829 resultados para Vegetables and legumes


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The recognition of an increasing and worldwide demand for high quality in fruits and vegetables has grown in recent years. Evidence of severe problems of mechanical damage is increasing, and this is affecting the trade of fruits in European and other countries. The potential market for fresh high-quality vegetables and fruits remains restricted by the lack of quality of the majority of products that reach consumers; this is the case for local as well as import/export markets, so a reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits in favour of other fixed-quality products (dairy in particular) may become widespread. In a recent survey (King, 1988, cited in Bellon, 1989), it appears that, for the moment, one third of the surveyed consumers are still continuing to increase their fresh produce consumption. The factors that appear as being most important in influencing the shopping behaviour of these consumers are taste/flavour, freshness/ripeness, appealing look, and cleanliness. Research on mechanical damage in fruit and vegetables has been underway for several years. The first research made on physical properties of fruits was in fact directed towards analysing the response to slow or rapid loading of selected fruits (Fridley et al, 1968; Horsefield et al., 1972). From that time on, research has expanded greatly, and different aspects of the problem have been approached. These include applicable mechanical models for the contact problem, the response of biological tissues to loading, devices for detecting damage causes in machines and equipment, and procedures for sensing bruises in grading and sorting. This chapter will be devoted to the study of actual research results relative to the cause and mechanisms of mechanical damage in fruits (secondarily in vegetables), the development of bruises in these commodities, the models that have been used up to now, and the different factors which have been recognized as influencing the appearance and development of mechanical damage in fruits. The study will be focused mainly on contact-damage - that is, slow or rapid loads applied to the surface of the products and causing bruises. (A bruise is defined as an altered volume of fruit tissues below the skin that is discoloured and softened.) Other types of mechanical damage, like abrasion and scuffing, punctures and cuts, will be also mentioned briefly.


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La clasificación de las semillas de especies olerícolas se realiza principalmente por peso y tamaño, con criterios similares a los aplicados en cereales y leguminosas, en que se asocia positivamente estos atributos físicos con la calidad fisiológica. No obstante lo anterior, en diversas especies de hortalizas la información es escasa y contradictoria al respecto, lo que motiva la realización de la presente investigación. En semillas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) se determinó el efecto del peso y tamaño sobre la calidad fisiológica expresada como germinación y vigor. Además, se correlacionaron los resultados de las pruebas de evaluación de calidad fisiológica y se describieron variables del crecimiento y desarrollo. Se utilizaron lotes de diferentes variedades de semillas híbridas de cuatro temporadas, producidas en un clima templado cálido con lluvias invernales y estación seca prolongada (32º 54’ y 34° 21´ latitud Sur). Se midió peso y tamaño de semillas, además en dos temporadas se evaluaron las características internas de área y peso de embrión y área de endospermo. Se determinó la calidad de las semillas con la prueba de germinación y según fuera el año de estudio se midió vigor con las pruebas de envejecimiento acelerado, de plantas útiles al trasplante y de plántulas emergidas. Con análisis de imágenes y rayos X se extrajeron datos del tamaño externo e interno de las semillas y plántulas. Los lotes se compararon mediante análisis de varianza y las medias con la prueba de Tukey, la asociación entre dos variables se determinó con correlaciones de Pearson, las variables de peso y tamaño de la semilla y su relación con las pruebas de calidad, se analizaron mediante regresiones múltiples. Se utilizó un nivel de significación de 0,05 de probabilidad. Los resultados indicaron que el tamaño y no el peso de las semillas de tomate, diferenciaron calidad entre lotes en las diversas variedades. La prueba de germinación tuvo una baja sensibilidad para discriminar lotes, además de una escasa correlación con las características físicas de las semillas, cuando hubo asociación, la relación fue débil y negativa. La prueba de vigor de envejecimiento acelerado diferenció lotes y presentó escasa asociación con las características físicas de las semillas. El número de semillas germinadas en la prueba de envejecimiento acelerado se explicó por el efecto del tamaño de las semillas, mientras que las fracciones de descarte se asociaron con el peso de las mismas. La prueba de vigor de plantas útiles al trasplante no discriminó entre lotes. Tuvo una asociación débil con el peso y tamaño de las semillas. El modelo asociado a esta relación explicó con un alto coeficiente de determinación que el peso de la semilla influyó sobre la emergencia temprana, mientras que la relación fue menor y negativa con plantas de mayor desarrollo. La prueba de vigor de plántulas emergidas discriminó lotes de semillas con plántulas de 3 a 5 días después de siembra. Hubo escasa y débil asociación entre esta prueba y las características de peso y tamaño las semillas. El modelo de predicción de plántulas emergidas fue particular en cada temporada, cuando hubo un coeficiente de determinación alto influyó negativamente el peso o tamaño de la semilla. Entre las pruebas de calidad fisiológica evaluadas en semillas de tomate hubo escasas correlaciones significativas. Entre germinación y vigor las correlaciones significativas fueron débiles y sólo se encontraron en algunas temporadas de evaluación. Entre las pruebas de vigor no hubo asociación. En las pruebas de vigor de plantas útiles al trasplante y de plántulas emergidas, los cotiledones alcanzaron el mayor porcentaje de materia seca y se correlacionaron fuertemente con la materia seca total. En la prueba de plántulas emergidas la materia seca de las radículas diferenció parcialmente lotes de semillas al igual que la longitud total y de las radículas. La longitud de la radícula se correlacionó fuertemente con la longitud total de plántulas. ABSTRACT Seed selection for olericultural species is mainly carried out considering weight and size with similar criteria to those applied in cereals and legumes where size and physiological quality are favorably associated. However, information about several species is limited and contradictory regarding the above, leading to the present research. In tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seeds, the effect of weight and size on the physiological quality expressed as germination and vigor was determined. In addition, results of quality evaluation tests were correlated and variables of growth and development were described. Batches of hybrid seeds from four seasons were used. These seeds were produced in a mild warm climate with winter rainfalls and long dry season (32º 54’ and 34° 21´South Latitude). Seed weight and size were determined, additionally internal characteristics such as embryo area and weight as well as endosperm area were evaluated in two seasons. The quality of seeds was established using the germination test and, depending on the year of the study, vigor was measured through accelerated aging tests for plants useful for transplanting and emerged seedlings. Using imaging analysis and X rays, data regarding external and internal size of seeds and seedlings were obtained. Batches were compared through ANOVA and means using Tukey’s test; the association between both variables was determined with Pearson correlations, whereas variables of seed weight and size and their relation to quality tests were analyzed through multiple regressions. A significance level of 0.05 probability was used. Results showed that the size (but not the weight) of tomatoes differentiates quality between batches from several seasons. The germination test was not sensitive enough to discriminate batches in addition to having a limited correlation with the characteristics of seeds, when they were associated, the relation was weak and unfavorable. Vigor test for accelerated aging made the difference between batches and presented low association with physical characteristics of the seeds. The number of germinated seeds in the accelerated aging test was explained by the effect of the seed size, whereas cull fractions were associated with their weight. The vigor test of plants useful for transplanting did not discriminate between batches. The association with seed weight and size was weak. The model associated to this relation explained, with a high coefficient determination, that the seed weight had influence on early emergence, whereas the relation was minor and unfavorable with more developed plants. Vigor test of emerged seedlings discriminated batches of seeds with seedlings of 3 to 5 days after sowing. There was a limited and weak association between this test and the characteristics of seed weight and size. The prediction model for seedlings emerged was particular in each season, when the determination coefficient was high, seed weight and size influenced negatively. Among the physiological quality tests evaluated in tomato seeds, significant correlations were negligible. Between germination and vigor, significant correlations were poor, being only found in some evaluation seasons. There was no association in the vigor tests. In vigor tests for plants useful for transplanting and emerged seedlings, cotyledons reached the highest percentage of dry matter and were strongly correlated with total dry matter. In the test of emerged seedlings, dry matter of radicles partially differentiated batches of seeds as well as total length and radicles. Radicle length was strongly correlated with total seedlings length.


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En la actualidad la mayoría de plantas sufren pérdidas debido a las enfermedades que les provocan los hongos. Uno de estos grupos amenazado por el ataque de los hongos son las especies de la familia Orchidaceae, especies que se encuentran amenazadas y con numerosas especies en peligro de extinción. Uno de los problemas sanitarios más destacados es Botrytis cinerea, hongo patógeno cosmopolita, causante de enfermedades importantes en muchas plantas tales como frutas, verduras, accesiones de viveros, plantas ornamentales y huertos cultivos (Jarvis 1977; Elad et al., 2007). Este género es uno de los grupos de hongos más ampliamente conocido y distribuido. Contiene 22 especies (Hennebert 1973; Yohalem et al., 2003) y un híbrido (B. allii) (Yohalem & Alabama, 2003) vinculado a las etapas sexuales y un amplio número de huéspedes específicos (Beever y Weds, 2000); infecta más de 200 especies vegetales distintas (Williamson et al., 2007). Dada la importancia de este patógeno se realiza un estudio de caracterización morfológica y molecular del hongo, aislado de plantas de orquídeas cultivadas en condiciones de invernadero, de hortalizas y plantas frutales, con síntomas de necrosis, atizonamientos y pudriciones. El análisis de las características morfológicas (presencia de esclerocios, tamaño de conidios, presencia de estructuras sexuales in vitro) y fenotípicas (crecimiento micelial a diferentes temperaturas, germinación de esporas), nos permitió determinar características importantes del comportamiento del hongo y establecer cuáles son las mejores condiciones para su patogenicidad. Se afianzo este trabajo con estudios moleculares a través del análisis de la región ribosomal ITS1-ITS4. Entre los aislados estudiados se identificaron dos especies diferentes, Botrytis cinerea y B. fabiopsis, esta última conocida como especifica de Vicia faba, se lo aisló de una planta de Pelargonium sp. Se hizo un análisis filogenético para comparar estas dos especies, encontrándose que B. fabiopsis está estrechamente relacionada con B. cinerea y B. elliptica, pero lejanamente relacionado con B. fabae. Además, se analizó las poblaciones de los aislados de Botrytis, para ello se seleccionaron tres parejas de cebadores microsatelites con altos porcentajes de polimorfismo. Al analizar la similaridad entre los aislados se determinaron tres grupos de poblaciones de B. cinerea entre los cuales Botrytis fabiopsis comparte un grupo grande con B. cinerea. La diferenciación genética no fue significativa entre la población de aislados de orquídeas y hortalizas, la diferencia génica que fue muy baja, lo que sugiere que la especificidad de Botrytis no está dada por los hospederos, aunque la posibilidad de la especificidad con algún cultivo no puede descartarse. ABSTRACT Most plants suffer diseases caused by fungi. Orchidaceae is one of the threatened groups with many endangered species. Included into the most important problems in plant health is Botrytis cinerea, a cosmopolitan pathogen which causes major diseases in many plants of agronomic interest such as fruits, vegetables, planthouses accessions and ornamental plants (Jarvis, 1977; Elad et al, 2007). The genus Botrytis is one of the most widely and disseminated fungi. The genus contains 22 species (Hennebert 1973; Yohalem et al, 2003) and a hybrid (B. allii) (Yohalem & Alabama, 2003) linked to the sexual stages of a large number of specific hosts (Beever & Weds, 2000); infects over 200 different plant species (Williamson et al., 2007). Due to the importance of this pathogen, a study of morphological and molecular characterization of the fungus was carried out. Fungi samples were isolated from orchid plants grown in greenhouse conditions, vegetables and fruits with signs of necrosis, blight and rottening. To establish the best conditions for pathogenicity, behavioral characteristics of the fungus were studied through the analysis of morphological characteristics (presence of sclerotia, conidia size, sexual structures in vitro) and mycelial growth at different temperatures. To complete the characterization of the fungi, a molecular study was performed via the analysis of ribosomal ITS1-ITS4 region. Two different species were identified: Botrytis cinerea and Botrytis fabiopsis (known by specificity to Vicia faba). B. fabiopsis was isolated from a plant of the genus Pelargonium. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out to compare these two species leading to the conclusion that B. fabiopsis is closely related to B. cinerea and B. elliptica, but distantly related to B. fabae. The populations of Botrytis isolates were also analyzed. Three pairs of microsatellite primers with high percentages of polymorphism were selected. A similarity analysis showed three groups of populations of B. cinerea, including Botrytis fabiopsis. The genetic differentiation was not significant among the populations of isolates from orchids and vegetables; genetic differences were very low, suggesting that the specificity of Botrytis species is not given by the hosts.


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Dados mundiais apontam haver uma associação entre o aumento do comércio de vegetais minimamente processados prontos para o consumo (VPC) e o aumento da ocorrência de surtos de enfermidades transmitidas por alimentos. Durante o processamento industrial de VPC, a desinfecção é a principal etapa de inativação de micro-organismos patogênicos presentes, mas nessa etapa também pode ocorrer contaminação cruzada, com transferência de contaminantes de produtos contaminados para não-contaminados. Neste trabalho, foram coletadas informações sobre as práticas empregadas na etapa de desinfecção em dez importantes indústrias produtoras de VPC no Estado de São Paulo, avaliando-se, em seguida, a influência dessas práticas na qualidade microbiológica dos produtos e na inativação de Salmonella Typhimurium, bem como na ocorrência de contaminação cruzada por este patógeno. Um modelo de avaliação quantitativa de risco microbiológico foi elaborado para estimar o impacto da contaminação cruzada durante a etapa de desinfecção no risco de infecção por Salmonella devido ao consumo de VPC. Observou-se que, em todas as indústrias visitadas, a desinfecção dos vegetais era feita com produtos à base de cloro em concentrações de 50 a 240 mg/L, que resultava em redução de até 1,2 log na carga microbiana dos vegetais que entravam na linha de processamento. Ao avaliar a influência das características da água de processamento (pH, temperatura, concentração de matéria orgânica e concentração de dicloroisocianurato de sódio) e do tempo de contato entre a água clorada e os vegetais na redução de Salmonella, observou-se que a concentração do produto à base de cloro foi o parâmetro que apresentou maior influência (p<0.05). Concentrações de dicloroisocianurato de sódio acima de 10 mg/L foram necessárias para controle da contaminação cruzada durante a etapa de lavagem. O modelo de avaliação de risco construído indicou quantitativamente haver uma relação entre a concentração de dicloroisocianurato de sódio na água de desinfecção e o risco de ocorrência de surtos causados por Salmonella em VPC. Cenários simulando uso de dicloroisocianurato de sódio em concentrações abaixo de 5 mg/L indicaram que mais de 96% dos casos preditos de infecção por Salmonella poderiam ser atribuídos à ocorrência de contaminação cruzada, enquanto que em cenários com concentrações acima de 50 mg/L, casos de infecção devidos à contaminação cruzada não foram preditos. Estes resultados mostram que o controle da qualidade da água e o monitoramento da concentração de sanitizante na etapa de desinfecção são essenciais para evitar a ocorrência de contaminação cruzada e garantir a produção de VPC seguros para o consumo.


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Contexte : La petite enfance constitue une période importante dans l’acquisition de saines habitudes alimentaires. Par leurs connaissances, attitudes, croyances, pratiques et perceptions en alimentation et nutrition, plusieurs intervenants influencent les jeunes enfants : parents, responsables de l’alimentation et éducatrices en services de garde. Objectifs : Cette étude décrit et analyse les perceptions du « bien manger » de 113 responsables de l’alimentation, de 302 éducatrices et de 709 parents d’enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans en services de garde au Québec. Méthodologie : Ce mémoire porte sur une question ouverte, répétée dans trois questionnaires autoadministrés de la recherche Offres et pratiques alimentaires revues dans les services de garde au Québec. Les réponses ont été recueillies de 2009 à 2010 et analysées au moyen d’une grille de codification construite de manières déductive et inductive. Résultats : L’analyse des données recueillies montre la récurrence des thèmes de la variété, l’équilibre, la modération, des légumes et fruits, mais aussi l’émergence du plaisir, de la santé, du GAC, des qualités organoleptiques, des pratiques coercitives et de la commensalité. Cette recherche dévoile que la variété, la santé et l’équilibre sont communs aux trois catégories d’intervenants, alors que le GAC, le plaisir, la saine alimentation et les qualités organoleptiques figurent plutôt dans les perceptions d’intervenants spécifiques. Conclusion : Ce portrait illustre la compréhension du « bien manger » qu’ont des intervenants jouant un rôle important dans le développement d’enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans. En outre, il permet d’éclairer les acteurs développant messages, interventions et politiques de santé publique faisant la promotion de la saine alimentation et favorisant la mise en place d’environnements appuyant l’adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires dans les services de garde du Québec ainsi que dans les ménages.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.


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Epidemiological evidence suggests that diets rich in fruits, vegetables and pulses reduce the risk of CVD. The Physicians Health Study has demonstrated reduction of CHD death with regular nut consumption1. One major modifiable risk factor for CHD is an unhealthy diet. Thus, an almondenrichment study has been undertaken to examine the benefit of almonds (Prunus amygdalis) in healthy individuals either with or without significant risk of vascular disease. Almonds contain various macronutrients (low SFA content, absence of cholesterol and high MUFA content) and micronutrients, including vitamin E, polyphenols and arginine, which afford vascular benefit. The effects of almond consumption (25 g/d for 4 weeks followed by 50 g/d for 4 weeks) were evaluated in three non-smoking subject groups: healthy male volunteers between the ages of 18 and 35 years (n 15); men at risk of heart disease between the ages of 18 and 35 years (n 12); mature men and women >50 years of age (n 18). A fourth control group (n 14) were followed over 8 weeks without dietary almond enrichment as a treatment control. None of the subjects withdrew from the study and 90% completed the study. The interim results of the study showed that in the three active groups there was little evidence for a change in total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol. In the mature group there was a trend towards increasing HDL-cholesterol. The mature and ‘at-risk’ groups also showed a significant changes in systolic blood pressure (P<0.05) during almond consumption. The healthy group showed a decrease in diastolic blood pressure (P<0.05). The ‘at-risk’ group showed a significant increase (P<0.05) in flowmediated dilation after 8 weeks of almond consumption. Data analysis is ongoing, with completion of the study in November 2007. The beneficial effects of almond consumption on flow-mediated dilation and blood pressure may be attributed to the high content in almonds of arginine, which serves as a precursor to the vasodilatory molecule, NO.


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Nowadays, agri-food chains are more global than ever and are characterized by increased imports and exports and global sourcing of products, resulting in increased cross-border transaction risks. The objective of this paper is to identify the typical risks regarding agri-food supply chains involved in cross-border transactions and to assess their importance as perceived by agri-food managers. The analysis takes into consideration four different agrifood value chains (meat, grain, olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruits). Following an explorative approach and a qualitative technique, a series of face to face in-depth interviews was conducted. Results indicate that risk perception may be quite different across countries, value chains, tiers of the supply chain, as well as across respondents. The prevalence of Market dynamics risks was pointed out in most of the interviews, yielding the impression that many operators identify the market as the most difficult environment. Differences in risk perception between fresh produce (fruit/vegetables and meat) and processed food chains (grain and olive oil) are probably interrelated to the different degree of integration within these supply chains, the different level of standardization achieved and the different causes of risks that are inherent to the nature of the product.


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Eating food prepared outside of the home has become the norm for adults on the island of Ireland. On 24% of eating or drinking occasions in the Republic of Ireland, food is cooked and prepared "out of the home". Bought-in cooked food makes up an average of 11% of a person’s energy intake in the United Kingdom. "Convenient" and "fast" cheap food has also become increasingly available to people. However, food prepared outside of the home has been found to contain considerably more dietary fat and less fibre and micronutrients than food prepared within the home. Traditionally, Indian diets are low in fat and high in fibre and rich in fruit and vegetables. However, these traditional meals have been adapted to suit Western palates and, as such, different ingredients in various quantities are added, potentially increasing their fat and salt content. Given the diversity of Indian takeaway dishes available on the island of Ireland, this survey has been designed to provide an insight into the energy (calorie), total fat, saturated fat, protein and salt content of the most popular starters, main courses and side dishes from various Indian takeaways and Indian restaurants with a takeaway service, as well as supermarkets or shop-bought equivalents. With two out of every three adults on the island of Ireland currently classified as overweight or obese, excess body weight is now one of the most important nutritional issues of our times. In addition to this, salt and fat intake is high and consumption of fruit, vegetables and fibre on the island of Ireland is low, increasing the risk of common chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. The consumption of excess calories and nutrient-poor foods contributes to our current obesity epidemic.  


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This handbook gives information to Iowa elementary teachers on how to teach conservation to students. Units covered are soil, wildlife, nature, mineral resources, forests, water, farming and legumes and grasses.


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Les problématiques de surplus de poids sont en augmentation depuis les dernières décennies, notamment chez les jeunes québécois. Cette augmentation est en lien avec des habitudes alimentaires présentant des différences importantes avec les recommandations nutritionnelles. De plus, le gouvernement provincial a instauré des changements importants au Programme de formation de l’école québécoise afin de stimuler l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie. Afin de contrer ces problématiques de surplus de poids et d’habitudes alimentaires déficientes et de poursuivre dans la lignée de la réforme scolaire, le Nutriathlon en équipe version Web a été développé. Ce programme a pour but d’amener chaque participant à améliorer la qualité de son alimentation en augmentant et en diversifiant sa consommation de légumes, de fruits et de produits laitiers. Les objectifs de la présente étude sont (1) d’évaluer l’impact du programme sur la consommation de légumes, de fruits (LF) et de produits laitiers (PL) d’élèves du secondaire et (2) d’évaluer les facteurs influençant la réussite du programme chez ces jeunes. Les résultats de l’étude ont démontré que pendant le programme ainsi qu’immédiatement après, le groupe intervention a rapporté une augmentation significative de la consommation de LF et de PL par rapport au groupe contrôle. Par contre, aucun effet n’a pu être observé à moyen terme. Quant aux facteurs facilitant le succès du Nutriathlon en équipe, les élèves ont mentionné : l’utilisation de la technologie pour la compilation des portions, la formation d’équipes, l’implication des enseignants et de l’entourage familial ainsi que la création de stratégies pour faciliter la réussite du programme. Les élèves ont également mentionné des barrières au succès du Nutriathlon en équipe telles que le manque d’assiduité à saisir leurs données en dehors des heures de classe, la dysfonction du code d’utilisateur et l’incompatibilité de la plateforme avec certains outils technologiques comme les tablettes.


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The identification of genotypes for drought tolerance has a great importance in breeding programs. The aim of this study was to characterize genotypes of beans in response to drought tolerance in different reproductive stages through physiologic, agronomic and molecular analysis. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, using a randomized block design with four replicates; 10 cultivars: ANFC 9, ANFP 110, BRS Esplendor, BRSMG Realce, IPR Siriri, IPR Tangará, IPR Tuiuiu, IPR Uirapuru, IAC Imperador and IAC Milênio under two conditions of irrigation: plants irrigated during their entire life cycle, and plants under irrigation suppression in the reproductive stage (R7) until 16% of field capacity, when the irrigation was restored. In the last four days of stress, the gas exchanges were analyzed, and in the last day of stress was analyzed the percentage of closed stomata in the abaxial surface of the leaves, collected in different times of the day (9h, 12h, 15h and 18h). Additionally, plant samples were collected for the following analysis: fresh and dry mass of leaves, stems and legumes, and proline content in leaves and roots. The plants were harvested at the physiological maturity and the yield components and grain yield were determined. In addition, in order to identify polymorphisms in the sequences of promoters and genes related to drought, seven pairs of primers were tested on the group of genotypes. The drought susceptibility indexes (ISS) ranged from 0.65 to 1.10 in the group of genotypes, which the lowest values observed were for IAC Imperador (0.65) and BRS Esplendor (0.87), indicating the ability of these two genotypes to maintain grain yield under water stress condition. All genotypes showed reduction in yield components under water stress. IAC Imperador (43.4%) and BRS Esplendor (60.6%) had the lowest reductions in productivity and kept about 50% of the stomata closed during all the different times evaluated at last day of irrigation suppression. IAC Imperador showed greater water use efficiency and CO2 assimilation rate under drought stress. IPR Tuiuiú, IPR Tangará and IAC Imperador had the highest proline concentrations in the roots. Under water stress condition, there was a strong positive correlation (0.696) between the percentage of stomata closed with the number of grains per plant (0.696) and the fresh mass of leaves (0.731), the maximum percentage of stomata closed 73.71% in water stress. The accumulation of proline in the root was the character that most contributed to the divergence between the genotypes under water deficit, but not always the genotypes that have accumulated more proline were the most tolerant. The polymorphisms in DNA of coding and promoting sequences of transcription factors studied in this experiment did not discriminate tolerant genotypes from the sensitive ones to water stress.


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A healthy meal starts with more vegetables and fruits and smaller portions of protein and grains. Think about how you can adjust the portions on your plate to get more of what you need without too many calories. And don’t forget dairy—make it the beverage with your meal or add fat-free or low-fat dairy products to your plate.


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Eating fruit provides health benefits. People who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health, such as potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol. Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as a part of the Fruit Group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed.


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Esta tesis fue realizada con el fin de rescatar un proceso culinario y artesanal de la ciudad de Cuenca, conocido como “encurtido” dicho proceso es muy importante ya que nos permite alargar la vida útil de los alimentos, principalmente de hortalizas y verduras, sin que estos sean afectadosen sus propiedades organolépticas. La propuestade diferentes recetas de encurtidos típicos cuencanos, han permitido comprobar que su elaboración es sencilla,conformada de vinagre blanco, limón, sal, aguay azúcar, solución acido salina donde se sumergen las verduras y hortalizas más comunes del medio local, y además me ha permitido tener una estimación del costo de producción. Los productos utilizados para la elaboración de los encurtidos propios de las fiestas de carnaval son de fácil adquisición ya que éstos generalmente concuerdan con periodos de cosecha lo que significa abundancia de ciertos productos de la región. La elaboración artesanal que he realizado en este proceso gastronómico ha permitido conocer la identidad de nuestra cultura, la misma que desaparece y es remplazada por elaboraciones similares pero industrializadas.