924 resultados para (NZBxNZW) F(1) mouse


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The thesis is set in three different parts, according to the relative experimental models. First, the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) is part of the study on reproductive biotechnologies: the transgenesis technique of Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer is widely studied starting from the quality of the semen, through the study of multiple uptakes of exogenous DNA and lastly used in the production of multi-transgenic blastocysts. Finally we managed to couple the transgenesis pipeline with sperm sorting and therefore produced transgenic embryos of predetermined sex. In the second part of the thesis the attention is on the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and on its derived cell line: the S2 cells. The in vitro and in vivo models are used to develop and validate an efficient way to knock down the myc gene. First an efficient in vitro protocol is described, than we demonstrate how the decrease in myc transcript remarkably affects the ribosome biogenesis through the study of Polysome gradients, rRNA content and qPCR. In vivo we identified two optimal drivers for the conditional silencing of myc, once the flies are fed with RU486: the first one is throughout the whole body (Tubulin), while the second is a head fat body driver (S32). With these results we present a very efficient model to study the role of myc in multiple aspects of translation. In the third and last part, the focus is on human derived lung fibroblasts (hLF-1), mouse tail fibroblasts and mouse tissues. We developed an efficient assay to quantify the total protein content of the nucleus on a single cell level via fluorescence. We coupled the protocol with classical immunofluorescence so to have at the same time general and particular information, demonstrating that during senescence nuclear proteins increase by 1.8 fold either in human cells, mouse cells and mouse tissues.


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Recombinant NcPDI(recNcPDI), NcROP2(recNcROP2), and NcMAG1(recNcMAG1) were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified, and evaluated as potential vaccine candidates by employing the C57Bl/6 mouse cerebral infection model. Intraperitoneal application of these proteins suspended in saponin adjuvants lead to protection against disease in 50% and 70% of mice vaccinated with recNcMAG1 and recNcROP2, respectively, while only 20% of mice vaccinated with recNcPDI remained without clinical signs. In contrast, a 90% protection rate was achieved following intra-nasal vaccination with recNcPDI emulsified in cholera toxin. Only 1 mouse vaccinated intra-nasally with recNcMAG1 survived the challenge infection, and protection achieved with intra-nasally applied recNcROP2 was at 60%. Determination of cerebral parasite burdens by real-time PCR showed that these were significantly reduced only in recNcROP2-vaccinated animals (following intraperitoneal and intra-nasal application) and in recNcPDI-vaccinated mice (intra-nasal application only). Quantification of viable tachyzoites in brain tissue of intra-nasally vaccinated mice showed that immunization with recNcPDI resulted in significantly decreased numbers of live parasites. These data show that, besides the nature of the antigen, the protective effect of vaccination also depends largely on the route of antigen delivery. In the case of recNcPDI, the intra-nasal route provides a platform to generate a highly protective immune response.


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La sclérodermie (SSc) est une maladie rare affectant les personnes génétiquement prédisposées d’une réponse immunitaire défectueuse. Malgré les derniers avancements et développements dans le domaine, l’étiologie et la pathogénèse de la maladie demeurent peu comprises. Par ailleurs, il y a un ralentissement dans la compréhension de cette maladie à cause du manque de modèle animal représentatif de la SSc humaine. Malgré plusieurs lacunes, les souris traitées avec la bléomycine ou portant des modifications génétiques (TSK-1) sont très utilisées dans les études précliniques de la SSc mais elles ne présentent pas toutes les caractéristiques de cette maladie. Pour contribuer à la recherche sur la SSc, la stagiaire postdoctorale Dre Heena Mehta a développé dans le laboratoire du Dre Sarfati en collaboration avec le Dr Senécal, un modèle de souris expérimental induit par l’immunisation de cellules dendritiques (DCs) chargées de peptides de la protéine topoisomérase I (TOPOIA et TOPOIB). Dans le but de caractériser ce modèle murin et d’établir un profil immunitaire, j’ai concentré mes analyses principalement sur les caractéristiques de la SSc telles que la fibrose, l’inflammation, l’hyper-γ-globulinémie polyclonale, la vasculopathie ainsi que de l’expression de cytokines. Brièvement, l’immunisation de souris avec les DCs chargées avec la topoisomérase I (TOPOI) a induit l’inflammation pulmonaire et cutanée, en plus de la fibrose sous forme diffuse (dcSSc). Les souris présentaient également des symptômes de la vasculopathie ainsi que des taux élevés d’anticorps polyclonaux. Les résultats démontraient que les peptides TOPOIA étaient efficaces dans l’induction de la fibrose et de la réponse inflammatoire alors que les peptides TOPOIB étaient surtout impliqués dans la fibrose cutanée. En plus de nos résultats, les observations préliminaires sur le profil de cytokines tissulaires suggéraient que ce modèle pourrait remplacer ou complémenter les autres modèles animaux de SSc.


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Inorganic sulfate is essential for numerous functions in mammalian physiology. In the present study, we characterized the functional properties of the rat Na+-sulfate cotransporter NaS2 (rNaS2), determined its tissue distribution, and identified its gene (slc13a4) structure. Expression of rNaS2 protein in Xenopus oocytes led to a Na+-dependent transport of sulfate that was inhibited by phosphate, thiosulfate, tungstate, selenate, oxalate, and molybdate, but not by citrate, succinate, or DIDS. Transport kinetics of rNaS2 determined a K-M for sulfate of 1.26 mM. Na+ kinetics determined a Hill coefficient of n=3.0 +/- 0.7, suggesting a Na+:SO42- stoichiometry of 3:1. rNaS2 mRNA was highly expressed in placenta, with lower levels found in the brain and liver. slc13a4 maps to rat chromosome 4 and contains 17 exons, spanning over 46 kb in length. This gene produces two alternatively spliced transcripts, of which the transcript lacking exon 2 is the most abundant form. Its 5' flanking region contains CAAT- and GC-box motifs and a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, including GATA-1, SP1, and AP-2 consensus sequences. This is the first study to characterize rNaS2 transport kinetics, define its tissue distribution, and resolve its gene (slc13a4) structure and 5' flanking region.


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Aims: Previous immunohistochemical studies have shown that the post-translational formation of aldehyde-protein adducts may be an important process in the aetiology of alcohol-induced muscle disease. However, other studies have shown that in a variety of tissues, alcohol induces the formation of various other adduct species, including hybrid acetaldehyde-malondialdehyde-protein adducts and adducts with free radicals themselves, e.g. hydroxyethyl radical (HER)-protein adducts. Furthermore, acetaldehyde-protein adducts may be formed in reducing or non-reducing environments resulting in distinct molecular entities, each with unique features of stability and immunogenicity. Some in vitro studies have also suggested that unreduced adducts may be converted to reduced adducts in situ. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that in muscle a variety of different adduct species are formed after acute alcohol exposure and that unreduced adducts predominate. Methods: Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised against unreduced and reduced aldehydes and the HER-protein adducts. These were used to assay different adduct species in soleus (type I fibre-predominant) and plantaris (type II fibre-predominant) muscles and liver in four groups of rats administered acutely with either [A] saline (control); [B] cyanamide (an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor); [C] ethanol; [D] cyanamide+ethanol. Results: Amounts of unreduced acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde adducts were increased in both muscles of alcohol-dosed rats. However there was no increase in the amounts of reduced acetaldehyde adducts, as detected by both the rabbit polyclonal antibody and the RT1.1 mouse monoclonal antibody. Furthermore, there was no detectable increase in malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde and HER-protein adducts. Similar results were obtained in the liver. Conclusions: Adducts formed in skeletal muscle and liver of rats exposed acutely to ethanol are mainly unreduced acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde species.


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3,5-Diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) is a porphyrinogenic agent and is a powerful inducer of δ-aminolaevulinate synthetase, the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the haem-biosynthetic pathway, in mouse liver. However, DDC strikingly inhibits mitochondrial as well as microsomal haem synthesis by depressing the activity of ferrochelatase in vivo. The drug on repeated administration to female mice has been found to elicit hypertrophic effects in the liver microsomes initially, but the effects observed at later stages denote either hyperplasia or increase in polyploidal cells. The microsomal protein concentration shows a striking decrease with repeated doses of the drug. The rate of microsomal protein synthesis in vivo as well as in vitro shows an increase with two injections of DDC but decreases considerably with repeated administration of the drug. The activities of NADPH-cytochrome creductase and ribonuclease are not affected in the liver microsomes of drug-treated animals when expressed per mg of microsomal protein. DDC has also been found to cause degradation of microsomal haem, which is primarily responsible for the decrease in cytochrome P-450 content. The drug also leads to a decrease in mitochondrial cytochrome c levels due to inhibition of haem synthesis and also due to degradation of mitochondrial haem at later stages. The biochemical effects of the drug are compared and discussed with those reported for allylisopropylacetamide and phenobarbital.


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We have recently shown that the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1), a non-selective cation channel in the peripheral and central nervous system, is localized at postsynaptic sites of the excitatory perforant path synapses in the hippocampal dentate molecular layer (ML). In the present work, we have studied the distribution of TRPV1 at inhibitory synapses in the ML. With this aim, a preembedding immunogold method for high resolution electron microscopy was applied to mouse hippocampus. About 30% of the inhibitory synapses in the ML are TRPV1 immunopositive, which is mostly localized perisynaptically (similar to 60% of total immunoparticles) at postsynaptic dendritic membranes receiving symmetric synapses in the inner 1/3 of the layer. This TRPV1 pattern distribution is not observed in the ML of TRPV1 knock-out mice. These findings extend the knowledge of the subcellular localization of TRPV1 to inhibitory synapses of the dentate molecular layer where the channel, in addition to excitatory synapses, is present.


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The PEA3 group members PEA3, ER81 and ERM, which are highly conserved transcription factors from the Ets family, are over-expressed in metastatic mammary tumors. In the current study, we present the characterization of a transgenic mouse strain which over-expresses ER81 in the mammary gland via the long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus (LTR-MMTV). Although six genotypically positive transgenic lines were identified, only one expressed the ectopic transcript with an exclusive expression in the lactating and late-pregnancy (18th day) mammary glands. No mammary tumor or mammary deregulation appeared after 2 years of ectopic ER81 expression following lactation. We then sought to identify ER81 target genes, and the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and the stromelysin-1, two enzymes involved in extracellular matrix degradation, were found to be transcriptionally upregulated in lactating mammary glands over-expressing ER81. Since these enzymes are involved in metastasis, this murine model could be further used to enhance mammary cancer metastatic process by crossing these animals with mice carrying non-metastatic mammary tumors. We thus created a transgenic mouse model permitting the over-expression of a functionally active Ets transcription factor in the mammary gland without perturbing its development.


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We have previously characterized IGSF6 (DORA), a novel member of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IGSF) from human and rat expressed in dendritic and myeloid cells. Using a probe from the open reading frame of the rat cDNA, we isolated a cosmid which contains the entire mouse gene. By comparative analysis and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, we defined the intron/exon structure and the mRNA of the mouse gene and, with respect to human BAC clones, the human gene. The genes span 10 kb (mouse) and 12 kb (human), with six exons arranged in a manner similar to other members of the IGSF. All intron/exon boundaries follow the GT-AG rule. Expression of the mouse Igsf6 gene is restricted to cells of the immune system, particularly macrophages. Northern blot revealed a single mRNA of 2.5 kb, in contrast to the human gene which is expressed as two mRNAs of 1 and 2.5 kb. The human and mouse genes were localized to a locus associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Analysis of the flanking regions of the Igsf6 gene revealed the presence of an unrelated gene, transcribed from the opposite strand of the DNA and oriented such that the Igsf6 gene is encoded entirely within an intron. An identical organization is seen in human. This gene of unknown function is transcribed and processed, contains homologues in Caenorhabditis elegans and prokaryotes, and is expressed in most organs in the mouse.


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To use protein kinase C (PKC) d-knockout mice to investigate the role of PKCd in lesion development and to understand the underlying mechanism of the vascular disease.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of maternal type 1 diabetes on the structure and function of the embryonic and neonatal mouse heart.

Methods: Type 1 diabetes was induced in female C57BL6/J mice using streptozotocin. Embryonic (n = 105) and neonatal hearts (n = 46) were examined using high-frequency ultrasound (US) and a cohort of E18.5 (n = 34) and 1-day-old pup hearts (n = 27) underwent histological examination.

Results: Global cardiac hypertrophy in late gestation (E18.5) was evident on US in the diabetic group compared to controls with increased interventricular septal (IVS) thickness (0.44 ± 0.08 mm vs 0.36 ± 0.08 mm, P < .05) and increased left ventricular wall thickness (0.38 ± 0.04 mm vs 0.29 mm ± 0.05, P < .01). Isovolumetric relaxation time was initially prolonged in the diabetic group but resolved by E18.5 to control values. Histological examination at E18.5 demonstrated increased transverse measurements (2.42 ± 0.72 mm/g vs 1.86 ± 0.55 mm/g, P < .05) and increased IVS thickness (0.64 ± 0.20 mm/g vs 0.43 ± 0.15 mm/g, P < .05) in diabetic embryos compared to control embryos.

Conclusion: Maternal hyperglycemia has severe effects on offspring with evidence of cardiac impairment and cardiac hypertrophy in the embryo. These effects persisted in the 1-day old but attenuated in the 1-week old suggesting cardiac remodeling after the hyperglycemic milieu of pregnancy is removed