939 resultados para Analysis Phase
Tässä työssä tutkitaan Merima Oy:n tuotantolaitoksen toimintaa ohjattavuusanalyysillä. Työn tarkoituksena on etsiä potentiaalisia kehityskohteita yrityksen tuotannosta. Yrityksen tuotanto on muutospaineessa ja se tarvitsee kvantitatiivista informaatiota kehityksen suunnannäyttäjäksi. Työ aloitettiin jalostamalla yrityksen tuotannonohjausjärjestelmästä saatava data analysoitavaan muotoon. Tämän jälkeen päätettiin analyysityypeistä, joita työssä käytetään. Analyysivaiheessa jalostettu data saatettiin informoivaan muotoon, jonka jälkeen voitiin analysoida tuloksia ja tehdä johtopäätöksiä. Työn tuloksena saadaan joukko kehityskohteita, joihin kehityspanos tulisi fokusoida. Lisäksi raportin lopussa pohditaan keinoja kehityskohteiden parantamiseksi.
Tämä diplomityö tehtiin Neste Oil Oyj:n Kehittäminen ja Laboratoriot yksikön HSE-palveluille. Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida Neste Oilin ympäristövaikutusten velvoitetarkkailujen mittaustulosten epävarmuutta. Tarkastelu koski ilmanlaadun SO2-, NO2-, TRS- sekä O3-mittauksia, ympäristömelumittauksia sekä pohjavesinäytteenottoa. Ympäristönsuojelulaki (86/2000) velvoittaa tuotantolaitoksia selvittämään toimintansa ympäristövaikutukset. Myös esimerkiksi akkreditoitaessa menetelmiä mittausepävarmuus on tunnettava. On arvioitu, että tulevaisuudessa direktiivit tulevat tiukentamaan päästöraja-arvoja ja mittausepävarmuuden käsite tulee käyttöön kaikilla ympäristösektoreilla.Tässä työssä ilmanlaadun mittausepävarmuus arvioitiin vertaamalla Neste Oilin mittaustuloksia Ilmatieteenlaitoksen vertailumittausten ja kalibrointien tuloksiin. Ympäristömelun mittausepävarmuus arvioitiin Ympäristöministeriön ympäristömelunmittausohjeen (1/1995)mukai-sesti. Pohjavesinäytteenoton mittausepävarmuus arvioitiin laskemalla haitta-aineiden ajallisen vaihtelun, näytteenottomenetelmien, näytteiden kuljetuksenja säilytyksen aiheuttaman kontaminaation sekä analyysivaiheen epävarmuustekijöiden yhdistetty mittausepävarmuus. Tarkastelussa todettiin, että ilmanlaadunmittaustulokset eivät poikenneet merkittävästi vertai-lumittausten ja kalibrointien tuloksista. Menetelmien laajennetuksi mittausepävarmuudeksi saatiin 6-8 %. Ympäristömelun mittausepävarmuus vastasi ympäristömelunmittausohjeessa esitettyjä arvoja ja vaihtelivat 2-10 dB:n välillä, riippuen mittausetäisyydestä ja mittauskertojen lukumäärästä. Pohjavesinäytteenoton mittausepävarmuudelle ei ole asetettu laatutavoitteita. Tässä tarkastelussa pohjavesinäytteenoton mittausepävarmuudeksi saatiin 33 %.
This thesis is composed of three main parts. The first consists of a state of the art of the different notions that are significant to understand the elements surrounding art authentication in general, and of signatures in particular, and that the author deemed them necessary to fully grasp the microcosm that makes up this particular market. Individuals with a solid knowledge of the art and expertise area, and that are particularly interested in the present study are advised to advance directly to the fourth Chapter. The expertise of the signature, it's reliability, and the factors impacting the expert's conclusions are brought forward. The final aim of the state of the art is to offer a general list of recommendations based on an exhaustive review of the current literature and given in light of all of the exposed issues. These guidelines are specifically formulated for the expertise of signatures on paintings, but can also be applied to wider themes in the area of signature examination. The second part of this thesis covers the experimental stages of the research. It consists of the method developed to authenticate painted signatures on works of art. This method is articulated around several main objectives: defining measurable features on painted signatures and defining their relevance in order to establish the separation capacities between groups of authentic and simulated signatures. For the first time, numerical analyses of painted signatures have been obtained and are used to attribute their authorship to given artists. An in-depth discussion of the developed method constitutes the third and final part of this study. It evaluates the opportunities and constraints when applied by signature and handwriting experts in forensic science. A brief summary covering each chapter allows a rapid overview of the study and summarizes the aims and main themes of each chapter. These outlines presented below summarize the aims and main themes addressed in each chapter. Part I - Theory Chapter 1 exposes legal aspects surrounding the authentication of works of art by art experts. The definition of what is legally authentic, the quality and types of the experts that can express an opinion concerning the authorship of a specific painting, and standard deontological rules are addressed. The practices applied in Switzerland will be specifically dealt with. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the different scientific analyses that can be carried out on paintings (from the canvas to the top coat). Scientific examinations of works of art have become more common, as more and more museums equip themselves with laboratories, thus an understanding of their role in the art authentication process is vital. The added value that a signature expertise can have in comparison to other scientific techniques is also addressed. Chapter 3 provides a historical overview of the signature on paintings throughout the ages, in order to offer the reader an understanding of the origin of the signature on works of art and its evolution through time. An explanation is given on the transitions that the signature went through from the 15th century on and how it progressively took on its widely known modern form. Both this chapter and chapter 2 are presented to show the reader the rich sources of information that can be provided to describe a painting, and how the signature is one of these sources. Chapter 4 focuses on the different hypotheses the FHE must keep in mind when examining a painted signature, since a number of scenarios can be encountered when dealing with signatures on works of art. The different forms of signatures, as well as the variables that may have an influence on the painted signatures, are also presented. Finally, the current state of knowledge of the examination procedure of signatures in forensic science in general, and in particular for painted signatures, is exposed. The state of the art of the assessment of the authorship of signatures on paintings is established and discussed in light of the theoretical facets mentioned previously. Chapter 5 considers key elements that can have an impact on the FHE during his or her2 examinations. This includes a discussion on elements such as the skill, confidence and competence of an expert, as well as the potential bias effects he might encounter. A better understanding of elements surrounding handwriting examinations, to, in turn, better communicate results and conclusions to an audience, is also undertaken. Chapter 6 reviews the judicial acceptance of signature analysis in Courts and closes the state of the art section of this thesis. This chapter brings forward the current issues pertaining to the appreciation of this expertise by the non- forensic community, and will discuss the increasing number of claims of the unscientific nature of signature authentication. The necessity to aim for more scientific, comprehensive and transparent authentication methods will be discussed. The theoretical part of this thesis is concluded by a series of general recommendations for forensic handwriting examiners in forensic science, specifically for the expertise of signatures on paintings. These recommendations stem from the exhaustive review of the literature and the issues exposed from this review and can also be applied to the traditional examination of signatures (on paper). Part II - Experimental part Chapter 7 describes and defines the sampling, extraction and analysis phases of the research. The sampling stage of artists' signatures and their respective simulations are presented, followed by the steps that were undertaken to extract and determine sets of characteristics, specific to each artist, that describe their signatures. The method is based on a study of five artists and a group of individuals acting as forgers for the sake of this study. Finally, the analysis procedure of these characteristics to assess of the strength of evidence, and based on a Bayesian reasoning process, is presented. Chapter 8 outlines the results concerning both the artist and simulation corpuses after their optical observation, followed by the results of the analysis phase of the research. The feature selection process and the likelihood ratio evaluation are the main themes that are addressed. The discrimination power between both corpuses is illustrated through multivariate analysis. Part III - Discussion Chapter 9 discusses the materials, the methods, and the obtained results of the research. The opportunities, but also constraints and limits, of the developed method are exposed. Future works that can be carried out subsequent to the results of the study are also presented. Chapter 10, the last chapter of this thesis, proposes a strategy to incorporate the model developed in the last chapters into the traditional signature expertise procedures. Thus, the strength of this expertise is discussed in conjunction with the traditional conclusions reached by forensic handwriting examiners in forensic science. Finally, this chapter summarizes and advocates a list of formal recommendations for good practices for handwriting examiners. In conclusion, the research highlights the interdisciplinary aspect of signature examination of signatures on paintings. The current state of knowledge of the judicial quality of art experts, along with the scientific and historical analysis of paintings and signatures, are overviewed to give the reader a feel of the different factors that have an impact on this particular subject. The temperamental acceptance of forensic signature analysis in court, also presented in the state of the art, explicitly demonstrates the necessity of a better recognition of signature expertise by courts of law. This general acceptance, however, can only be achieved by producing high quality results through a well-defined examination process. This research offers an original approach to attribute a painted signature to a certain artist: for the first time, a probabilistic model used to measure the discriminative potential between authentic and simulated painted signatures is studied. The opportunities and limits that lie within this method of scientifically establishing the authorship of signatures on works of art are thus presented. In addition, the second key contribution of this work proposes a procedure to combine the developed method into that used traditionally signature experts in forensic science. Such an implementation into the holistic traditional signature examination casework is a large step providing the forensic, judicial and art communities with a solid-based reasoning framework for the examination of signatures on paintings. The framework and preliminary results associated with this research have been published (Montani, 2009a) and presented at international forensic science conferences (Montani, 2009b; Montani, 2012).
Diplomityössä luodaan viitekehys tuotetiedonhallintajärjestelmän esisuunnittelua varten. Siinä on kolme ulottuvuutta: lisäarvontuotto-, toiminnallisuus- ja ohjelmistoulottuvuus. Viitekehys auttaa- tunnistamaan lisäarvontuottokomponentit, joihin voidaan vaikuttaa tiettyjen ohjelmistoluokkien tarjoamilla tuotetiedonhallintatoiminnallisuuksilla. Viitekehyksen järjestelmäsuunnittelullista näkökulmaa hyödynnetään tutkittavissa yritystapauksissa perustuen laskentamatriisin muotoon mallinnettuihin ulottuvuuksien välisiin suhteisiin. Matriisiin syötetään lisäarvontuotto- ja toiminnallisuuskomponenttien saamat tärkeydet kohdeyrityksessä suoritetussa haastattelututkimuksessa. Matriisin tuotos on tietyn ohjelmiston soveltuvuus kyseisen yrityksen tapauksessa. Soveltuvuus on joukko tunnuslukuja, jotka analysoidaan tulostenkäsittelyvaiheessa. Soveltuvuustulokset avustavat kohdeyritystä sen valitessa lähestymistapaansa tuotetiedonhallintaan - ja kuvaavat esisuunnitellun tuotetiedonhallintajärjestelmän. Viitekehyksen rakentaminen vaatii perinpohjaisen lähestymistavan merkityksellisten lisäarvontuotto- ja toiminnallisuuskomponenttien sekä ohjelmistoluokkien määrittämiseen. Määritystyö perustuu työssä yksityiskohtaisesti laadittujen menetelmien ja komponenttiryhmitysten hyödyntämiselle. Kunkin alueen analysointi mahdollistaa viitekehyksen ja laskentamatriisin rakentamisen yhdenmukaisten määritysten perusteella. Viitekehykselle on ominaista sen muunneltavuus. Nykymuodossaan se soveltuu elektroniikka- ja high-tech yrityksille. Viitekehystä voidaan hyödyntää myös muilla toimialoilla muokkaamalla lisäarvontuottokomponentteja kunkin toimialan intressien mukaisesti. Vastaavasti analysoitava ohjelmisto voidaan valita tapauskohtaisesti. Laskentamatriisi on kuitenkin ensin päivitettävä valitun ohjelmiston kyvykkyyksillä, minkä jälkeen viitekehys voi tuottaa soveltuvuustuloksia kyseiseen yritystapaukseen perustuen
The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to review Fundamentals of programming course over six-year time period (2001–2006). We try to find out if students have passed the course in years 2005 and 2006, after the change of a lecturer, relatively more often than before. We also analyze the problem areas of the course so that these kinds of problems could be avoided in future. The work includes building of the database, creating of the statistics and analysis of the results. The statistics tell many things about development of the course but the analysis phase gives even more accurate information. In analysis phase we look for significant statistical differences with chi-square test and try to find causes and solutions for those differences. In this study we found out that the biggest proportion of passed students was in year 2006. However year 2005 had very bad results which were caused by many different factors. That’s why the null hypothesis, that year 2005 and 2006 had better results than the earlier years, has to be rejected. Despite that the good results in year 2006 imply that the course has developed in right direction.
This thesis evaluates methods for obtaining high performance in applications running on the mobile Java platform. Based on the evaluated methods, an optimization was done to a Java extension API running on top the Symbian operating system. The API provides location-based services for mobile Java applications. As a part of this thesis, the JNI implementation in Symbian OS was also benchmarked. A benchmarking tool was implemented in the analysis phase in order to implement extensive performance test set. Based on the benchmark results, it was noted that the landmarks implementation of the API was performing very slowly with large amounts of data. The existing implementation proved to be very inconvenient for optimization because the early implementers did not take performance and design issues into consideration. A completely new architecture was implemented for the API in order to provide scalable landmark initialization and data extraction by using lazy initialization methods. Additionally, runtime memory consumption was also an important part of the optimization. The improvement proved to be very efficient based on the measurements after the optimization. Most of the common API use cases performed extremely well compared to the old implementation. Performance optimization is an important quality attribute of any piece of software especially in embedded mobile devices. Typically, projects get into trouble with performance because there are no clear performance targets and knowledge how to achieve them. Well-known guidelines and performance models help to achieve good overall performance in Java applications and programming interfaces.
Some of the world’s leading companies now compete by providing integrated solutions to identify and solve each customer’s business problem by providing services to design, integrate, operate and finance a product or system during its life cycle. At the same time, because of the requirements of new global economy, companies are implementing new integrated ERP systems. The objective of this thesis was to define how solution offering can be implemented in the integrated ERP system so that it is possible to sell, deliver and maintain solution offering with the new enterprise applications. The research was conducted as a qualitative case study research consisting of literature review, theme-interviews and an analysis phase. For a start this study introduces new insight for combining solution business, offering modeling and modern ERP system theories. The results of this research illustrate the limitations of an integrated ERP system to support solution business and show the need to develop a commercial product model in order to improve the combination of solution offering and IT systems.
This article describes an experiment designed to teach quantitative determination in gas chromatography (GC) in Organic and Analytical Chemistry practical classes. The experiment consisted of extracting and analyzing eugenol from clove seeds to perform a quantitative approach aimed at comparing results obtained by external and internal calibration procedures. Therefore, this experiment proved to be very effective tool to enhance students awareness on the need to understand different types of calibration in GC and on how to avoid common experimental errors, and to find the best ways to eliminate their interference during the quantitative analysis phase.
Today the limitedness of fossil fuel resources is clearly realized. For this reason there is a strong focus throughout the world on shifting from fossil fuel based energy system to biofuel based energy system. In this respect Finland with its proven excellent forestry capabilities has a great potential to accomplish this goal. It is regarded that one of the most efficient ways of wood biomass utilization is to use it as a feedstock for fast pyrolysis process. By means of this process solid biomass is converted into liquid fuel called bio-oil which can be burnt at power plants, used for hydrogen generation through a catalytic steam reforming process and as a source of valuable chemical compounds. Nowadays different configurations of this process have found their applications in several pilot plants worldwide. However the circulating fluidized bed configuration is regarded as the one with the highest potential to be commercialized. In the current Master’s Thesis a feasibility study of circulating fluidized bed fast pyrolysis process utilizing Scots pine logs as a raw material was conducted. The production capacity of the process is 100 000 tonne/year of bio-oil. The feasibility study is divided into two phases: a process design phase and economic feasibility analysis phase. The process design phase consists of mass and heat balance calculations, equipment sizing, estimation of pressure drops in the pipelines and development of plant layout. This phase resulted in creation of process flow diagrams, equipment list and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that calculates the process mass and heat balances depending on the bio-oil production capacity which can be set by a user. These documents are presented in the current report as appendices. In the economic feasibility analysis phase there were at first calculated investment and operating costs of the process. Then using these costs there was calculated the price of bio-oil which is required to reach the values of internal rate of return of 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%.
Environ 2-3% d’enfants avec convulsions fébriles (CF) développent une épilepsie, mais les outils cliniques existants ne permettent pas d’identifier les enfants susceptibles de développer une épilepsie post-convulsion fébrile. Des études ont mis en évidence des anomalies d’EEG quantifiée, et plus particulièrement en réponse à la stimulation lumineuse intermittente (SLI), chez des patients épileptiques. Aucune étude n’a analysé ces paramètres chez l’enfant avec CF et il importe de déterminer s’ils sont utiles pour évaluer le pronostic des CF. Les objectifs de ce programme de recherche étaient d’identifier, d’une part, des facteurs de risque cliniques qui déterminent le développement de l’épilepsie après des CF et, d’autre part, des marqueurs électrophysiologiques quantitatifs qui différencieraient les enfants avec CF des témoins et pourraient aider à évaluer leur pronostic. Afin de répondre à notre premier objectif, nous avons analysé les dossiers de 482 enfants avec CF, âgés de 3 mois à 6 ans. En utilisant des statistiques de survie, nous avons décrit les facteurs de risque pour développer une épilepsie partielle (antécédents prénataux, retard de développement, CF prolongées et focales) et généralisée (antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie, CF récurrentes et après l’âge de 4 ans). De plus, nous avons identifié trois phénotypes cliniques distincts ayant un pronostic différent : (i) CF simples avec des antécédents familiaux de CF et sans risque d’épilepsie ultérieure; (ii) CF récurrentes avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie généralisée; (iii) CF focales avec des antécédents familiaux d’épilepsie et un risque d’épilepsie partielle. Afin de répondre à notre deuxième objectif, nous avons d’abord analysé les potentiels visuels steady-state (PEVSS) évoqués par la SLI (5, 7,5, 10 et 12,5 Hz) en fonction de l’âge. Le tracé EEG de haute densité (128 canaux) a été enregistré chez 61 enfants âgés entre 6 mois et 16 ans et 8 adultes normaux. Nous rapportons un développement topographique différent de l’alignement de phase des composantes des PEVSS de basses (5-15 Hz) et de hautes (30-50 Hz) fréquences. Ainsi, l’alignement de phase des composantes de basses fréquences augmente en fonction de l’âge seulement au niveau des régions occipitale et frontale. Par contre, les composantes de hautes fréquences augmentent au niveau de toutes les régions cérébrales. Puis, en utilisant cette même méthodologie, nous avons investigué si les enfants avec CF présentent des anomalies des composantes gamma (50-100 Hz) des PEVSS auprès de 12 cas de CF, 5 frères et sœurs des enfants avec CF et 15 témoins entre 6 mois et 3 ans. Nous montrons une augmentation de la magnitude et de l’alignement de phase des composantes gamma des PEVSS chez les enfants avec CF comparés au groupe témoin et à la fratrie. Ces travaux ont permis d’identifier des phénotypes électro-cliniques d’intérêt qui différencient les enfants avec CF des enfants témoins et de leur fratrie. L’étape suivante sera de vérifier s’il y a une association entre les anomalies retrouvées, la présentation clinique et le pronostic des CF. Cela pourrait éventuellement aider à identifier les enfants à haut risque de développer une épilepsie et permettre l’institution d’un traitement neuroprotecteur précoce.
Wind energy has emerged as a major sustainable source of energy.The efficiency of wind power generation by wind mills has improved a lot during the last three decades.There is still further scope for maximising the conversion of wind energy into mechanical energy.In this context,the wind turbine rotor dynamics has great significance.The present work aims at a comprehensive study of the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) aerodynamics by numerically solving the fluid dynamic equations with the help of a finite-volume Navier-Stokes CFD solver.As a more general goal,the study aims at providing the capabilities of modern numerical techniques for the complex fluid dynamic problems of HAWT.The main purpose is hence to maximize the physics of power extraction by wind turbines.This research demonstrates the potential of an incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD method for the aerodynamic power performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine.The National Renewable Energy Laboratory USA-NREL (Technical Report NREL/Cp-500-28589) had carried out an experimental work aimed at the real time performance prediction of horizontal axis wind turbine.In addition to a comparison between the results reported by NREL made and CFD simulations,comparisons are made for the local flow angle at several stations ahead of the wind turbine blades.The comparison has shown that fairly good predictions can be made for pressure distribution and torque.Subsequently, the wind-field effects on the blade aerodynamics,as well as the blade/tower interaction,were investigated.The selected case corresponded to a 12.5 m/s up-wind HAWT at zero degree of yaw angle and a rotational speed of 25 rpm.The results obtained suggest that the present can cope well with the flows encountered around wind turbines.The areodynamic performance of the turbine and the flow details near and off the turbine blades and tower can be analysed using theses results.The aerodynamic performance of airfoils differs from one another.The performance mainly depends on co-efficient of performnace,co-efficient of lift,co-efficient of drag, velocity of fluid and angle of attack.This study shows that the velocity is not constant for all angles of attack of different airfoils.The performance parameters are calculated analytically and are compared with the standardized performance tests.For different angles of ,the velocity stall is determined for the better performance of a system with respect to velocity.The research addresses the effect of surface roughness factor on the blade surface at various sections.The numerical results were found to be in agreement with the experimental data.A relative advantage of the theoretical aerofoil design method is that it allows many different concepts to be explored economically.Such efforts are generally impractical in wind tunnels because of time and money constraints.Thus, the need for a theoretical aerofoil design method is threefold:first for the design of aerofoil that fall outside the range of applicability of existing calalogs:second,for the design of aerofoil that more exactly match the requirements of the intended application:and third,for the economic exploration of many aerofoil concepts.From the results obtained for the different aerofoils,the velocity is not constant for all angles of attack.The results obtained for the aerofoil mainly depend on angle of attack and velocity.The vortex generator technique was meticulously studies with the formulation of the specification for the right angle shaped vortex generators-VG.The results were validated in accordance with the primary analysis phase.The results were found to be in good agreement with the power curve.The introduction of correct size VGs at appropriate locations over the blades of the selected HAWT was found to increase the power generation by about 4%
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of operational flexibility for effective project management in the construction industry. The specific objectives are to: a) Identify the determinants of operational flexibility potential in construction project management b) Investigate the contribution of each of the determinants to operational flexibility potential in the construction industry c) Investigate on the moderating factors of operational flexibility potential in a construction project environment d) Investigate whether moderated operational flexibility potential mediates the path between predictors and effective construction project management e) Develop and test a conceptual model of achieving operational flexibility for effective project management The purpose of this study is to findout ways to utilize flexibility inorder to manage uncertain project environment and ultimately achieve effective project management. In what configuration these operational flexibility determinants are demanded by construction project environment in order to achieve project success. This research was conducted in three phases, namely: (i) exploratory phase (ii) questionnaire development phase; and (iii) data collection and analysis phase. The study needs firm level analysis and therefore real estate developers who are members of CREDAI, Kerala Chapter were considered. This study provides a framework on the functioning of operational flexibility, offering guidance to researchers and practitioners for discovering means to gain operational flexibility in construction firms. The findings provide an empirical understanding on kinds of resources and capabilities a construction firm must accumulate to respond flexibly to the changing project environment offering practitioners insights into practices that build firms operational flexibility potential. Firms are dealing with complex, continuous changing and uncertain environments due trends of globalization, technical changes and innovations and changes in the customers’ needs and expectations. To cope with the increasingly uncertain and quickly changing environment firms strive for flexibility. To achieve the level of flexibility that adds value to the customers, firms should look to flexibility from a day to day operational perspective. Each dimension of operational flexibility is derived from competences and capabilities. In this thesis only the influence on customer satisfaction and learning exploitation of flexibility dimensions which directly add value in the customers eyes are studied to answer the followingresearch questions: “What is the impact of operational flexibility on customer satisfaction?.” What are the predictors of operational flexibility in construction industry? .These questions can only be answered after answering the questions like “Why do firms need operational flexibility?” and “how can firms achieve operational flexibility?” in the context of the construction industry. The need for construction firms to be flexible, via the effective utilization of organizational resources and capabilities for improved responsiveness, is important because of the increasing rate of changes in the business environment within which they operate. Achieving operational flexibility is also important because it has a significant correlation with a project effectiveness and hence a firm’s turnover. It is essential for academics and practitioners to recognize that the attainment of operational flexibility involves different types namely: (i) Modification (ii) new product development and (iii) demand management requires different configurations of predictors (i.e., resources, capabilities and strategies). Construction firms should consider these relationships and implement appropriate management practices for developing and configuring the right kind of resources, capabilities and strategies towards achieving different operational flexibility types.
This paper describes the design and implementation of an agent based network for the support of collaborative switching tasks within the control room environment of the National Grid Company plc. This work includes aspects from several research disciplines, including operational analysis, human computer interaction, finite state modelling techniques, intelligent agents and computer supported co-operative work. Aspects of these procedures have been used in the analysis of collaborative tasks to produce distributed local models for all involved users. These models have been used as the basis for the production of local finite state automata. These automata have then been embedded within an agent network together with behavioural information extracted from the task and user analysis phase. The resulting support system is capable of task and communication management within the transmission despatch environment.
Light scattering, electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction are used to determine the morphology and size of particles in diluted aqueous gel of tin (IV) oxyhydroxide. Data show that the gel is composed of spherical 2-3 nm sized crystalline particles aggregated as rigid branched chains. It is suggested that stiffness of chains results from dissolution-precipitation equilibria and chemical bonding between particles within the chains. © 1994.
Co3O4 can be used as electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction. The macro and microstructure of the oxide, obtained by compacting and sintering lithium-doped Co3O4 powder in atmosphere of dry air and in conditions of controlled temperature and time was analyzed by metallographic techniques. The porous material was characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS combined techniques. For working temperatures up to 1200°C, the pellet was consituted of particles with varying sizes over a wide range of particle size and, at higher temperatures CoO is formed and polymorphic transformation was observed. The materials were also characterized electrochemically in alkaline media by open circuit potential and potentiodynamic I/E measurements. The results were compared to those previously prepared by others by thermal deposition.