968 resultados para Analysis theory


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This work deals with the homogenization of an initial- and boundary-value problem for the doubly-nonlinear system D(t)w - del.(z) over right arrow = g(x, t, x/epsilon) (0.1) w is an element of alpha(u, x/epsilon) (0.2) (z) over right arrow is an element of (gamma) over right arrow (del u, x/epsilon) (0.3) Here epsilon is a positive parameter; alpha and (gamma) over right arrow are maximal monotone with respect to the first variable and periodic with respect to the second one. The inclusions (0.2) and (0.3) are here formulated as null-minimization principles, via the theory of Fitzpatrick MR 1009594]. As epsilon -> 0, a two-scale formulation is derived via Nguetseng's notion of two-scale convergence, and a (single-scale) homogenized problem is then retrieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the homogenization of an initial- and boundary-value problem for the doubly-nonlinear system D(t)w - del.(z) over right arrow = g(x, t, x/epsilon) (0.1) w is an element of alpha(u, x/epsilon) (0.2) (z) over right arrow is an element of (gamma) over right arrow (del u, x/epsilon) (0.3) Here epsilon is a positive parameter; alpha and (gamma) over right arrow are maximal monotone with respect to the first variable and periodic with respect to the second one. The inclusions (0.2) and (0.3) are here formulated as null-minimization principles, via the theory of Fitzpatrick MR 1009594]. As epsilon -> 0, a two-scale formulation is derived via Nguetseng's notion of two-scale convergence, and a (single-scale) homogenized problem is then retrieved. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A partir da formalização do Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde e do Programa Saúde da Família pelo Ministério da Saúde (anos 90), as discussões sobre a reorientação dos modelos assistenciais ganham destaque. O Programa Saúde da Família passa a ser visto por boa parte dos profissionais de saúde coletiva como um modelo capaz de imprimir mudanças não apenas na atenção em si como também na dinâmica dos processos. Ao propor a substituição das estratégias tradicionais, voltadas para a doença e centradas no hospital, a nova proposta voltase, entre outros aspectos, para a ação preventiva e para a promoção da saúde. Busca contemplar também a atenção às necessidades de saúde da população adscrita, a família e seu território, ações intersetoriais e tem na equipe multiprofissional pilar importante no cuidado. O Agente Comunitário de Saúde se apresenta como ator importante na possibilidade de mudança de modelo assistencial; atuando intensamente na produção do cuidado assim como na organização de tal assistência. Criam-se conflitos acerca da percepção de potencialidades e da possibilidade de interação entre os diversos aspectos envolvidos neste contexto. Este trabalho buscou investigar a percepção de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde do município de Petrópolis RJ acerca dos saberes envolvidos na sua prática. A estratégia metodológica utilizada para coleta de dados em campo foi a de entrevistas semi estruturadas. O corpo textual gerado pelas entrevistas foi analisado com base na teoria da Análise do Discurso. Este estudo concluiu que o saber do Agentes Comunitários de Saúde aponta para uma posição que vai além de ser ponte ou de fazer ponte. Argumenta que a potencialidade deste saber é a de ser como a linha de costura entre comunidade e as propostas de cuidado. Esta imagem indica que ao pertencer em algum momento a ambos tecidos, e ao fazer o movimento de pertencer ora ao tecido comunidade e hora ao tecido UBS, o ACS pode aproximar essas partes na busca da construção de algo mais unificado. Como em uma colcha de retalhos, onde cada tecido mantém suas características e padronagens iniciais, mas aos serem costurados, formam algo único, inteiro.


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For some species, hereditary factors have great effects on their population evolution, which can be described by the well-known Volterra model. A model developed is investigated in this article, considering the seasonal variation of the environment, where the diffusive effect of the population is also considered. The main approaches employed here are the upper-lower solution method and the monotone iteration technique. The results show that whether the species dies out or not depends on the relations among the birth rate, the death rate, the competition rate, the diffusivity and the hereditary effects. The evolution of the population may show asymptotic periodicity, provided a certain condition is satisfied for the above factors. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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信噪分离是小波分析中的一个有效的信号检测方法。本文在阐述了小波分析及消噪的小波理论的基础上 ,给出了从噪声污染信号中恢复原信号的实例 ,并与傅立叶分析消噪进行了比较 ,结果表明对于非平稳振动信号小波消噪的效果明显优于傅立叶变换。


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It is a basic work to ascertain the parameters of rock mass for evaluation about stability of the engineering. Anisotropism、inhomogeneity and discontinuity characters of the rock mass arise from the existing of the structural plane. Subjected to water、weathering effect、off-loading, mechanical characters of the rock mass are greatly different from rock itself, Determining mechanical parameters of the rock mass becomes so difficult because of structure effect、dimension effect、rheological character, ‘Can’t give a proper parameter’ becomes one of big problems for theoretic analysis and numerical simulation. With the increment of project scale, appraising the project rock mass and ascertaining the parameters of rock mass becomes more and more important and strict. Consequently, researching the parameters of rock mass has important theoretical significance and actual meaning. The Jin-ping hydroelectric station is the first highest hyperbolic arch dam in the world under construction, the height of the dam is about 305m, it is the biggest hydroelectric station at lower reaches of Yalong river. The length of underground factory building is 204.52m, the total height of it is 68.83m, the maximum of span clearance is 28.90m. Large-scale excavation in the underground factory of Jin-ping hydroelectric station has brought many kinds of destructive phenomenon, such as relaxation、spilling, providing a precious chance for study of unloading parameter about rock mass. As we all know, Southwest is the most important hydroelectric power base in China, the construction of the hydroelectric station mostly concentrate at high mountain and gorge area, basically and importantly, we must be familiar with the physical and mechanical character of the rock mass to guarantee to exploit safely、efficiently、quickly, in other words, we must understand the strength and deformation character of the rock mass. Based on enough fieldwork of geological investigation, we study the parameter of unloading rock mass on condition that we obtain abundant information, which is not only important for the construction of Jin-ping hydroelectric station, but also for the construction of other big hydroelectric station similar with Jin-ping. This paper adopt geological analysis、test data analysis、experience analysistheory research and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) brainpower analysis to evaluate the mechanical parameter, the major production is as follows: (1)Through the excavation of upper 5-layer of the underground powerhouse and the statistical classification of the main joints fractures exposed, We believe that there are three sets of joints, the first group is lay fracture, the second group and the fourth group are steep fracture. These provide a strong foundation for the following calculation of and analysis; (2)According to the in-situ measurement about sound wave velocity、displacement and anchor stress, we analyses the effects of rock unloading effect,the results show a obvious time-related character and localization features of rock deformation. We determine the depth of excavation unloading of underground factory wall based on this. Determining the rock mass parameters according to the measurement about sound wave velocity with characters of low- disturbing、dynamic on the spot, the result can really reflect the original state, this chapter approximately the mechanical parameters about rock mass at each unloading area; (3)Based on Hoek-Brown experienced formula with geological strength index GSI and RMR method to evaluate the mechanical parameters of different degree weathering and unloading rock mass about underground factory, Both of evaluation result are more satisfied; (4)From the perspective of far-field stress, based on the stress field distribution ideas of two-crack at any load conditions proposed by Fazil Erdogan (1962),using the strain energy density factor criterion (S criterion) proposed by Xue changming(1972),we establish the corresponding relationship between far-field stress and crack tip stress field, derive the integrated intensity criterion formula under the conditions of pure tensile stress among two line coplanar intermittent jointed rock,and establish the corresponding intensity criterion for the exploratory attempt; (5)With artificial neural network, the paper focuses on the mechanical parameters of rock mass that we concerned about and the whole process of prediction of deformation parameters, discusses the prospect of applying in assessment about the parameters of rock mass,and rely on the catalog information of underground powerhouse of Jinping I Hydropower Station, identifying the rock mechanics parameters intellectually,discusses the sample selection, network design, values of basic parameters and error analysis comprehensively. There is a certain significance for us to set up a set of parameters evaluation system,which is in construction of large-scale hydropower among a group of marble mass.


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Hill, Joe M., Lloyd, Noel G., Pearson, Jane M., 'Algorithmic derivation of isochronicity conditions', Nonlinear Analysis (2007) 67, 52-69.


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This Paper Studies Tests of Joint Hypotheses in Time Series Regression with a Unit Root in Which Weakly Dependent and Heterogeneously Distributed Innovations Are Allowed. We Consider Two Types of Regression: One with a Constant and Lagged Dependent Variable, and the Other with a Trend Added. the Statistics Studied Are the Regression \"F-Test\" Originally Analysed by Dickey and Fuller (1981) in a Less General Framework. the Limiting Distributions Are Found Using Functinal Central Limit Theory. New Test Statistics Are Proposed Which Require Only Already Tabulated Critical Values But Which Are Valid in a Quite General Framework (Including Finite Order Arma Models Generated by Gaussian Errors). This Study Extends the Results on Single Coefficients Derived in Phillips (1986A) and Phillips and Perron (1986).


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"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit"


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Le thème de la motivation au travail en lien avec la performance des employés captive l’intérêt des théoriciens, des chercheurs, des praticiens et des gestionnaires depuis déjà près d’un siècle. L’engouement pour l’étude de ces concepts a permis de faire des avancées scientifiques notables permettant de mieux éclairer la pratique. Cependant, on constate que la popularité de la motivation présente également certains enjeux. Notamment, la pluralité des théories rend le domaine presque étourdissant par ses connaissances éparses et ses résultats équivoques. En premier lieu, cette thèse présente une méta-analyse multithéorique réalisée à partir d’études effectuées sur le terrain examinant les liens entre la motivation au travail et la performance des travailleurs entre 1985 et 2010. Les résultats de ce bilan nous indiquent que, peu importe la théorie motivationnelle employée, la force et la direction de la relation motivation-performance sont similaires plutôt que différentes. Parmi les variables modératrices examinées, seule la source des mesures s’est révélée significative indiquant que la relation entre les variables d’intérêt est plus forte lorsque les mesures proviennent de la même source – dans notre étude elles s’avèrent toutes autodéclarées – comparativement à lorsqu’elles sont recueillies auprès de sources différentes. En second lieu, une étude en laboratoire a permis d’observer que la motivation peut évoluer sur une période très courte, soit de moins de 90 minutes, à partir de 3 mesures de motivation réparties dans le temps d’expérimentation. Plus spécifiquement, l’étude de la motivation par type et par quantité, en considérant le facteur temps, nous renseigne que la motivation intrinsèque a augmenté tandis que la motivation extrinsèque et l’amotivation ont connu une diminution. Cette étude, considérant une perspective multidimensionnelle et dynamique de la motivation, telle que proposée par le cadre conceptuel de la théorie de l’autodétermination, montre que l’évolution de la motivation de tous les participants à l’étude est semblable, peu importe leur performance. En plus de permettre l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine de la motivation et de la performance au travail, cette thèse se démarque à plusieurs égards. D’un côté, il s’agit de la première méta-analyse multithéorique de la motivation qui soit réalisée. De l’autre côté, l’étude en laboratoire a examiné simultanément, le type et la quantité de la motivation à l’aide d’un devis à mesures répétées alors que la majorité des études se concentrent soit sur la quantité, soit sur le type et néglige souvent de considérer la variable temps. En outre, cette étude en laboratoire a été réalisée à partir d’une activité à haut potentiel de validité écologique, s’apparentant à une tâche de sélection de candidats en ressources humaines. En somme, cette thèse apporte un éclairage intéressant tant sur le plan des connaissances concernant les variables modératrices déterminantes impliquées dans les relations motivation-performance et sur le plan du rythme des variations des types de motivation que sur le plan de l’utilisation optimale et complémentaire de techniques de recherche sophistiquées. L’ensemble des recommandations découlant de ces deux études concernant la recherche et l’intervention est présenté en conclusion.


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Essai présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de Doctorat en psychologie, option psychologie clinique (D. Psy)


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En este trabajo se construye un modelo de Equilibrio General Dinámico Estocástico (DSGE) con sector informal y rigideces en precios, usando como marco de análisis la teoría de búsqueda y emparejamiento del mercado de trabajo. El objetivo principal es analizar el efecto de los diferentes tipos de choques económicos sobre las principales variables del mercado laboral, en una economía con presencia importante del sector informal. Igualmente se estudia el efecto de la política monetaria, ya que la presencia de este sector afecta la dinámica del ciclo económico, y por ende los mecanismos de transmisión de la política monetaria. En particular, se analiza la dinámica del modelo bajo diferentes reglas de política monetaria y se compara el bienestar agente representativo generado por cada una de estas reglas.


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Este trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal describir la construcción narrativa de las políticas públicas sobre tecnologías de la información en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos en los años 2012 y 2013 en la prensa de referencia en Colombia, específicamente en El Espectador y El Tiempo. Para alcanzar este objetivo la pregunta que se planteo fue ¿cómo está conformada la construcción narrativa del discurso de políticas públicas en la prensa sobre tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones? En consiguiente se hizo una organización de información referente al objeto de estudio, a través de un método de investigación empleado por Mary Jane Spink llamado líneas narrativas. El cual le permitió a la investigación la identificación de relatos, en donde se estudia la narrativa de una política TIC emergente y da como resultado líneas narrativas.


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Actualmente, el concepto de seguridad ha logrado expandirse hacia la inclusión de amenazas no tradicionales. En este contexto, el fenómeno de la migración internacional empieza a hacer parte de la agenda de algunos gobiernos, entendiéndose como un asunto que amenaza la seguridad del Estado. El interés de esta monografía gira en torno a examinar el discurso securitizador del Reino Unido sobre la inmigración rumana entre 2007-2014, con el fin de determinar la incidencia que este ha tenido en la percepción de la migración internacional como un asunto de seguridad en la UE. Al entender el discurso del Reino Unido a la luz de la teoría de securitización e incluir el análisis de la opinión pública europea, se observa que, si bien el discurso ha influido en el contexto doméstico, éste ha tenido una baja incidencia en la percepción de la migración internacional como un asunto de seguridad en la UE.


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In this paper, we initiate the study of a class of Putnam-type equation of the form x(n-1) = A(1)x(n) + A(2)x(n-1) + A(3)x(n-2)x(n-3) + A(4)/B(1)x(n)x(n-1) + B(2)x(n-2) + B(3)x(n-3) + B-4 n = 0, 1, 2,..., where A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4 are positive constants with A(1) + A(2) + A(3) + A(4) = B-1 + B-2 + B-3 + B-4, x(-3), x(-2), x(-1), x(0) are positive numbers. A sufficient condition is given for the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point c = 1 of such equations. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.