290 resultados para rewarding


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Boredom is almost universally regarded as a dysphoric mental state, characterised by features such as disengagement and low arousal. However, in certain quarters (e.g., Zen Buddhism), boredom is seen as potentially having great value and even importance. The current study sought to explore boredom through a case study involving introspective phenomenology. The author created conditions in which he would experience boredom for an hour, and recorded his experience in real-time using a variant of the Experiencing Sampling Method. The data were analysed using an adaptation of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The results indicated that the state of boredom contained three main sources of value: (a) altered perception of time; (b) awakened curiosity about the environment; and (c) exploration of self. Consequently, the paper offers a re-appraisal of boredom, suggesting that rather than necessarily being a negative state, if engaged with, boredom has the potential to be a positive and rewarding experience.


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Palkitseminen on yksi keskeisimmistä työmotivaatioon ja työsuoritukseen vaikuttavista elementeistä. Tässä kvalitatiivisella tutkimusmenetelmällä laaditussa Pro gradu-tutkielmassa tutkitaan palkitsemisen vaikutusta kaupan alan myymälähenkilökunnan työmotivaatioon ja työsuoritukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää millä tutki-muksen kohdeorganisaation nykyisillä kokonaispalkitsemisen keinoista on merkittävin vaikutus myymälähenkilökunnan työmotivaatioon ja työsuoritukseen. Lisäksi tutkimus havinnollistaa, millaisilla muilla palkitsemisen keinoilla pystytään vaikuttamaan myymälähenkilökunnan työmotivaatioon siten, että sen vaikutus heijastuu positiivisena impulssina myös työntekijän työsuoritukseen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys on rakennettu kokonaispalkitsemisen ja työmotivaation ympärille ja näkökulmia peilataan sekä yksilön kokeman oikeudenmukaisuuden, että yrityksen strategisen palkitsemisen näkökulmista. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan nähdä, että tulokseen sidottu palkitseminen on yksi keskeisimmistä työsuoritukseen vaikuttavista palkitsemisen elementeistä myyntityössä. Työsuoritukseen ja työmotivaatioon pystytään vaikuttamaan myös itsenäisellä työskentelytavalla, uramahdollisuuksilla ja ammatillisen kehittymisen mahdollisuuksilla. Kohdeorganisaation kokonaispalkitsemisen mallia tulisikin muokata vastaamaan entistä paremmin näitä indikaattoreita, jotta kokonaispalkitsemisen malli toimisi strategisen palkitsemisen näkökulmasta mahdollisimman optimaalisella tavalla.


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The overwhelming majority of flowering plant species depend on animals for pollination, and such pollinators are important for the reproductive success of many economically and environmentally important plant species. Yet pollinators in the Old World tropics are relatively understudied, particularly paleotropical nectarivorous bats (Pteropodidae), and much is unknown about their interactions with night-blooming plant species. To better understand these bat-plant pollination interactions, I conducted fieldwork in southern Thailand for a total of 20 months, spread across three years. I examined the foraging times of pteropodid bat species (Chapter 1), and found that strictly nectarivorous species foraged earlier, and for a shorter duration, than primarily frugivorous species. I also studied year-long foraging patterns of pteropodid bats to determine how different species track floral resources across seasons (Chapter 2). Larger species capable of flying long distances switched diets seasonally to forage on the most abundant floral species, while smaller species foraged throughout the year on nearby plant species that were low-rewarding but highly reliable. To determine which pteropodid species are potentially important pollinators, I quantified the frequency and effectiveness of their visits to six common bat-pollinated plant taxa for an entire year (Chapter 3). The three strictly nectarivorous species were responsible for almost all pollination, but pollinator importance of each bat species varied across plant species. I further examined the long-term reliability of these pollinators (Chapter 4), and found that pollinator importance values were consistent across the three study years. Lastly, I explored mechanisms that reduce interspecific pollen transfer among bat-pollinated plants, despite having shared pollinators. Using a flight cage experiment, I demonstrated that these plant species deposit pollen on different areas of the bat’s body (mechanical partitioning), resulting in greater pollen transfer between conspecific flowers than heterospecific flowers (Chapter 5). Additionally, while I observed ecological and phenological overlap among flowering plant species, pollinators exhibited high floral constancy within a night, resulting in strong ethological separation (Chapter 6). Collectively, these findings illustrate the importance of understudied Old World bat pollinators within a mixed agricultural-forest system, and their strong, interdependent interactions with bat-pollinated plant species within a night, across seasons, and across years.


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The spectrum of vocal music spans time, genres, styles, and is infinitely vast. New works are ever evolving and expanding, new artistic ideas are revealed from older works, and interest renewed from the tried and true. As a vocal musician in present day, I aspired to find a common thread amidst the boundless spectrum of works to be performed—whether I was hearkening back to a time of old, dissecting pieces by composers who have opened the door to personal artistry, or learning to sing a new work never performed or heard before. The Mercuriality of Song unearths more differences than commonalities in preparation, despite the fact that my voice remains the constant— differences which were expected, often surprising, but nevertheless new and rewarding in their challenges. Three performances (a world-premiere, a lieder recital, and an early music recital) comprise the basis for my investigation into comparing methods and processes of different periods via program notes, laying the foundation for initial preparation from an historical context. An amalgam of genres and stylistic differences along with performance planning culminate this exploration of vocal discovery and implementation.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Supervisão e Avaliação Escolar.


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As academic student mobility is increasing, improving the functionality of international operations is recognised as a competitive advantage at tertiary education institutions. Although many scholars have researched the experiences of exchange students, the role of student tutors and their contribution to exchange students’ experiences is still an unknown factor. This research examines international tutoring at the University of Turku, and aims to understand better the way tutoring contributes to exchange experiences and to explore the functionality of the tutor system and discover areas for improvements. To achieve these goals, the research seeks to answer the fundamental research question: What is the role of tutors in mediating exchange experiences? The theoretical framework combines literature on mediating exchange experiences, the phenomenon of studying abroad, the process of adaptation, the importance of cross-cultural communication, and the role of student tutors as mediators. Based on the literature review, a theoretical model for studying the mediation of exchange experiences is introduced. The model’s applicability and validity is examined through a case study. Three methods were used in the empirical research: surveys, participant observations, and interviews. These methods provided extensive data from three major parties of the tutor system: tutors, exchange students, and the international office. The findings of the research reveal that tutoring – instrumental leading and social and cultural mediating – generates both negative and positive experiences depending on the individuals’ expectations, motivations, relationships, and the nature of the tutoring. Although functional, there are a few weaknesses in the tutor system. Tutors tend to act as effective instrumental leaders, but often fail to create a friendship and contribute to the exchange students’ experience through social and cultural mediation, which is significantly more important in the exchange students’ overall experience in terms of building networks, adapting, gaining emotional experiences, and achieving the stage of personal development and mental change. Based on the weaknesses, three improvements are suggested: (1) increasing comprehensive sharing of information, effective communication, and collective cooperation, (2) emphasising the importance of social and cultural mediation and increasing the frequency of interaction between tutors and exchange students, and (3) improving the recruitment and training, revising the process of reporting and rewarding, and finally, enhancing services and coordination.


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Enquadramento - O professor desempenha um papel fundamental na transferência da informação e é um mediador entre o estudante e o objeto de conhecimentos, orientando e organizando o ensino para que a aprendizagem se efectue. Um dos grandes desafios da Educação Municipal está em manter os professores motivados para o desempenho contribuindo assim para o sucesso escolar dos seus alunos. Propomo-nos analisar que variaveis contribuiram para o auto conceito e bem estar dos docentes diante das mudanças e tecnologias inseridas no dia a dia da sala de aula. Método: Optamos pelo método de pesquisa com abordagem quantitativa numa primeira fase. Foi utilizado como técnica de coleta de dados, questionário de Vaz Serra 1986) e, numa 2ª fase o focus groupo com discussão e interpretação dos resultados obtidos em cada dimensão do questionário de autoconceito. A amostra foi constituida por 42 professores, do ensino fundamental publico Brasileiro. Resultados: Os professores eram casados, tinham idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 40 anos, maioritáriamente de raça negra e 66% trabalham em mais do que uma escola. 80% dos professores apresentam valores de autoconceito abaixo da média. As incongruências, dificuldades e clima organizacional da escola faziam aflorar as discrepâncias emocionais e comportamentais. Mesmo situações descritas como derrotistas ou mesmo limitadoras do raio de ação do sujeito como o trabalho em organismo público, nos sujeitos que se posicionavam nas respostas do inventário com atitudes proativas as dificuldades não representaram um estancamento da ação. Conclusão: O Autoconceito e auto estima do professor são projetados no ambiente como fruto da interação humana atual com os constructos internos do sujeito. É necessário intervir ao nível do autoconceito e autoestima do professor para uma melhor qualidade de ensino e de vivencia escolar mais gratificante. Palavras-Chave: educação; personalidade; autoconceito; autoestima; docente.


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L’obésité est un facteur de risque lié à des problèmes physiques, émotionnels et comportementaux. Aujourd’hui, l’alimentation est composée d’un régime typiquement occidental «Western diet» qui est riche en acides gras saturés (AGS) et pauvre en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) tel que les oméga-3 (N-3) et occasionnant un déséquilibre du ratio alimentaire N-6/N-3. Ce déséquilibre est une des causes de la prévalence des maladies mentales y compris celles des troubles de l'humeur et de l’anxiété. L’acide docosahexaénoïque (ADH, 22: 6 n-3) est l’acide gras (AG) le plus abondant dans le cerveau et son accumulation est particulièrement élevée pendant la période périnatale. Il joue un rôle important dans le développement neuronal et d'autres fonctions du cerveau tel l'apprentissage et la mémoire. Des perturbations de l’environnement périnatal peuvent influencer à très long terme l’avenir de la descendance en la rendant plus susceptible de développer des problèmes d’obésité dans un contexte nutritionnel riche. On ignore cependant si le déficit alimentaire chez la mère et particulièrement en ADH aura un impact sur la motivation alimentaire de la progéniture. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier le rôle potentiel des N-3 sur la balance énergétique, la motivation alimentaire, la dépression et le niveau d’anxiété des descendants de souris mâles adultes assujetties à une alimentation riche en gras. Nos données ont démontré qu‘un régime maternel déficitaire en ADH durant la période périnatale incitait la descendance à fournir plus d’effort afin d’obtenir un aliment palatable. Ceci entraînerait un dérèglement de l’homéostasie énergétique en augmentant le gain de poids et en diminuant l’activité locomotrice tout en exacerbant le comportement de type anxieux dès que les souris sont exposées à un milieu obésogène. Les acides gras libres (AGL) sont des nutriments essentiels fonctionnant comme des molécules de signalisation dans le cerveau en ayant des récepteurs qui jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle du métabolisme énergétique. Parmi eux, on distingue un récepteur couplé à la protéine G (GPCR), le GPR120. Ce récepteur activé par les AGPI ω-3 intervient dans les mécanismes anti-inflammatoires et insulino-résistants via les N-3. Une mutation dans le gène GPR120 occasionnée par une réduction de l’activité de signalisation du gène est liée à l’obésité humaine. L'objectif premier de cette deuxième étude était d’évaluer l'impact de la stimulation pharmacologique de GPR120 dans le système nerveux central (SNC) sur l'alimentation, les dépenses d'énergie, le comportement de type anxieux et la récompense alimentaire. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une injection centrale aiguë d'agoniste GPR120 III réduit la prise alimentaire ad libitum et la motivation alimentaire pour un aliment riche en gras et en sucre; ainsi que les comportements de type anxieux. L’injection centrale chronique (21 jours) de ce même agoniste GPR120 III transmis par une pompe osmotique a démontré que les souris placées sous diète hypercalorique (HFD n’ont présenté aucune modification lors de la prise alimentaire ni de gain de poids mais qu’il y avait comparativement au groupe de véhicule, une réduction du comportement de type anxieux, que ce soit dans le labyrinthe en croix surélevé (LCS) ou dans le test à champ ouvert (OFT). L’ADH est reconnu pour ses propriétés anorexigènes au niveau central. De plus, la stimulation des récepteurs de GPR120 au niveau du cerveau avec un agoniste synthétique peut produire un effet intense intervenir sur le comportement lié à l'alimentation des rongeurs. Trouver une approche visant à contrôler à la fois la neuroinflammation, la récompense alimentaire et les troubles émotionnels aiderait assurément au traitement de l'obésité et du diabète de type 2.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicocriminologia


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The study of Quality of Life (Qol) has been conducted on various scales throughout the years with focus on assessing overall quality of living amongst citizens. The main focus in these studies have been on economic factors, with the purpose of creating a Quality of Life Index (QLI).When it comes down to narrowing the focus to the environment and factors like Urban Green Spaces (UGS) and air quality the topic gets more focused on pointing out how each alternative meets this certain criteria. With the benefits of UGS and a healthy environment in focus a new Environmental Quality of Life Index (EQLI) will be proposed by incorporating Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Working with MCA on complex environmental problems and incorporating it with GIS is a challenging but rewarding task, and has proven to be an efficient approach among environmental scientists. Background information on three MCA methods will be shown: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Regime Analysis and PROMETHEE. A survey based on a previous study conducted on the status of UGS within European cities was sent to 18 municipalities in the study area. The survey consists of evaluating the current status of UGS as well as planning and management of UGS with in municipalities for the purpose of getting criteria material for the selected MCA method. The current situation of UGS is assessed with use of GIS software and change detection is done on a 10 year period using NDVI index for comparison purposes to one of the criteria in the MCA. To add to the criteria, interpolation of nitrogen dioxide levels was performed with ordinary kriging and the results transformed into indicator values. The final outcome is an EQLI map with indicators of environmentally attractive municipalities with ranking based on predefinedMCA criteria using PROMETHEE I pairwise comparison and PROMETHEE II complete ranking of alternatives. The proposed methodology is applied to Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, Portugal.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyze what transaction costs are acceptable for customers in different investments. In this study, two life insurance contracts, a mutual fund and a risk-free investment, as alternative investment forms are considered. The first two products under scrutiny are a life insurance investment with a point-to-point capital guarantee and a participating contract with an annual interest rate guarantee and participation in the insurer's surplus. The policyholder assesses the various investment opportunities using different utility measures. For selected types of risk profiles, the utility position and the investor's preference for the various investments are assessed. Based on this analysis, the authors study which cost levels can make all of the products equally rewarding for the investor. Design/methodology/approach - The paper notes the risk-neutral valuation calibration using empirical data utility and performance measurement dynamics underlying: geometric Brownian motion numerical examples via Monte Carlo simulation. Findings - In the first step, the financial performance of the various saving opportunities under different assumptions of the investor's utility measurement is studied. In the second step, the authors calculate the level of transaction costs that are allowed in the various products to make all of the investment opportunities equally rewarding from the investor's point of view. A comparison of these results with transaction costs that are common in the market shows that insurance companies must be careful with respect to the level of transaction costs that they pass on to their customers to provide attractive payoff distributions. Originality/value - To the best of the authors' knowledge, their research question - i.e. which transaction costs for life insurance products would be acceptable from the customer's point of view - has not been studied in the above described context so far.


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Employees are the human capital which, to a great extent, contributes to the success and development of high-performance and sustainable organizations. In a work environment, there is a need to provide a tool for tracking and following-up on each employees' professional progress, while staying aligned with the organization’s strategic and operational goals and objectives. The research work within this Thesis aims to contribute to improve employees' selfawareness and auto-regulation; two predominant research areas are also studied and analyzed: Visual Analytics and Gamification. The Visual Analytics enables the specification of personalized dashboard interfaces with alerts and indicators to keep employees aware of their skills and to continuously monitor how to improve their expertise, promoting simultaneously behavioral change and adoption of good-practices. The study of Gamification techniques with Talent Management features enabled the design of new processes to engage, motivate, and retain highly productive employees, and to foster a competitive working environment, where employees are encouraged to be involved in new and rewarding activities, where knowledge and experience are recognized as a relevant asset. The Design Science Research was selected as the research methodology; the creation of new knowledge is therefore based on an iterative cycle addressing concepts such as design, analysis, reflection, and abstraction. By collaborating in an international project (Active@Work), funded by the Active and Assisted Living Programme, the results followed a design thinking approach regarding the specification of the structure and behavior of the Skills Development Module, namely the identification of requirements and the design of an innovative info-structure of metadata to support the user experience. A set of mockups were designed based on the user role and main concerns. Such approach enabled the conceptualization of a solution to proactively assist the management and assessment of skills in a personalized and dynamic way. The outcomes of this Thesis aims to demonstrate the existing articulation between emerging research areas such as Visual Analytics and Gamification, expecting to represent conceptual gains in these two research fields.


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La course d’endurance active le système de récompense (SR) et est reliée aux comportements de recherche alimentaire. L’influence de la leptine sur l’activité physique (AP) volontaire est bien documentée d’un point de vue physiologique, mais très peu en termes d’impact hédonique. La leptine inhibe l’effet récompensant lié à la consommation de nourriture et joue un rôle semblable pour d’autres types de stimuli. La leptine s’arrime à la forme longue du récepteur à la leptine (Leprb) situé sur les neurones à dopamine (DA) et GABA de l’aire tegmentale ventrale (ATV) dans le mésencéphale. Signal transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) est un facteur de transcription important de la cascade de signalisation de la leptine. La phosphorylation de STAT3 n’est détectée que dans une parcelle des neurones DA positifs pour le Leprb, conférant aux neurones DA STAT3-spécifiques des caractéristiques uniques. Nous avons généré un modèle murin invalidé pour STAT3 sélectivement dans les neurones DA (STAT3DAT-KO). La première expérience consistait à évaluer les paramètres métaboliques de base de notre modèle en utilisant les chambres métaboliques Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS), incluant l’activité ambulatoire, le ratio d’échanges respiratoires (RER) et la production de chaleur. Les STAT3DAT-KO sont hyperactives, démontré par une activité locomotrice augmentée, mais aucune variation entre les deux groupes n’est observée pour le RER et la production de chaleur, en plus d’un gain de poids identique. Une stratégie de récupération ciblant la réinsertion de STAT3 dans les neurones DA du système mésolimbique normalise l’AP anciennement plus élevée des STAT3DAT-KO à celle des contrôles, suivant l’accès libre à une roue d’exercice (RE) pour une durée de 4 semaines, suivant l’accès libre à une roue d’exercice (RE) pour une durée de 4 semaines. L’injection d’un psychostimulant (agoniste du récepteur DA de type 1 (D1R), le Chloro-APB-Hydrobromide (SKF 82958)) reflète une fonction dopaminergique réduite chez les STAT3DAT-KO. Un test de recherche compulsive de nourriture révèle une suppression de la prise alimentaire chez les deux groupes expérimentaux. Nous démontrons pour la première fois que la motivation alliée à la course d’endurance, indépendamment de la régulation de la prise alimentaire par la leptine, est dépendant d’une signalisation leptine-STAT3 amoindrie dans les neurones DA du système mésolimbique, révélant STAT3 comme élément clé dans la régulation du tonus dopaminergique et des propriétés récompensantes de l’AP.