715 resultados para E-learning students


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Higher education institutions, responsible for training social educators, should ensure the construction of a profile marked by their technical versatility and whose socio-educational intervention is directed at all people, regardless of their situations in life. Reflection on the construction of this profile is fundamental given the difficulties of identity that the profession faces. In this context, we sought to develop a study which would allow us to identify how the students of a degree course in Social Education characterise this professional, in order to reflect on the contribution of training provided by the institution concerned and, if necessary, make the adjustments arising from the results. This is a qualitative, exploratory study, using an unstructured questionnaire applied to a convenience sample of 140 Portuguese students of the three years of a degree course in Social Education. Its emerging categorical content analysis was performed using the NVivo software, version 11. The main results point to a broad vision of the profession and are not limited to the work geared to specific populations or issues, valuing the relevance of the professional in the field of non-assistance socio-educational intervention. The main area of overlap between training objectives and students’ perceptions about practice allows the impact of training to be positively assessed, despite possible curricular adjustments resulting from further analysis, including the need to reinforce community intervention, undervalued by students, even though it plays a key role for social educators.


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The functional profile of the social educator is based on the development of theoretical, technical and personal/relational skills, which should guide training courses organization. Assuming the shortcomings of a merely theoretical approach, besides a consistent preparation in theoretical and essential technical contents for socio-educational intervention, practice in context should be favoured as an opportunity to develop professional skills, together with a critical reflection on the functional profile. This study emerges from the need to reflect and rethink the internship, as well as how the respective supervision is developed, of the degree in social education at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, and it is based on the students’ perceptions about the impact of the internship on personal development. This is a qualitative and exploratory study, using the documentary analysis of 50 final internship reports. From the content analysis, four categories emerged referring to gains in terms of acquiring and managing knowledge, development of technical skills, personal and relational development and reinforcement of professional identity. The importance given to personal and relational development should be noted (41.4% of mentions) taking into account its relevance in constructing a professional identity. Findings on the technical skills and on the increase of profession knowledge, also by mobilising theoretical training, positively reinforce the internship model that is based on a proximity supervision approach and on a dialogical perspective of the professional learning.


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AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate a new pedagogical approach in teaching fluid, electrolyte and acid-base pathophysiology in undergraduate students. METHODS: This approach comprises traditional lectures, the study of clinical cases on the web and a final interactive discussion of these cases in the classroom. When on the web, the students are asked to select laboratory tests that seem most appropriate to understand the pathophysiological condition underlying the clinical case. The percentage of students having chosen a given test is made available to the teacher who uses it in an interactive session to stimulate discussion with the whole class of students. The same teacher used the same case studies during 2 consecutive years during the third year of the curriculum. RESULTS: The majority of students answered the questions on the web as requested and evaluated positively their experience with this form of teaching and learning. CONCLUSIONS: Complementing traditional lectures with online case-based studies and interactive group discussions represents, therefore, a simple means to promote the learning and the understanding of complex pathophysiological mechanisms. This simple problem-based approach to teaching and learning may be implemented to cover all fields of medicine.


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Se presenta un modelo de análisis del comportamiento informacional global de un colectivo de individuos (estudiantes de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) que tienen una percepción positiva sobre el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y que realizan un uso intensivo de las mismas.A partir de una aproximación cualitativa, mediante 24 entrevistas y un posterior análisis del contenido, se identifican cuatro perfiles distintos de gestión de la información personal (reactivo, pasivo, exhaustivo y proactivo) en base a diez variables subyacentes (acceso, gestión y usos de la información, competenciasinformacionales, perfil cognitivo, actitud, percepción de las TIC, ámbito académico, profesional y de la vida diaria) y se ponen derelieve las diferencias de comportamiento informacional dependiendo del ámbito en el que se encuentren. La identificación de los perfiles es un estadio básico del diseño centrado en los usuarios que facilita la realización de intervenciones específicas para cada tipo de usuario, respetando requerimientos de herramientasy procesos para que puedan desarrollar su comportamiento informacional de forma eficiente y eficaz.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e interpretar as inter-relações no ambiente digital: professores, alunos, computador e sociedade. Com base em um curso de Formação Tecnológica, oferecido aos alunos de licenciaturas em uma universidade particular, analiso as inter-relações dos participantes do curso sob a perspectiva sócio-interacionista, a qual focaliza o aprendiz como parte de um grupo social e que, a partir de interações consigo mesmo, com os demais sujeitos do contexto sócio-histórico no qual está inserido e com o meio, pode desenvolver-se, questionar, descobrir, compreender e transformar o mundo. O curso, no qual eu e outra colega atuamos como professoras, teve como proposta abrir espaço para discussões sobre o uso das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação no contexto educacional, possibilitando a formação de comunidades com interesses comuns que se inter-relacionam.


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Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, tem como objectivo reflectir sobre o papel das actividades lúdicas cooperativas no processo de aperfeiçoamento do relacionamento interpessoal no contexto escolar, na visão dos alunos e professores, tendo em conta aspectos como o facto da inserção do jogo cooperativo no contexto escolar ser ainda bastante menosprezada. No entanto, Kishimoto (1993) evidencia-lhe duas importantes funções quando utilizado como elemento pedagógico, sendo uma a dimensão lúdica, ligada à diversão e ao prazer, e a outra, como complemento do conhecimento oferecido ao indivíduo. Esta fundamentação é também partilhada por Soler (2006) que defende que as práticas que apontem para os valores humanos relevantes e coerentes a serem desenvolvidos nas aulas de Educação Física devem partir do envolvimento do grupo em práticas cooperativas. O autor defende também que na aprendizagem cooperativa os alunos deverão trabalhar em pequenos grupos heterogéneos, com o objectivo de ser possível a partilha de experiências, aprendizagens e conhecimentos comuns. Pretende-se desta forma envolver todos os alunos no processo de aprendizagem, sendo essa heterogeneidade o agente facilitador. A investigação teve como base a oferta de actividades de carácter cooperativo, organizadas para uma população alvo composta por 46 alunos de 3º ciclo, mais concretamente duas turmas de 7ºano da Escola E.B. 2,3 Telheiras nº1. A recolha de dados acompanhou a realização destas actividades através da entrega de questionários sociométricos aos alunos em questão, no sentido de apurar até que ponto os objectivos propostos de integração dos alunos mais rejeitados nas turmas foram bem-sucedidos ou não. Finalizado este processo, é possível concluir a importância dos jogos colaborativos como estratégia/ferramenta pedagógica facilitadora da integração de alunos desenquadrados da turma.


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O presente trabalho constitui um projecto de investigação acção realizado numa escola de primeiro ciclo do distrito de Lisboa, mais especificamente numa truma do 4º ano de escolaridade,desencadeado por dois alunos diagnosticados com dificuldades intelectuais e desenvolvimentais que integravam uma unidade de apoio e specializado a alunos com multideficiência e surdocegueira congénita . Paralelamente foram também mobilizados os docentes do núcleo de educação especial do agrupamento de escolas . A caraterização destes três contextos a turma, a unidade e o núcleo- realizou-se através da utilização dos seguintei instrumentos de recolha de dados: análise documental, observação naturalista, entrevista semi-estruturada e sociometria. A análise dos mesmos permitiu fazer as seguintes constatações : turma bastante heterogénea, diferentes níveis de aprendizagem, alunos de língua portuguesa não materna, de diferentes etnias, e nível socioeconómico, problemas de relacionamento entre eles e alguma resistência em aceitar os colegas considerados com dificuldades intelectuais e desenvolvimentais; passividade e pouca responsabilidade no ato de aprender; dificuldades no cumprimento de regras; participação escassa das famílias no processo de ensino/aprendizagem; um tipo de ensino preferencialmente expositivo ; trabalho essencialmente individualizado , por parte dos alunos; dificuldade em incluir aqueles cujas diferenças individuais são mais significativas - diferenciação pedagógica descontextualizada . Na unidade de apoio especializado verificou –se a necessidade de um trabalho mais cooperado e convergente entre todos os intervenientes . No grupo de docentes de educação especial, constatou-se que as práticas de apoio aos sessenta alunos considerados com necessidades educativas especiais de caráter permanente eram essencialmente centradas no apoio direto ao aluno, fora da sala de aula .Tendo como quadro concetual de referência o paradigma da diversidade,a inclusão, a escola e educação inclusivas, a diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva, a aprendizagem cooperativa, e , tal como já se referiu, uma abordagem assente nas permissas da investigação ação como um processo cíclico de refletir para agir e refletir sobre a acção , desenvolveram –se ações nos referidos contextos da intervenção. Turma–diferenciação pedagógica inclusiva, utilização de metodologias de ensino/aprendizagem cooperativa na área da língua portuguesa Na unidade de apoio especializado –intervenção individualizada com os alunos “caso” para O desenvolvimento das competências estipuladas nos seus currículos específicos individuais, tendo por base um trabalho coordenado e cooperativo entre professores, famílias, assistentes operacionais e técnica de terapia da fala. No núcleo de educação especial – ação de sensibilização sobre a importância do papel de parceria pedagógica com os docentes do ensino regular , para implementação de uma pedagogia diferenciada inclusiva e da aprendizagem cooperativa como estratégias de inclusão . Considerando a complexidade dos contextos de intervenção e a competência profissional tão necessária ao sucesso de todos os alunos e à melhoria da escola , com a realização deste projeto de investigação acção pelo enriquecimento profissional que proporcionou, pôde constatar-se que este tipo de abordagem (o professor como investigador crítico e reflexivo), se apresenta de facto, como uma via importantíssimade formação contínua. Neste caso, o desenvolvimento deste projeto, permitiu encontrar algumas respostas que contribuíram para a melhoria profissional dos implicados e dos contextos em questão, atenuando os problemas identificados e perspetivar outras respostas . No entanto, esta abordagem não foi um processo fácil, pois esta capacidade de fazer juízos críticos sobre o próprio trabalho requer tempo de aprendizagem e principalmente a vontade de querer fazer, sempre, mais e melhor.


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This is an analytic research of a qualitative nature whose purpose is to examine the learning process involving students of the Nursing Program of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte UFRN who are attending the Supervised Clerkship in Nursing (SCN) in Family Health Strategy (FHS), based on learning through daily living. In order to do this, a historical overview of this academic activity in the teaching of nursing was presented, and the importance of FHS as the scene where professional health education takes place was discussed. For the empirical investigation, ten eighth-semester students involved in clerkship activities at family health units in the Western Sanitary District of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. The theoretical approach relied, as epistemological presupposition, on the ideas of educator Humberto Maturana who showed that learning, both in nature and among human beings, takes place within dialogic living relationships wherein acceptance of the other, affectivity (love) and dialoguing are essential stimuli to learning. Students discourses gradually became part of the analytic categories that had been established beforehand. There has been verified that the students went through meaningful learning encouraged by all who shared the living environment, that is: nurse/instructor, teacher/supervisor, family health staff, and the community. Several feelings were involved in the process, such as joy, satisfaction, self-reliance, affectivity and, in the opposite direction, sadness, indignation, a feeling of impotence, and fear. The learning of interpersonal relationship was describe as the most relevant of the academic experiences and, therefore, thus emphasizing the relevance of affectivity to the learning process as Maturana points out. It is suggested that the teaching of nursing keep on giving priority to family health units as the Basic Care educational scene, with attention to the importance of placing the students in welcoming environments, in such a way as to encourage learning


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This study discusses the evaluation of the English language‟s learning developed in a public high school from Lajes-RN in 2011 starting from a qualitative evaluation proposal (SAUL 1988; CANAN, 1996; DEMO, 2008) aiming the production of knowledge about the evaluation process developed in the classes of English language involving the contributions from students. To diagnose and characterize the evaluation process of English language of the researched school, identifying the representations that students attributed to the evaluation, we have implemented the evaluation instruments suggested by students to perform the evaluation of language learning and allowed a reflection about the student‟s participation in the construction of the evaluation process of the English language, subject discussed by Sant‟anna (2002) and other theorists (CANAN, 1996; BRAZIL, 2002; PEREIRA, 2009). To conduct the research work, we use the qualitative approach with ethnographic basis, substantiate in authors like Bogdan, Biklen (1994), Mazzotti; Gewandsznajder (1998), Strauss, Corbin (2008) among others. The methodology was the action research (ANDRÉ, 1995; NUNAN, 2007; LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2008) described as research of empirical basis which associates an action with a resolution of a collective problem, because in it, its researchers and employees are engaged in a cooperatively way (THIOLLENT, 1985). When we treat about the evaluation of English language‟s learning (ALMEIDA FILHO, 1993; SCARAMUCCI, 2009) practiced before and after the contributions made by the students of the second year of the refereed school, the study considers that high school students have a more critical and reflective conscience with regard to their evaluations, not just opining on the assessment of learning English but also about the assessment of other subjects from their scholar curriculum and so this research presents possibilities for performing the act of evaluation which consider the participation of students in decisions regarding this process, because we cogitate that when the teachers share the decisions with their students, teachers can add quality to the evaluation process


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This research deals with textualization issues present in educational forums in distance learning environment. The research aims to analyze textualization regarding communication practices between tutors and distance learning students. Specifically the research aims to verify if the educational forum is considered pertinent for knowledge construction as well as identify subject´s behavior in e-Proinfo environment. The research also aims to understand the dynamics of the teaching and learning techniques related to the forum´s printed material. This is done in order to acknowledge discourse on behalf of subjects through the presented educational assignments. In order to address the issue, the work dealt with the relations present in distance learning forums, the forms in which the assignments are made, the way social actors interact and how this debate happens in the virtual environment. The research emphasized an educational forum used in a higher education institution at Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. Thus the research corpus is composed by messages that were posted in the forum in the module called computer material . This module is one of the last in a set of six modules that are part of The Basic Cycle for Media Training promoted by the Center for Distance Learning in a public university at Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. The research deals with a qualitative type approach in the perspectives of Merriam (1988), Cresswell (1994) and Minayo (1996). In order to achieve this analysis, the research dealt with theoretical landmarks related to distance learning present in (Silva, 2008; Brait, 1993; Sperbe and Wilson, 1986; Marquesi and Elias 2008 as well as Xavier, 2005, amongst others. As for aspects related to media and technological perspectives present in the forum, the research dealt with (Baranov, 1989; Neuner, 1981; Kearsley and Moore, 1996). Textualization was dealt according to (Marcuschi, 2008; Costa Val, 2004) and the conceptions and functions regarding tutors was seen according to (Salgado, 2002). In the conclusion and recommendations it was seen that these discussions present relevant contributions to distance learning and go beyond the practical universe present in electronical interaction. In the final considerations it is pointed out that this research is relevant for areas such as applied linguistics and presents guidelines for those involved in continuous education and aim meaningful knowledge that is coherent with distance learning education


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As novas demandas sociais e as diretrizes curriculares brasileiras para os cursos de odontologia colocam desafios à prática docente nas instituições de educação superior. Nesse contexto, investigam-se as concepções de qualidade de ensino universitário de professores que atuam como coordenadores de graduação nas faculdades de odontologia do Estado de São Paulo que possuem pós-graduação stricto-sensu, para refletir sobre os desafios da formação docente na área. Como instrumentos de levantamento de dados utilizou-se questionário, contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas e entrevista semi-estruturada, organizada para possibilitar o aprofundamento da discussão. Os dados foram descritos e discutidos mediante análise quantitativa e qualitativa, a partir das três dimensões da prática docente analisadas por Cunha (1995): político-estrutural, curricular e pedagógica. Para este artigo, focalizaram-se apenas os aspectos da dimensão pedagógica, na qual os pontos que expressam posturas mais contraditórias referem-se a métodos de ensino-aprendizagem, participação do aluno e tutoria. Os resultados apontam para concepções de ensino-aprendizagem que oscilam entre modelos tradicionais e inovadores, sinalizando pontos de conflito em relação a paradigmas que se articulam diretamente a questões curriculares e político-estruturais.


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This work has as purpose to show what are the influences of media in the education and in the shaping the thinking and understand that ideologies are present in the films used in the classroom in kindergarten. For this, I directed the discussion beginning by concepts as Ideology and its more different definitions by several thinkers over the years, the thinkers of Critical Theory of Frankfurt School, called “frankfurtians” of first and second generation of this school, also making an association between Cinema and Education, evidencing concepts involving this association as Cultural Industry, using films properly in classrooms in kindergarten, with the teacher as mediator and then discussed what amounts of movies on children's education, how they assist and deepen the knowledge developed by students in schools of infantile education. Additionally, they are exposed the different opinions about the subject Film and Education for students from kindergarten, what benefits and what disadvantages in the use of films, the different opinions on the subject. We also discuss, in this work, the ideologies present in three films produced by Walt Disney, they are Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Alice in Wonderland, relating them to how they can contribute to the development and learning students in kindergarten. I associated more as possible the previous discussions to analyze the ideologies present in these films, by summarizing these, and decomposing them through an analysis tool called frame. Finally, I completed everything that was discussed and analyzed, which students in kindergarten may develop with the use of films in schools, what they contribute, in some way, for the learning and education of students as viewers using the school as access to different cultures and the teacher as a mediator of this relationship


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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In this action research study of my eighth grade differentiated Algebra students, I investigated the effects of students using self-assessment on their homework. Students in my class were unmotivated and failed test objectives consistently. I wanted students to see that they controlled their learning and could be motivated to succeed. Formative assessment tells students how they need to improve. Learning needs to happen before they can be assessed. Self-assessment is one tool that helps students know if they are learning. A rubric scoring guide, daily documentation sheet and feedback on homework and test correlations were used to help students monitor their learning. Students needed time to develop the skill to self-assess. Students began to understand the relationship between homework and performing well on tests by the end of the action research period. Early in the period, most students encountered difficulty understanding that they controlled their learning and did not think homework was important. By the end of the year, all students said homework was important and that it helped them on quizzes and tests. Motivating students to complete homework is difficult. Teaching them to self-assess and to keep track of their learning helps them stay motivated.