993 resultados para Association Agreement
The European Union (EU) and Mercosur talks have been stalled since discussions were resumed in 2000. Recurring protectionist and institutional obstacles have slowed down negotiations. The financial crisis, however, has resulted in low domestic demand in the EU. This has made the interregional association agreement (IAA) with Mercosur more attractive. The loss of the Generalized Scheme of Preference (GSP) status and the lack of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the EU have both disadvantaged Mercosur. A further window of opportunity is opening up in Mercosur. In Brazil, there have been cries for a change in government. In Argentina, presidential elections will take place in October 2015 and will assuredly bring an end to Kirchnerismo. A change in leadership in both countries is expected to make agreement more likely. Protectionist policies are not expected to remain as high if there is change in government. This will provide the EU with an opportunity to advance the negotiations and conclude the IAA.
In an advisory referendum held in the Netherlands on April 6th, over 61% of the voters rejected the ratification of the Association Agreement (AA) between the EU and Ukraine. If the Dutch government were to act on the outcome of the referendum, which had a low turnout of 32%, an unprecedented situation would emerge in which an EU international agreement cannot enter into force because a member state is not in a position to ratify it. Although the political character of this referendum and the Dutch Advisory Referendum Act (DRA) and the geopolitical implications of the AA itself have already been the subject of heated discussions in the Netherlands and beyond, the legal implications of this referendum remain unclear.
The EU was taken by surprise when the President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, stood by his Russian counterpart and announced Armenia’s plans to join the Russian-led Customs Union in September 2013. After all, before this announcement Armenia and the EU had successfully concluded negotiations on their Association Agreement. Armenia is still suffering the consequences of the Kremlin’s coercion to reject this Association Agreement. Indeed, as Armenians around the world commemorate the centenary of the Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey, the Republic of Armenia is facing mounting challenges. The country remains subject to an economic blockade by Turkey and is in conflict with Azerbaijan. Ever since President’s Sargsyan’s astonishing volte-face, the EU and Armenia are still in the process of trying to rework the failed agreement. The author of this commentary argues that because the future of any new agreement is uncertain, negotiations should be accompanied by a pragmatic EU-Armenia roadmap. This roadmap, alongside the start of the visa liberalisation process and Armenia’s signing up to the European Common Aviation Agreement and Horizon 2020, could become a deliverable at the Riga Summit on 26-27 April 2015.
Mexico and the European Union signed a new Political and Economic Association Agreement in December 1997 and ultimately a free-trade agreement in March 2000, aiming to establish a new model of relations with a more dynamic trade and investment component. This article analyzes the 1997 agreement as background to the final accord. Economic and political changes in the 1990s modified both parties' participation in the international political economy, helping to overcome some of the structural obstacles to the relationship. The policy toward Latin America adopted by the EU in 1994 was influential. The negotiation process revealed divergences over the scope of the liberalization process and the so-called democracy clause.
The fall of 2013 could be characterized as a crossroad in the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine. Two rivalry geopolitical projects have been developing throughout the post-Cold War years, and it seems that they reached a collision point in Ukraine; a country whose authorities have been for long switching sides between the European Union and the Russian Federation in their foreign policy commitments. The refusal/postponing to sign the Association Agreement with Brussels, an expected event by a large category of the Ukrainian society, by Yanukovich’s government led to the outset of the latter; and brought a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kyiv. It seems that Ukraine, after those events, has embarked definitively on the path of integration into the West (European Union and possibly NATO). The Russian Federation, who has been throughout Putin’s years engaged into the re-integration of post-Soviet space, reacted to these developments in an assertive manner by violating borders, agreements and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, the incorporation of the Crimea into the Russian Federation is the first in its kind in the post-Soviet space, despite the existence of various other conflicts that broke out in the region after the Soviet Union broke up. I will investigate in this thesis the nature of what will be labelled, in this work, the Crimean issue. I argue that the incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation marks a new era in Russian geopolitical thinking that shapes, to a far extent, Russian foreign policy. Discourse analysis will be the methodological basis for this study, with a special focus on Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. The innovation that this research brings is the fact that it discusses Russian geopolitical discourse within the scope of Foucault’s ‘discursive tree’, with a reference to the Crimean issue. A wide range of primary sources will be consulted in this study such as presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly (2000-2014), Foreign Policy Concepts of the Russian Federation (2000, 2008), Russian maritime doctrines, as wells as Dugin’s Osnovy Geopolitiki (Foundations of Geopolitics), Mahan’s (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783) and other Eurasianism related literature.
En 2007 comienzan las negociaciones para un Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Comunidad Andina y la Unión Europea. En 2008 dicho Acuerdo fracasa. Las razones del fracaso pueden ser pensadas desde lo ideológico, no obstante, existe una limitación institucional que debe ser estudiada con mayor detenimiento para poder entender la dinámica andina frente a la dinámica europea.
El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo explicar la incidencia de la adopción del enfoque del concepto de Desarrollo Sostenible en el Acuerdo de asociación entre la Unión Europea y Colombia en el sector hortifructífero colombiano. Se realiza una análisis y se identifica cómo el enfoque adoptado por las partes, no le brinda igual importancia a los tres pilares del desarrollo sostenible, por lo tanto se dificulta su aplicación en el sector hortifructífero. Partiendo del concepto planteado por Jeffrey Sachs, se evidencian las falencias del concepto adoptado en el acuerdo, y se establecen las dificultades de la aplicación del concepto de desarrollo sostenible estipulado en el acuerdo de asociación, dentro del sector hortifructífero atendiendo a las dinámicas del mundo actual. Esta investigación surge a raíz de la creciente importancia que ha tenido el desarrollo sostenible en el ámbito internacional, estableciéndolo como punto fundamental en la agenda internacional. ría
Este artículo presenta un breve análisis de la situación actual de las negociaciones para establecer un Acuerdo de Asociación entre la Unión Europea y la Comunidad Andina, tomando como punto de partida los resultados de IV Cumbre Unión Europea-América Latina y el Caribe, realizada en Viena, Austria en el 2006, como también las últimas decisiones del Consejo Presidencial Andino, en donde se pueden apreciar algunos elementos definitorios de lo que podría ser la integración con Europa, la cual, sin lugar a dudas, constituye una prioridad para los países andinos y para el resto de países latinoamericanos.
Este artículo pasa revista al proceso de diálogo entre la Unión Europea y la Comunidad Andina. Los requerimientos establecidos por la UE para los acuerdos de asociación y la posibilidad de que los mismos sean cumplidos por los países de la CAN son analizados por el autor, quien señala que la falta de "profundidad" y una serie de obstáculos políticos e institucionales están vigentes en el grupo andino, lo que de alguna forma restringe la consolidación de espacios a nivel internacional. García señala que un Acuerdo de Asociación con la UE podría fortalecer la cooperación en lo que a cohesión social andina se refiere.
Includes bibliography
Incluye Bibliografía
In 2010 two retailers signed an association agreement to gain an advantage in the market, however this association has promoted many changes within the companies. So this study had the objective to analyze the organizational climate, in the integration of companies context, in order to early detect deficiencies that could pose risks to the process of integration. The results collected from the questionnaires revealed the perceptions and expectations of employees regarding the integration of companies and their level of satisfaction with the organization, in addition, the data obtained from interviews allowed us to understand and to find some causes to the level of satisfaction presented by employees. The results made possible to identify strengths as the company‟s image, points of failure in communication and training and dissatisfaction with the workload, then some actions were suggested with the intention to achieve greater engagement and commitment of employees and consequently contribute to the success of the Integration Program. The conclusion of this study is that the changes promoted by the integration of companies impacted in the organizational climate and increased employees dissatisfaction