99 resultados para Borderland
Cette thèse propose une redéfinition de la notion de frontière dans le contexte américain, avec pour point de départ les romans de trois voix littéraires issues de trois minorités ethniques : Sandra Cisneros (Caramelo), Cristina Garcia (The Agüero Sisters) et David Plante (The Family et The Native). Je conceptualise la frontière comme fluctuation entre mouvement et immobilité, entre porosité et imperméabilité. Dans le premier chapitre, je fournis des repères sur la théorie des frontières et j'analyse les avancées de ce champ d'étude, du concept de terre frontalière (“Borderland Theories”) jusqu'aux récits d'immigration. Je propose un cadre conceptuel que j'appelle « Écrire la frontière à partir de la perspective de la frontière », lequel permet une lecture neuve des récits de frontière, et une redéfinition de la notion elle-même. Prise comme perspective, la frontière est une dynamique vivante, ce qui la rend plurielle et impossible à fixer définitivement; aussi les récits de frontière présentent-ils une grande variété d’expériences, toutes liées à des moments et à des points de vue uniques. Dans le second chapitre, j’analyse la porosité des frontières dans le contexte géopolitique contemporain, en mettant en lumière comment la colonisation, la mondialisation économique et l’immigration sont autant de mécanismes de transgression des frontières qui suivent des orientations transnationales, dénationales et postnationales. Dans le troisième chapitre, j’étudie la résurgence des frontières dans la vie des immigrants qui habitent aux États-Unis. J’identifie l’insécurité capitaliste ainsi que la marchandisation de l’espace et de l’ethnicité comme étant à l'origine du renforcement des frontières délimitant les quartiers ethniques; génératrices de stéréotypes négatifs, ces divisions physiques deviennent une technologie d’exclusion et d’injustice sociale. Le dernier chapitre présente une lecture des aspects esthétiques de la frontière, voyant comment ils peuvent contribuer à écrire la frontière à partir de la perspective de la frontière. Dans les textes à l'étude, j'examine de près la problématisation du concept de représentation, la multiplicité des points de vue narratifs, l’inaccessibilité du réel, et la partialité de la médiation. Mots clés : Théories et écrits sur les frontières, minorités ethniques aux États-Unis, multiculturalisme, culture, immigration, mondialisation, espace, place, territoire, état-nation, nationalisme, histoire, langue et langage, représentation, communauté, justice sociale, citoyenneté
Ma thèse porte sur les représentations de curanderismo dans Chicana/o textes. Une tradition de guérison, une vision du monde, un système de croyances et de pratiques d'origines diverses, curanderismo répond aux besoins médicaux, religieux, culturels, sociaux et politiques des Chicanas/os à la fois sur le plan individuel et communautaire. Dans mon analyse de textes littéraires (Bless Me, Ultima de Rudolfo Anaya, les poèmes sélectionnés de Pat Mora, The Hungry Woman: A Mexican Medea de Cherríe Moraga) et du cours académique sur curanderismo enseigné à l'Université du Nouveau-Mexique à Albuquerque, que j’approche comme un texte culturel, curanderismo reflète les façons complexes et souvent ambiguës de représenter Chicana/o recherche d'identité, d’affirmation de soi et d’émancipation, résultat d'une longue histoire de domination et de discrimination de Chicana/o aux Etats-Unis. Dans les textes que j’aborde dans ma thèse curanderismo assume le rôle d'une puissante métaphore qui réunit une variété de valeurs, attitudes, concepts et notions dans le but ultimede célébrer le potentiel de soi-même.
En esta investigación se realiza un análisis del tipo de relaciones que se establecen entre la medicina alopática y la medicina indígena yagecera en el escenario urbano de Bogotá. Para ello, toma distancia de los estudios ya realizados sobre este tema en el campo de la antropología a partir de dos aspectos: en primer lugar, busca acercarse a esta relación a partir de las trayectorias profesionales de un conjunto de médicos (tanto indígenas como alopáticos); en segundo lugar, se aproxima a estas relaciones a partir de una enfermedad particular: el cáncer.
The main aim of the article is highlighting subplots present in the prose works of Nałkowska which are devoted to Ukrainian and Belarusian political prisoners. The author maintains that the Polish colonizing activity along the so-called ‘Eastern Borderland’ requires a detailed and comprehensive study. The results of this analys is should then be compared against contemporary Ukrainian literature as well as the history of the national liberation and nationalist movements at the beginning of 20th century. The article explores three prose texts by Nałkowska, that is, “Węzły życia” (The Bonds of Life), “Niedobra miłość” (Bad Love) and “Ściany świata” (The Walls of the World). The subplots present in all three works can be analyzed in terms of inevident, yet indelible traces pertaining to ethnic conflicts between Poles, Ukrainians and Belarusians, as well as the Jewish pogroms. The themes that span the above- mentioned text can be outlined as follows: first of all, the radical metamorphosis of political attitudes on the part of the protagonists representing former Legionists; secondly, the heroines’ active work for the benefit of the prisoners, also the political ones. In spite of censorship and visibly more and more extreme politics of the authoritarian state towards ethnic minorities, Nałkowska remained one of the few writers who managed to deliver the arrested history of persecutions. Keywords: politics of colonization, national minority, traces of conflict, political prisoners
Archaeological research has addressed imperial frontiers for more than a century. Romanists, in particular, have engaged in exploring frontiers from economic, militaristic, political, and (more recently) social vantages. This article suggests that we also consider the dialogue between space and social perception to understand imperial borderland developments. In addition to formulating new theoretical approaches to frontiers, this contribution represents the first comprehensive overview of both the documentary sources and the archaeological material found in Egypt's Great Oasis during the Roman period (ca. 30 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E.). A holistic analysis of these sources reveals that Egypt's Great Oasis, which consisted of two separate but linked oases, served as a conceptual, physical, and human buffer zone for the Roman empire. This buffer zone protected the "ordered" Nile Valley inhabitants from the "chaotic" desert nomads, who lived just beyond the oases. This conclusion suggests that nomads required specific imperial frontier policies and that these policies may have been ideological as well as economic and militaristic.
Biała Góra 3 is a small settlement founded in the late twelfth or early thirteenth century AD in the disputed Christian borderlands of Northern Europe. The incorporation of Pomerania into the Polish state in the tenth century was followed by a process of colonisation across the lower Vistula valley, which then stalled before resuming in the thirteenth century under the Teutonic Order. Biała Góra 3 is unusual in falling between the two expansionist phases and provides detailed insight into the ethnicity and economy of this borderland community. Pottery and metalwork show strong links with both Pomeranian and German colonists, and caches of bricks and roof tiles indicate durable buildings of the kind associated with the monastic and military orders. Evidence for the presence of merchants suggests Biała Góra 3 was one of many outposts in the commercial network that shadowed the Crusades.
Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries AD, the Lower Vistula valley represented a permeable and shifting frontier between Pomerelia (eastern Pomerania), which had been incorporated into the Polish Christian state by the end of the tenth century, and the territories of western Prussian tribes, who had resisted attempts at Christianization. Pomeranian colonization eventually began to falter in the latter decades of the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, most likely as a result of Prussian incursions, which saw the abandonment of sites across the borderland. Subsequently, the Teutonic Order and its allies led a protracted holy war against the Prussian tribes, which resulted in the conquest of the region and its incorporation into a theocratic state by the end of the thirteenth century. This was accompanied by a second wave of colonization, which resulted in the settlement pattern that is still visible in the landscape of north-central Poland today. However, not all colonies were destroyed or abandoned in between the two phases of colonization. The recently excavated site of Biała Góra, situated on the western side of the Forest of Sztum overlooking the River Nogat, represents a unique example of a transitional settlement that included both Pomeranian and Teutonic Order phases. The aim of this paper is to situate the site within its broader landscape context which can be characterized as a militarized frontier, where, from the later twelfth century and throughout much of the thirteenth century, political and economic expansion was combined with the ideology of Christian holy war and missionary activity. This paper considers how the colonists provisioned and sustained themselves in comparison to other sites within the region, and how Biała Góra may be tentatively linked to a documented but otherwise lost outpost in this volatile borderland.
The paper begins by considering the importance of springs as a focus for votive deposits in Bronze Age Britain. This is not a new idea, but nowhere has this association been examined through the excavation of one of these features. The point is illustrated by excavation at the findspot of a famous group of Late Bronze Age weapons, the Broadward hoard, discovered in 1867. Little was known about the site, where it was found or the character of the original deposit, but a study of contemporary accounts of the hoard, combined with geophysical and topographical surveys, led to small-scale excavation in 2010, which showed that the deposit had most probably been buried in a pit on the edge of a spring. Other finds associated with the spring included an Early Bronze Age macehead, a Roman pot and various Saxon and medieval animal bones. The latest deposit, with a post-medieval carbon date, included a wooden knife or dagger. An adjacent palaeochannel provided an important environmental sequence for this part of the English–Welsh borderland and suggests that the Late Bronze Age hoard had been deposited not far from a settlement. A nearby earthwork enclosure was associated with a clay weight, which may be of similar date. Despite the limited scale of the fieldwork, it illustrates the potential for treating springs associated with artefact finds on the same terms as other archaeological deposits.
Combined micropaleontological and geochemical analyses of the high-sedimentation gravity core M-4G provided new centennial-scale paleoceanographic data for sapropel S1 deposition in the NE Aegean Sea during the Holocene Climatic Optimum. Sapropel layer S1a (10.2–8.0 ka) was deposited in dysoxic to oxic bottom waters characterized by a high abundance of benthic foraminiferal species tolerating surface sediment and/or pore water oxygen depletion (e.g., Chilostomella mediterranensis, Globobulimina affinis), and the presence of Uvigerina mediterranea, which thrives in oxic mesotrophic-eutrophic environments. Preservation of organic matter (OM) is inferred based on high organic carbon as well as loliolide and isololiolide contents, while the biomarker record and the abundances of eutrophic planktonic foraminifera document enhanced productivity. High inputs of terrigenous OM are attributed to north Aegean borderland riverine inputs. Both alkenone-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and δO18G. bulloides records indicate cooling at 8.2 ka (S1a) and ~7.8 ka (S1 interruption). Sapropelic layer S1b (7.7–6.4 ka) is characterized by rather oxic conditions; abundances of foraminiferal species tolerant to oxygen depletion are very low compared with the U. mediterranea rise. Strongly fluctuating SSTs demonstrate repeated cooling and associated dense water formation, with a major event at 7.4 ka followed by cold spells at 7.0, 6.8, and 6.5 ka. The prominent rise of the carbon preference index within the S1b layer indicates the delivery of less degraded terrestrial OM. The increase of algal biomarkers, labile OM-feeding foraminifera and eutrophic planktonic species pinpoints an enhanced in situ marine productivity, promoted by more efficient vertical convection due to repeated cold events. The associated contributions of labile marine OM along with fresher terrestrial OM inputs after ~7.7 ka imply sources alternative/additional to the north Aegean riverine borderland sources for the influx of organic matter in the south Limnos Basin, plausibly related to the inflow of highly productive Marmara/Black Sea waters.
Pedagogues in the borderland of their social task: dealing with family law proceedings, threats and violence Drawing upon an explorative study of family law proceedings from a school perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine the school staff’s strategies for solving or coping with problematic situations in this context. Gendered conflicts between adults and violence are extreme cases for pedagogues in school and preschool. How do the staff cope with their own and the children’s vulnerability? Based upon interviews with 22 informants, the staff’s strategies are outlined and discussed in relation to organizational and professional circumstances and intersecting social relations of power. An analytical construction of six types of proactive and reactive strategies, ranging from distance keeping to normalization of own exposure, is utilized in the analysis. Findings suggest that the staff’s strategies to handle challenging events in this context vary with the parent’s gender, class position and ethnicity. Further, it is argued that creating a sense of safety and promoting learning among the children may be obstructed by lack of support from the school’s organization, demands on staff to perform customer oriented attitudes towards parents and lack of clarity concerning the limits of the social task. Conflicts between the organization and profession on the one hand and the educational and the social task on the other hand, are thus illuminated. In conclusion, a further aim of this article is to contribute to broader discussions on men’s violence against women and children – in families as well as in workplaces and in the intersection between these two areas.
We consider what a concern for social justice in terms of social inclusion might mean for teacher education, both practising and prospective, with particular reference to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in mathematics education taking place at a borderland school. Our discussion proceeds through the following steps: (1) We explore what a borderland position might denote to address what social inclusion might mean. (2) We consider the significance of mathematics education and the use of ICT for processes of social inclusion. (3) We briefly refer to the Interlink Network, as many of our observations emerge as reflections on this project. (4) We present different issues that will be of particular importance with respect to teacher education if we want to establish a mathematics education for social inclusion. These issues concern moving away from the comfort zone, establishing networks, identifying new approaches, moving beyond prototypical research, and getting in contact. This brings us to (5) final considerations, where we return to the notion of social justice. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009.
In a large metropolis, students from different neighbourhoods can experience very different life opportunities. This can influence their attitude towards schooling and learning, including the learning of mathematics. We interviewed a group of six students from a favela in a large city in the interior of the state of São Paulo in Brazil. We invited the students to look into their future and explore whether or not there could be learning motives that linked mathematics in school to possible out-of-school practices, either in terms of possible future jobs or further studies. We identified some themes in the students' descriptions of their experiences. The first theme is discrimination. The students feel discriminated against due to the fact that they come from a poor neighbourhood. They fear being trapped in some stereotypes. The second theme is escape. There is a strong motivation to begin a new life away from the favela. A third theme concerns the obscurity of mathematics. It seems clear to everybody that education is relevant to ensure a change in life. However, the mathematics lessons do not provide any clues regarding how mathematics might function is this respect. The fourth theme is uncertainty with respect to the future. The students could easily formulate almost unattainable aspirations, while reality might impose some very heavy limitations. In this article we introduce a theoretical framework for discussing the relation between favela students' life conditions in relation to their educational experiences and opportunities. Students' intentions for learning are related to their foregrounds, that is, how they perceive their future possibilities, as made evident to them by their social environment. Students in a favela could experience what we call a borderland position, a relational space where individuals meet their social environment and come to terms with the multiple choices that cultural and economic diversity make available to them.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
[ES]Entre mediados del siglo VIII y mediados del siglo XII, el espacio comprendido entre el Sistema Central y el río Tajo en su parte extremeña ejerció como confín territorial de al- Andalus. A lo largo de todo este tiempo se sucedieron distintas fases en las que la frontera fluctuó según vinieran los aires cristianos del norte o islámicos del sur. Ello provocaría que estos territorios actuaran con relativa autonomía en muchos momentos de su historia andalusí y que se convirtieran en zonas donde confluían gentes de toda condición social y religiosa. En el presente trabajo tratamos de vislumbrar las dinámicas territoriales y sociales que se dieron en aquella región hasta finales del siglo XI, cuando se produjeron las conquistas cristianas de las ciudades islámicas más importantes de la frontera. [EN] The geographical area between the Spanish Central System and the part of the Tagus passing through Extremadura served as the boundary of the al-Andalus from the 8th to the 12th century. The boundary had different phases that fluctuated according to the influence exercised by the northern Christians or southern Muslims. This allowed these territories to have relative autonomy during its Andalusian history and turned them into zones where people from different social and religious background converged. The aim of this paper is to analyse the territorial and social dynamics of this area until the end of the 11th century, when the Christians conquered the most important Islamic towns of the borderland.
Zusammenfassung:Hintergrund/Ziel: Die Beschreibung der funktionellen Einteilung der Leber basiert auf dem Schema von Claude de Couinaud. Die Grenze zwischen der rechten und linken Leberhälfte scheint leicht durch die Lage der mittleren Lebervene lokalisierbar. Nach der gängigen Meinung wird diese Grenze nicht durch die Trias aus Pfortader, Arterie und Gallengang überschritten. Es soll untersucht werden, ob die Lage dieser gefäßarmen Zone zwischen den Pfortaderästen benachbarter Segmente von der Lage der Grenzebene durch die mittlere Lebervene abweicht.Methode: Bei 73 Patienten wurden im Rahmen der normalen präoperativen Diagnostik dreiphasige Spiral-CT Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Aus diesen Daten wurden dreidimensionale Rekonstruktionen erzeugt und ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mittlere Sektorengrenze unterschiedliche Positionen einnimmt, je nach welchem Gefäßsystem sie bestimmt wird. Die mittlere Sektorengrenze zeigt hierbei einen Unterschied in ihrer Lage von 14,2° im Median. An der ventralen Leberoberfläche liegt die Grenzebene nach der mittleren Lebervene damit rechts lateral der gefäßarmen Zone zwischen den Pfortaderästen.Schlussfolgerung: Der Unterschied der Grenzebenen ist in dreidimensionalen Rekonstruktionen demonstrierbar und findet Anwendung bei der Segmentzuordnung von Läsionen. Diese Rekonstruktionen erleichtern die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und erlauben eine vereinfachte und möglicherweise präzisere Operationsplanung.