999 resultados para Bifurcation type theorem


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According to Bell's theorem a large class of hidden-variable models obeying Bell's notion of local causality (LC) conflict with the predictions of quantum mechanics. Recently, a Bell-type theorem has been proven using a weaker notion of LC, yet assuming the existence of perfectly correlated event types. Here we present a similar Bell-type theorem without this latter assumption. The derived inequality differs from the Clauser-Horne inequality by some small correction terms, which render it less constraining.


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Магдалина Василева Тодорова - В статията е описан подход за верификация на процедурни програми чрез изграждане на техни модели, дефинирани чрез обобщени мрежи. Подходът интегрира концепцията “design by contract” с подходи за верификация от тип доказателство на теореми и проверка на съгласуваност на модели. За целта разделно се верифицират функциите, които изграждат програмата относно спецификации според предназначението им. Изгражда се обобщен мрежов модел, специфициащ връзките между функциите във вид на коректни редици от извиквания. За главната функция на програмата се построява обобщен мрежов модел и се проверява дали той съответства на мрежовия модел на връзките между функциите на програмата. Всяка от функциите на програмата, която използва други функции се верифицира и относно спецификацията, зададена чрез мрежовия модел на връзките между функциите на програмата.


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We consider a parametric nonlinear Neumann problem driven by a nonlinear nonhomogeneous differential operator and with a Caratheodory reaction $f\left( t,x\right) $ which is $p-$superlinear in $x$ without satisfying the usual in such cases Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition. We prove a bifurcation type result describing the dependence of the positive solutions on the parameter $\lambda>0,$ we show the existence of a smallest positive solution $\overline{u}_{\lambda}$ and investigate the properties of the map $\lambda\rightarrow\overline{u}_{\lambda}.$ Finally we also show the existence of nodal solutions.


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Марусия Н. Славчова-Божкова - В настоящата работа се обобщава една гранична теорема за докритичен многомерен разклоняващ се процес, зависещ от възрастта на частиците с два типа имиграция. Целта е да се обобщи аналогичен резултат в едномерния случай като се прилагат “coupling” метода, теория на възстановяването и регенериращи процеси.


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The behavior of stability regions of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems subjected to parameter variation is studied in this paper. In particular, the behavior of stability regions and stability boundaries when the system undergoes a type-zero sadle-node bifurcation on the stability boundary is investigated in this paper. It is shown that the stability regions suffer drastic changes with parameter variation if type-zero saddle-node bifurcations occur on the stability boundary. A complete characterization of these changes in the neighborhood of a type-zero saddle-node bifurcation value is presented in this paper. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The paper studies existence, uniqueness, and stability of large-amplitude periodic cycles arising in Hopf bifurcation at infinity of autonomous control systems with bounded nonlinear feedback. We consider systems with functional nonlinearities of Landesman-Lazer type and a class of systems with hysteresis nonlinearities. The method is based on the technique of parameter functionalization and methods of monotone concave and convex operators. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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In this paper we construct predictor-corrector (PC) methods based on the trivial predictor and stochastic implicit Runge-Kutta (RK) correctors for solving stochastic differential equations. Using the colored rooted tree theory and stochastic B-series, the order condition theorem is derived for constructing stochastic RK methods based on PC implementations. We also present detailed order conditions of the PC methods using stochastic implicit RK correctors with strong global order 1.0 and 1.5. A two-stage implicit RK method with strong global order 1.0 and a four-stage implicit RK method with strong global order 1.5 used as the correctors are constructed in this paper. The mean-square stability properties and numerical results of the PC methods based on these two implicit RK correctors are reported.


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In this paper, we establish the controllability for a class of abstract impulsive mixed-type functional integro-differential equations with finite delay in a Banach space. Some sufficient conditions for controllability are obtained by using the Mönch fixed point theorem via measures of noncompactness and semigroup theory. Particularly, we do not assume the compactness of the evolution system. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.


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In this paper, motivated by the interest and relevance of the study of tumor growth models, a central point of our investigation is the study of the chaotic dynamics and the bifurcation structure of Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions: a class of continuousdefined one-dimensional maps. Using symbolic dynamics techniques and iteration theory, we established that depending on the properties of this class of functions in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point PBB, in a two-dimensional parameter space, there exists an order regarding how the infinite number of periodic orbits are born: the Sharkovsky ordering. Consequently, the corresponding symbolic sequences follow the usual unimodal kneading sequences in the topological ordered tree. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions have a particular bifurcation structure: a big bang bifurcation point PBB. This fractal bifurcations structure is of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type, associated to a boxe ω1, where an infinite number of bifurcation curves issues from. This analysis is done making use of fold and flip bifurcation curves and symbolic dynamics techniques. The present paper is an original contribution in the framework of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps.


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La programación concurrente es una tarea difícil aún para los más experimentados programadores. Las investigaciones en concurrencia han dado como resultado una gran cantidad de mecanismos y herramientas para resolver problemas de condiciones de carrera de datos y deadlocks, problemas que surgen por el mal uso de los mecanismos de sincronización. La verificación de propiedades interesantes de programas concurrentes presenta dificultades extras a los programas secuenciales debido al no-determinismo de su ejecución, lo cual resulta en una explosión en el número de posibles estados de programa, haciendo casi imposible un tratamiento manual o aún con la ayuda de computadoras. Algunos enfoques se basan en la creación de lenguajes de programación con construcciones con un alto nivel de abstración para expresar concurrencia y sincronización. Otros enfoques tratan de desarrollar técnicas y métodos de razonamiento para demostrar propiedades, algunos usan demostradores de teoremas generales, model-checking o algortimos específicos sobre un determinado sistema de tipos. Los enfoques basados en análisis estático liviano utilizan técnicas como interpretación abstracta para detectar ciertos tipos de errores, de una manera conservativa. Estas técnicas generalmente escalan lo suficiente para aplicarse en grandes proyectos de software pero los tipos de errores que pueden detectar es limitada. Algunas propiedades interesantes están relacionadas a condiciones de carrera y deadlocks, mientras que otros están interesados en problemas relacionados con la seguridad de los sistemas, como confidencialidad e integridad de datos. Los principales objetivos de esta propuesta es identificar algunas propiedades de interés a verificar en sistemas concurrentes y desarrollar técnicas y herramientas para realizar la verificación en forma automática. Para lograr estos objetivos, se pondrá énfasis en el estudio y desarrollo de sistemas de tipos como tipos dependientes, sistema de tipos y efectos, y tipos de efectos sensibles al flujo de datos y control. Estos sistemas de tipos se aplicarán a algunos modelos de programación concurrente como por ejemplo, en Simple Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (SCOOP) y Java. Además se abordarán propiedades de seguridad usando sistemas de tipos específicos. Concurrent programming has remained a dificult task even for very experienced programmers. Concurrency research has provided a rich set of tools and mechanisms for dealing with data races and deadlocks that arise of incorrect use of synchronization. Verification of most interesting properties of concurrent programs is a very dificult task due to intrinsic non-deterministic nature of concurrency, resulting in a state explosion which make it almost imposible to be manually treat and it is a serious challenge to do that even with help of computers. Some approaches attempts create programming languages with higher levels of abstraction for expressing concurrency and synchronization. Other approaches try to develop reasoning methods to prove properties, either using general theorem provers, model-checking or specific algorithms on some type systems. The light-weight static analysis approach apply techniques like abstract interpretation to find certain kind of bugs in a conservative way. This techniques scale well to be applied in large software projects but the kind of bugs they may find are limited. Some interesting properties are related to data races and deadlocks, while others are interested in some security problems like confidentiality and integrity of data. The main goals of this proposal is to identify some interesting properties to verify in concurrent systems and develop techniques and tools to do full automatic verification. The main approach will be the application of type systems, as dependent types, type and effect systems, and flow-efect types. Those type systems will be applied to some models for concurrent programming as Simple Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (SCOOP) and Java. Other goals include the analysis of security properties also using specific type systems.


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We study conformal deformations of a uniform space that satisfies the Ahlfors Q-regularity condition on balls of Whitney type. We verify the Gehring–Hayman Theorem by using a Whitney Covering of the space.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Soit $\displaystyle P(z):=\sum_{\nu=0}^na_\nu z^{\nu}$ un polynôme de degré $n$ et $\displaystyle M:=\sup_{|z|=1}|P(z)|.$ Sans aucne restriction suplémentaire, on sait que $|P'(z)|\leq Mn$ pour $|z|\leq 1$ (inégalité de Bernstein). Si nous supposons maintenant que les zéros du polynôme $P$ sont à l'extérieur du cercle $|z|=k,$ quelle amélioration peut-on apporter à l'inégalité de Bernstein? Il est déjà connu [{\bf \ref{Mal1}}] que dans le cas où $k\geq 1$ on a $$(*) \qquad |P'(z)|\leq \frac{n}{1+k}M \qquad (|z|\leq 1),$$ qu'en est-il pour le cas où $k < 1$? Quelle est l'inégalité analogue à $(*)$ pour une fonction entière de type exponentiel $\tau ?$ D'autre part, si on suppose que $P$ a tous ses zéros dans $|z|\geq k \, \, (k\geq 1),$ quelle est l'estimation de $|P'(z)|$ sur le cercle unité, en terme des quatre premiers termes de son développement en série entière autour de l'origine. Cette thèse constitue une contribution à la théorie analytique des polynômes à la lumière de ces questions.