857 resultados para Desenvolvimento humano sustentável


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a relação entre a área de pesquisa em psicologia do desenvolvimento aplicada à adolescência e o campo de atendimento psicoterapêutico com adolescentes. Realizou-se, para essa investigação: uma revisão da literatura que ressalta a importância da consideração de fatores do desenvolvimento para a prática clínica; e entrevistas com 15 psicoterapeutas (psicólogos e psiquiatras), de diferentes abordagens que descrevem a prática corrente. As entrevistas foram analisadas em três etapas sucessivas: descrição qualitativa (tematização), análise indutiva (identificação de temas críticos) e análise crítica (confronto dos temas críticos com a literatura). Os resultados indicaram que os clínicos não utilizam dados de pesquisa na sua prática, e que a atualização de conhecimentos sobre a adolescência ocorre de forma desordenada, no contato direto com os pacientes. Como conseqüência, esses terapeutas demonstram dificuldades para avaliar resultados das intervenções. Essas dificuldades caracterizam o campo psicoterapêutico em um momento de transição, no qual os profissionais tendem a afastar-se das teorias e privilegiar a prática.


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As recentes transformações no mundo geraram, para a atualidade, uma exigência peculiar quanto à capacitação dos trabalhadores, estabelecendo padrões inéditos de qualificação, devido à competição mais acirrada por causa da abertura dos mercados, do processo irreversível de globalização, e, sobretudo, a crescente utilização de novas tecnologias que se tomaram cada vez mais corriqueiras na sociedade contemporânea. A preocupação com a necessidade de formar trabalhadores hábeis para enfrentar os desafios que essa nova conjuntura impõe é compartilhada pelos governos de diversas nações que se empenham em reformular as diretrizes básicas para a educação visando, além do emprego, o desenvolvimento humano sustentável. Este estudo investigou um dos obstáculos ao progresso de micro e pequenas empresas e sua influência no desenvolvimento organizacional: a qualificação da mão-de-obra. Tema multifacetado envolvendo diversas instâncias: governos, empresas e, inclusive, o próprio trabalhador com suas dificuldades de formação num mundo em constante transformação. Este trabalho, ainda que se refira a ações governamentais, e, a outros aspectos mais gerais, privilegia a dificuldade própria do gerente, e sua perspectiva, que, para atender as demandas de serviço, não encontra mão de obra qualificada disponível. O referencial teórico utilizado foi o dos autores que adotam os paradigmas do pósfordismo e do pós-modernismo, aliado à pesquisa bibliográfica, para conceituar as habilidades exigidas dos trabalhadores pelas organizações e as ações dos governos visando o emprego. Além disso, foram feitas entrevistas com gestores de mão-de-obra e empresários de micro e pequenas empresas instaladoras de infra-estrutura para o setor elétrico e de telecomunicações, que prestam serviços nas regiões Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul do Brasil. A pesquisa concluiu que, no setor estudado, não há desemprego ou excesso de mão de obra, mas despreparo, ausência de mão de obra qualificada para ocupação de vagas disponíveis. O despreparo é detectado em habilidades básicas como leitura e escrita, o que impede tanto a especialização do trabalhador e seu aprimoramento, quanto o desenvolvimento sustentável da pequena e da micro empresa no Brasil. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram que a qualificação básica da mão de obra é um obstáculo ao desenvolvimento que vai além do âmbito da organização empresarial.


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The theme of this dissertation is the collegiate management in the cashew cultivation s productive chain by the reading of the Managerial Committee s role in accordance with Sustainable Regional Development. The research had as aim to reveal the way as Managerial Committee s members of cashew cultivation s productive chain interpret the economic, social and environmental dimensions to the sustainability of entrepreneurships, using as interpretative base Sachs (2004) theoretical model. The theoretical reference is based in precepts of Solidarity Economy as a strategy to the Sustainable Regional Development. To reach this aim was done a case study, based in analysis of contents and semi-structured interviews with the solidarities economic entrepreneurships that integrate the Committee and with the group of Entities of Support and Fomentation responsible for formulating and conducting actions in favour of development of the chain. The research permitted to conclude that the economic, mainly, and social dimension, secondly, to super-impose the environmental dimension. The actions in favour of the chain are yet restricted and with low effectiveness when interpreted, in an integrated way, by a side, by the informers of this research and, by another side, in accordance with precepts of sustainable development


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This paper presents a critical rescue of the term youth, while simultaneously is presented as the lifetime of between 15 and 24 years. Rescue two features in the literature. The first considers youth as a transition period and the second phase work that from a predisposition to rebellion. Discusses the design plural of that term, youth recital to this social and historical aspects of different societies to which it relates and highlights the importance of realizing the diversity of it. Where the object of investigation, the Young Agent Program, the overall objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions of the Young Agent Program for Human Development in Natal-RN. Specifically aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Young Agent Program: a) as an enhancer of the integration of young people in social spaces of family, school and community, b) as to (re) insertion and the incorporation of issues related to health in adolescence, and c ) regarding the work of young people as multipliers of the actions of the program. With regard to the methodological procedures presents a review of the literature on youth, and the categories of human development, leadership and evaluation of youth policies for the construction of theoretical and analytical approach, using documentary data collection in the Municipal Labor and Social Services - SEMT on the Young Agent Program, and interviews with actors involved in the program. Finally, evaluates the effectiveness of the Young Agent Program from the perspective of participants


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A great discussion of this work refers to development that is related to the common census of economic growth, in addition, another component of this discussion is related to socio-cultural and environmental impacts of this conception of progress. Giving economic progress is not necessary, since the development in its fullness, that progress depends, but what is sought is a harmony between capital accumulation and environmental limits and social interactions between men and between them and nature. The presence or absence of this harmonious relationship can be observed in various industrial activities, more punctual can cite the example of the developed ceramic activity in the meso-Valley-Acu in Rio Grande do Norte where such activity has great economic representativeness for the region, but that does not have good relations with social and environmental issues and is more focused on the accumulation of capital by increasing its level of industrial activity. Given this debate, the present paper aims to present the profile of a ceramic tile Valley-of-Acu and impacts, ecosocioambientais generated as a result of this activity as well. Methodologically the research will be conducted through literature research papers in books and other work carried out on the same theme, the second time will be held the empirical part of the research through interviews with managers of industries (selected through sample with the criteria set later ) as well as with employees working on the factory floor and city managers in the region under analysis and other agencies responsible for regulation and control of activity potter in the state


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To mesure the human performance is a challenge, mainly due to the multidimensional factor movement. Instruments, mostly only assess one dimension of it. Objective: To develop a prototype capable of measuring the skills of human performance and check its validity using method comparison approach. Methods: The study was divided into two stages. The first Prototype was developed and tested simultaneously with an instrument to study the Rectilinear Uniform Motion and Uniformly Miscellaneous. In the second phase the sample consisted of Paralympic basketball athletes (n=09) and karate athletes (n=31) and all agreed to the terms of participation in the research. The evaluation of performance measures was performed with the prototype, the results obtained were compared with the data calculated by a statistical package is used as a reference. Results: All variables calculated by the prototype showed no significant differences when compared with the results calculated by the reference instrument and statistical package. Conclusion: The prototype has been developed and the results obtained in laboratory and field indicate that the prototype can be used for measuring human performance measures, with immediate results without the need for a conventional computer return, provided they fulfill the criteria described


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The article aimed to understand the concept of leisure and understanding that older people have about their benefits to the quality of life as part of the idleness of the population. We used a sample of subjects living in the city of Bauru, SP, aged less than fifty years, of both sexes and economically disadvantaged class. It was used in literature, documentary and field. We developed an intervention project that aimed to education for leisure. It was the conclusion that public policies are necessary and qualified professionals for construction projects and equipment to expand the Recreation, spreading it and reaching the people of old age since previous stages of life. Materials with simple and low cost, the project of intervention, it reached the recreation-education and education for leisure satisfactorily.


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Brazil s semi-arid region is an immense territory characterized by a mosaic of natural environments and human settlements. Inside this multifaceted framework, there are problems that are specific to the region (the water resources situation, for example) while others are more universal (such as the inequality between men and women). The circumstances that give rise to these problems are complex and require a holistic view so that our understanding can go beyond the simple concept that this is a problem region . The semi-arid must be perceived as a viable area in need of a new analysis, taking into account its successes, limitations, challenges and the strategic public policy framework that guarantees its sustainable development. The dissertation analyzes, from a sustainable local development perspective, the experience of the Northeastern Brazil Groundwater Project (PROASNE), carried out from 2001 to 2003, in partnership with the Waters and Sewers Company of Rio Grande do Norte (CAERN) in the rural community of Mirandas, municipality of Caraúbas/RN, situated in the middle of the northeastern Brazil semi-arid region


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To investigate the possibilities and limits of mechanisms of participativa management in the scope of the Pronaf - National Program of Fortalecimento of Familiar Agriculture, and the corresponding effectiveness of its actions in the construction of alternatives of sustainable agricultural development in the Coast North of the State of the Great River of the North, more specifically, in the composed Subzona de Touros for the cities of Bulls, White Well, Pureness, Is Miguel of the Gostoso and Taipu. To carry through this analysis they had been carried through Research of Field with the objective to reconstitute the trajectory of the CMDRS, to trace the profile of the citizens that compose each one of the five advice, its expectations, interests and the level of participation of the local population


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Estudar e analisar as relações entre corpo, desenvolvimento humano e tecnologias é objetivo deste trabalho. O avanço das tecnologias e as relações humanas sofrem mudanças nas sociedades atuais e estas alterações podem ser percebidas em todos os ambientes. Verifica-se que o ambiente escolar e a educação física escolar passa por transformações tecnológicas e seus professores tentam realizar ações que validem seus princípios. O estudo usa o MSN para coletar os dados aqui analisados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)