781 resultados para DEMOCRACIA - MALAWI - 1994-2007


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The objective of this research was to develop a model to estimate future freeway pavement construction costs in Henan Province, China. A comprehensive set of factors contributing to the cost of freeway pavement construction were included in the model formulation. These factors comprehensively reflect the characteristics of region and topography and altitude variation, the cost of labour, material, and equipment, and time-related variables such as index numbers of labour prices, material prices and equipment prices. An Artificial Neural Network model using the Back-Propagation learning algorithm was developed to estimate the cost of freeway pavement construction. A total of 88 valid freeway cases were obtained from freeway construction projects let by the Henan Transportation Department during the period 1994−2007. Data from a random selection of 81 freeway cases were used to train the Neural Network model and the remaining data were used to test the performance of the Neural Network model. The tested model was used to predict freeway pavement construction costs in 2010 based on predictions of input values. In addition, this paper provides a suggested correction for the prediction of the value for the future freeway pavement construction costs. Since the change in future freeway pavement construction cost is affected by many factors, the predictions obtained by the proposed method, and therefore the model, will need to be tested once actual data are obtained.


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In Finland, barley, Hordeum vulgare L., covers 50 % of the total acreage devoted to cereal cultivation. The most common disease of barley in Finland is net blotch, a foliar disease caused by the ascomycete Pyrenophora teres Drechsler. Disease resistance based on plant genes is an environmentally friendly and economical way to manage plant diseases caused by biotic stresses. Development of a disease resistance breeding programme is dependent on knowledge of the pathogen. In addition to information on the epidemiology and virulence of a pathogen, knowledge on how the pathogen evolves and the nature of the risks that might arise in the future are essential issues that need to be taken into account to achieve the final breeding aims. The main objectives of this study were to establish reliable and efficient testing methods for Pyrenophora teres f. teres virulence screening, and to understand the role of virulence of P. teres f. teres in Finland from a disease resistance breeding point of view. The virulence of P. teres was studied by testing 239 Finnish P. teres f. teres isolates collected between 1994 2007 originating from 19 locations, and 200 P. teres progeny isolates originating from artificially produced P. teres matings. According to the results of this study, screening for P. teres f. teres isolates on barley seedlings under greenhouse conditions is a feasible and cost efficient method to describe the virulence spectrum of the pathogen. Inoculum concentration and the seedling leaf used to gauge virulence had significant effects. Barley grain size, morphological traits of P. teres isolates, spore production and growth rate on agar did not affect the expression of virulence. A common barley differential set to characterize the P. teres virulence was developed and is recommended to be used globally. The virulence spectrum of Finnish P. teres f. teres isolates collected in 1994-2007 was constant both within and between the years. The results indicated differences in the pathogen s aggressiveness and in barley genotypes resistance. However, differences in virulence were rarely significant. Unlike in laboratory conditions, no indications of changes in virulence caused by the sexual reproduction have been observed in Finnish barley fields. In Finland, durable net blotch resistance has been achieved by introducing resistance from other barley varieties using traditional crossing methods, including wide crossing, and testing the breeding material at early generations at several sites under natural infection pressure. Novel resistance is available, which is recommended to minimize the risk of selection of virulent isolates and breakdown of currently deployed resistance.


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Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of disability worldwide. Of all strokes, up to 80% to 85% are ischemic, and of these, less than 10% occur in young individuals. Stroke in young adults—most often defined as stroke occurring under the age of 45 or 50—can be particularly devastating due to long expected life-span ahead and marked socio-economic consequences. Current basic knowledge on ischemic stroke in this age group originates mostly from rather small and imprecise patient series. Regarding emergency treatment, systematic data on use of intravenous thrombolysis are absent. For this Thesis project, we collected detailed clinical and radiological data on all consecutive patients aged 15 to 49 with first-ever ischemic stroke between 1994 and 2007 treated at the Helsinki University Central Hospital. The aims of the study were to define demographic characteristics, risk factors, imaging features, etiology, and long-term mortality and its predictors in this patient population. We additionally sought to investigate, whether intravenous thrombolysis is safe and beneficial for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke in the young. Of our 1008 patients, most were males (ratio 1.7:1), who clearly outnumbered females after the age of 44, but females were preponderant among those aged <30. Occurrence increased exponentially. The most frequent risk factors were dyslipidemia (60%), smoking (44%), and hypertension (39%). Risk factors accumulated in males and along aging. Cardioembolism (20%) and cervicocerebral artery dissection (15%) were the most frequent etiologic subgroups, followed by small-vessel disease (14%), and large-artery atherosclerosis (8%). A total of 33% had undetermined etiology. Left hemisphere strokes were more common in general. Posterior circulation infarcts were more common among those aged <45. Multiple brain infarcts were present in 23% of our patients, 13% had silent infarcts, and 5% had leukoaraiosis. Of those with silent brain infarcts, majority (54%) had only a single lesion, and most of the silent strokes were located in basal ganglia (39%) and subcortical regions (21%). In a logistic regression analysis, type 1 diabetes mellitus in particular predicted the presence of both silent brain infarcts (odds ratio 5.78, 95% confidence interval 2.37-14.10) and leukoaraiosis (9.75; 3.39-28.04). We identified 48 young patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke treated with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator, alteplase. For comparisons, we searched 96 untreated control patients matched by age, gender, and admission stroke severity, as well as 96 alteplase-treated older controls aged 50 to 79 matched by gender and stroke severity. Alteplase-treated young patients recovered more often completely (27% versus 10%, P=0.010) or had only mild residual symptoms (40% versus 22%, P=0.025) compared to age-matched controls. None of the alteplase-treated young patients had symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage or died within 3-month follow-up. Overall long-term mortality was low in our patient population. Cumulative mortality risks were 2.7% (95% confidence interval 1.5-3.9%) at 1 month, 4.7% (3.1-6.3%) at 1 year, and 10.7% (9.9-11.5%) at 5 years. Among the 30-day survivors who died during the 5-year follow-up, more than half died due to vascular causes. Malignancy, heart failure, heavy drinking, preceding infection, type 1 diabetes, increasing age, and large-artery atherosclerosis causing the index stroke independently predicted 5-year mortality when adjusted for age, gender, relevant risk factors, stroke severity, and etiologic subtype. In sum, young adults with ischemic stroke have distinct demographic patterns and they frequently harbor traditional vascular risk factors. Etiology in the young is extremely diverse, but in as many as one-third the exact cause remains unknown. Silent brain infarcts and leukoaraiosis are not uncommon brain imaging findings in these patients and should not be overlooked due to their potential prognostic relevance. Outcomes in young adults with hemispheric ischemic stroke can safely be improved with intravenous thrombolysis. Furthermore, despite their overall low risk of death after ischemic stroke, several easily recognizable factors—of which most are modifiable—predict higher mortality in the long term in young adults.


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The purpose of this study was to identify trends in the diagnosis of carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the breast in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and to examine the impact of mammography. Data on cases of newly diagnosed CIS of the breast and mode of detection (screen detected or not) were obtained, where available, from regional cancer registries between 1990 and 2007. Age-standardised diagnosis rates for the UK and the ROI, and regional screen detected diagnosis rates were compared by calculating the annual percentage change (APC) over time. The APC of the diagnosis rate amongst women aged 50-64 years (original screening age group) showed a significant 5.9% increase in the UK (1990-2007) and 11.5% increase in the ROI (1994-2007). The rate of diagnosis (50-64 years) stabilized in the UK between 2005 and 2007 and was substantially higher than in other western populations with national screening programmes. The APC of the diagnosis rate amongst those aged 65-69 years showed a significant 12.4% increase in the UK (1990-2007) and 10.3% increase in the ROI (1994-2007). amongst women aged 50-74 years in the UK, approximately 4,300 cases of CIS (˜90% ductal carcinoma in situ) were diagnosed in 2007. Our analyses have shown that screen detected CIS contributed primarily to the increase in diagnosis of CIS of the breast. The high diagnosis rate of screen detected CIS of the breast underlines the need for further research into lesion and patient characteristics that are related to progression of CIS to invasive disease to better target treatment. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Este proyecto parte de la necesidad de tener un libro con lenguaje signado fácil de interpretar por el niño sordo y sus compañeros en el aula. En el mismo se pretende facilitar el acceso del niño/a normoyente y sordo al lenguaje oral signado, así como al currículo ordinario por parte del alumnado con déficit auditivo; también el profesorado puede acceder a este material como guía did ctica en su práctica docente diaria. Para la elaboración de este trabajo se parte de las características del niño/a con déficit auditivo y de sus necesidades educativas.


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Unidad didáctica en la que teniendo como eje temático los dulces, se desarrollaron diversas actividades: visita a una dulcería, asistencia de un médico, elaboración de dulces, creación de una tienda, etc. Los objetivos didácticos que se persiguen con el trabajo son: conocer los dulces que se consumen distinguiendo sus ingredientes, instrumentos y tareas a realizar para su elaboración y las personas que los hacen, manejar los productos y utensilios para que los alumnos elaboren sus propios dulces, cuidando y apreciando los hábitos de higiene y salud, tomar conciencia de lo perjudicial que resulta para la salud el abuso de dulces en la dieta y valorar las tradiciones y costumbres en la elaboración de dulces así como el trabajo y esfuerzo de las personas que se dedican a esta actividad alimentaria.


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Se hace un repaso de las prácticas educativas poniendo de manifiesto las aportaciones sucesivas de formaciones sociales muy diversas. La modelización de la función educativa que se propone define el ámbito de la Educación y el oficio de educador. Las necesidades de la educación dependen, total o parcialmente, del estado de derecho en general y, en especial, de las garantías que se ofrezcan a las libertades públicas en una formación social determinada.


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Se exponen los dos principales propósitos a cuyo servicio deben estar los enseñantes: el primero se encuentra entre los objetivos de casi toda educación, consiste en configurar al joven de modo que pueda encajar en alguna función y rol social que requiera reclutamiento; el segundo, se deriva de la cultura dieciochesca de la Ilustración, cuyo propósito es enseñar a los jóvenes cómo pensar por sí mismos, cómo adquirir independencia de criterio y cómo ser ilustrados. Estos dos propósitos se pueden combinar para que un sistema educativo determinado forme a los jóvenes y consigan una cultura general que los capacita para pensar por sí mismos.


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Se muestra en qué medida la Reforma Educativa que se plasma en la LOGSE favorece los procesos de transición profesional a los jóvenes no universitarios. Se aporta una valoración sobre las posibilidades de la Reforma a este respecto que se apoya en el análisis de la realidad educativa. Y, a partir de este análisis de los problemas y de las potencialidades que encierra la Reforma, se trata de ver hasta qué punto se pueden abordar esos problemas y favorecer el desarrollo de esas potencialidades, a través de una mayor conexión entre el contexto educativo y el medio laboral.


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Se aborda el problema del paro juvenil desde diversos puntos de vista, y las soluciones que se proponen para solucionarlo. Se trata el valor del trabajo, el nuevo sentido del trabajo, de manera que es un factor a tener en cuenta en la socialización laboral de los jóvenes. El significado del trabajo se define conceptualmente en términos de cuatro dominios: centralidad del trabajo como un rol vital; normas sociales sobre el trabajo; resultados laborales valorados; e importancia de las metas laborales.


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Se presentan los principales resultados obtenidos de una serie de estudios realizados sobre los titulados de diferentes centros universitarios de Cataluña. El objetivo de estas investigaciones es conocer el proceso de inserción profesional de los titulados y tituladas de diferentes carreras universitarias tres años después de conseguir la graduación, y obtener un conjunto de valoraciones generales y relativas a diferentes aspectos de la formación que han recibido en la Universidad.


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Se presenta una investigación cuyo tema central es el estudio del impacto del programa Escuelas-Taller en el territorio histórico de Guipúzcoa. La primera parte se plantea como un análisis del impacto del programa, en base a los agentes sociales internos: trabajadores, monitores y directores de los centros que funcionan en Guipúzcoa en el curso 1989-1990. En la segunda parte, se realiza un estudio de carácter cualitativo a partir de muestras de los diversos agentes sociales externos que dan cobertura social, laboral y financiera a dichos programas: padres, técnicos de entidades de tipo municipal, responsables políticos, empresarios y representantes de los organismos sindicales.


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Se presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo consiste en identificar y describir los principales patrones del significado del trabajo que tienen los jóvenes, antes y después de que alcancen la primera oportunidad legal para incorporarse al mundo del trabajo. Además, se pretende determinar la validez de los patrones y la potencia discriminativa de las variables estudiadas para predecir los patrones de cada sujeto. Y, por último, se intenta determinar si existen diferencias significativas en función del sexo, la especialidad académica y la situación ocupacional en la distribución de los sujetos de la muestra.


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Se presenta una investigación centrada en el análisis de la inserción a la vida activa y los problemas metodológicos concernientes a su medición y tratamiento. Se intenta mostrar algunos rasgos básicos del marco conceptual sobre el que se elabora y parte de las conclusiones obtenidas. Se exponen los mecanismos que intervienen en los procesos de inserción a la vida activa, para explicar las interrelaciones entre formación y empleo. Y se profundiza en cómo se articula el modelo de inserción y las estrategias personales de los sujetos implicados a la hora de su inclusión en la vida laboral.