954 resultados para Compostos voláteis orgânicos


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Vitis vinifera L., the most widely cultivated fruit crop in the world, was the starting point for the development of this PhD thesis. This subject was exploited following on two actual trends: i) the development of rapid, simple, and high sensitive methodologies with minimal sample handling; and ii) the valuation of natural products as a source of compounds with potential health benefits. The target group of compounds under study were the volatile terpenoids (mono and sesquiterpenoids) and C13 norisoprenoids, since they may present biological impact, either from the sensorial point of view, as regards to the wine aroma, or by the beneficial properties for the human health. Two novel methodologies for quantification of C13 norisoprenoids in wines were developed. The first methodology, a rapid method, was based on the headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry operating at selected ion monitoring mode (HS-SPME/GC-qMS-SIM), using GC conditions that allowed obtaining a C13 norisoprenoid volatile signature. It does not require any pre-treatment of the sample, and the C13 norisoprenoid composition of the wine was evaluated based on the chromatographic profile and specific m/z fragments, without complete chromatographic separation of its components. The second methodology, used as reference method, was based on the HS-SPME/GC-qMS-SIM, allowing the GC conditions for an adequate chromatographic resolution of wine components. For quantification purposes, external calibration curves were constructed with β-ionone, with regression coefficient (r2) of 0.9968 (RSD 12.51 %) and 0.9940 (RSD of 1.08 %) for the rapid method and for the reference method, respectively. Low detection limits (1.57 and 1.10 μg L-1) were observed. These methodologies were applied to seventeen white and red table wines. Two vitispirane isomers (158-1529 L-1) and 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN) (6.42-39.45 μg L-1) were quantified. The data obtained for vitispirane isomers and TDN using the two methods were highly correlated (r2 of 0.9756 and 0.9630, respectively). A rapid methodology for the establishment of the varietal volatile profile of Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Fernão-Pires' (FP) white wines by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCxGC-TOFMS) was developed. Monovarietal wines from different harvests, Appellations, and producers were analysed. The study was focused on the volatiles that seem to be significant to the varietal character, such as mono and sesquiterpenic compounds, and C13 norisoprenoids. Two-dimensional chromatographic spaces containing the varietal compounds using the m/z fragments 93, 121, 161, 175 and 204 were established as follows: 1tR = 255-575 s, 2tR = 0,424-1,840 s, for monoterpenoids, 1tR = 555-685 s, 2tR = 0,528-0,856 s, for C13 norisoprenoids, and 1tR = 695-950 s, 2tR = 0,520-0,960 s, for sesquiterpenic compounds. For the three chemical groups under study, from a total of 170 compounds, 45 were determined in all wines, allowing defining the "varietal volatile profile" of FP wine. Among these compounds, 15 were detected for the first time in FP wines. This study proposes a HS-SPME/GCxGC-TOFMS based methodology combined with classification-reference sample to be used for rapid assessment of varietal volatile profile of wines. This approach is very useful to eliminate the majority of the non-terpenic and non-C13 norisoprenic compounds, allowing the definition of a two-dimensional chromatographic space containing these compounds, simplifying the data compared to the original data, and reducing the time of analysis. The presence of sesquiterpenic compounds in Vitis vinifera L. related products, to which are assigned several biological properties, prompted us to investigate the antioxidant, antiproliferative and hepatoprotective activities of some sesquiterpenic compounds. Firstly, the antiradical capacity of trans,trans-farnesol, cis-nerolidol, α-humulene and guaiazulene was evaluated using chemical (DPPH• and hydroxyl radicals) and biological (Caco-2 cells) models. Guaiazulene (IC50= 0.73 mM) was the sesquiterpene with higher scavenger capacity against DPPH•, while trans,trans-farnesol (IC50= 1.81 mM) and cis-nerolidol (IC50= 1.48 mM) were more active towards hydroxyl radicals. All compounds, with the exception of α-humulene, at non-cytotoxic levels (≤ 1 mM), were able to protect Caco-2 cells from oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide. The activity of the compounds under study was also evaluated as antiproliferative agents. Guaiazulene and cis-nerolidol were able to more effectively arrest the cell cycle in the S-phase than trans,trans-farnesol and α-humulene, being the last almost inactive. The relative hepatoprotection effect of fifteen sesquiterpenic compounds, presenting different chemical structures and commonly found in plants and plant-derived foods and beverages, was assessed. Endogenous lipid peroxidation and induced lipid peroxidation with tert-butyl hydroperoxide were evaluated in liver homogenates from Wistar rats. With the exception of α-humulene, all the sesquiterpenic compounds under study (1 mM) were effective in reducing the malonaldehyde levels in both endogenous and induced lipid peroxidation up to 35% and 70%, respectively. The developed 3D-QSAR models, relating the hepatoprotection activity with molecular properties, showed good fit (R2LOO > 0.819) with good prediction power (Q2 > 0.950 and SDEP < 2%) for both models. A network of effects associated with structural and chemical features of sesquiterpenic compounds such as shape, branching, symmetry, and presence of electronegative fragments, can modulate the hepatoprotective activity observed for these compounds. In conclusion, this study allowed the development of rapid and in-depth methods for the assessment of varietal volatile compounds that might have a positive impact on sensorial and health attributes related to Vitis vinifera L. These approaches can be extended to the analysis of other related food matrices, including grapes and musts, among others. In addition, the results of in vitro assays open a perspective for the promising use of the sesquiterpenic compounds, with similar chemical structures such as those studied in the present work, as antioxidants, hepatoprotective and antiproliferative agents, which meets the current challenges related to diseases of modern civilization.


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Sea salt is a natural product obtained from the evaporation of seawater in saltpans due to the combined effect of wind and sunlight. Nowadays, there is a growing interest for protection and re-valorisation of saltpans intrinsically associated to the quality of sea salt that can be evaluated by its physico-chemical properties. These man-made systems can be located in different geographical areas presenting different environmental surroundings. During the crystallization process, organic compounds coming from these surroundings can be incorporated into sea salt crystals, influencing their final composition. The organic matter associated to sea salt arises from three main sources: algae, surrounding bacterial community, and anthropogenic activity. Based on the hypothesis that sea salt contains associated organic compounds that can be used as markers of the product, including saltpans surrounding environment, the aim of this PhD thesis was to identify these compounds. With this purpose, this work comprised: 1) a deep characterisation of the volatile composition of sea salt by headspace solid phase microextraction combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCGC–ToFMS) methodology, in search of potential sea salt volatile markers; 2) the development of a methodology to isolate the polymeric material potentially present in sea salt, in amounts that allow its characterisation in terms of polysaccharides and protein; and 3) to explore the possible presence of triacylglycerides. The high chromatographic resolution and sensitivity of GC×GC–ToFMS enabled the separation and identification of a higher number of volatile compounds from sea salt, about three folds, compared to unidimentional chromatography (GC–qMS). The chromatographic contour plots obtained revealed the complexity of marine salt volatile composition and confirmed the relevance of GC×GC–ToFMS for this type of analysis. The structured bidimentional chromatographic profile arising from 1D volatility and 2D polarity was demonstrated, allowing more reliable identifications. Results obtained for analysis of salt from two locations in Aveiro and harvested over three years suggest the loss of volatile compounds along the time of storage of the salt. From Atlantic Ocean salts of seven different geographical origins, all produced in 2007, it was possible to identify a sub-set of ten compounds present in all salts, namely 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone, isophorone, ketoisophorone, β-ionone-5,6-epoxide, dihydroactinidiolide, 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone, 3-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylpentyl 2-methylpropanoate, 2,4,4-trimethylpentane-1,3-diyl bis(2-methylpropanoate), and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol. These ten compounds were considered potential volatile markers of sea salt. Seven of these compounds are carotenoid-derived compounds, and the other three may result from the integration of compounds from anthropogenic activity as metabolites of marine organisms. The present PhD work also allowed the isolation and characterisation, for the first time, of polymeric material from sea salt, using 16 Atlantic Ocean salts. A dialysis-based methodology was developed to isolate the polymeric material from sea salt in amounts that allowed its characterisation. The median content of polymeric material isolated from the 16 salts was 144 mg per kg of salt, e.g. 0.014% (w/w). Mid-infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry revealed the main occurrence of sulfated polysaccharides, as well as the presence of protein in the polymeric material from sea salt. Sea salt polysaccharides were found to be rich in uronic acid residues (21 mol%), glucose (18), galactose (16), and fucose (13). Sulfate content represented a median of 45 mol%, being the median content of sulfated polysaccharides 461 mg/g of polymeric material, which accounted for 66 mg/kg of dry salt. Glycosidic linkage composition indicates that the main sugar residues that could carry one or more sulfate groups were identified as fucose and galactose. This fact allowed to infer that the polysaccharides from sea salt arise mainly from algae, due to their abundance and composition. The amino acid profile of the polymeric material from the 16 Atlantic Ocean salts showed as main residues, as medians, alanine (25 mol%), leucine (14), and valine (14), which are hydrophobic, being the median protein content 35 mg/g, i.e. 4,9 mg per kg of dry salt. Beside the occurrence of hydrophobic volatile compounds in sea salt, hydrophobic non-volatile compounds were also detected. Triacylglycerides were obtained from sea salt by soxhlet extraction with n-hexane. Fatty acid composition revealed palmitic acid as the major residue (43 mol%), followed by stearic (13), linolenic (13), oleic (12), and linoleic (9). Sea salt triacylglycerides median content was 1.5 mg per kg of dry salt. Both protein and triacylglycerides seem to arise from macro and microalgae, phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, due to their abundance and composition. Despite the variability resulting from saltpans surrounding environment, this PhD thesis allowed the identification of a sea salt characteristic organic compounds profile based on volatile compounds, polysaccharides, protein, and triacylglycerides.


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As alterações climáticas emergentes têm um grande impacto no crescimento e desenvolvimento de espécies florestais, nomeadamente em espécies de valor industrial e medicinal, como é o caso do eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus) e da moringa (Moringa oleifera). Assim, é urgente conhecer as respostas fisiológicas e entender as variações que ocorrem nos perfis metabólicos de espécies vegetais. Neste trabalho, plantas jovens de Eucalyptus globulus foram expostas a radiação UVB (12kJ/m2) e foram avaliadas as respostas fisiológicas e o perfil metabólico, um e onze dias após a aplicação da radiação. A dose de UVB usada não afetou as reações fotoquímicas nem as trocas gasosas, contudo ao nível do metabolismo do carbono (AST e amido) e do conteúdo de pigmentos verificaram-se pequenas alterações (AST e pigmentos). Através da análise do perfil metabólico de E. globulus foram encontrados compostos voláteis e semi-voláteis pertencentes às famílias dos terpenos, sesquiterpenos e aldeídos. Em geral, os sesquiterpenos e os álcoois monoterpénicos apresentaram uma tendência para manter e, em alguns casos, diminuir com o stress, enquanto que o grupos dos aldeídos aumentou e os monoterpenos apresentaram um comportamento mais heterogéneo. O E. globulus mostrou ser uma espécie tolerante à aplicação da dose de UVB usada neste trabalho. Por outro lado, plantas jovens de M. oleifera foram expostas a défice hídrico (DH). Um grupo de plantas foi recolhido um dia após o final da exposição e o outro grupo após onze dias do final da exposição. Foi avaliado o perfil metabólico desta espécie através de GC/MS. Os dados cromatográficos indicaram que em condições de stress (DH(1) e DH(11)), as quantidades de compostos associados a vias primárias e secundárias de defesa (como os alcanos, álcoois, ácidos carboxílicos, esteróis, aminoácidos e açucares) sofreram algumas alterações. As plantas analisadas 11 dias após a remoção do stress mostraram maiores variações do perfil de metabolitos. No entanto, tanto um como onze dias após a remoção do stress, as plantas apresentaram a formação de novos rebentos. Apesar do perfil de metabolitos ter sofrido algumas alterações, por não se registarem casos de morte, conclui-se que as plantas de moringa mostraram ser tolerantes aos tratamentos aplicados.


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Dissertação de mest., Tecnologia dos Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010


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Amicroextracção em fase sólida, SPME, é uma técnica de adsorção/dessorção desenvolvida na Universidade de Waterloo (Ontario, Canadá) que elimina a necessidade de utilização de solventes orgânicos ou instrumentos complicados para a extracção e concentração de compostos voláteis e não voláteis a partir de amostras líquidas ou gasosas.ASPME origina resultados lineares dentro de um amplo intervalo de concentrações, é compatível com qualquer tipo de equipamento de cromatografia gasosa, com colunas de enchimento ou capilares, ou ainda cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massa. Pode, inclusivamente ser utilizado com injectores split/splitless ou directos. Na análise de urina, sangue ou outras matrizes biológicas, a preparação das amostras é normalmente necessário extraír e concentrar os analitos de interesse, o que é efectuado com recurso à extracção líquido-líquid, extracção em fase sólida, ou outras técnicas. Estes procedimentos apresentam várias desvantagens, onde se incluem o tempo excessivo de preparação e gasto desnecessário de solventes orgânicos. A SPME elimina a maior parte destes inconvenientes, já que é uma técnica rápida e que não necessita de solventes orgânicos ou de equipamentos complicados para ser levada a cabo. Esta técnica pode ser utilizada para monitorizar analitos em amostras líquidas ou gasosas, podendo ser acoplada à cromatografia gasosa, cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massa ou cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Embora inicialmente direccionada para a determinação de compostos orgânicos no meio ambiente, as suas vantagens nas análises clínicas, forenses e de alimentos têm vindo a ser postas em evidência. Desta forma, com este trabalho pretende-se conhecer mais aprofundadamente esta técnica bem como rever as suas principais aplicações no campo da toxicologia e da química analítica.


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Neste trabalho foram investigados diferentes métodos de preparação de amostra para a determinação de níquel e vanádio em óleo cru usando a espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite (GF AAS). Investigou-se o uso de xileno como diluente, o qual foi inadequado devido à baixa estabilidade de níquel nas soluções e resultando na contaminação do equipamento. As soluções diluídas em isobutilmetilcetona apresentaram melhor estabilidade, mas não houve reprodutibilidade das medidas com os padrões orgânicos de níquel. Melhores resultados foram obtidos com emulsões óleo-em-água, usando Triton X-100 como surfactante. Também foi estudado o uso de padrões aquosos (inorgânicos) para o preparo das emulsões. Após o estabelecimento de curvas de pirólise para padrão e amostra de óleo cru, observou-se diferença no comportamento térmico do níquel na matriz de óleo cru. Foi então realizada uma investigação usando um espectrômetro de absorção atômica com fonte contínua de alta resolução (HR-CS AAS), equipamento com elevada capacidade de correção de fundo, e constatou-se que cerca de 50 % do analito é perdido em temperaturas abaixo de 400 ºC, enquanto que o restante é termicamente estável até pelo menos 1200 ºC. A fim de resolver o problema de perda de níquel volátil, foi investigado o uso de paládio como modificador químico. Através de curvas de pirólise com e sem paládio, observou-se que a mesma perda também ocorreu para o vanádio. Após a otimização da melhor quantidade de paládio, verificou-se que foi necessária uma quantidade de 20 µg de paládio para estabilização de níquel e vanádio. A determinação de níquel e vanádio total em amostras de óleo cru foi realizada usando-se paládio como modificador químico. A especiação destes elementos foi possível através da determinação das espécies estáveis, provavelmente compostos salinos não porfirínicos de níquel e vanádio, sem a adição de paládio, e a fração de compostos voláteis (provavelmente porfirinas de níquel e vanádio) foi calculada por diferença. Estabeleceram-se as figuras de mérito obtendo-se valores de massa característica de 19 e 33 pg e limite de detecção de 43 e 113 pg para níquel e vanádio, respectivamente. Esses resultados são compatíveis com dados reportados na literatura. A exatidão deste procedimento foi verificada pela análise dos materiais de referência certificados de metais traço em óleo residual (SRM 1634c) para níquel e vanádio e o petróleo (RM 8505) somente para vanádio e também por comparação com os resultados obtidos por HR-CS AAS para várias amostras de óleo cru. A aplicação do teste estatístico t-student aos resultados de níquel e vanádio total obtidos por GF AAS e HR-CS AAS mostrou que os mesmos não são significativamente diferentes a um nível de 95% de confiança.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Em sistemas agrícolas em que se aplica lodo de esgoto, devem ser consideradas as necessidades de N das plantas e, simultaneamente, evitar a geração de excesso de nitrato, poluente potencial de águas subsuperficiais. Para isso, na determinação das quantidades máximas a serem aplicadas em determinado cultivo, devem-se conhecer algumas propriedades do lodo de esgoto e do solo. Uma delas é a fração de mineralização de compostos nitrogenados orgânicos (FMN) contidos nos resíduos que serão mineralizados durante o ciclo da cultura. Essa quantidade, somada ao N na forma mineral contido no lodo, fornece a quantidade de N do lodo de esgoto que ficará disponível durante a safra. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar se as aplicações anteriores de lodo de esgoto, feitas em um Latossolo, alteram a FMN do resíduo recentemente aplicado. O solo foi previamente tratado, em quatro cultivos sucessivos de milho, com quatro doses e dois tipos de lodo de esgoto, um de origem urbana (Franca, SP) e outro de origem urbano-industrial (Barueri, SP). O experimento de mineralização foi instalado em laboratório, com delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados e três repetições, realizado durante 15 semanas. As doses dos lodos de esgoto estudadas, na quinta aplicação, corresponderam a 160, 320, 640 e 1.280 mg kg-1 de N orgânico. Em sete épocas, foram determinados o pH e os teores de N nas formas amoniacal e nítrica. A FMN foi calculada com os dados obtidos para a mineralização líquida medida 105 dias após o início da incubação. Os comportamentos dos dois tipos de lodo foram similares, com taxa de mineralização inicial elevada. Os teores de amônio mantiveram-se baixos logo após o início da incubação até o final, com aumento linear nos teores de nitrato. Houve maior acúmulo de nitrato para as maiores doses aplicadas. O potencial de mineralização dos tratamentos, estimado pelo modelo exponencial simples, variou entre 58 e 284 mg kg-1 de N. Não houve efeito das quantidades de resíduos previamente aplicadas ao Latossolo sobre a ração de mineralização do N orgânico recentemente aplicado via lodo de esgoto, com confiabilidade de 95 %. Os resultados mostraram que, em reaplicações na mesma área, as doses de lodo de esgoto devem ser menores do que as doses calculadas para aplicação única, devido ao N residual acumulado no solo, tanto na forma orgânica quanto inorgânica.


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As preocupações com o meio ambiente em particular com a água, adquirem especial importância, porque as demandas estão se tornando cada vez maiores, sob o aspecto crescente da população e das atividades industriais. Quando se fala em água subterrânea, a primeira ideia que surge é que ela seja potável. Mas nem sempre isso é uma verdade. Em área urbana, os crescentes números de problemas devido a contaminação, na maioria das vezes por vazamentos de combustíveis oriundos dos tanques de armazenamento dos postos de gasolina. Sem falar nas indústrias que também oferecem potencial risco de contaminação para esses corpos hídricos e são pouco divulgadas. O presente trabalho tem como foco determinar os compostos clorobenzenos por cromatografia de fase gasosa com headspace (CG-HS) em matriz água e validar a metodologia. A metodologia usada neste estudo foi cromatografia de fase gasosa com headspace (CG HS), por ser uma técnica excelente e sensível e é utilizada para determinar compostos voláteis em baixas concentrações. Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente de modo avaliar a seletividade, os limites de detecção e quantificação, a faixa linear de trabalho, a linearidade e a recuperação. As recuperações variam de 80 a 110%, os coeficientes de variação obtidos foram menor que 20%, todas as substâncias estudadas apresentaram linearidade na faixa de trabalho de 0,8 a 100g.L-1. Foram estudadas 10 amostras de água subterrânea do Município do Rio de Janeiro e nas amostras analisadas foram encontrados todos os compostos em estudo, com faixa de concentração: monoclorobenzeno (<0,8 a 2,988g.L-1); 1,3-diclorobenzeno (<0,8 a 23,067g.L-1); 1,4-diclorobenzeno (nd a 16,160g.L-1); 1,2-diclorobenzeno (<0,8 a 48,685g.L-1); 1,3,5-triclorobenzeno (<0,8 a 21,900g.L-1); 1,2,4-triclorobenzeno (1,007 a 183,808g.L-1) e 1,2,3-triclorobenzeno (<0,8 a 126,886g.L-1)


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The sustainable viticulture of a region passes, among other aspects, for maximizing the varieties potential minimizing subsequent interventions during winemaking, which should contribute to the production of quality wines maintaining their typicity and rationalizing costs. The detailed knowledge of each Appellation specificities, namely vineyard parcel (soil type and topographical peculiarities) and harvest climatic conditions is crucial for sustainability in this sector. Thus, in line with this current trend, the starting point for the development of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the oenological potential of different varieties cultivated throughout Bairrada Appellation (Portugal). During maturation several changes in grape varieties occur, namely berries become sweeter, less acidic, and they develop flavour, aroma and colour properties. The development of these characteristics is essential to define grapes oenological potential, i.e. to estimate the possibility of their usage to produce specific wines. A three years sampling plan was designed to evaluate the effect of harvest year and parcel characteristics on V. vinifera cv. Arinto, Bical, Sauvignon Blanc, Baga, Castelão, Touriga Nacional, and Sousão grapes composition. For each variety, 3 parcels with different characteristics were selected. Several physicochemical parameters were evaluated, during maturation: berry weight, pH, titratable acidity, sugar and phenolic contents, antiradical activity, and volatile composition (free fraction). Special attention was devoted to grapes at technologic maturity, since, besides these parameters, glycosidically-linked fraction was also considered. By using the results obtained at technologic maturity, a comprehensive approach was applied to identify the significance of harvest and parcel characteristics effects on each variety composition. Considering all the parameters under study, it may be highlighted some significant differences. According to the obtained results determined during maturation, it was possible to conclude that Arinto, Bical and Sauvignon Blanc grapes from parcels with clay-sandy and clay-calcareous soils have higher phenolic content and antiradical activity. Otherwise, Sauvignon Blanc presented similar volatile composition for grapes cultivated in the 3 parcels, while Arinto and Bical exhibited higher volatile content in grapes from claysandy and clay-calcareous soils. For Baga, Castelão and Touriga Nacional red varieties, grapes with higher phenolic content, antiradical activity, and volatile content were obtained from clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Furthermore, for Touriga Nacional, parcels altitude seems also to modulate grapes composition. Beyond parcel effect, harvest year conditions also influence grapes composition: 2011 harvest was related with lower phenolic and volatile contents, as well as lower antiradical activity.For grapes collected at technologic maturity, analysis of variance-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) was applied combining all the parameters under study, in order to assess the influence of harvest and parcel characteristics on each variety oenological potential. The results obtained using this comprehensive approach is closely related with those observed during maturation and revealed that harvest was the main factor that influenced grapes composition (53% to 68% of the total data set variance) followed by parcel characteristics, explaining ca. 15-19% of the total data set variance. The oenological potential of each variety may be different from one parcel to another, i.e., clay-sandy and clay-calcareous related-environments seem to favour Arinto and Bical white grapes composition, but for the red varieties, grapes composition was favoured by clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Besides, also higher altitude seems to favour Touriga Nacional grapes composition. Sauvignon Blanc seems to be a variety well adapted to the different parcel characteristics. In order to go forward in the valuation of these varieties, the aroma properties of 6 monovarietal wines were studied based on an aroma network-approach, linking molecular data related to volatile composition and aroma data about the key odor active molecules. This approach allowed to identify different wine aroma properties and to infer about the consumer’s sensory perception. It was found that aroma properties differ from one wine variety to another: while Arinto and Sauvignon Blanc wine exhibited higher tree fruity, sweety and flowery aromas, related essentially with ester compounds and C13 norisoprenoids, the opposite was obtained for Bical wine, corroborating the aroma sensory perceptions of the trained panel. Sauvignon Blanc also exhibited higher toasted aromas (related with thiols, mainly with 2-methyl-3-furanthiol). Touriga Nacional red wine exhibited higher tree, tropical, and berry fruits notes (sensory described as sweet fruits), toasted and flowery aromas, while these are similar for the other red wines under study. Besides Portuguese Bairrada wines, this aroma network approach is a tool that can be used to explain the aroma properties of wines worldwide. The grape and wine data generated under the present PhD thesis, in the context of Bairrada Appellation, shows the unique character of each variety, and may be used by growers and wine producers as a support for decisionmaking based on objective criteria, increasing the sustainability in this sector. For instance, it is possible to take advantage of the natural resources and produce products with different characteristics obtained from the same variety, minimizing costs during the winemaking process.


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Dissertação de mest., Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010