1000 resultados para Difracció raigs X


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We report millimetre-wave continuum observations of the X-ray binaries Cygnus X-3, SS 433, LSI+61 303, Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105. The observations were carried out with the IRAM 30 m-antenna at 250 GHz (1.25 mm) from 1998 March 14 to March 20. These millimetre measurements are complemented with centimetre observations from the Ryle Telescope, at 15 GHz (2.0 cm) and from the Green Bank Interferometer at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz (13 and 3.6 cm). Both Cygnus X-3 and SS 433 underwent moderate flaring events during our observations, whose main spectral evolution properties are described and interpreted. A significant spectral steepening was observed in both sources during the flare decay, that is likely to be caused by adiabatic expansion, inverse Compton and synchrotron losses. Finally, we also report 250 GHz upper limits for three additional undetected X-ray binary stars: LSI+65 010, LSI+61 235 and X Per.


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Aims.We revisit the vicinity of the microquasar Cygnus X-3 at radio wavelengths. We aim to improve our previous search for possible associated extended radio features/hot spots in the position angle of the Cygnus X-3 relativistic jets focusing on shorter angular scales than previously explored. Methods.Our work is mostly based on analyzing modern survey and archive radio data, mainly including observations carried out with the Very Large Array and the Ryle Telescopes. We also used deep near-infrared images that we obtained in 2005. Results.We present new radio maps of the Cygnus X-3 field computed after combining multi-configuration Very Large Array archive data at 6 cm and different observing runs at 2 cm with the Ryle Telescope. These are probably among the deepest radio images of Cygnus X-3 reported to date at cm wavelengths. Both interferometers reveal an extended radio feature within a few arc-minutes of the microquasar position, thus making our detection more credible. Moreover, this extended emission is possibly non-thermal, although this point still needs confirmation. Its physical connection with the microquasar is tentatively considered under different physical scenarios. We also report on the serendipitous discovery of a likely Fanaroff-Riley type II radio galaxy only away from Cygnus X-3.


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We present the results of a deep search for associated radio features in the vicinity of the microquasar Cygnus X-3. The motivation behind is to find out evidence for interaction between its relativistic jets and the surrounding interstellar medium, which could eventually allow us to perform calorimetry of the total energy released by this microquasar during its flaring lifetime. Remarkably, two radio sources with mJy emission level at centimeter wavelengths have been detected in excellent alignment with the position angle of the inner radio jets. We propose that these objects could be the hot spots where the relativitic outflow collides with the ambient gas in analogy with Fanaroff-Riley II radio galaxies. These candidate hot spots are within a few arc-minutes of Cygnus X-3 and, if physically related, the full linear extent of the jet would reach tens of parsecs. We discuss here the evidence currently available to support this hypothesis based on both archival data and our own observations.


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Mediante difracción de rayos X se valora cuantitativamente el fluoruro cálcico remanente en la reacción al estado sólido con hidroxiapatito, para formar fluorapatito, a distintos tiempos y temperaturas de tratamiento térmico. Se observa que tanto el aumento de temperatura como el tiempo de calefacción hacen descender el porcentaje de fluoruro cálcico libre, que por otra parte siempre está presente, por cuanto la reacción no es total.


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En el presente trabajo se hace una revision bibliografica de los distintos métodos de identificación de Caolinita y Clorita en mezclas naturales y artificiales, valorando la distinta problematica que presentan cada uno de ellos, y aplicandolos a muestras patrones y mezclas naturales que presentan esta problematica a fin de obtener una mejor valoraci6n de los distintos métodos expuestos.


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Se desarrolla en este trabajo un sistema de calculo para la determinación de estructuras cristalinas por difracción de rayos-X. Las caracteristicas de este sistema son: Incorporar los métodos y las técnicas más recientes. Obtener la máxima velocidad de ejecución posible. Obtener la total automatización del proceso. Y conseguir la mínima ocupacion de memoria posible.


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En el presente trabajo se estudia la síntesis de la reacción en el estado sólido entre el Pbs(PO4)a y el PbCla y la influencia de la temperatura sobre dicha reacción. La fase sintetizada, sometiendo la mezcla a diferentes tiempos de calefacción y a diversos intervalos de temperaturas, ha sido estudiada mediante difracción de rayos X.


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X-ray diffraction analyses of the pure components n-tricosane and n-pentacosane and of their binary mixed samples have enabled us to characterize the crystalline phases observed at low temperature. On the contrary to what was announced in literature on the structural behavior of mixed samples in odd-odd binary systems with D n = 2, the three domains are not all orthorhombic. This work has enabled us to show that two of the domains are, in fact, monoclinic, (Aa, Z = 4) and the other one is orthorhombic (Pca21, Z = 4). The conclusions drawn in this work can be easily transposed to other binary systems of n-alkanes.


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We perform a structural and optical characterization of InAs1¿xNx epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on InAs substrates x 2.2% . High-resolution x-ray diffraction HRXRD is used to obtain information about the crystal quality and the strain state of the samples and to determine the N content of the films. The composition of two of the samples investigated is also obtained with time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy ToF-SIMS measurements. The combined analysis of the HRXRD and ToF-SIMS data suggests that the lattice parameter of InAsN might significantly deviate from Vegard"s law. Raman scattering and far-infrared reflectivity measurements have been carried out to investigate the incorporation of N into the InAsN alloy. N-related local vibrational modes are detected in the samples with higher N content. The origin of the observed features is discussed. We study the compositional dependence of the room-temperature band gap energy of the InAsN alloy. For this purpose, photoluminescence and optical absorption measurements are presented. The results are analyzed in terms of the band-anticrossing BAC model. We find that the room-temperature coupling parameter for InAsN within the BAC model is CNM=2.0 0.1 eV.


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Epitaxial films of the biferroic YMnO3 (YMO) oxide have been grown on platinum-coated SrTiO3(1 1 1) and Al2O3(0 0 0 1) substrates. The platinum electrodes, (1 1 1) oriented, are templates for the epitaxy of the hexagonal phase of YMO with a (0 0 0 1) out-of-plane orientation, which is of interest as this is the polarization direction of YMO. X-ray diffractometry indicates the presence of two crystal domains, 60° rotated in-plane, in the Pt(1 1 1) layers which subsequently are transferred on the upperlaying YMO. Cross-section analysis by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) of YMnO3/Pt/SrTiO3(1 1 1) shows high-quality epitaxy and sharp interfaces across the structure in the observed region. We present a detailed study of the epitaxial growth of the hexagonal YMO on the electrodes.


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We report on the magneto-optical measurements of an epitaxial SrRuO3 film grown on SrTiO3 (0 0 1), which previously was determined to be single domain orientated by x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy techniques. Our experiments reveal a large Kerr rotation, which reaches a maximum value of about 0.5° at low temperature. By measuring magnetic hysteresis loops at different temperatures, we determined the temperature dependence of the Kerr rotation in the polar configuration. Values of the anisotropic magnetoresistance ~ 20% have been measured. These values are remarkably higher than those of other metallic oxides such as manganites. This striking difference can be attributed to the strong spin-orbit interaction of the Ru 4d ion in the SrRuO3 compound.