954 resultados para Attractions of ellipsoids.


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We have performed Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of suspensions of monodisperse, hard ellipsoids of revolution. Hard-particle models play a key role in statistical mechanics. They are conceptually and computationally simple, and they offer insight into systems in which particle shape is important, including atomic, molecular, colloidal, and granular systems. In the high density phase diagram of prolate hard ellipsoids we have found a new crystal, which is more stable than the stretched FCC structure proposed previously . The new phase, SM2, has a simple monoclinic unit cell containing a basis of two ellipsoids with unequal orientations. The angle of inclination is very soft for length-to-width (aspect) ratio l/w=3, while the other angles are not. A symmetric state of the unit cell exists, related to the densest-known packings of ellipsoids; it is not always the stable one. Our results remove the stretched FCC structure for aspect ratio l/w=3 from the phase diagram of hard, uni-axial ellipsoids. We provide evidence that this holds between aspect ratios 3 and 6, and possibly beyond. Finally, ellipsoids in SM2 at l/w=1.55 exhibit end-over-end flipping, warranting studies of the cross-over to where this dynamics is not possible. Secondly, we studied the dynamics of nearly spherical ellipsoids. In equilibrium, they show a first-order transition from an isotropic phase to a rotator phase, where positions are crystalline but orientations are free. When over-compressing the isotropic phase into the rotator regime, we observed super-Arrhenius slowing down of diffusion and relaxation, and signatures of the cage effect. These features of glassy dynamics are sufficiently strong that asymptotic scaling laws of the Mode-Coupling Theory of the glass transition (MCT) could be tested, and were found to apply. We found strong coupling of positional and orientational degrees of freedom, leading to a common value for the MCT glass-transition volume fraction. Flipping modes were not slowed down significantly. We demonstrated that the results are independent of simulation method, as predicted by MCT. Further, we determined that even intra-cage motion is cooperative. We confirmed the presence of dynamical heterogeneities associated with the cage effect. The transit between cages was seen to occur on short time scales, compared to the time spent in cages; but the transit was shown not to involve displacements distinguishable in character from intra-cage motion. The presence of glassy dynamics was predicted by molecular MCT (MMCT). However, as MMCT disregards crystallization, a test by simulation was required. Glassy dynamics is unusual in monodisperse systems. Crystallization typically intervenes unless polydispersity, network-forming bonds or other asymmetries are introduced. We argue that particle anisometry acts as a sufficient source of disorder to prevent crystallization. This sheds new light on the question of which ingredients are required for glass formation.


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The growing interest in co-created reading experiences in both digital and print formats raises interesting questions for creative writers who work in the space of interactive fiction. This essay argues that writers have not abandoned experiments with co-creation in print narratives in favour of the attractions of the digital environment, as might be assumed by the discourse on digital development. Rather, interactive print narratives, in particular ‘reader-assembled narratives’ demonstrate a rich history of experimentation and continue to engage writers who wish to craft individual reading experiences for readers and to experiment with their own creative process as writers. The reader-assembled narrative has been used for many different reasons and for some writers, such as BS Johnson it is a method of problem solving, for others, like Robert Coover, it is a way to engage the reader in a more playful sense. Authors such as Marc Saporta, BS Johnson, and Robert Coover have engaged with this type of narrative play. This examination considers the narrative experimentation of these authors as a way of offering insights into creative practice for contemporary creative writers.


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O cosplay traduzido como brincar de fantasiar é uma atividade realizada por algumas pessoas em eventos que reúnem admiradores de desenhos animados e histórias em quadrinhos japonesas. Alguns de seus participantes vestem-se como os personagens veiculados nesses meios e são chamados de cosplayers. Diferente de um baile à fantasia, lá eles podem interpretar os personagens e, normalmente, a escolha é feita com base na identificação com estes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal compreender o fenômeno cosplay, como parte do mundo hipermoderno, que vem atraindo um crescente número de adeptos no Brasil, e que vêm a fazer parte da identidade de alguns desses jovens. Para isso, apresento um breve panorama sobre o contexto atual marcado por novas tecnologias, difusão do consumo, mudanças nas relações familiares, diluição das barreiras físicas e aumento das fontes de informação, que provocaram profundas mudanças nos modos de ser e agir no mundo. Destaco também a importância do papel do consumo, pois com a degradação das estruturas tradicionais que proporcionavam bases estáveis nas quais se apoiavam as identidades, estas foram se tornando incertas e fluidas e, assim, o mundo se prontifica a oferecer uma variedade enorme de objetos de consumo para constituí-la. Como o cosplay envolve o processo de identificação com os personagens do entretenimento japonês, apresento algumas características das histórias em quadrinhos japonesas que são considerados atrativos deste material, e discuto a questão da juventude e identidade, e a importância do imaginário, fatos marcantes deste fenômeno. A fim de entender mais essa dinâmica formou-se um grupo focal com cinco cosplayers, entre 16 e 21 anos, moradores do Rio de Janeiro, que contribuíram significativamente para a discussão de todo o trabalho. Além do divertimento e do aumento das habilidades na confecção das vestimentas, o reconhecimento social apareceu como uma das motivações para realização dos cosplays. Esse dado reitera a importância das interações no processo de formação da pessoa. Um outro dado relevante apontado foi que através de identificação com alguns personagens, os cosplayers acabam questionando suas próprias atitudes, reforçando com isso, o papel ativo desses jovens no consumo dos produtos midiáticos


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The Tertiary Kuche depression, also known as one of the most economically important oil and gas prospecting regions in the Tarim Basin, is a foreland basin formed by flexural subsidence resulting from the southward thrusting of the southern Tianshan. Detailed geological and geophysical studies on the Tertiary sequence of the Kuche region would provide constraints not only on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation patterns, and its controlling on the formation and distribution of oil and gas of the Kuche depression, but also on the India-Asia postcollisional uplift and continental deformation of the Tianshan regions. In this thesis, the Tertiary sequence of the Kuche depression, which is composed of the upper Kumukeliemu Formation, Suweiyi Formation, Jidike Formation, Kangcun Formation, and Kuche Formation, was selected for magnetostratigraphic and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study. Among a total of 697 collected sites, 688 sites gave magnetic fabric results and 686 sites yielded reliable paleomagnetic results, building up magenetostratigraphy for the Tertiary sequence of the Kuche depression. By correlating with international geomagnetic polarity timescale, the followings were concluded: 1) the time interval of the sampling sections is some 31-8.1 Ma; 2) the boundaries for Kangcun/Jidike Formations, Jidike/Suweiyi Formations, and Suweiyi/Kumukeliemu Formations are at about 13.5 Ma, 26 Ma and 29 Ma respectively; 3) the Jidike Formation might be formed in an interval between the late Upper Oligocene and middle Miocene, whereas the Suweiyi Formation was formed in the Upper Oligocene, in turn, the Paleogene/Neogene boundary is most likely to be at the bottom of the Jidike Formation in the Kuche depression; 4) the dramatic transition from the marine/lacustrine to fluvial/alluvial facies in the Suweiyi Formation and the lower Jidike Formation of the Kuche depression, which may indicate the initiation of Cenozoic thrusting in the Kuche depression, is probably occurred in the late Oligocene, i.e. at about 28-25 Ma. On the other hand, systematic differences of the AMS parameters, such as the corrected anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, shape parameter of ellipsoids, q factors, angles between the intermediate and minimum magnetic susceptibility directions and bedding, indicate that a dramatic transition of tectonic strain is most likely to occur at about 16 Ma (middle Miocene) in the Kuche depression. Taking into account the initiation o f C enozoic thrusting in the Kuche d epression i s at about 2 8-25 M a, we argue that the intensive Cenozoic thrusting in the Kuche depression is mainly happened during a period between the late Oligocene to middle Miocene.


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Bogotá Chirriadísima nace al identificar la gran oportunidad que tienen los souvenirs como una propuesta alternativa dentro del sector artesanal; la falta de innovación y el crecimiento del turismo en la ciudad, han creado el campo de acción para los productos que ofrecen un concepto 100% Bogotano. Estos productos a parte de cumplir su función de recordar gratos momentos de la experiencias vividas, son un medio para trasmitir una imagen histórica de los atractivos turísticos de la ciudad como de los lugares poco visitados que aun guardan su magia natural. Buscamos ofrecer productos funcionales y diferentes a los convencionales, con la idea de que en diferentes actividades hagan parte de la vida del turista. Al contar con mercado turístico en crecimiento, siendo Bogotá la ciudad mas visitada del país, se determino el tamaño de mercado por más de 55 mil millones de pesos; sin embargo por las condiciones de inicio del proyecto nos enfocaremos en una pequeña parte del segmento. Para desarrollar el proyecto se requiere de una inversión inicial de 28,3 millones de pesos, con el objetivo de lograr para el primer año la venta de 5.510 unidades que representen ingresos por más de 160 millones de pesos, para el segundo año se incrementa la producción a 9.743 unidades con ingresos por mas de 288 millones de pesos, lo que equivale a un incremento del 72% con respecto al año anterior. Finalmente para el año 3, se prevé un incremento en las ventas del 84% con ingresos por más de 532 millones correspondientes a 17.503 unidades El flujo del proyecto para el periodo de tres años, arroja una TIR o rentabilidad anual promedio de 124,39% lo cual determina que es un proyecto viable y de bajo riesgo, en cuanto al Valor Presente Neto, el proyecto arroja 102 millones adicionales, es decir que es mas rentable invertir los recursos en este proyecto que en uno que rente al 20% anual, finalmente, como la suma de las utilidades del primer y segundo año es superior a la inversión inicial, se determina que el Periodo de Recuperación de la Inversión se da en el segundo año.


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Photography is a resourse of the most used and effective marketing, besides being an polysemic art, boundless sense; this allows for different readings. Nevertheless, there are those who, through the control and supervision, try to organize its meaning, such as the marketing companies. Others, such as artists, are the responsibility of the observers to give their work some understanding. Resorting a photographic iconography of the tourist attractions of the city of João Pessoa in Brazil from 2005 to 2010. This survey selected images published in catalogs supported by the Fundo de Incentivo a Cultura (FIC) and the Empresa Paraibana de Turismo (PBTUR). The central idea of this qualitative research is the assumption that, in general, tourists crave, even unconsciously, a reality of a tourist attraction motivated by photographic image conveyed the travel market, meanwhile, emphasizes that the art market, the same attraction is exposed and uncovered. Thus it is argued, by photos, such as environmental and sociocultural characteristics are commodified by these organs that have different purposes is not exclusive, given that the FIC supports art and PBTUR sponsors the tourism. Beyond the iconography used for cataloging and photographic analysis, interviews were conducted by the method of visual narratives in ordes to approximate the data with the view of tourists and photographers. In that resulted in a refletion on the current imagistic process involving the release of the tourist destinations in order to be allowed on a critical reading of photographic production and market resources to marketing and promoting the art of the city. It was observed that both the art and photography marketing acquire different symbolic values with respect to their markets promoted by the catalogs analyzed.


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Mögliche Verformungsmechanismen, die zu den verschiedenen Glimmer- und Mineralfischen führen, sind: intrakristalline Verformung, Kristallrotation, Biegung und Faltung, Drucklösung in Kombination mit Ausfällung und dynamische Rekristallisation oder Mechanismen, die ein großes Mineral in mehrere kleine, fischförmige Kristalle aufspalten.Experimente mit ein neues Verformungsgerät und Objekten in zwei verschiedenen Matrixmaterialien werden beschrieben. Das eine ist PDMS, (Newtonianisch viskoses Polymer), und das andere Tapioca Perlen (Mohr-Couloumb Verhalten). Die Rotation von fischförmigen Objekten in PDMS stimmt mit der theoretischen Rotationsrate für ellipsenförmige Objekte in einem Newtonianischen Material überein. In einer Matrix von Tapioca Perlen nehmen die Objekte eine stabile Lage ein. Diese Orientierung ist vergleichbar mit der von Glimmerfischen. Die Verformung in der Matrix von Tapioca Perlen ist konzentriert auf dünne Scherzonen. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren, daß die Verformung in natürlichen Gesteinen auch in dünnen Scherzonen konzentriert ist.Computersimulationen werden beschrieben, mit denen der Einfluß der Eigenschaften einer Matrix auf die Rotation von Objekten und Verteilung von Deformation untersucht wird.Mit diesen Experimenten wird gezeigt, daß die Orientierung von Glimmerfischen nicht mit Verformung in einem nicht-linearen viskosen Material erklärt werden kann. Eine solche nicht-lineare Rheologie wird im Allgemeinen für die Erdkurste angenommen. Die stabile Orientierung eines Objektes kann mit weicheren Lagen in der Matrix erklärt werden.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el propósito de dar un entendimiento global de la situación actual en lo referente a la competitividad de Mazatlán como destino turístico; conocer las particularidades del destino permite aplicar procedimientos innovadores y participativos en la búsqueda de competitividad, lo que favorece un mejor desarrollo turístico. El principal valor de esta investigación radica en la necesidad de identificar las estrategias para lograr competitividad y convertir el turismo de sol y playa en una palanca de desarrollo económico y generadora de empleos. El estudio se realizó bajo la perspectiva metodológica cualitativa ejecutada a través de diferentes métodos; por un lado, el enfoque de triangulación implicó análisis documental para contextualizar la competitividad turística del destino y por otro lado, análisis de datos generados de las discusiones en grupos focales con los actores de la actividad turística del destino. Se revisaron los fundamentos teóricos de la competitividad sistémica, con referencia especial al Índice de Competitividad Sistémica de las Ciudades Mexicanas (ICSar-ciudades) únicamente para definir indicadores o categorías analíticas que fueron incluidos en la discusión (marco regulatorio, ambiente de negocios e infraestructura y recursos humanos, culturales y naturales). Entre los principales resultados, se destaca la necesidad empaquetar los atractivos turísticos del destino, lo cual permita constituir un producto turístico, tarifado y publicado como un elemento completo; la necesidad de contar con adecuados canales de distribución y comercialización; un adecuado sistema de movilidad en el destino que cubra las necesidades de los turistas; el fortalecimiento de la infraestructura turística para maximizar los flujos turísticos; colaboración de todos los niveles de gobierno e Instituciones, sectores públicos o privados en el diseño e implementación de planes de marketing.


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La importancia de la actividad turística para las economías locales es un hecho constatado en las últimas décadas desde diferentes organismos oficiales, tanto nacionales como internacionales. A su vez, el mayor acceso y mejora de la tecnología permite desarrollar metodologías que establezcan modelos locales de turismo más eficientes e innovadores, acordes tanto con el valor y los recursos endógenos, como con la realidad del destino turístico en cuestión. El objetivo de este artículo ha sido desarrollar y aplicar una metodología que ha permitido; por un lado, la selección y georeferenciación de los principales atractivos culturales de la ciudad de Murcia de acuerdo a la opinión de sus habitantes; y por otro, desarrollar una ruta turística a partir de la ubicación de esos puntos, haciendo uso de la extensión de análisis de redes de un SIG.


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Objective To describe the attitudes to their work and career of those Australian veterinarians who work with horses. Method Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto Excel spreadsheets, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results The main attractions of veterinary work with horses were the horses themselves and the equine industries, but working outdoors and with rewarding clients, and the satisfaction of successful outcomes were attractions for many. The list of disadvantages was longer, and included unreasonable and disagreeable clients as well as those who provided inadequate facilities, could not control their horses or did not care for them. The physical demands and risks of injury, the amount of time required, low rates of return and difficulties in collecting payment, were other major disadvantages. Some mentioned concerns about litigation, unethical behaviour, and recruiting and retaining veterinarians competent with horses. For many in mixed practice, the difficulties in affording modern equipment, and of developing and maintaining their own competence with horses, was a real concern. More than three-quarters of the respondents reported that their careers had lived up to expectations and that they would become veterinarians again; 70% of equine veterinarians would become an equine veterinarian again. Almost all (93%) of the respondents were either very glad, or 'generally glad though with some misgivings' that they had done the veterinary course. Older veterinarians reported suffering less stress, and being more content with their career, than younger colleagues. Conclusions The advantages of doing veterinary work with horses outweigh the disadvantages for most veterinarians, especially those well advanced in their careers.


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Inward investment promotion and aftercare remain central aspects of local economic development for English Regional Development Agencies, Scottish and Welsh development bodies, and local authorities in Britain. In many cases, partnership and consultation mechanisms have become integral to attracting inward investment and providing aftercare. Inward investment is thus an important area in which to explore interinstitutional relations between agents operating along diverse spatial boundaries and with different responsibilities. In this paper we analyse the local and regional institutional structures and relations characterising the inward investment process in Britain using new survey data from local authorities, regional bodies, and inward investors. We find that promotional activities have clearly defined structures which are chiefly led by the regional level. Aftercare is characterised by more collaborative arrangements involving both regional bodies and local government. However, many bodies are little used, with competition and tension between partners remaining frequent within English regions, regardless of recent institutional changes designed to reduce such problems. In Scotland and Wales, however, their national institutions are not only widely used, but they create high levels of satisfaction from firms. Hence, England has yet to respond to the effective challenges of Scotland and Wales. The analysis also highlights the limited importance of all national, regional, and local public institutions in attracting inward investors and their subsequent aftercare. The critical inputs to business decisions appear to be driven chiefly by more general supply-side conditions (for example, general skills versus local public packages) and the general attractions of a particular location.


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A indústria turística tem-se focado na diversificação, de forma contínua, tornando-se um dos motores fundamentais para o progresso dos setores económicos de um país. Para tal, o desenvolvimento de um Produto Turístico de sucesso que visa oferecer ao público-alvo uma experiência memorável para satisfazer o seu desejo é essencial para que este consumidor venha a visitar um determinado destino. A nova era digital transformou a estratégia de marketing das empresas e esta nova conjuntura tem vindo a contribuir para o crescimento exponencial e para o desenvolvimento das técnicas e ferramentas que permitem promover a comunicação entre a empresa/marca e o consumidor, aspeto em que o marketing digital tem desempenhado um papel importante. Em tempos de valorização da experiência turística, o setor turístico de Cabo Verde pouco tem explorado e não tem tirado grande partido do marketing digital para dar a conhecer as potencialidades e as maravilhas do destino enquanto produto turístico, que ainda tem muito por descobrir por parte dos consumidores nacionais e internacionais. Como objetivos deste plano de comunicação Visit Cabo Verde pretende-se aumentar a notoriedade da marca Cabo Verde e captar novos turistas através da promoção de 4 ilhas: Santiago, São Vicente, Santo Antão e Boavista dividindo-as em 3 (três) subprodutos - cultura, natureza e praia. Com a realização deste projeto prevê-se que Cabo Verde atinja o público-alvo definido através da conceção das campanhas relevantes para os potenciais turistas e aumentar o fluxo dos turistas no arquipélago. As limitações deste plano de comunicação incidem sobre a variável produto que não é controlável, procurando este plano uma linha de orientação para a variável comunicação.


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El proyecto “Diseño de productos y rutas turísticas alternativas para el mejoramiento del nivel de vida de las comunidades locales: el caso del Golfo de Nicoya” tiene como propósitos: la elaboración de un diagnóstico del sistema turístico de las comunidades involucradas, la evaluación del potencial turístico de los recursos y atractivos identificados en las comunidades, el diseño de productos y rutas turísticas, y la realización de una zonificación turística en las áreas de estudio. El presente artículo se centra en la zonificación turística de las comunidades metas, debido a que las variables anteriormente mencionadas son la base para su elaboración. La zonificación toma en cuenta los aspectos que condicionan los procesos de transformación y articulación del turismo en el territorio, desde el papel de los recursos naturales para la implantación turística y la influencia de la estructura territorial y socioeconómica sobre la que se organiza el turismo. Esta permite un mejor análisis del espacio geográfico y diseño de propuestas de desarrollo. En este caso, se identifican elementos homogeneizadores del espacio turístico a partir del diagnóstico de las comunidades, entre ellos se encuentran: la geomorfología, uso del suelo, tipología de recurso y atractivo turístico, la oferta y la demanda turística, entre otros. ABSTRACT The purpose of the project, “Design of Products and Tourist Route Alternatives for Improving the Standard of Living of Local Communities: The Case of the Gulf of Nicoya”, is to diagnose the system of tourism in the communities involved, evaluate the tourist potential of the resources and attractions of the communities, design products and tour routes, and establish tourist zones in the areas of study. This article focuses on the community goals of the tourist zones since the above-mentioned variables are the basis for their development. The zoning takes into account the aspects that condition the process of transforming an area into a tourist zone, from the role natural resources play in establishing tourism to the influence of socioeconomic and territorial structures. This allows a better analysis of the geographic space and design of development proposals. In this case, homogenous elements of the tourist space are identified from diagnosis of the communities, including the geomorphology, land use, typology of resource and tourist attractions, tourist supply and demand and other factors.


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One of the greatest challenges in contemporary condensed matter physics is to ascertain whether the formation of glasses from liquids is fundamentally thermodynamic or dynamic in origin. Although the thermodynamic paradigm has dominated theoretical research for decades, the purely kinetic perspective of the dynamical facilitation (DF) theory has attained prominence in recent times. In particular, recent experiments and simulations have highlighted the importance of facilitation using simple model systems composed of spherical particles. However, an overwhelming majority of liquids possess anisotropy in particle shape and interactions, and it is therefore imperative to examine facilitation in complex glass formers. Here, we apply the DF theory to systems with orientational degrees of freedom as well as anisotropic attractive interactions. By analyzing data from experiments on colloidal ellipsoids, we show that facilitation plays a pivotal role in translational as well as orientational relaxation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the introduction of attractive interactions leads to spatial decoupling of translational and rotational facilitation, which subsequently results in the decoupling of dynamical heterogeneities. Most strikingly, the DF theory can predict the existence of reentrant glass transitions based on the statistics of localized dynamical events, called excitations, whose duration is substantially smaller than the structural relaxation time. Our findings pave the way for systematically testing the DF approach in complex glass formers and also establish the significance of facilitation in governing structural relaxation in supercooled liquids.