875 resultados para Diversão


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Resumen tomado de la revista


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La asociación Centre Bruxellois d'Action Interculturelle observó la incapacidad del sistema educativo para adecuarse a la diversidad cultural de la sociedad. Para solucionarlo propone la apertura permanente del centro escolar a la comunidad y convertirlo en un centro neurálgico en el que se articulen distintos procesos educativos con miembros de dentro y de fuera de la escuela. Destaca la importancia del director como autoridad de referencia e interfaz entre el colegio y los políticos. Finalmente, reconoce la necesidad de contar con medios económicos y materiales para la puesta en marcha del proyecto.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Estudiar los beneficios que, dentro de un contexto de terapia psicomotriz, puede aportar la estimulación vestibular a la estabilización y mejora de las capacidades motrices y comunicativas de niños con necesidades educativas especiales para acceder al currículum. Planteamiento de hipótesis. 5 alumnos y 1 alumna con edades entre 7 y 13 años de un colegio rural de educación especial, con afectación motriz de grado diverso y divididos en 2 subgrupos: experimental y de comparación. Grupo de control: 3 chicos y 1 chica entre 10 y 13 años, pertenecientes a un colegio público rural. 1.Se evaluan los rendimientos de los sujetos en 3 áreas, mediante las siguientes pruebas: a.Escalas de valoración de la comunicación y el lenguaje, para obtener los perfiles de niveles de comunicación: escala madurativa de comunicación/lenguaje; protocolo de conversación-imitación; prueba para la evaluación del lenguaje. b.Escalas de valoración de la conducta motriz general, aplicables a la obtención de los niveles de rendimiento motor. c.Prueba de las reacciones tónico-posturales antigravitacionales. Se utiliza la prueba de equilibrio sobre un pie, como desencadenante de comportamientos que exteriorizan habilidades de control postural. 2.Realización de un programa de estimulación psicomotriz terapéutica general y uno de estimulación vestibular-propioceptiva. Tablas, porcentajes. La estimulación psicomotora general (EPG) genera en todos los sujetos progresos globales relativos en sus rendimientos motores y comunicativos. La EPG junto a la estimulación vestíbulo-propioceptiva (EVP) genera mejores rendimientos globales relativos en los sujetos del grupo experimental respecto de los del grupo de comparación (quienes sólo recibieron EPG). La EVP asociada a la EPG conlleva un mejor control de las reacciones tónico-posturales antigravitacionales en el grupo experimental respecto del de comparación. En la prueba de equilibrio sobre un pie, tanto en los grupos de muestra como en el grupo de control, los esquemas de patrones posturales obtenidos pueden equipararse a los del esquema de base, surgido de la observación clínica previa. Se requiere una mayor y más completa investigación en este tema a fin de corroborar, o no, los resultados surgidos de los datos de este estudio piloto.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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A presente investigação pretende elaborar um programa de prevenção da transgressão juvenil, direccionado para o consumo de substâncias na adolescência. O programa “Diversão sem Adição” erige como grupo-alvo jovens da freguesia do Socorro, em Lisboa, com idades entre os dez e os quinze anos, que frequentam o espaço Ambijovem. Este programa baseia-se na promoção de competências, que tem sido apontada como uma estratégia eficaz na prevenção do consumo de substâncias. As competências desenvolvidas são: comunicação, assertividade, regulação emocional, auto-controlo, auto-eficácia, resolução de conflitos e tomada de decisão.


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The urban growth of Rio Grande do Norte capital gave his boldest step in the three earlier decades of the twentieth century seeking to catch up with foreign metropolis and also most developed Brazilian cities, for example, Rio de Janeiro. Novelties were such bulky that we can notice the rise of a new city which in many aspects superseded that one considered provincial by local intelligentsia. These urban interferences scratched city ground leaving indelible marks until the present day. The exacerbated growth of the city related to the 1940s, when Natal begins hosting the largest allied military base outside United States in the advent of World War II is important at a time when the city´s population doubled. The emergence of new leisure institutions, amidst already existing ones, continued marking the places as sociabilities and leisure permeated with meanings and representations are revealed. This work sought to know the sociability of Tirol and Petrópolis neighborhoods in Natal, in the period from 1945 to 1960, when the city witnesses the consolidation of a market increasingly focused on leisure and young people start to have a special participation in this process.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Estudar futebol nos proporciona compreender os embates e as construções culturais entre os diferentes sujeitos na sociedade. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar esse mundo no seu processo de passagem de um esporte mais aristocrático para a sua popularização através dos festivais futebolísticos na cidade de Belém do Pará durante os anos de 1905 a 1950. Festivais que foram muito mais do que diversão, pois, englobam uma série de segmentos sociais com sentimentos, paixões, lutas políticas que através dos seus interesses entram em conflitos que muitas vezes podem ser percebidos nos jogos suburbanos, nas suas respectivas festas e nos jogos entre Remo e Paysandú.


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This work aims to approach the Youth Studies to the Geography. It adressesYouth Sociability through the nightlife entertainment context, considering the spatiality and temporality of this phenomenon and its territorialization in urban space. For this, we made a case study of a Leisure Spot - a centrality formed by the cohesion of evening entertainment establishments, which serves as a reference of entertainment to their attenders and also to the residents of the city - located in the Jardim Bongiovani one of the university district of Presidente Prudente - SP. The study sought to reconstruct the historical process of formation and structuring of that spot, and know its current dynamics, based on Participant Observation. Thus, we sought to identify the social actors that were there and their spatial practices, its paths and streams, the reference group identity, and spatial references and territorializations in the Leisure Spot, and also the ways of the youth to gain visibility in this scenario of urban spectacle


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This article intends to cause reflection on the advertisement strategy applied by Fernanda Abreu (FA) in order to understand the song “Disco Club 2 (Melo Radical)” from the album SLA radical dance disco club by FA. The composition seduces the subjects involved in the song process to listen to it somehow. The analysis is based on chronotopy, conception developed by the Bakhtin, Medvedev and Volochinov Circle. The idea carried by the song is a meeting at night at a funk club where FA is with other people. Therefore, the song becomes its own advertisement as a product of consumerism.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the association between milk protein polymorphism and fatty acids profiles of bovine milk. Milk samples were collected from each of 55 Reggiana cows during early, mid and late lactation, respectively, in two farms within the production area of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Identification and quantification of fatty acids were performed by gas chromatography. Milk fatty acid composition using cows of differing κ-casein (κ-Cn) and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) phenotypes was investigated. Statistically significant results regarding the associations between milk fatty acid composition and κ-Cn phenotype were found, in particular, κ-Cn BB seems to influence de novo fatty acid synthesis in the mammary gland. Also κ-Cn AB seems to have the same effect. Proportions of C10:0 (2,29a AA; 2,53b AB; 2,59b BB), C12:0 (2,77a AA; 3,17b AB; 3,20b BB) and C14:0 (9,22a AA; 10,25b AB; 10,27b BB) were higher in the milk from cows with κ-Cn phenotype AB and BB vs κ-Cn phenotype AA (p<0,05). Conversely C18:0 (7,84b AA; 7,20a,b AB; 6,94a BB) and C18:1 (19,19b AA; 16,81a AB; 16,79a BB) were lower in the milk from cows with κ-Cn phenotype AB and BB vs κ-Cn phenotype AA. The association between milk fatty acid composition and β-Lg phenotype was not statistically significant, except for some fatty acids. In particular, C12:0 (3,05a AA; 3,04a AB; 3,33b BB) was higher in the milk from cows with β-Lg phenotype BB vs β-Lg phenotype AA and AB (p<0,05). Concentrations of C18:0 (6,93a AA; 7,86b AB; 6,59a BB) and C18:1 (16,74a,b AA; 18,24b AB; 16,07a BB) were lower in the milk from cows with β-Lg phenotype AA and BB vs β-Lg phenotype AB (p<0,05). Moreover this research, carried out in farms within the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese district, analysed also the size distribution of fat globules in bulk milk of Reggiana and Frisona breed cows. In particular, the size distribution of individual milk fat globules of Reggiana cows with differing κ-Cn phenotypes was considered. From first observations, no statistically significant differences were observed.