609 resultados para sequestration


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Neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) is a well known consequence of spinal cord injury (SCI), recognizable after spinal shock, during which the bladder is areflexic. NDO emergence and maintenance depend on profound plastic changes of the spinal neuronal pathways regulating bladder function. It is well known that neurotrophins (NTs) are major regulators of such changes. NGF is the best-studied NT in the bladder and its role in NDO has already been established. Another very abundant neurotrophin is BDNF. Despite being shown that, acting at the spinal cord level, BDNF is a key mediator of bladder dysfunction and pain during cystitis, it is presently unclear if it is also important for NDO. This study aimed to clarify this issue. Results obtained pinpoint BDNF as an important regulator of NDO appearance and maintenance. Spinal BDNF expression increased in a time-dependent manner together with NDO emergence. In chronic SCI rats, BDNF sequestration improved bladder function, indicating that, at later stages, BDNF contributes NDO maintenance. During spinal shock, BDNF sequestration resulted in early development of bladder hyperactivity, accompanied by increased axonal growth of calcitonin gene-related peptide-labeled fibers in the dorsal horn. Chronic BDNF administration inhibited the emergence of NDO, together with reduction of axonal growth, suggesting that BDNF may have a crucial role in bladder function after SCI via inhibition of neuronal sprouting. These findings highlight the role of BDNF in NDO and may provide a significant contribution to create more efficient therapies to manage SCI patients.


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SIGNIFICANCE: Heme degradation, which was described more than 30 years ago, is still very actively explored with many novel discoveries on its role in various disease models every year.

RECENT ADVANCES: The heme oxygenases (HO) are metabolic enzymes that utilize NADPH and oxygen to break apart the heme moiety liberating biliverdin (BV), carbon monoxide (CO), and iron. Heme that is derived from hemoproteins can be toxic to the cells and if not removed immediately, it causes cell apoptosis and local inflammation. Elimination of heme from the milieu enables generation of three products that influences numerous metabolic changes in the cell.

CRITICAL ISSUES: CO has profound effects on mitochondria and cellular respiration and other hemoproteins to which it can bind and affect their function, while BV and bilirubin (BR), the substrate and product of BV, reductase, respectively, are potent antioxidants. Sequestration of iron into ferritin and its recycling in the tissues is a part of the homeodynamic processes that control oxidation-reduction in cellular metabolism. Further, heme is an important component of a number of metabolic enzymes, and, therefore, HO-1 plays an important role in the modulation of cellular bioenergetics.

FUTURE DIRECTIONS: In this review, we describe the cross-talk between heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and its products with other metabolic pathways. HO-1, which we have labeled Nike, the goddess who personified victory, dictates triumph over pathophysiologic conditions, including diabetes, ischemia, and cancer.


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The spatial location of microorganisms in the soil three-dimensional structure with respect to their substrates plays an important role in the persistence and turnover of natural and xenobiotic organic compounds. To study the effect of spatial location on the mineralisation of 14C-2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP, 0.15 or 0.31 μmol g-1) and 14C-glucose (2.77 μmol g-1), columns packed with autoclaved soil aggregates (2-5 mm) were used. Using a chloride tracer of water movement, the existence of 'immobile' water, which was by-passed by preferentially flowing 'mobile' water, was demonstrated. By manipulation of the soil moisture content, the substrates were putatively placed to these conceptual hydrological domains (immobile and mobile water). Leaching studies revealed that approximately 1.7 (glucose) and 3.4 (2.4-DCP) times the amount of substrate placed in mobile water was recovered in the first 4 fractions of leachate when compared to substrate placed in immobile water. The marked difference in the breakthrough curves was taken as evidence of successful substrate placement. The 2,4-DCP degrading bacterium, Burkholderia sp. RASCc2, was inoculated in mobile water (1.8-5.2 × 107 cells g-1 soil) and parameters (asymptote, time at maximum rate, calculated maximum rate) describing the mineralisation kinetics of 2,4-DCP and glucose previously added to immobile or mobile water domains were compared, For glucose, there was no significant effect (P > 0.1) of substrate placement on any of the mineralisation parameters. However, substrate placement had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on parameters describing 2,4-DCP mineralisation. In particular, 2,4-DCP added in mobile water was mineralised with a greater maximum rate and with a reduced time at maximum rate when compared to 2,4-DCP added to immobile water. The difference in response between the two test substrates may reflect the importance of sorption in controlling the spatial bioavailability of compounds in soil. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The likelihood of smallholder farmers not participating in agroforestry agri-environmental schemes and payments for ecosystem services (PES) may be due to limited farmland endowment and formal credit constraints. These deficits may lead to an ‘exclusive club’ of successful farmers, which are not necessarily poor, enjoying the benefits of agri-environmental schemes and PES although agrienvironmental schemes and PES have been devised as a means of fostering rural sustainable development and improving the livelihood of poor smallholder farmers. Smallholder farmers in parts of rural Kenya continue to enroll in ‘The International Small Group Tree Planting Programme’ (TIST), an agri-environmental scheme, promoting agroforestry, carbon sequestration and conservation agriculture (CA). The question remains if these farmers are really poor? This study examines factors that determine the participation of smallholder farmers in TIST in parts of rural Kenya. We use survey data compiled in 2013 on 210 randomly selected smallholder farmers from Embu, Meru and Nanyuki communities; the sample consists of TIST and non-TIST members. A random utility model and logit regression were used to test a set of non-monetary and monetary factors that influence participation in the TIST. The utility function is conceptualized to give non-monetary factors, particularly the common medium of communication in rural areas – formal and informal – a central role. Furthermore, we investigate other factors (incl. credit accessibility and interest rate) that reveal the nature of farmers participating in TIST. The findings suggest that spread of information via formal and informal networks is a major driver of participation in the TIST program. Furthermore, variables such credit constrains, age and labour supply positively correlate with TIST participation, while for education the opposite is true. It is important to mention that these correlations, although somewhat consistent, were all found to be weak. The results indicate that participation in the TIST program is not influenced by farm size; therefore we argue that the TIST scheme is NOT an ‘exclusive club’ comprising wealthy and successful farmers. Older farmers’ being more likely to join the TIST is an argument for their long- rather than widely assumed short-term planning horizon and a new contribution to the literature. Given the importance of poverty alleviation and climate smart agriculture in developing countries, sustainable policy should strengthening the social and human capital as well as informal networks in rural areas. Extension services should effectively communicate benefits to less educated and credit constrained farmers.


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Devido às actividades antropogénicas várias substâncias químicas têm sido introduzidas no meio ambiente em concentrações que de outro modo não ocorreriam de forma tão elevada naturalmente. Assim, o conhecimento acerca das características de um químico, tais como, o potencial para se acumular em diferentes níveis tróficos, a sua mobilidade dentro do ecossistema, a toxicidade específica e a bioacumulação, é fundamental para compreender os seus efeitos nos ecossistemas. Esta tese investiga a influência de especiação, na biodisponibilidade do cádmio (Cd) para o isópode Porcellio dilatatus, incluindo os efeitos de especiação do metal: (i) na assimilação do Cd, (ii) no modo como o Cd se distribui internamente no organismo, e (iii) como a sobrevivência e a reprodução são afectadas em isópodes terrestres. Num primeiro ensaio laboratorial avaliou-se a importância da transferência trófica na assimilação do Cd em P. dilatatus. Para tal analisou-se a eficiência de assimilação (EA) do Cd em isópodes, adicionado superficialmente ao alimento (alface) na forma de Cd(NO3)2 e contaminando o meio de crescimento da alface. A hipótese era de que a alface contaminada biologicamente através do cultivo em meio hidropónico contaminado teria uma maior proporção de complexos com proteína ou conjugado na forma de Cd (ex. Cd cisteína). A EA de Cd foi maior entre os isópodes que foram alimentados com o sal (71%, SE = 7%), do que entre os isópodes que se alimentaram de alface contaminada biologicamente (52%, SE = 5%), demonstrando-se assim num teste laboratorial que é provável que a especiação do Cd influencie a taxa de assimilação e acumulação do Cd. Na experiência alimentar que se seguiu, estudou-se em detalhe a especiação do metal comparando as EA do Cd conjugado com cisteína (Cd(Cys)2) e na forma de Cd(NO3)2, com os quais se contaminou gelatina com alface. A utilização de Cd-cisteína, proporcionou uma forma experimental para explorar a biodisponibilidade do Cd complexado dentro do tecido biológico. Como esperado, a EA de Cd em isópodes alimentados com nitrato de Cd (64%, SE = 5%) foi maior do que no caso de isópodes alimentados com o conjugado de cisteína (20%, SE = 3%). De seguida estudou-se a distribuição subcelular das espécies de Cd assimilado através de um processo de fraccionamento. Supunha-se que as diferenças de especiação de Cd reflectiria diferentes estratégias de compartimentalização, com consequências ao nível da detoxificação, armazenamento celular e distribuição subcelular do metal. O “sequestro” na forma de metal biologicamente detoxificado (BDM = proteínas estáveis ao calor - HSP e grânulos ricos em metal - RMG) foi maior nos isópodes alimentados com Cd(NO3)2, sugerindo que são mais eficientes na detoxificação de Cd (22%) do que quando alimentados com Cd(Cys)2 (15%). Foi também demonstrado que os isópodes alimentados com Cd(Cys)2 possuíam níveis de armazenamento de Cd superior nas fracções sensíveis ao metal (MSF = organelos e proteínas desnaturadas pelo calor - HDP) consideradas fracções potencialmente vulneráveis e afectando os isópodes em termos de toxicidade. As diferentes distribuições internas que se seguiram à assimilação e detoxificação das diferentes espécies de Cd foram finalmente avaliadas em termos da sobrevivência e reprodução dos isópodes. O tratamento com Cd(Cys)2 teve maior mortalidade, provavelmente devido à maior disponibilidade de Cd ingerido com implicações ao nível dos processos fisiológicos. Os isópodes alimentados com Cd(NO3)2 armazenaram o Cd nos MRG, como estratégia de detoxificação, sendo mais eficientes a detoxificar o Cd ainda que aumentando a concentração total do metal que se tornou menos tóxico para o isópode. Desta forma, o Cd nos grânulos não estava disponível para os processos fisiológicos e deixou de ser tóxico. Isso poderia estar relacionado com a resistência e tolerância aos metais devido à capacidade dos isópodes compartimentalizarem o Cd no hepatopâncreas, que actua como um mecanismo de detoxificação e contribui para a tolerância a altos níveis de cádmio. Em termos de parâmetros reprodutivos, observou-se uma redução de gestações e duração da gestação na presença de ambas as espécies de metal, mas no caso do Cd(Cys)2 as gravidezes não se concluíram. O número de jovens produzido por fêmeas alimentadas com Cd(NO3)2 foi menor do que no controlo, mas os pesos dos juvenis foram superiores. Finalmente sugere-se assim que esta abordagem seja considerada em estudos do movimento trófico de metais nas cadeias alimentares dado que se espera que a especiação de metais implique diferentes fluxos, dentro de uma dada cadeia trófica.


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Salt marshes are highly productive intertidal habitats that serve as nursery grounds for many commercially and economically important species. Because of their location and physical and biological characteristics, salt marshes are considered to be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic inputs of oil hydrocarbons. Sediment contamination with oil is especially dangerous for salt marsh vegetation, since low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons can affect plants at all stages of development. However, the use of vegetation for bioremediation (phytoremediation), by removal or sequestration of contaminants, has been intensively studied. Phytoremediation is an efficient, inexpensive and environmental friendly approach for the removal of aromatic hydrocarbons, through direct incorporation by the plant and by the intervention of degrading microbial populations in the rhizosphere (microbe-assisted phytoremediation). Rhizosphere microbial communities are enriched in important catabolic genotypes for degradation of oil hydrocarbons (OH) which may have a potential for detoxification of the sediment surrounding the roots. In addition, since rhizosphere bacterial populations may also internalize into plant tissues (endophytes), rhizocompetent AH degrading populations may be important for in planta AH degradation and detoxification. The present study involved field work and microcosms experiments aiming the characterization of relevant plant-microbe interactions in oilimpacted salt marshes and the understanding of the effect of rhizosphere and endosphere bacteria in the role of salt marsh plants as potential phytoremediation agents. In the field approach, molecular tools were used to assess how plant species- and OH pollution affect sediment bacterial composition [bulk sediment and sediment surrounding the roots (rhizosphere) of Halimione portulacoides and Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis] in a temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) chronically exposed to OH pollution. In addition, the 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in this study were used to generate in silico metagenomes and to evaluate the distribution of potential bacterial traits in different microhabitats. Moreover, a combination of culture-dependent and -independent approaches was used to investigate the effect of oil hydrocarbons contamination on the structure and function of endophytic bacterial communities of salt marsh plants.Root systems of H. portulacoides and S. perennis subsp. perennis appear to be able to exert a strong influence on bacterial composition and in silico metagenome analysis showed enrichment of genes involved in the process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation in the rhizosphere of halophyte plants. The culturable fraction of endophytic degraders was essentially closely related to known OH-degrading Pseudomonas species and endophytic communities revealed sitespecific effects related to the level of OH contamination in the sediment. In order to determine the effects of oil contamination on plant condition and on the responses in terms of structure and function of the bacterial community associated with plant roots (rhizosphere, endosphere), a microcosms approach was set up. The salt marsh plant Halimione portulacoides was inoculated with a previous isolated Pseudomonas sp. endophytic degrader and the 2-methylnaphthalene was used as model PAH contaminant. The results showed that H. portulacoides health and growth were not affected by the contamination with the tested concentration. Moreover, the decrease of 2-methylnaphthalene at the end of experiment, can suggest that H. portulacoides can be considered as a potential plant for future uses in phytoremedition approaches of contaminated salt marsh. The acceleration of hydrocarbon degradation by inoculation of the plants with the hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp. could not, however, be demonstrated, although the effects of inoculation on the structure of the endophytic community observed at the end of the experiment indicate that the strain may be an efficient colonizer of H. portulacoides roots. The results obtained in this work suggest that H. portulacoides tolerates moderate concentrations of 2-methylnaphthalene and can be regarded as a promising agent for phytoremedition approaches in salt marshes contaminated with oil hydrocarbons. Plant/microbe interactions may have an important role in the degradation process, as plants support a diverse endophytic bacterial community, enriched in genetic factors (genes and plasmids) for hydrocarbon degradation.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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O chumbo é um importante poluente ambiental. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae constitui um modelo útil para o estudo dos efeitos tóxicos do chumbo. O conhecimento dos mecanismos de defesa e resistência à presença de metais pesados poderá ser útil em tecnologias de proteção ambiental, nomeadamente no desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a biorremediação de metais pesados. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto do Pb na capacidade proliferativa, na integridade membranar e na produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), na estirpe laboratorial da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741 (estirpe selvagem, WT). Foi também estudado o papel das mitocôndrias, como fonte de ROS induzida por Pb, e o envolvimento da H+-ATPase vacuolar (V-ATPase) e de transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC (de ATP-binding cassette) na defesa contra a toxicidade do Pb. O estudo cinético do impacto de duas concentrações de Pb na viabilidade das leveduras (avaliado através de um ensaio clonogénico), na integridade da membrana celular (determinada com iodeto de propídio) e na produção intracelular de ROS (o anião superóxido foi detetado com dihidroetídio e o peróxido de hidrogénio com 2’,7’- diclorodihidrofluoresceína), revelou uma perda progressiva da capacidade proliferativa (53 e 17% de células viáveis, após a exposição durante 3h a 250 ou 1000 µmol/l de chumbo, respetivamente), coincidente com a acumulação intracelular de anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio, na ausência de perda da integridade membranar. A importância das mitocôndrias na produção de ROS, induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo usando um mutante deficiente respiratório desprovido de ADN mitocondrial (ƿ0). Quando comparado com a respetiva estirpe parental, o mutante ƿ0 apresentou uma maior resistência ao Pb e uma menor produção de ROS induzida por Pb. A exposição das células da estirpe BY4741 a 250 e 1000 µmol/l de chumbo originou a formação de 49 e 58% de células deficientes respiratórias, respetivamente. A função da V-ATPase, na desintoxicação de chumbo, foi avaliada utilizando mutantes com uma estrutura vacuolar normal mas defetivos em subunidades da VATPase (vma1Δ, vma2Δ, vma3Δ e vph1Δ). Comparativamente às células da estirpe WT, todos os mutantes testados, sem V-ATPase funcional, apresentaram uma maior suscetibilidade ao Pb. O papel dos transportadores vacuolares pertencentes à superfamília ABC, na defesa contra a toxicidade induzida por chumbo, foi levada a cabo utilizando mutantes sem os transportadores Ycf1p ou Vmr1p. Os resultados preliminares mostraram que quando comparadas com as células da estirpe WT, as células das estirpes ycf1Δ ou vmr1Δ não apresentavam uma maior perda da viabilidade. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar, em células expostas a chumbo, foi visualizada utilizando a estirpe Vma2p-GFP. O tratamento das células com Pb originou a fusão dos vacúolos de tamanho médio num único vacúolo de grande dimensão. Em conclusão, os estudos desenvolvidos no presente trabalho, utilizando a estirpe laboratorial BY4741, mostraram que a perda da capacidade proliferativa das leveduras, induzida pelo chumbo, pode ser atribuída à acumulação intracelular do anião superóxido e de peróxido de hidrogénio. As mitocôndrias parecem ser uma das principais fontes de ROS induzido por Pb e, simultaneamente, um dos principais alvos da sua toxicidade. Em S. cerevisiae, o vacúolo desempenha um papel importante na desintoxicação do Pb. A modificação da morfologia vacuolar após exposição ao chumbo poderá ser a consequência da acumulação de Pb no vacúolo. Enquanto os transportadores da superfamília ABC parecem não estar envolvidos na sequestração vacuolar de Pb, é necessária a presença, num estado funcional, da V-ATPase para que ocorra a compartimentação do Pb. Muito provavelmente, a compartimentação do Pb no vacúolo previne a sua acumulação no citosol e o desencadear dos respetivos efeitos tóxicos.


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Os biocombustíveis apresentam um interessante potencial de redução da dependência energética relativamente aos combustíveis fósseis. A produção de microalgas apresenta vários benefícios ambientais como sejam a utilização mais efetiva de terrenos, a captura de dióxido de carbono, a purificação de águas quando associada a um processo de tratamento de águas residuais e não provoca a disputa entre a produção de matéria-prima para alimentação e combustíveis. A cultura de microalgas para a produção de biodiesel tem recebido uma grande atenção nos últimos anos devido ao seu potencial. Neste trabalho pretende-se criar as etapas de processamento das microalgas em biodiesel onde são implementadas medidas de eficiência energética e aproveitamento de fontes poluidoras como o CO2. Para isso, formulou-se um modelo no programa Aspen Plus para simulação do processo desde a produção, colheita até à extração de óleo das microalgas e posterior avaliação económica do mesmo. Concluiu-se que para o projeto fosse pago no tempo de vida útil seria preciso vender o óleo a 13 $/kg. Aos preços atuais do óleo o projeto não é economicamente viável.


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Invasive plants can have different effects of ecosystem functioning and on the provision of ecosystem services, from strongly deleterious impacts to positive effects. The nature and intensity of such effects will depend on the service and ecosystem being considered, but also on features of life strategies of invaders that influence their invasiveness as well as their influence of key processes of receiving ecosystems. To address the combined effect of these various factors we developed a robust and efficient methodological framework that allows to identify areas of possible conflict between ecosystem services and alien invasive plants, considering interactions between landscape invasibility and species invasiveness. Our framework combines the statistical robustness of multi-model inference, efficient techniques to map ecosystem services, and life strategies as a functional link between invasion, functional changes and potential provision of services by invaded ecosystems. The framework was applied to a test region in Portugal, for which we could successfully predict the current patterns of plant invasion, of ecosystem service provision, and finally of probable conflict (expressing concern for negative impacts, and value for positive impacts on services) between alien species richness (total and per plant life strategy) and the potential provision of selected services. Potential conflicts were identified for all combinations of plant strategy and ecosystem service, with an emphasis for those concerning conflicts with carbon sequestration, water regulation and wood production. Lower levels of conflict were obtained between invasive plant strategies and the habitat for biodiversity supporting service. The added value of the proposed framework in the context of landscape management and planning is discussed in perspective of anticipation of conflicts, mitigation of negative impacts, and potentiation of positive effects of plant invasions on ecosystems and their services.


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T-type Ca2+ channels (T channels) underlie rhythmic burst discharges during neuronal oscillations that are typical during sleep. However, the Ca2+-dependent effectors that are selectively regulated by T currents remain unknown. We found that, in dendrites of nucleus reticularis thalami (nRt), intracellular Ca2+ concentration increases were dominated by Ca2+ influx through T channels and shaped rhythmic bursting via competition between Ca2+-dependent small-conductance (SK)-type K+ channels and Ca2+ uptake pumps. Oscillatory bursting was initiated via selective activation of dendritically located SK2 channels, whereas Ca2+ sequestration by sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases (SERCAs) and cumulative T channel inactivation dampened oscillations. Sk2-/- (also known as Kcnn2) mice lacked cellular oscillations, showed a greater than threefold reduction in low-frequency rhythms in the electroencephalogram of non-rapid-eye-movement sleep and had disrupted sleep. Thus, the interplay of T channels, SK2 channels and SERCAs in nRt dendrites comprises a specialized Ca2+ signaling triad to regulate oscillatory dynamics related to sleep.


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Eukaryotes contain inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) and acidocalcisomes, which sequester polyP and store amino acids and divalent cations. Why polyP is sequestered in dedicated organelles is not known. We show that polyP produced in the cytosol of yeast becomes toxic. Reconstitution of polyP translocation with purified vacuoles, the acidocalcisomes of yeast, shows that cytosolic polyP cannot be imported, whereas polyP produced by the vacuolar transporter chaperone (VTC) complex, an endogenous vacuolar polyP polymerase, is efficiently imported and does not interfere with growth. PolyP synthesis and import require an electrochemical gradient, probably as a driving force for polyP translocation. VTC exposes its catalytic domain to the cytosol and carries nine vacuolar transmembrane domains. Mutations in the VTC transmembrane regions, which are likely to constitute the translocation channel, block not only polyP translocation but also synthesis. Given that they are far from the cytosolic catalytic domain of VTC, this suggests that the VTC complex obligatorily couples synthesis of polyP to its import in order to avoid toxic intermediates in the cytosol. Sequestration of otherwise toxic polyP might be one reason for the existence of acidocalcisomes in eukaryotes.


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Imaging plays a key role in the detection of a diaphragmatic pathology in utero. US is the screening method, but MRI is increasingly performed. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is by far the most often diagnosed diaphragmatic pathology, but unilateral or bilateral eventration or paralysis can also be identified. Extralobar pulmonary sequestration can be located in the diaphragm and, exceptionally, diaphragmatic tumors or secondary infiltration of the diaphragm from tumors originating from an adjacent organ have been observed in utero. Congenital abnormalities of the diaphragm impair normal lung development. Prenatal imaging provides a detailed anatomical evaluation of the fetus and allows volumetric lung measurements. The comparison of these data with those from normal fetuses at the same gestational age provides information about the severity of pulmonary hypoplasia and improves predictions about the fetus's outcome. This information can help doctors and families to make decisions about management during pregnancy and after birth. We describe a wide spectrum of congenital pathologies of the diaphragm and analyze their embryological basis. Moreover, we describe their prenatal imaging findings with emphasis on MR studies, discuss their differential diagnosis and evaluate the limits of imaging methods in predicting postnatal outcome.


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Les actions thérapeutiques des antidépresseurs, disponibles actuellement, requièrent plusieurs semaines de traitement. Ce délai est dû aux adaptations des sites pré et post-synaptiques qui, respectivement, augmentent la disponibilité synaptique des monoamines sérotonine et noradrénaline (5-HT et NA), et entraînent les changements neuroplastiques modifiant la fonction neuronales dans les régions limbiques. Il a été récemment observé, chez un modèle animal de dépression, que l’agoniste RS67333 des récepteurs sérotoninergiques de type 5-HT4 produisait des changements comportementaux, électrophysiologiques, cellulaires et biochimiques, tel qu’observé chez les antidépresseurs. Ces changements apparaissent seulement après 3 jours de traitement tandis que les antidépresseurs nécessitent souvent plusieurs semaines. De plus, l’activation des récepteurs 5-HT4 ne générait pas de tolérance, et cela pendant 21 jours de traitement. Seulement, les propriétés de signalisation et de régulation de ces récepteurs sont très loin d’êtres établies. Nous avons alors voulu mieux caractériser ces deux aspects de leur fonction, en se concentrant d’avantage sur les isoformes a et b, fortement exprimés dans le système limbique. Pour cela, nous avons voulu évaluer d’abord leur capacité de production d’AMPc dans un système hétérologue. Les essais d’accumulation d’AMPc démontrent que les deux isoformes sont capables de moduler positivement et négativement des niveaux d’AMPc en présence de 5-HT. Par contre, la stimulation au RS67333 induit seulement une augmentation du niveau d’AMPc dans les deux cas. Ensemble, ces observations indiquent que les deux isoformes sont capables de coupler à l’adénylate cyclase à travers les protéines Gαs et Gαi. La quantification des récepteurs internalisés a montré que l’isoforme b internalisait plus efficacement que l’isoforme a suite à l’incubation à la 5-HT (61 ± 3 % pour le b vs 40 ± 2 % pour le a). Les protéines kinases PKA et PKC n’étaient pas impliquées dans cette différence, toutefois, la PKC a été trouvée essentielle à l’internalisation des deux isoformes. L’internalisation de l’isoforme b par 5-HT n’a pas été affecté par la surexpression de forme inactive de GRK2 (GRK2- K220R) et a été partiellement inhibé par un mutant négative de la β-arrestine (βarr(319-418)), tandis que l’internalisation de l’isoforme a a été bloquée par les deux. Ces observations indiquent que les mécanismes d’internalisation des deux isoformes du récepteur 5-HT4 les plus abondants dans le système nerveux central sont distincts. Des comportements spécifiques à chaque isoforme ont aussi été constatés au niveau de la régulation fonctionnelle suite à l’exposition au RS67333, qui désensibilise seulement l’isoforme b. D’après nos observations, nous avons conclu que les isoformes a et b diffèrent dans leur propriétés de signalisation et de régulation. L’incapacité du RS67333 à désensibiliser l’isoforme a fournit un substrat moléculaire pour les effets antidépressifs prolongés de cet agoniste dans les études pré-cliniques.


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La fixation de l’azote diatomique est un processus très important à la vie, vu sa nécessité dans la biosynthèse de plusieurs molécules de base; acides aminés, acides nucléiques, etc. La réduction de l’azote en ammoniaque est catalysée par la nitrogénase, une enzyme consommatrice de beaucoup d’énergie étant donné qu’elle nécessite 20 à 30 moles d’ATP pour la réduction d’une mole d’azote. De ce fait une régulation rigoureuse est exigée afin de minimiser le gaspillage d’énergie. Plusieurs systèmes de contrôle sont connus, aussi bien au niveau post-traductionnel que traductionnel. Chez la bactérie photosynthétique pourpre non-sulfureuse R. capsulatus, la régulation de l’activité de la nitrogénase nécessite une panoplie de protéines dont la protéine membranaire AmtB, qui est impliquée dans le transport et la perception d’ammonium, et les protéines PII qui jouent plusieurs rôles clés dans la régulation de l’assimilation d’azote. Suite à l’ajout de l’ammonium dans le milieu, une inhibition réversible de l’activité de la nitrogénase est déclenchée via un mécanisme d’ADP-ribosylation de la nitrogénase. La séquestration de GlnK (une protéine PII) par l’AmtB permet à DraT, une ADP-ribosyltransférase, d’ajouter un groupement ADP-ribose sur la protéine-Fe de la nitrogénase l’empêchant ainsi de former un complexe avec la protéine-MoFe. Donc, le transfert d’électrons est bloqué, engendrant ainsi l’inhibition de l’activité de la nitrogénase qui dure aussi long que la concentration d’azote fixé reste élevé, phénomène appelé le « Switch-off/Switch-on » de la nitrogénase. Dans ce mémoire, pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène de régulation, des mutations ponctuelles au niveau de certains résidus conservés de la protéine AmtB, dont D338, G367, H193 et W237, étaient générées par mutagénèse dirigée, afin d’examiner d’avantage leur rôle dans le transport d’ammonium, la formation du complexe AmtB-GlnK, ainsi que dans le « Switch-off » et l’ADP-ribosylation. Les résultats permettent de conclure l’importance et la nécessité de certains résidus telle que le G367 dans la régulation de la nitrogénase et le transport d’ammonium, contrairement au résidu D338 qui ne semble pas être impliqué directement dans la régulation de l’activité de la nitrogénase. Ces résultats suggèrent d’autres hypothèses sur les rôles des acides aminés spécifiques d’AmtB dans ses fonctions comme transporteur et senseur d’ammonium.