countries or even Americans where quite often occur earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, the same cannot be said in relation to the occurrence of an external geodynamics phenomena, such as the ravines, which in recent years has taken shape in many provinces, especially due to anthropogenic activity, giving rise to geological hazards, increasing the risk of damage in buildings and others infrastructures, losses direct or indirect in economic activities and loss of human lives. We understand that the reducing of these risks starts, in particular, by their identification, for later take preventive measures. This work is the result of some research work carried out by the authors through erosion courses of s o i l and stabilization of soils subject to erosion phenomena, carried out by Engineering Laboratory of Angola (LEA). For the realization of this work, we resorted to cartographic data query, literature, listening to s o m e o f the provincial representatives and local residents, as well as the observation in lo co o f s o m e af f e ct ed areas. The results allow us to infer that the main provinces affected by ravine phenomenon are located in Central and Northern highlands, as well as in the eastern region, and more recently in Cuando-Cub an go province. Not ruling out, however, other regions, such as in Luanda and Cabinda [1]. Relatively the causes, we can say that the ravines in Angola are primarily due to the combination of three natural factors: climate, topography and type of soil [2]. When we add the anthropogenic activit y , namely the execution of construction works, the drainage system obstructio n, exploration of m i n e ral s, agriculture and fires, it is verified an increasing of the phenomenon, often requiring immedi at e act i o n . These interventions can be done through structural or engineering measures and by the stabilization measures on the degraded soil cover [3]. We present an example of stabilization measures throu g h t h e deployment of a local vegetation called Pennisetum purpureum. It is expected that the results may contribute to a better understanding of the causes of the ravine phenomenon in Angola and that the adopted stabilization method can be adapted in other affected provinces in order to prevent and making the contention of the ravines.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of persistence in five inflation indicators for Angola, and to identify the implications for decision-making. Understanding inflation persistence in Angola is crucial because the National Bank of Angola is preparing to change its monetary policy focus to a more inflation-targeting regime. Our results suggest that when structural breaks are accounted for, all five inflation indicators are stationary, so that a shock will give temporary effects. Secondly, our findings suggest that persistence is not too high. Moreover, the degree of persistence is similar among the five inflation indicators and throughout the sample period. Finally, our results also show that extracting the most volatile components of the headline inflation indicator does not generate a new inflation indicator that is less volatile and more persistent than the original. These results have important implications for the design, implementation and effectiveness of monetary policy in Angola, especially when following an inflation-targeting regime. First, a not too high degree of persistence means monetary policy aiming for price stability must be implemented with a permanent policy stance. Secondly, a low degree of persistence also means that inflation can be stabilized in a short period of time following a shock. Lastly, the results are also relevant for prediction and modeling purposes.


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Despite significant advances in building technologies with the use of conventional construction materials (as concrete and steel), which significantly have driven the construction industry, earth construction have demonstrated its importance and relevance, as well as it has matched in an efficient and eco-friendly manner the social housing concerns. The diversity of earth construction techniques allowed this material to adapt to different climatic, cultural and social contexts until the present time. However, in Angola, the construction with earth is still associated with population fringes of weak economic resources, for which, given the impossibility of being able to acquire modern construction materials (steel, cement, brick, among others), they resort to the use of available natural materials. Furthermore, the lack of scientific and technical knowledge justifies the negative appreciation of traditional building techniques, and the derogatory way how are considered the earth constructions in Angolan territory. Given the country's current development status, and taking into account the environmental requirements and the real socio-economic sustainability of Angola, it is considered that one of the viable and adequate options, could be the recovering and upgrading of the ancestral techniques of earth construction. The purpose of this research is to develop the technical and scientific knowledge in order to improve and optimize these construction solutions, responding to the real problems of housing quality as well as to the current social, economic and environmental sustainability requirements. In this paper, a description of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the adobes typically used in the construction of traditional houses in some localities of Huambo, province in Angola, is carried out. The methodology was based on mechanical in-situ testing in adobe blocks manufactured with traditional procedures: i) tensile strength evaluated with the bending test and compressive strength test on earth blocks specimens; and, ii) durability and erodibility test by Geelong method adopting the New Zealand standard (NZS) procedures (4297: 1998; 4297: 1998 and 4297: 1999). The results allow the characterization of the materials used in the construction of raw earth in the Huambo region, contributing to the development of knowledge of these sustainable and traditional housing constructive solutions with a strong presence in Angola [1, 2]. This study is part of a larger project in the area of Earth Construction [3], which aims to produce knowledge which can stimulate the use of environmental friendly construction materials and contribute to develop constructive solutions with improved performance, durability, comfort, safety and sustainability.


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In Angola, the construction made of raw earth is a cultural heritage widely used by low income households, representing over 80% of the population [1, 3]. In Huila province is evident construction in raw earth in a large scale, either in urban or in periurban and rural areas. The construction methods follow the ancestral standards, distributed throughout the region of Huila, being built by the several ethnic groups. Among the construction techniques in earth, stand out: the adobe, wattle-and-daub and more recently on CEB (Compressed Earth Block). The type of soil used to make the adobes is mainly silty-clayed sand [1]. The most applied materials are: rods, reeds, wood, grass, straw, soil and stone, almost with the same characteristics [2]. The manufacture of adobe, consists essentially in mixing clay and grass (plant fibers), then put the mixture inside a wooden mold, having a size of 42 cm long and 18 cm high and taking three to four days to dry and be applied in housing construction. The application of these materials makes the construction less expensive because they are collected, transformed and applied by the owner himself of housing without any project, based only on the result of the practice and experience acquired from their ancestors. They are simple constructions, presenting a typology of grouped and isolated single-family housing, ranging between 2 and 3 bedrooms [2]. The construction techniques used in such small housings have positive environmental aspects, both as regards the materials employed, such as the manner in which the constructions are raised, showing special concerns for the quality improvement of them, as regards the resistance, durability and comfort [4].


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A tecnologia da biodigestão anaeróbia tem sido comprovada como uma das mais eficientes no tratamento dos dejetos de suínos, esta tecnologia, encontra-se num crescimento tímido em Angola facilitando assim uma poluição maior dos Rios, solos e o ar atmosférico, por falta de tratamento adequado da biomassa produzida por milhares de suínos existentes neste País. O emprego do biogás como fonte de energia para o funcionamento dos equipamentos ainda encontra limitações de ordem tecnológica e por falta de informação, organização e em muitos casos apoios tecnológicos e de instituições governamentais ou Não Governamentais. Este trabalho avaliou a viabilidade técnica, na implantação de Biodigestores na Região de Icolo Bengo em Angola. Foi estudada a implantação de Biodigestores, Modelo Indiano, na fazenda Menga assim como o potencial de geração de energia elétrica existente na produção de Biogás. O tratamento anaeróbio dos resíduos de Suínos como fonte renovável de energia, dentro de um conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e de racionalização da produção sem agressão ao Meio-Ambiente também são referenciados mostrando que esta tecnologia pode ser apropriada como estratégia de conservação e uso eficiente da energia elétrica que é muito escasso em Angola. O emprego da biodigestão anaeróbia neste caso é possível e desejável, uma vez que contribui para preservação do Meio Ambiente, viabiliza os modernos sistemas de confinamento e reduz o custo da produção assim como ajuda na produção de energia elétrica e de fertilizantes. Um sistema integrado foi proposto e será aplicado na Fazenda Menga, como um dos projetos pioneiros em Angola.


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A presente tese versa sobre o processo de transição para a democracia em Angola. O período estudado compreende a independência do país em 1975 ao ano de 2012, com a realização das terceiras eleições gerais. Para tal, são realizados três recortes cronológicos, a saber: (1) de 1975 com a independência de Angola e a inauguração da Primeira República, ao ano de 1991 com o advento do multipartidarismo e da Segunda República; (2) da Segunda República em 1991, ao ano de 2010 com a promulgação da chamada Constituição Atípica e a instauração da Terceira República; (3) e da Terceira República em 2010, ao pleito eleitoral de 2012. Cada um destes períodos é estudado a partir da análise das instituições políticas que caracterizam a democracia. São igualmente identificadas e examinadas as razões que levaram a deflagrar a transição (por quê?); a forma pela qual a transição foi desencadeada (como?); os atores envolvidos no processo transicional (quem?); bem como o estágio da democratização em Angola. A tese é desenvolvida tendo em conta a produção bibliográfica existente sobre o tema e os dados empíricos coletados mediante entrevistas em profundidade com atores envolvidos no processo de transição e cidadãos comuns.


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Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa realizada com sujeitos jovens e adultos privados de liberdade, reincidentes, com pelo menos metade da pena cumprida na Penitenciária de Benguela/Angola. Teve como foco a compreensão do sentido atribuído por esses sujeitos à experiência de ser preso reincidente, percebendo como experienciam o programa de reeducação do sistema prisional local. Os fundamentos teóricos da investigação basearam-se em autores que discutem a realidade da prisão; o direito à educação de pessoas em espaços de privação de liberdade; e a situação histórica de Angola, marcada pela longa guerra civil, após a Independência que a livrou do colonialismo do governo português, por tantos anos. Autores angolanos contribuíram para o desvelamento dessa condição histórica, e vários brasileiros foram fundamentais para compreender a temática relativa à prisão. O tema tornou-se relevante entre pesquisadores na academia brasileira, provocados em grande parte por acordos internacionais sobre direitos humanos e, especialmente, sobre o direito à educação de pessoas jovens e adultas em espaços de privação de liberdade. O balizamento brasileiro e internacional serviu para avaliar como o Estado angolano se porta diante desse direito, e de que forma atende (ou não) o preceituado nas prisões angolanas, sendo signatário de acordos internacionais. A investigação pode ser considerada um estudo de caso qualitativo, cuja recolha de informações utilizou observação, entrevistas e questionários que geraram dados quantitativos. Estes resultaram de questionários aplicados a dez reeducadores dos serviços prisionais e a 26 reclusos reincidentes, entre os quais 23 do sexo masculino e três do sexo feminino, todos não identificados. As entrevistas realizadas se fizeram desde o diretor da instituição penal ao responsável provincial da reeducação; ouviram o responsável pela área de segurança do presídio, um advogado de presos e a mãe de um dos reclusos reincidentes. Problemas de ordem política, econômica, social, assim como o fator guerra que acompanhou toda a história de Angola (1975-2002) contribuíram, em grande parte, para que os sujeitos especialmente jovens cometessem delitos e sofressem a privação da liberdade. No dizer dos sujeitos, a expectativa de mudança de vida se põe na volta à escola e no aprendizado de uma profissão no que depositam esperanças de que a cadeia possa contribuir, para que a sociedade os discrimine menos, porque egressos do sistema penitenciário de Angola.


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A "reconstrução nacional" de Angola impressiona pela magnitude de seus empreendimentos visíveis. Esta Tese trata de travessias conduzidas por diferentes atores sociais "através" e "apesar" da "reconstrução nacional". A partir de micronarrativas de algumas pessoas que compõem a "Angola" contemporânea e que, em algum momento, foram minhas interlocutoras, sigo por caminhos que operam como chaves interpretativas para traçar os sentidos e os significados do pós-guerra no país. Para transitar "através da reconstrução nacional" é necessário ser re-conhecido, não apenas por políticas repressivas e de gestão de populações, mas também como sujeito de direitos. Aqueles que não obtiveram este re-conhecimento agenciam as brechas existentes em seus campos de possibilidades, "apesar da reconstrução nacional". Entre arranjos circunstanciais e (não) re-conhecimentos alguns ocupam, situacionalmente, a condição de borderlander. E "através" e "apesar" pessoas constroem suas vidas enquanto a nação se reconstrói.


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Trabalho de Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Cooperação Internacional e Desenvolvimento


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This thesis is a study of how the Gerald Ford administration struggled to address a perceived loss of US credibility after the collapse of Vietnam, with a focus on the role of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the formulation, implementation and subsequent defence of US Angolan policy. By examining the immediate post-Vietnam period, this thesis shows that Vietnam had a significant impact on Kissinger’s actions on Angola, which resulted in an ill conceived covert operation in another third world conflict. In 1974, Africa was a neglected region in Cold War US foreign policy, yet the effects of the Portuguese revolution led to a rapid decolonization of its African territories, of which Angola was to become the focus of superpower competition. After South Vietnam collapsed in April 1975, Kissinger became fixated on restoring the perceived loss of US prestige, Angola provided the first opportunity to address this. Despite objections from his advisors, Kissinger methodically engineered a covert program to assist two anti-Marxist guerrilla groups in Angola. As the crisis escalated, the media discovered the operation and the Congress decided to cease all funding. A period of heated tensions ensued, resulting in Kissinger creating a new African policy to outmanoeuvre his critics publicly, while privately castigating them to foreign leaders. This thesis argues that Kissinger’s dismissal of internal dissent and opposition from the Congress was influenced by what he perceived as bureaucrats being affected by the Vietnam syndrome, and his obsession with restoring US credibility. By looking at the private and public records – as expressed in government meetings and official reports, US newspaper and television coverage and diplomatic cables – this thesis addresses the question of how the lessons of Vietnam failed to influence Kissinger’s actions in Angola, but the lessons of Angola were heavily influential in the construction of a new US-African policy.