931 resultados para Child Feeding Questionnaire
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the statistical team within the Division of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Aberdeen for their support in analysing the data. This work was supported by The Scottish Government’s Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS) division (LC grant). Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; analysis, and interpretation of data for the work were conducted by Sharon Carstairs (SC) under the supervision of Dr K Kiezebrink (KK), Dr D Marais (DM) and Dr L Craig (LC). Data collection was conducted by SC and a 10% duplicate data extraction by DM. Financial Support This work was funded by The Seafish Authority and Interface Food and Drink as part of a Doctorate Scholarship undertaken at the University of Aberdeen (grant number HS053 RBZ0214).
Sources of funding: This study was funded by the Seafish Authority and Interface Food and Drink Scotland as part of a PhD scholarship for SC.
Introdução: A obesidade é reconhecida pela OMS como um importante problema de saúde pública, que afeta adultos, crianças e adolescentes e que tem tomado proporções epidémicas em todo o mundo. Os estudos revelam que os pais, mas sobretudo as mães se mostram preocupadas e concordam com a adoção de hábitos alimentares saudáveis, no entanto a perceção que estas têm do estado nutricional dos filhos nem sempre é adequada e frequentemente a imagem corporal é distorcida, percebendo-se contudo que esta distorção tem vindo a diminuir. Foi neste âmbito que emergiu como objetivo geral deste estudo, explorar a evolução da perceção parental da imagem corporal da criança em dois estudos, estudo A (Graça Aparício) e estudo B (Graça Aparício, Madalena Cunha, João Duarte; Anabela Pereira, Jorge Bonito, Carlos Albuquerque), publicados respetivamente, em 2012 e 2013 e relacioná-la com o comportamento alimentar da criança do estudo B. Material e métodos: Este estudo de carácter retrospetivo e transversal, foi realizado com as crianças que participaram no estudo A e no estudo B, num total de 2216 crianças em idade pré-escolar, média idade= 4.51 anos (±0.97Dp), residentes as crianças do estudo A na região de Viseu e Dão e as do estudo B, nas regiões Viseu, Lamego, Vila Real, Évora e Leiria, tendo sido efetuada pelos autores originais, uma avaliação antropométrica e classificação nutricional das crianças com base no referencial NCHS (CDC, 2000). Para a recolha de dados os autores originais, utilizaram um Questionário de Caracterização Sociodemográfica das Crianças e dos Progenitores; o Questionário de Avaliação da Perceção Parental da Imagem Corporal da criança (Collins, 1991) e o Questionário de Caracterização do Comportamento Alimentar Infantil (CEBQ), traduzido e validado para a população portuguesa por Viana & Sinde (2008). Resultados: Comparativamente ao estudo A, no estudo B os pais revelaram-se significativamente mais preocupados com o estado nutricional dos seus filhos (p= 0,000). Ainda no estudo B uma maior percentagem de pais assinala as imagens representativas de pré-obesidade (27,5%) e obesidade (0,6%), comparativamente ao estudo A, onde se verifica o oposto; uma maior sinalização das crianças no grupo da normalidade e baixo-peso (56,3% e 20,4% respetivamente). Apurou-se uma diferença de médias significativa da perceção parental da imagem corporal da criança entre o estudo A e o estudo B, evidenciando a perceção dos pais, a uma maior aproximação com os valores mais elevados de IMC dos filhos, ou seja, os pais têm uma perceção menos distorcida da imagem corporal dos filhos, quando estes apresentam valores de IMC mais elevados. Relativamente ao comportamento alimentar, apesar dos comportamentos de “atração pela comida” se associarem a uma perceção parental de imagem corporal maior, e de alguns dos comportamentos de “evitamento da comida” se associarem a uma perceção parental de imagem corporal menor, a relação entre o comportamento alimentar e a perceção parental da imagem corporal criança não se revelou significativa. Conclusões: Os resultados indicam uma maior acurácia da perceção da imagem corporal dos pais ao real estado nutricional dos filhos, podendo este facto ser o primeiro passo para o seu reconhecimento do excesso de peso dos seus filhos e facilitar a adequação a um estilo de vida mais saudável entre as crianças em idade pré-escolar, e maior sensibilização da família para o controlo do excesso de peso na infância. Palavras-chave: Perceção parental, imagem corporal, Obesidade infantil.
Objective - The aim of the current study was to validate child (PFA-QL) and parent–proxy (PFA-QL-PF) versions of the scale in a specialist allergy clinic and in parents of children with food allergy. Methods - For the clinic sample, a generic QoL scale (PedsQL) and the PFA-QL were completed by 103 children (age 6–16 yrs) with peanut or tree nut allergy; test–retest reliability of the PFA-QL was tested in 50 stable patients. For the non-clinical sample, 756 parents of food allergic children completed the PFA-QL-PF, the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50), Food Allergy Quality of Life Parental Burden Scale (FAQL-PB) and a Food Allergy Impact Measure. Results - The PFA-QL and PFA-QL-PF had good internal consistency (a's of 0.77–0.82), and there was moderate-to-good agreement between the generic- and disease-specific questionnaires. The PFA-QL was stable over time in the clinic sample, and in both samples, girls were reported to have poorer QoL than boys. Conclusions - The PFA-QL and PFA-QL-PF are reliable and valid scales for use in both clinical and non-clinical populations. Unlike other available tools, they were developed and validated in the UK and thus provide a culture-specific choice for research, clinical trials and clinical practice in the UK. Validation in other countries is now needed.
Purpose - Food allergy can have a profound effect on quality of life (QoL) of the family. The Food Allergy Quality of Life—Parental Burden Questionnaire (FAQL-PB) was developed on a US sample to assess the QoL of parents with food allergic children. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the FAQL-PB in a UK sample and to assess the effect of asking about parental burden in the last week compared with parental burden in general, with no time limit for recall given. Methods - A total of 1,200 parents who had at least one child with food allergy were sent the FAQL-PB and the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50); of whom only 63 % responded. Results - Factor analysis of the FAQL-PB revealed two factors: limitations on life and emotional distress. The total scale and the two sub-scales had high internal reliability (all a > 0.85). There were small to moderate but significant correlations between total FAQL-PB scores and health and parental impact measures on the CHQ-PF50 (p < 0.01). Significantly greater parental burden was reported for the no-time limited compared with the time-limited version (p < 0.01). Conclusions - The FAQL-PB is a reliable and valid measure for use in the UK. The scale could be used in clinic to assess the physical and emotional quality of life in addition to the impact on total quality of life.
Maternal depression can impair parenting practices and has been linked with less sensitive feeding interactions with children, but existing research is based on self-reports of feeding practices. This study examined relationships between maternal self-reported symptoms of depression with observations of mothers' child feeding practices during a mealtime. Fifty-eight mothers of 3-and 4-year-old children were video recorded eating a standardized lunch. The recording was then coded for instances of maternal controlling feeding practices and maternal vocalizations using the Family Mealtime Coding System. Mothers also provided information on current symptoms of depression and anxiety. Mothers who reported greater symptoms of depression were observed to use more verbal and physical pressure for their child to eat and to offer more incentives or conditions in exchange for their child eating. Mothers also used more vocalizations with their child about food during the observed mealtime when they had greater symptoms of depression. There was no link between symptoms of depression and observations of maternal use of restriction. Symptoms of depression are linked with observations of mothers implementing a more controlling, less sensitive feeding style with their child. Health professionals working with families in which mothers have symptoms of depression may benefit from receiving training about the possible impact of maternal depression on child-feeding practices, and mothers with symptoms of depression may benefit from guidance regarding its potential impact on their child-feeding interactions ©2013 American Psychological Association.
The aim of this study was to examine the contribution of a broad range of maternal feeding practices in predicting parental reports of food avoidance eating behaviours in young children, after controlling for child temperament, and maternal dietary restraint which have previously been associated with feeding problems. One hundred and four mothers of children aged between 3 and 6 years completed self report measures of their child's eating behaviour and temperament, maternal dietary restraint and child feeding practices. Maternal reports of food avoidance eating behaviours were associated with an emotional child temperament, high levels of maternal feeding control, using food for behaviour regulation and low encouragement of a balanced and varied food intake. Maternal feeding practices, predominantly pressure to eat, significantly predicted food avoidance eating behaviours after controlling for child emotionality and maternal dietary restraint. The significant contribution of maternal feeding practices, which are potentially modifiable behaviours, suggests that the feeding interactions of parents and their children should be targeted for intervention and the prevention of feeding difficulties during early childhood. Future research should continue to explore how a broader range of feeding practices, particular those that may be more adaptive, might influence child eating behaviour. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Objective: Symptoms of maternal eating disorders have been linked with the use of maladaptive restrictive child feeding practices. However, how these symptoms impact upon restriction in child feeding is poorly understood. The aims of this research were to assess whether symptoms of obsessive compulsiveness, which are often comorbid with eating disorder symptoms, mediate the relationships between maternal eating disorder symptoms and the use of restrictive feeding practices. Method: A total of 128 mothers of children aged 2-6 years completed measures of their restrictive feeding practices, symptoms of eating disorders, and obsessive compulsiveness. Results: Maternal restriction was positively correlated with symptoms of drive for thinness, bulimia, and checking and cleaning obsessions and compulsions. Cleaning obsessions and compulsions mediated the relationships between maternal drive for thinness and feeding restriction. Conclusion: Cleaning obsessions and compulsions may help to explain the relationships between some symptoms of maternal eating disorders and the use of restrictive feeding practices. © 2008 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This paper explores whether breast-feeding, mediated by lower maternal use of controlling strategies, predicts more positive mealtime interactions between mothers and their 1 year old infants. Eighty-seven women completed questionnaires regarding breast-feeding, assessing their control over child feeding and mealtime negativity at 1 year of infant age. Seventy-four of these women were also observed feeding their infants solid food at 1 year. Mediation analyses demonstrated that the experience of breast-feeding, mediated by lower reported maternal control over child feeding, predicted maternal reports of less negative mealtime interactions. The experience of breast-feeding also predicted observations of less conflict at mealtimes, mediated by observations of maternal sensitivity during feeding interactions. The implications of these findings are discussed.
Objective: The current study examined the contribution of prenatal and postnatal maternal core beliefs, self-esteem, psychopathologic symptoms, and postnatal infant temperament to the prediction of infant feeding difficulties. Method: Ninety-nine women completed questionnaires assessing their core beliefs, psychopathology, and self-esteem during pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum. At 6 months, mothers also rated their infant's temperament and feeding, and were observed feeding their infants. Results: Maternal reports of child feeding difficulties were predicted by higher levels of emotional deprivation and entitlement core beliefs and lower levels of self-sacrifice and enmeshment core beliefs during pregnancy. Postnatal social isolation core beliefs, lower maternal self-esteem, and more difficult infant temperament added significantly to the variance explained by prenatal factors. Maternal core beliefs, self-esteem, psychopathology, and infant temperament failed to significantly predict independent observations of child food refusal. Conclusion: Maternal cognitions are implicated in the development of maternal reports of feeding difficulty.
Grandparents play a valuable role in the socialisation of young children, and as many as 36% of British parents use grandparents as their main form of childcare. Research has begun to explore how grandparents impact the social and cognitive development of children, but very little research has evaluated their contribution to child feeding. The present study explores whether there are differences between parents and grandparents in terms of their feeding practices, and whether grandparents' feeding practices are related to the number of hours that they spend caring for grandchildren. Results indicate that grandparents reported using significantly more maladaptive feeding practices such as using food to regulate emotions and restricting food, but more positive practices such as providing a healthy food environment. The more hours that grandparents spent caring for children the more their feeding practices resembled those broadly reported by parents. Results suggest that grandparents can have a measurable impact on child feeding behaviour which in turn is likely to predict the eating behaviours of their grandchildren. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
The objective of this study was to assess seasonal variation in nutritional status and feeding practices among lactating mothers and their children 6-23 months of age in two different agro-ecological zones of rural Ethiopia (lowland zone and midland zone). Food availability and access are strongly affected by seasonality in Ethiopia. However, there are few published data on the effects of seasonal food fluctuations on nutritional status and dietary diversity patterns of mothers and children in rural Ethiopia. A longitudinal study was conducted among 216 mothers in two agro-ecological zones of rural Ethiopia during pre and post-harvest seasons. Data were collected on many parameters including anthropometry, blood levels of haemoglobin and ferritin and zinc, urinary iodine levels, questionnaire data regarding demographic and household parameters and health issues, and infant and young child feeding practices, 24 h food recall to determine dietary diversity scores, and household use of iodized salt. Chi-square and multivariable regression models were used to identify independent predictors of nutritional status. A wide variety of results were generated including the following highlights. It was found that 95.4% of children were breastfed, of whom 59.7% were initially breastfed within one hour of birth, 22.2% received pre-lacteal feeds, and 50.9% of children received complementary feedings by 6 months of age. Iron deficiency was found in 44.4% of children and 19.8% of mothers. Low Zinc status was found in 72.2% of children and 67.3% of mothers. Of the study subjects, 52.5% of the children and 19.1% of the mothers were anaemic, and 29.6% of children and 10.5% of mothers had iron deficiency anaemia. Among the mothers with low serum iron status, 81.2% and 56.2% of their children had low serum zinc and iron, respectively. Similarly, among the low serum zinc status mothers, 75.2% and 45.3% of their children had low serum in zinc and iron, respectively. There was a strong correlation between the micronutrient status of the mothers and the children for ferritin, zinc and haemoglobin (P <0.001). There was also statistically significant difference between agro-ecological zones for micronutrient deficiencies among the mothers (p<0.001) but not for their children. The majority (97.6%) of mothers in the lowland zone were deficient in at least one micronutrient biomarker (zinc or ferritin or haemoglobin). Deficiencies in one, two, or all three biomarkers of micronutrient status were observed in 48.1%, 16.7% and 9.9% of mothers and 35.8%, 29.0%, and 23.5%, of children, respectively. Additionally, about 42.6% of mothers had low levels of urinary iodine and 35.2% of lactating mothers had goitre. Total goitre prevalence rates and urinary iodine levels of lactating mothers were not significantly different across agro-ecological zones. Adequately iodised salt was available in 36.6% of households. The prevalence of anaemia increased from post-harvest (21.8%) to pre-harvest seasons (40.9%) among lactating mothers. Increases were from 8.6% to 34.4% in midland and from 34.2% to 46.3% in lowland agro-ecological zones. Fifteen percent of mothers were anaemic during both seasons. Predictors of anaemia were high parity of mother and low dietary diversity. The proportion of stunted and underweight children increased from 39.8% and 27% in post-harvest season to 46.0% and 31.8% in pre-harvest season, respectively. However, wasting in children decreased from 11.6% to 8.5%. Major variations in stunting and underweight were noted in midland compared to lowland agroecological zones. Anthropometric measurements in mothers indicated high levels of undernutrition. The prevalence of undernutrition in mothers (BMI <18.5kg/m2) increased from 41.7 to 54.7% between post- and pre-harvest seasons. The seasonal effect was generally higher in the midland community for all forms of malnutrition. Parity, number of children under five years and regional variation were predictors of low BMI among lactating mothers. There were differences in minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet and dietary diversity in children in pre-harvest and post-harvest seasons and these parameters were poor in both seasons. Dietary diversity among mothers was higher in lowland zone but was poor in both zones across the seasons. In conclusion, malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies are very prevalent among lactating mothers and their children 6-23 months old in the study areas. There are significant seasonal variations in malnutrition and dietary diversity, in addition to significant differences between lowland and midland agro-ecological zones. These findings suggest a need to design effective preventive public health nutrition programs to address both the mothers’ and children’s needs particularly in the preharvest season.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de bebidas azucaradas en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, realizado en 8136 niños y adolescentes en edad escolar entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá, Colombia. El peso, la estatura, el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura y el porcentaje de grasa, se recogieron como marcadores antropométricos y de composición corporal. El consumo de bebidas azucaradas (bebidas carbonatadas, jugos ultra-procesados y/o Té), y los factores asociados (sexo, edad, obesidad abdominal, clasificación del IMC, grado de estudios de la madre/padre, y nivel nutricional por cuestionario “Krece plus”), se recogieron por encuesta estructurada. Se establecieron asociaciones mediante la construcción de modelos de regresión logística simple. Resultados: De la población general, el 58,4% eran mujeres. En función al sexo, los varones acusaron la mayor ingesta de “bebidas carbonatadas” con una frecuencia semanal y diaria de 70,9% y 21,0%, respectivamente, seguido de “jugos ultra- procesados” (64,4% semanal vs. 11,3% diario). En ambos sexos, la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal fue mayor en los escolares que respondieron consumir diariamente “bebidas carbonatadas” (23,3%), “jugos ultra-procesados” (13,2%) y “bebidas Té” (9,7%). La edad, el grado de educación de los padres y el nivel nutricional, se asociaron como factores predisponentes al consumo diario de “bebidas carbonatadas”. Conclusión: El consumo de bebidas azucaradas cambia por los factores analizados. Se recomiendan intervenciones integrales en las que estén involucrados los componentes nutricional y educativo entre los niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia.
Objective. To assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in abatacept-treated children/adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Methods. In this phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, subjects with active polyarticular course JIA and an inadequate response/intolerance to >= 1 disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (including biologics) received abatacept 10 mg/kg plus methotrexate (MTX) during the 4-month open-label period (period A). Subjects achieving the American College of Rheumatology Pediatric 30 criteria for improvement (defined ""responders"") were randomized to abatacept or placebo (plus MTX) in the 6-month double-blind withdrawal period (period B). HRQOL assessments included 15 Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) health concepts plus the physical (PhS) and psychosocial summary scores (PsS), pain (100-mm visual analog scale), the Children`s Sleep Habits Questionnaire, and a daily activity participation questionnaire. Results. A total of 190 subjects from period A and 122 from period B were eligible for analysis. In period A, there were substantial improvements across all of the CHQ domains (greatest improvement was in pain/discomfort) and the PhS (8.3 units) and PsS (4.3 units) with abatacept. At the end of period B, abatacept-treated subjects had greater improvements versus placebo in all domains (except behavior) and both summary scores. Similar improvement patterns were seen with pain and sleep. For participation in daily activities, an additional 2.6 school days/month and 2.3 parents` usual activity days/month were gained in period A responders with abatacept, and further gains were made in period B (1.9 versus 0.9 [P = 0.033] and 0.2 versus -1.3 [P = 0.109] school days/month and parents` usual activity days/month, respectively, in abatacept-versus placebo-treated subjects). Conclusion. Improvements in HRQOL were observed with abatacept, providing real-life tangible benefits to children with JIA and their parents/caregivers.