1000 resultados para Convergencia curricular


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Explorar la posibilidad de acceder al pensamiento pedagógico del profesor, a sus teorías implícitas sobre aspectos metodológicos de la enseñanza en general, y de las ciencias en particular, a través de estímulos (imágenes) de tipo proyectivo que representan situaciones de aula. Bosquejar un modelo de diagnóstico del pensamiento del profesorado que permita el diseño de actividades de formación, coherente con sus necesidades. Explorar algunos pormenores sobre una dinámica metodológica que permita utilizar estímulos proyectivos como recursos que faciliten una intervención didáctica coherente con el modelo constructivista de enseñanza-aprendizaje: exploración de preconceptos, reflexión personal, discusión e intercambios grupales. Primera aplicación; 79 sujetos (profesores de ciencias de secundaria en activo, que participaban en actividades de formación permanente del profesorado en el CEP de León, alumnos del CAP y estudiantes del tercer año de la diplomatura en profesorado de EGB (especialidad de ciencias), durante el curso 1990-91). Segunda aplicación; 44 sujetos (dos colectivos de profesores de ciencias, que se encontraban al final de cursos de actualización científico-didáctica del área, durante el curso 1991-92).. Aplican técnicas de tipo proyectivo (representaciones gráficas), referidas a situaciones generales y concretas de la enseñanza-aprendizaje. Las representaciones gráficas utilizadas son 'comics' o viñetas, originales de F. Tonucci (fratos) a través de las cuales se proyectan las teorías implícitas, las percepciones y las creencias, que fundamentan el pensamiento docente. Han seguido los siguientes pasos: 1. Seleccionar una serie de 'comics' relacionados con la detección de preconceptos, la rigidez de la programación, el planteamiento de las prácticas de laboratorio, etc. 2. Aplicar las viñetas a diferentes colectivos de profesores. 3. Analizar las respuestas obtenidas en las diferentes aplicaciones procurando hacer una categorización y clasificación de las mismas. 4. Interpretar los resultados cualitativamente. 5. Ensayar la utilización, y probar la bondad didáctica, de los estímulos proyectivos como recursos idóneos para una enseñanza constructivista. 6 imágenes (comics), originales de Francesco Tonucci (fratos). Porcentajes. 1. Las técnicas de tipo proyectivo en las que se representan gráficamente situaciones concretas del aula, producen ricas proyecciones del pensamiento docente, aunque no todas poseen el mismo poder evocador. En general, las viñetas de F. Tonucci (fratos) reunen condiciones para utilizarlas en la exploración de las teorías implícitas del profesorado. 2. Para configurar un instrumento de tipo proyectivo que sirva de diagnóstico del pensamiento docente en general, y de las necesidades de formación en particular, es necesario tener presente su potencial evocador. 3. Se aprecian diferencias significativas en las teorías implícitas de los profesores analizados. 4. Los datos recogidos en las diferentes aplicaciones colectivas, precisan de comentarios adicionales. Lo que lleva a defender la conveniencia de realizar la toma de datos en situación de 'aplicación individualizada' con entrevista posterior. 5. El diagnóstico de las necesidades de formación del profesorado requiere la convergencia de diferentes técnicas. 6. Los estímulos gráficos facilitan el desarrollo de una metodología constructivista en actividades de formación del profesorado.


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Se realiza una investigaci??n y se adaptan los estudios de Antropolog??a de las universidades espa??olas, al proceso de convergencia europea. Se constituye un grupo permanente de trabajo formado por 18 profesores y catedr??ticos cuya funci??n es la de suministrar informaci??n y participar en discusiones y reuniones en distintos ??mbitos acad??micos. Se pone en marcha el proyecto y se crea una plataforma de observaci??n, seguimiento y participaci??n en el proceso de convergencia europea de los estudios superiores en el ??mbito de la Antropolog??a Social. En las reuniones, se pone de manifiesto la problem??tica espec??fica de los estudios de Antropolog??a en el marco del nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educaci??n Superior, prestando mayor atenci??n a la modificaci??n de la estructura curricular, a los planes de estudios y la reorganizaci??n de las competencias profesionales. Se genera material y documentaci??n ??til tanto para los profesores como para el personal acad??mico y los alumnos interesados en el Grado de Antropolog??a.


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Universidad de la Convergencia. El reto de la formación del profesorado en el contexto de la convergencia europea'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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This study investigates a way to systematically integrate information literacy (IL) into an undergraduate academic programme and develops a model for integrating information literacy across higher education curricula. Curricular integration of information literacy in this study means weaving information literacy into an academic curriculum. In the associated literature, it is also referred to as the information literacy embedding approach or the intra-curricular approach. The key findings identified from this study are presented in 4 categories: the characteristics of IL integration; the key stakeholders in IL integration; IL curricular design strategies; and the process of IL curricular integration. Three key characteristics of the curricular integration of IL are identified: collaboration and negotiation, contextualisation and ongoing interaction with information. The key stakeholders in the curricular integration of IL are recognised as the librarians, the course coordinators and lecturers, the heads of faculties or departments, and the students. Some strategies for IL curricular design include: the use of IL policies and standards in IL curricular design; the combination of face to face and online teaching as an emerging trend; the use of IL assessment tools which play an important role in IL integration. IL can be integrated into the intended curriculum (what an institution expects its students to learn), the offered curriculum (what the teachers teach) and the received curriculum (what students actually learn). IL integration is a process of negotiation, collaboration and the implementation of the intended curriculum. IL can be integrated at different levels of curricula such as: institutional, faculty, departmental, course and class curriculum levels. Based on these key findings, an IL curricular integration model is developed. The model integrates curriculum, pedagogy and learning theories, IL theories, IL guidelines and the collaboration of multiple partners. The model provides a practical approach to integrating IL into multiple courses across an academic degree. The development of the model was based on the IL integration experiences of various disciplines in three universities and the implementation experience of an engineering programme at another university; thus it may be of interest to other disciplines. The model has the potential to enhance IL teaching and learning, curricular development and to implement graduate attributes in higher education. Sociocultural theories are applied to the research process and IL curricular design of this study. Sociocultural theories describe learning as being embedded within social events and occurring as learners interact with other people, objects, and events in a collaborative environment. Sociocultural theories are applied to explore how academic staff and librarians experience the curricular integration of IL; they also support collaboration in the curricular integration of IL and the development of an IL integration model. This study consists of two phases. Phase I (2007) was the interview phase where both academic staff and librarians at three IL active universities were interviewed. During this phase, attention was paid specifically to the practical process of curricular integration of IL and IL activity design. Phase II, the development phase (2007-2008), was conducted at a fourth university. This phase explores the systematic integration of IL into an engineering degree from Year 1 to Year 4. Learning theories such as sociocultural theories, Bloom’s Taxonomy and IL theories are used in IL curricular development. Based on the findings from both phases, an IL integration model was developed. The findings and the model contribute to IL education, research and curricular development in higher education. The sociocultural approach adopted in this study also extends the application of sociocultural theories to the IL integration process and curricular design in higher education.


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In 2008, extra-curricular career development programs developed for psychology undergraduates at the Queensland University of Technology were incorporated into the formal curriculum. While a whole of course approach has been adopted, this session will explore the impact of a new introductory unit, Psychology in Professional Contexts, which adopts a constructivist approach to student career exploration. First-year students are introduced to key theories, models, and processes of career development, and the diversity of contexts in which their psychological knowledge can be applied, while developing and highlighting the value of important generic abilities such as critical thinking, team communication, critical reflection, and information literacy. Materials are drawn from the media, guest speakers’ professional profiles, the students’ own experiences, and traditional and emerging areas of psychology. Assessment and learning activities involve case analysis, problem-based learning, and discussion-based classes. The content of these professional development classes is also aligned with that of the core discipline units studied concurrently, to encourage the transfer of career development skills and knowledge across the psychology curriculum. This presentation will focus on 4 years of curriculum development in Psychology in Professional Contexts, and discuss changes initiated in 2011 which incorporate interactive online environments and extend the role of problem-based learning.


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Many education systems are experiencing a re-scaling and consolidation of governance through rolling national agendas of standardisation and centralisation. This paper considers the case of Australia as it moves towards implementing its first national curriculum, to explore how teacher educators plan to retain pedagogical space for debate, diversity and contestation of such systemic curricular reform. This paper reports on an interview study conducted with nine teacher educators across the four curriculum areas included in the first wave of the Australian Curriculum: English, Science, Mathematics and History. The analysis reveals how teacher educators reported professional dilemmas around curricular design, and planned to resolve such dilemmas between the anticipated changes and their preferences for what might have been. While different curricular areas displayed different patterns of professional dilemma, the teacher educators are shown to construe their role as one of active curriculum mediators, who, in recontextualising curricular reforms, will use the opportunity to reinsert both residualised and emergent alternatives in their students’ professional value sets. The study also identifies a new set of dilemmas emerging around the politicisation and standardisation of curriculum, and its impact on the teaching profession and teacher educators.


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School level strategy enabled by neoliberal choice policies can produce internal curricular markets whereby branded curricula such as the International Baccalaureate are offered alongside the local government curriculum in the same school. This project investigated how such curricular markets operating in Australian schools impacted on teachers’ work. This paper reports on teachers work in three case study schools that offered both the International Baccalaureate Diploma program and the local senior schooling curriculum, then draws on an online survey of 225 teachers in 26 such schools across Australia. The analysis reveals the impact of curricular markets along two dimensions: the curriculum’s internal design; and the relational aspects of how schools manage to deliver tandem offerings within institutional constraints. Teachers working in the IBD Diploma program were shown to relish its design, despite additional demands, while teachers working in just the local curriculum reported more relational issues. The paper argues that these trends suggest that there are winners and losers emerging in the work conditions produced by curricular markets.  


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Visuals are a central feature of STEM in all levels of education and many areas of employment. The wide variety of visuals that students are expected to master in STEM prevents an approach that aims to teach students about every type of visual that they may encounter. This paper proposes a pedagogy that can be applied across year levels and learning areas, allowing a school-wide, cross-curricular, approach to teaching about visual, that enhances learning in STEM and all other learning areas. Visuals are classified into six categories based on their properties, unlike traditional methods that classify visuals according to purpose. As visuals in the same category share common properties, students are able to transfer their knowledge from the familiar to unfamiliar in each category. The paper details the classification and proposes some strategies that can be can be incorporated into existing methods of teaching students about visuals in all learning areas. The approach may also assist students to see the connections between the different learning areas within and outside STEM.