998 resultados para BOILING POINT
En aquest article es defineixen uns nous índexs tridimensionals per a la descripció de les molècules a partir de paràmetres derivats de la Teoria de la Semblança Molecular i de les distàncies euclidianes entre els àtoms i les càrregues atòmiques efectives. Aquests indexs,anomenats 3D, s'han aplicat a l'estudi de les relacions estructura-propietat d'una família d'hidrocarburs, i han demostrat una capacitat de descripció de tres propietats de la família (temperatura d'ebullició, temperatura de fusió i densitat) molt més acurada que quan s'utilitzen els indexs 2D clàssics
One of the most widely used physico-chemical characterizations of hydrocarbon mixtures is the determination of their boiling point distribution. Knowledge of the boiling range of crude oils and petroleum products is essential to ensure the correct specification of final products and to control refinery processes. Simulated distillation, a GC based process, has been playing this role for the past decades in the petroleum industry. The main purpose of this work is to show the fundamentals of this technique as well as its present trends.
The aim of this paper was to revive the accurate determination of the boiling point of organic compounds using the percolator technique developed in the 1960s. Although this method is simple, fast and efficient it is omitted from current textbooks. This method has several advantages over Siwoloboff such as high reproducibility and direct measurement of the boiling point of the sample obtained by observing the temperature of the vapor-liquid equilibrium. The experiments were performed in the organic chemistry laboratory but allow interdisciplinary integration with other disciplines of several academic areas.
This paper describes the evaluation of a method for determination of Cd and Pb in xanthan gum samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GF AAS) using NH4H2PO4 as the chemical modifier. The sample preparation was performed using a reflux system adapted in the digestion tubes. With this system it was possible to increase the temperature of the digester block above the boiling point of the reaction medium, preventing loss of analyte and excessive evaporation of acids during heating. Samples were digested with HNO3 for 3 h in a digester block at 220 ºC. The limits of detection for Cd and Pb were 2.2 and 33.8 ng g-1, respectively. The RSDs for both analytes were, on average, lower than 5.0% and accuracy was verified by recovery tests, yielding values in the 83-100% range.
Tehoelektroniikalta vaaditaan nykyään parempaa suorituskykyä entistä pienemmässä tilassa. Tämä luo haasteen riittävälle jäähdytykselle. Eräs ratkaisu on käyttää kaksifaasijäähdytystä, jolla aikaansaadaan tehokas lämmönsiirto komponenttien pinnalta. Lämmönsiirtonesteinä voidaan käyttää kylmäaineita tai muita alhaisessa lämpötilassa kiehuvia nesteitä. Tällaisille nesteille on tyypillistä alhainen höyrynpaine sekä matala viskositeetti. Nämä ominaisuudet tuovat haasteita nesteen pumppaukseen. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan R-134A:ta sekä Novec 7000:ta, perehdytään niiden fysikaalisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä materiaaliyhteensopivuuksiin ja näiden tietojen pohjalta etsitään sopivaa pumpputyyppiä kaksifaasijäähdytysjärjestelmään. Tehoelektroniikan jäähdytysjärjestelmän pumpun on oltava edullinen muuhun järjestelmään nähden. Tyypillinen kiertopumppu nestejäähdytysjärjestelmässä on pieni keskipakopumppu. Alhaisen kiehumispisteen vuoksi kavitointiriski kasvaa ja tämä voi vahingoittaa pumppua. Myös matala viskositeetti tuo haasteita vuotoherkkyyden kasvamisen myötä, joten mekaanisilla aksiaalitiivisteillä varustetut pumput eivät ole pitkäikäisiä. Kylmäainejärjestelmiin tarkoitetut pumput ovat arvokkaita, eikä näin ollen sovellu edullisiin jäähdytysjärjestelmiin. Tässä työssä käydään läpi erilaisia pumpputyyppejä, jotka voisivat soveltua pitkäikäiseen pumppaukseen ilman huoltotöitä. Näiden tietojen perusteella kehitetään edullista ja pitkäikäistä pumppua pieniin kaksifaasijäähdytysjärjestelmiin nesteiden fysikaaliset ominaisuudet huomioon ottaen. Kehitetyn pumpun ominaisuuksia ja kustannuksia vertaillaan kaupallisiin ratkaisuihin ottaen huomioon sarjavalmistus. Itse valmistettuna pienelle sisäryntöiselle hammaspyöräpumpulle jää hintaa alle kymmenesosa markkinoilta löytyviin kylmäaineille soveltuviin pumppuun.
The volatile compounds were isolated from the headspace fraction of "assa-peixe" honeys by adsorptive column chromatography, eluted with acetone and analysed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Volatile compounds were separated using a polar phase column. Low- and medium-boiling point volatile compounds predominated in the headspace. A large proportion of 3-penten-2-one (80.5 ± 13.9 µg.kg-1) and benzaldehyde (25.9 ± 4.2 µg.kg-1) was found in the headspace fraction, while 2-penten-1-ol, 3-hexenyl butanoate, octadecane and hexanoic acid (<0.01 µg.kg-1) were by far the less abundant volatile compounds. A total of 12 volatile compounds were identified and, among them, 5 compounds were reported as "assa-peixe" honey constituents for the first time. Of the 5 new volatile compounds reported, 3-penten-2-one, dodecane, tridecane and benzaldehyde were definitively identified in the headspace fraction of Brazilian "assa-peixe" honeys.
Factors affecting the detennination of PAHs by capillary GC/MS were studied. The effect of the initial column temperature and the injection solvent on the peak areas and heights of sixteen PAHs, considered as priority pollutants, USillg crosslinked methyl silicone (DB!) and 5% diphenyl, 94% dimethyl, 1% vinyl polysiloxane (DBS) columns was examined. The possibility of using high boiling point alcohols especially butanol, pentanol, cyclopentanol, and hexanol as injection solvents was investigated. Studies were carried out to optimize the initial column temperature for each of the alcohols. It was found that the optimum initial column temperature is dependent on the solvent employed. The peak areas and heights of the PAHs are enhanced when the initial column temperature is 10-20 c above the boiling point of the solvent using DB5 column, and the same or 10 C above the boiling point of the solvent using DB1 column. Comparing the peak signals of the PAHs using the alcohols, p-xylene, n-octane, and nonane as injection solvents, hexanol gave the greatest peak areas and heights of the PAHs particularly the late-eluted peaks. The detection limits were at low pg levels, ranging from 6.0 pg for fluorene t9 83.6 pg for benzo(a)pyrene. The effect of the initial column temperature on the peak shape and the separation efficiency of the PARs was also studied using DB1 and DB5 columns. Fronting or splitting of the peaks was obseIVed at very low initial column temperature. When high initial column temperature was used, tailing of the peaks appeared. Great difference between DB! and.DB5 columns in the range of the initial column temperature in which symmetrical.peaks of PAHs can be obtained is observed. Wider ranges were shown using DB5 column. Resolution of the closely-eluted PAHs was also affected by the initial column temperature depending on the stationary phase employed. In the case of DB5, only the earlyeluted PAHs were affected; whereas, with DB1, all PAHs were affected. An analytical procedure utilizing solid phase extraction with bonded phase silica (C8) cartridges combined with GC/MS was developed to analyze PAHs in water as an alternative method to those based on the extraction with organic solvent. This simple procedure involved passing a 50 ml of spiked water sample through C8 bonded phase silica cartridges at 10 ml/min, dried by passing a gentle flow of nitrogen at 20 ml/min for 30 sec, and eluting the trapped PAHs with 500 Jll of p-xylene at 0.3 ml/min. The recoveries of PAHs were greater than 80%, with less than 10% relative standard deviations of nine determinations. No major contaminants were present that could interfere with the recognition of PAHs. It was also found that these bonded phase silica cartridges can be re-used for the extraction of PAHs from water.
Factors involved in the determination of PAHs (16 priority PAHs as an example) and PCBs (10 PCB congeners, representing 10 isomeric groups) by capillary gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS, for PAHs) and electron capture detection (GC/ECD , for PCBs) were studied, with emphasis on the effect of solvent. Having various volatilities and different polarities, solvent studied included dichloromethane, acetonitrile, hexan e, cyclohexane, isooctane, octane, nonane, dodecane, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, o-xylene, and mesitylene. Temperatures of the capillary column, the injection port, the GC/MS interface, the flow rates of carrier gas and make-up gas, and the injection volume were optimized by one factor at a time method or simplex optimization method. Under the optimized conditions, both peak height and peak area of 16 PAHs, especially the late-eluting PAHs, were significantly enhanced (1 to 500 times) by using relatively higher boiling point solvents such as p-xylene and nonane, compared with commonly used solvents like benzene and isooctane. With the improved sensitivity, detection limits of between 4.4 pg for naphthalene and 30.8 pg for benzo[g,h,i]perylene were obtained when p-xylene was used as an injection solvent. Effect of solvent on peak shape and peak intensity were found to be greatly dependent on temperature parameters, especially the initial temperature of the capillary column. The relationship between initial temperature and shape of peaks from 16 PAHs and 10 PCBs were studied and compared when toluene, p-xylene, isooctane, and nonane were used as injection solvents. If a too low initial temperature was used, fronting or split of peaks was observed. On the other hand, peak tailing occurred at a too high initial column temperature. The optimum initial temperature, at which both peak fronting and tailing were avoided and symmetrical peaks were obtained, depended on both solvents and the stationary phase of the column used. On a methyl silicone column, the alkane solvents provided wider optimum ranges of initial temperature than aromatic solvents did, for achieving well-shaped symmetrical GC peaks. On a 5% diphenyl: 1% vinyl: 94% dimethyl polysiloxane column, when the aromatic solvents were used, the optimum initial temperature ranges for solutes to form symmetrical peaks were improved to a similar degree as those when the alkanes were used as injection solvents. A mechanism, based on the properties of and possible interactions among the analyte, the injection solvent, and the stationary phase of the capillary column, was proposed to explain these observations. The effect of initial temperature on peak height and peak area of the 16 PAHs and the 10 PCBs was also studied. The optimum initial temperature was found to be dependent on the physical properties of the solvent used and the amount of the solvent injected. Generally, from the boiling point of the solvent to 10 0C above its boiling point was an optimum range of initial temperature at which cthe highest peak height and peak area were obtained.
En aquest article es defineixen uns nous índexs tridimensionals per a la descripció de les molècules a partir de paràmetres derivats de la Teoria de la Semblança Molecular i de les distàncies euclidianes entre els àtoms i les càrregues atòmiques efectives. Aquests indexs, anomenats 3D, s'han aplicat a l'estudi de les relacions estructura-propietat d'una família d'hidrocarburs, i han demostrat una capacitat de descripció de tres propietats de la família (temperatura d'ebullició, temperatura de fusió i densitat) molt més acurada que quan s'utilitzen els indexs 2D clàssics
Flash points (T(FP)) of organic compounds are calculated from their flash point numbers, N(FP), with the relationship T(FP) = 23.369N(FP)(2/3) + 20.010N(FP)(1/3) + 31.901. In turn, the N(FP) values can be predicted from boiling point numbers (Y(BP)) and functional group counts with the equation N(FP) = 0.974Y(BP) + Sigma(i)n(i)G(i) + 0.095 where G(i) is a functional group-specific contribution to the value of N(FP) and n(i) is the number of such functional groups in the structure. For a data set consisting of 1000 diverse organic compounds, the average absolute deviation between reported and predicted flash points was less than 2.5 K.
Petroleum evaluation is analyze it using different methodologies, following international standards to know their chemical and physicochemical properties, contaminant levels, composition and especially their ability to generate derivatives. Many of these analyzes consuming a lot of time, large amount of samples , supplies and need an organized transportation logistics, schedule and professionals involved. Looking for alternatives that optimize the evaluation and enable the use of new technologies, seven samples of different centrifuged Brazilian oils previously characterized by Petrobras were analyzed by thermogravimetry in 25-900° C range using heating rates of 05, 10 and 20ºC per minute. With experimental data obtained, characterizations correlations were performed and provided: generation of true boiling point curves (TBP) simulated; comparing fractions generated with appropriate cut standard in temperature ranges; an approach to obtain Watson characterization factor; and compare micro carbon residue formed. The results showed a good chance of reproducing simulated TBP curve from thermogravimetry taking into account the composition, density and other oil properties. Proposed correlations for experimental characterization factor and carbon residue followed Petrobras characterizations, showing that thermogravimetry can be used as a tool on oil evaluation, because your quick analysis, accuracy, and requires a minimum number of samples and consumables
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Several Brazilian commercial gasoline physicochemical parameters, such as relative density, distillation curve (temperatures related to 10%, 50% and 90% of distilled volume, final boiling point and residue), octane numbers (motor and research octane number and anti-knock index), hydrocarbon compositions (olefins, aromatics and saturates) and anhydrous ethanol and benzene content was predicted from chromatographic profiles obtained by flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and using partial least square regression (PLS). GC-FID is a technique intensively used for fuel quality control due to its convenience, speed, accuracy and simplicity and its profiles are much easier to interpret and understand than results produced by other techniques. Another advantage is that it permits association with multivariate methods of analysis, such as PLS. The chromatogram profiles were recorded and used to deploy PLS models for each property. The standard error of prediction (SEP) has been the main parameter considered to select the "best model". Most of GC-FID-PLS results, when compared to those obtained by the Brazilian Government Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency - ANP Regulation 309 specification methods, were very good. In general, all PLS models developed in these work provide unbiased predictions with lows standard error of prediction and percentage average relative error (below 11.5 and 5.0, respectively). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work has been developed using a sylvestral fruit tree, native to the Brazilian forest, the Eugenia uniflora L., one of the Mirtaceae family. The main goal of the analytical study was focused on extraction methods themselves. The method development pointed to the Clevenger extraction as the best yield in relation to SFE and Soxhlet. The SFE method presented a good yield but showed a big amount of components in the final extract, demonstrating low selectivity. The essential oil extracted was analyzed by GC/FID showing a large range of polarity and boiling point compounds, where linalool, a widely used compound, was identified. Furthermore, an analytical solid phase extraction method was used to clean it up and obtain separated classes of compounds that were fractionated and studied by GC/FlD and GUMS. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)