930 resultados para 200-1224B


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The melt flow and temperature distribution in a 200 mm silicon Czochralski furnace with a cusp magnetic field was modeled and simulated by using a finite-volume based FLUTRAPP ( Fluid Flow and Transport Phenomena Program) code. The melt flow in the crucible was focused, which is a result of the competition of buoyancy, the centrifugal forces caused by the rotations of the crucible and crystal, the thermocapillary force on the free surfaces and the Lorentz force induced by the cusp magnetic field. The zonal method for radiative heat transfer was used in the growth chamber, which was confined by the crystal surface, melt surface, crucible, heat shield, and pull chamber. It was found that the cusp magnetic field could strength the dominant counter-rotating swirling flow cell in the crucible and reduce the flow oscillation and the pulling-rate fluctuation. The fluctuation of dopant and oxygen concentration in the growing crystal could thus be smoothed.


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Apresenta os principais resultados das maiores empresas brasileiras no ano de 2003, divulgados pelo jornal Valor Econômico em sua edição especial 'Valor Grandes Grupos'.


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Deputados de todos os partidos reuniram-se para discutir o sistema de governo. O Deputado Amaury Muller (PDT-RS) declara estar convencido de que é a sociedade que deve discutir esta questão, de tal forma que ela própria possa definir sua posição. O Deputado Marcelo Cordeiro (PMDB-BA) afirma que é preciso um novo regime político que assegure a maior participação do povo e a fiscalização dos atos do governo e que esse sistema é o parlamentarismo. O Deputado Victor Faccioni (PDS-RS) considera que o sistema parlamentar de governo é a mudança mais fundamental da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Presidente do PMDB, Deputado Ulysses Guimarães reúne-se com o Presidente do PFL, o Senador Marco Marciel (PFL-PE) e demais líderes desses dois partidos. PFL e PMDB querem que a nova Constituição seja fruto do entendimento e o primeiro tema discutido foi o sistema de governo. Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP) reconhece que há posições divergentes sobre o sistema de governo dentro dos próprios partidos e diz que é justo que se dê uma preferência para a decisão sobre esse assunto, na medida em que ele afeta toda a estrutura do projeto. Começam as Sessões Extraordinárias da Comissão de Sistematização para discutir as emendas populares. A primeira sessão contou com a participação de representantes da sociedade civil e a discussão girou em torno dos direitos da mulher, entre os quais o aborto foi o tema mais polêmico. A Deputada Abigail Feitosa (PMDB-BA) considera que o aborto deve ser matéria de lei ordinária. A Deputada Dirce Tutu Quadros (PTB-SP) defende que deva ser dado a mulher o direito de fazer ou não o aborto. Projeto de emenda popular, que concede aposentadoria às mulheres após 25 anos de serviço, ganhou o apoio do Relator da Constituição Bernardo Cabral e de muitos constituintes.


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[ES] Aristófanes es un autor que muestra en sus obras una predilección especial por el vino, al que hace numerosas alusiones de todo tipo, relacionándolo con la celebración y la fiesta. Podemos destacar en particular algunos usos metafóricos en los que se muestra la estrecha relación que existe entre éste y la paz, con la que en cierta manera puede llegar a identificarse. Tal es el caso de un pasaje de Aristófanes (Acarnienses, 186-200) en el que las diversas propuestas de tregua se presentan como si fueran vinos de diversas añadas que el protagonista debe catar.


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After 4 months frozen storage at –18 °C cold smoked Atlantic salmon in consumer packages can hardly be differentiated from the freshly smoked product by sensory assessment by an expert panel and cannot be differentiated by consumers.


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We have used the technique of non-redundant masking at the Palomar 200-inch telescope and radio VLBI imaging software to make optical aperture synthesis maps of two binary stars, β Corona Borealis and σ Herculis. The dynamic range of the map of β CrB, a binary star with a separation of 230 milliarcseconds is 50:1. For σ Her, we find a separation of 70 milliarcseconds and the dynamic range of our image is 30:1. These demonstrate the potential of the non-redundant masking technique for diffraction-limited imaging of astronomical objects with high dynamic range.

We find that the optimal integration time for measuring the closure phase is longer than that for measuring the fringe amplitude. There is not a close relationship between amplitude errors and phase errors, as is found in radio interferometry. Amplitude self calibration is less effective at optical wavelengths than at radio wavelengths. Primary beam sensitivity correction made in radio aperture synthesis is not necessary in optical aperture synthesis.

The effects of atmospheric disturbances on optical aperture synthesis have been studied by Monte Carlo simulations based on the Kolmogorov theory of refractive-index fluctuations. For the non-redundant masking with τ_c-sized apertures, the simulated fringe amplitude gives an upper bound of the observed fringe amplitude. A smooth transition is seen from the non-redundant masking regime to the speckle regime with increasing aperture size. The fractional reduction of the fringe amplitude according to the bandwidth is nearly independent of the aperture size. The limiting magnitude of optical aperture synthesis with τ_c-sized apertures and that with apertures larger than τ_c are derived.

Monte Carlo simulations are also made to study the sensitivity and resolution of the bispectral analysis of speckle interferometry. We present the bispectral modulation transfer function and its signal-to-noise ratio at high light levels. The results confirm the validity of the heuristic interferometric view of image-forming process in the mid-spatial-frequency range. The signal-to- noise ratio of the bispectrum at arbitrary light levels is derived in the mid-spatial-frequency range.

The non-redundant masking technique is suitable for imaging bright objects with high resolution and high dynamic range, while the faintest limit will be better pursued by speckle imaging.


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The fetal and larval development of many freshwater fish is already relatively well covered. Coverage of the morphology of fish-species' eggs is very sparse. For this reason the authors have attempted to prepare a key on fish eggs which covers the bulk of German Teleostei fish. The key also includes a discussion of problems of categorization and terminology.


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We have measured differential cross-sections for the two-body photodisintegration of Helium-3, ɣ + He3 → p + d, between incident photon energies of 200 and 600 MeV, and for center of mass frame angles between 30° and 150°. Both final state particles were detected in arrays of wire spark chambers and scintillation counters; the high momentum particle was analyzed in a magnet spectrometer. The results are interpreted in terms of amplitudes to produce the ∆(1236) resonance in an intermediate state, as well as non-resonant amplitudes. This experiment, together with an (unfinished) experiment on the inverse reaction, p + d → He3 + ɣ, will provide a reciprocity test of time reversal invariance.


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[ES] Aristófanes es un autor que muestra en sus obras una predilección especial por el vino, al que hace numerosas alusiones de todo tipo, relacionándolo con la celebración y la fiesta. Podemos destacar en particular algunos usos metafóricos en los que se muestra la estrecha relación que existe entre éste y la paz, con la que en cierta manera puede llegar a identificarse. Tal es el caso de un pasaje de Aristófanes (Acarnienses, 186-200) en el que las diversas propuestas de tregua se presentan como si fueran vinos de diversas añadas que el protagonista debe catar.


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Bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the southwest monsoon season in 1996 (survey 1) and in the northeast monsoon season in 1996-97 (survey 2) throughout Vietnamese waters. The surveys mainly covered the depth zone 50-200 m but in the northeast monsoon season the depth zone 20-50 m was included in the northern and southern areas. Overall, 273 trawl hauls were conducted. The total biomass for Vietnamese waters in the depth zone 20-200 m was estimated at 700 000 t . Biomass estimates are given for the most abundant species. A relatively higher mean catch-per-unit effort (CPUE) was obtained from survey 2 than from survey 1 and in partcular at depth ranges 50-100 and 100-200 m in south Vietnam. Overall, the dominant families were Monacanthidae (34%), Carangidae (15%), Trichiuridae (9%) and Synodontidae (6%).


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