890 resultados para grammatical metaphor
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação
A partir da forma como nos media portugueses são veiculadas as relações de oposição e negociação entre a Grécia e a União Europeia, pode verificar-se a importância e a força que a metáfora conceitual possui como mecanismo linguístico e cognitivo de construção de perceções, defesa de pontos de vista e fundamento de perspectivas ideológicas. Alicerçando-se numa estrutura metafórica de base, a negociação é colocada entre os domínios JOGO e LUTA, evidenciando-se o peso das metáforas como poderosos mecanismos para construir e manipular as perceções que temos sobre a realidade.
É objetivo deste ensaio mostrar que Fernão de Oliveira, tendo-se esforçado por não ficar muito preso aos modelos latinos, traçou as linhas mestras da gramática stricto sensu (ou morfossintaxe) do português do séc. XVI, isto é, identificou as categorias gramaticais que funcionam efetivamente nesta língua.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem
This research uses the textile/text axis concept as a conceptual tool to investigate the role of textile and text in contemporary women’s art practice and theorizing, investigating textile as a largely hitherto unacknowledged element in women’s art practice of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Textile and text share a common etymological root, from the Latin textere to weave, textus a fabric. The thesis illuminates the pathways whereby textile and text played an important role in women reclaiming a speaking voice as creators of culture and signification during a revolutionary period of renewal in women’s cultural contribution and positioning. The methodological approach used in the research consisted of a comprehensive literature review, the compilation of an inventory of relevant women artists, developing a classificatory system differentiating types of approaches, concerns and concepts underpinning women’s art practice vis a vis the textile/text axis and a series of three in-depth case studies of artists Tracey Emin, Louise Bourgeois and Faith Ringgold. The thesis points to the fact that contemporary women artists and theorists have rounded their art practice and aesthetic discourse in textile as prime visual metaphor and signifier, turning towards the ancient language of textile not merely to reclaim a speaking voice but to occupy a ground breaking locus of signification and representation in contemporary culture. The textile/text axis facilitated women artists in powerfully countering a culturally inscribed status of Lacanian ‘no-woman’ (a position of abjection, absence and lack in the phallocentric symbolic). Turning towards a language of aeons, textile as fertile wellspring, the thesis identifies the methodologies and strategies whereby women artists have inserted their webs of subjectivities and deepest concerns into the records and discourses of contemporary culture. Presenting an anatomy of the textile/text axis, the thesis identifies nine component elements manifesting in contemporary women’s aesthetic practice and discourse. In this cultural renaissance, the textile/text axis, the thesis suggests, served as a complex lexicon, a system of labyrinthine references and signification, a site of layered meanings and ambiguities, a body proxy and a corporeal cartography, facilitating a revolution in women’s aesthetic praxis.
Starting from the observation that ghosts are strikingly recurrent and prominent figures in late-twentieth African diasporic literature, this dissertation proposes to account for this presence by exploring its various functions. It argues that, beyond the poetic function the ghost performs as metaphor, it also does cultural, theoretical and political work that is significant to the African diaspora in its dealings with issues of history, memory and identity. Toni Morrison's Beloved (1987) serves as a guide for introducing the many forms, qualities and significations of the ghost, which are then explored and analyzed in four chapters that look at Fred D'Aguiar's Feeding the Ghosts (1998), Gloria Naylor's Mama Day (1988), Paule Marshall's Praisesong for the Widow (1983) and a selection of novels, short stories and poetry by Michelle Cliff. Moving thematically through these texts, the discussion shifts from history through memory to identity as it examines how the ghost trope allows the writers to revisit sites of trauma; revise historical narratives that are constituted and perpetuated by exclusions and invisibilities; creatively and critically repossess a past marked by violence, dislocation and alienation and reclaim the diasporic culture it contributed to shaping; destabilize and deconstruct the hegemonic, normative categories and boundaries that delimit race or sexuality and envision other, less limited and limiting definitions of identity. These diverse and interrelated concerns are identified and theorized as participating in a project of "re-vision," a critical project that constitutes an epistemological as much as a political gesture. The author-based structure allows for a detailed analysis of the texts and highlights the distinctive shapes the ghost takes and the particular concerns it serves to address in each writer's literary and political project. However, using the ghost as a guide into these texts, taken collectively, also throws into relief new connections between them and sheds light on the complex ways in which the interplay of history, memory and identity positions them as products of and contributions to an African diasporic (literary) culture. If it insists on the cultural specificity of African diasporic ghosts, tracing its origins to African cultures and spiritualities, the argument also follows gothic studies' common view that ghosts in literary and cultural productions-like other related figures of the living dead-respond to particular conditions and anxieties. Considering the historical and political context in which the texts under study were produced, the dissertation makes connections between the ghosts in them and African diasporic people's disillusionment with the broken promises of the civil rights movement in the United States and of postcolonial independence in the Caribbean. It reads the texts' theoretical concerns and narrative qualities alongside the contestation of traditional historiography by black and postcolonial studies as well as the broader challenge to conventional notions such as truth, reality, meaning, power or identity by poststructuralism, postcolonialism or queer theory. Drawing on these various theoretical approaches and critical tools to elucidate the ghost's deconstructive power for African diasporic writers' concerns, this work ultimately offers a contribution to "speciality studies," which is currently emerging as a new field of scholarship in cultural theory.
L'étude proposée par l'A. comporte trois parties. La première est consacrée à un rapide survol des principales interprétations de la péricope à partir des lectures qu'elles font du v. 27. La deuxième s'articule autour de trois thèses qui sont l'occasion de discuter plus en détails une lecture psychanalytique, une lecture féministe et une lecture sociologique de la péricope. Enfin, une troisième partie s'intéresse au sens du passage de la frontière par Jésus à partir d'une relecture de la péricope dans le contexte de l'Évangile de Marc.
El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el tratamiento que algunos de los diccionarios generales monolingües del español aparecidos en los últimos diez años han dado al fenómeno de las colocaciones léxicas, a saber, aquellas combinaciones de palabras que, desde el punto de vista de la norma, presentan ciertas restricciones combinatorias, esencialmente de carácter semántico, impuestas por el uso (Corpas: 1996). Los repertorios objeto de análisis han sido: el "Diccionario Salamanca de la lengua española", dirigido por Juan Gutiérrez (1996); el "Diccionario del español actual", de Manuel Seco, Olimpia Andrés y Gabino Ramos (1999); la vigésima segunda edición del diccionario de la RAE (2001); y el "Gran diccionario de uso del español actual. Basado en el corpus Cumbre", dirigido por Aquilino Sánchez (2001). Nuestro estudio se ha fundamentado en un corpus de 52 colocaciones léxicas confeccionado a partir del análisis de las subentradas contenidas en la letra "b" de cada uno de los diccionarios seleccionados. Posteriormente, hemos examinado las entradas correspondientes a cada uno de los elementos que constituyen la colocación (base y colocativo) con el fin de observar si los diccionarios estudiados dan cuenta de estas mismas combinaciones en otras partes del artículo lexicográfico, como son las definiciones o los ejemplos. A la hora de analizar la información lexicográfica hemos centrado nuestra atención en cuatro aspectos: a) la información contenida en las páginas preliminares de cada una de las obras; b) la ubicación de las colocaciones en el artículo lexicográfico; c) la asignación de la colocación a un artículo determinado; y d) la marcación gramatical.
GREC CLÀSSIC. Curs d’autoaprenentatge introductori. Dos anys. El curs consta de tretze lliçons i d’una gramàtica estructurada en quatre blocs: 1. Alfabet i diacrítics, fenòmens fonètics. 2. Morfologia nominal. 3. Morfologia verbal. 4. Infinitius i participis. Sintaxi de les oracions. L’estructura de les lliçons, excepte la primera que inclou l’alfabet, combina qüestions de morfologia nominal i verbal o de morfologia i sintaxi, tal com acostumen a fer els mètodes d’aprenentatge de les llengües modernes. Cada lliçó formula els seus objectius específics, desenvolupa la seva part de continguts i conclou amb uns exercicis pràctics d’autocorrecció. La Gramàtica, per la seva banda, està organitzada com un manual elemental de llengua grega on la persona que segueixi el curs pot ampliar la seva formació i consultar els dubtes. Parts complementàries: presentació on es formulen els objectius, la metodologia i les instruccions concretes per a seguir el curs; terminologia on s’ordenen alfabèticament els conceptes gramaticals emprats en el curs; avaluació final per tal que, més enllà dels exercicis de cada lliçó, hom pugui comprovar si ha assolit els coneixements previstos o si, en cas de no arribar-hi, ha de reforçar algunes lliçons o parts de les mateixes abans de tornar a fer l’avaluació; lèxic, ordenat alfabèticament per tal que hom pugui conèixer el significat dels mots emprats en el curs sense necessitat de consultar un diccionari. A la part d’avaluació hi ha també una enquesta per tal que les persones que segueixin el curs en facin una valoració i ens permetin corregir els seus dèficits o mancances. El projecte 2007MQD00178 ha continuat ampliant els dossiers electrònics, els exercicis autoavaluatius del seu web www.ub.edu/filologiagrega/electra i ha dedicat una part important de la seva tasca a elaborar els continguts i els programes de les assignatures dels dos primers cursos del nou grau de Filologia Clàssica.
Nouveaux cahiers de linguistique française 30 Département de linguistique, Université de Genève Antoine AUCHLIN, Présentation Tim ROHRER et Mary Jean VIGNONE, The Bankers Go to Washington: Theory and Method in Conceptual Metaphor Analysis, Napoleon KATSOS et Chris CUMMINS, Scalar implicature : Theory, processing and acquisition, Jacques MOESCHLER, Pourquoi le sens est-il structuré ? Une approche vériconditionelle de la signification linguistique et du sens pragmatique, Joanna BLOCHOWIAK, Les questions enchâssant les verbes d'attitude dans le contexte d'explications, Cristina GRISOT et Bruno CARTONI, Une description bilingue des temps verbaux : étude contrastive en corpus, Jacques MOESCHLER, Cristina GISOT et Bruno CARTONI, Jusqu'où les temps verbaux sont-ils procéduraux ? Hasmik JIVANIAN, Relations causales épistémiques : Focalisation de parce que et contrefactualité, Cosmina-Maria HODOROAGA, Les traits démonstratifs de la citation, Maíra AVELAR MIRANDA, L'intégration entre gestes et prosodie : une vision incarnée, Tea PRSIR, L'étude du discours représenté dans le cadre de l'intégration expérientielle, Jean-Philippe GOLDMAN et Yves SCHERRER, Création automatique de dictionnaires bilingues d'entités nommées grâce à Wikipédia.
PURPOSE: Bilingual aphasia generally affects both languages. However, the age of acquisition of the second language (L2) seems to play a role in the anatomo-functional correlation of the syntactical/grammatical processes, thus potentially influencing the L2 syntactic impairment following a stroke. The present study aims to analyze the influence of late age of acquisition of the L2 on syntactic impairment in bilingual aphasic patients. METHODS: Twelve late bilingual participants (speaking French as L2 and either English, German, Italian or Spanish as L1) with stroke-induced aphasia participated in the study. The MAST or BAT aphasia batteries were used to evaluate overall aphasia score. An auditory syntactic judgement task was developed and used to test participants syntactic performance. RESULTS: The overall aphasia scores did not differ between L1 and L2. In a multiple case analysis, only one patient had lower scores in L2. However, four patients presented significantly lower performances in syntactic processing in the late L2 than in their native language (L1). In these four patients the infarct was localized, either exclusively or at least partially, in the pre-rolandic region. CONCLUSION: This pilot study suggests that, in late bilingual aphasics, syntactic judgment abilities may be more severely impaired in L2, and that this syntactic deficit is most likely to occur following anterior lesions.
Most theories of perception assume a rigid relationship between objects of the physical world and the corresponding mental representations. We show by a priori reasoning that this assumption is not fulfilled. We claim instead that all object-representation correspondences have to be learned. However, we cannot learn to perceive all objects that there are in the world. We arrive at these conclusions by a combinatory analysis of a fictive stimulus world and the way to cope with its complexity, which is perceptual learning. We show that successful perceptual learning requires changes in the representational states of the brain that are not derived directly from the constitution of the physical world. The mind constitutes itself through perceptual learning.
Tradicionalment, la metàfora ha estat estudiada pels filòlegs com una figura retòrica utilitzada sobretot en la poesia. Recentment, però, la lingüística cognitiva s'ha interessat per la metàfora. Actualment, a partir dels estudis de Lakoff i Johnson, s'ha demostrat que aquesta figura retòrica no només és una figura estilística, sinó que, a més a més, és reflex d'un procés cognitiu que impregna tot el nostre llenguatge i pensament. Els humans en la nostra vida quotidiana, constantment, conceptualitzem àrees més abstractes de la nostra experiència mitjançant dominis més concrets.D'entrada, farem un breu recorregut sobre la història dels estudis que tracten la metàfora: partirem dels clàssics i arribarem al segle XX amb els estudis de Lakoff i Johnson. En segon lloc, explicarem la metàfora dins el marc teòric de la semàntica cognitiva. En tercer lloc, estudiarem el llenguatge bèl·lic utilitzat per parlar del futbol. Finalment, analitzarem els tres tipus de metàfores - estructurals, ontològiques i orientatives - que podem trobar en els diaris esportius, centrant-nos, però, en la metàfora estructural EL FUTBOL ÉS UNA GUERRA. L'objectiu del nostre estudi és analitzar metàfores que usem en la nostra vida quotidiana per parlar de l'esport, cenyint-nos en el futbol. Concretament, la nostra anàlisi se centrarà, dins de l'àmbit dels mitjans de comunicació, en els diaris esportius. Aquest treball no només hauria de servir per adonar-nos de les metàfores que impregnen el món dels esports, sinó que, a més a més, hauria de servir per adonar-nos dels motius pels quals fem servir aquestes metàfores i no unes altres, uns motius que, com ens mostren els estudiosos Lakoff i Johnson, estan relacionats amb la nostra cultura i la relació que mantenim amb el món que ens envolta.