620 resultados para Sufism--Doctrines
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the key ecumenical dialogues between Methodists and Lutherans from the perspective of Arminian soteriology and Methodist theology in general. The primary research question is defined as: "To what extent do the dialogues under analysis relate to Arminian soteriology?" By seeking an answer to this question, new knowledge is sought on the current soteriological position of the Methodist-Lutheran dialogues, the contemporary Methodist theology and the commonalities between the Lutheran and Arminian understanding of soteriology. This way the soteriological picture of the Methodist-Lutheran discussions is clarified. The dialogues under analysis were selected on the basis of versatility. Firstly, the sole world organisation level dialogue was chosen: The Church – Community of Grace. Additionally, the document World Methodist Council and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification is analysed as a supporting document. Secondly, a document concerning the discussions between two main-line churches in the United States of America was selected: Confessing Our Faith Together. Thirdly, two dialogues between non-main-line Methodist churches and main-line Lutheran national churches in Europe were chosen: Fellowship of Grace from Norway and Kristuksesta osalliset from Finland. The theoretical approach to the research conducted in this thesis is systematic analysis. The Remonstrant articles of Arminian soteriology are utilised as an analysis tool to examine the soteriological positions of the dialogues. New knowledge is sought by analysing the stances of the dialogues concerning the doctrines of partial depravity, conditional election, universal atonement, resistible grace and conditional perseverance of saints. This way information is also provided for approaching the Calvinist-Arminian controversy from new perspectives. The results of this thesis show that the current soteriological position of the Methodist-Lutheran dialogues is closer to Arminianism than Calvinism. The dialogues relate to Arminian soteriology especially concerning the doctrines of universal atonement, resistible grace and conditional perseverance of saints. The commonalities between the Lutheran and Arminian understanding of soteriology exist mainly in these three doctrines as they are uniformly favoured in the dialogues. The most discussed area of soteriology is human depravity, in which the largest diversity of stances occurs as well. On the other hand, divine election is the least discussed topic. The overall perspective, which the results of the analysis provide, indicates that the Lutherans could approach the Calvinist churches together with the Methodists with a wider theological perspective and understanding when the soteriological issues are considered as principal. Human depravity is discovered as the area of soteriology which requires most work in future ecumenical dialogues. However, the detected Lutheran hybrid notion on depravity (a Calvinist-Arminian mixture) appears to provide a useful new perspective for Calvinist-Arminian ecumenism and offers potentially fruitful considerations to future ecumenical dialogues.
Late twentieth century Jesus-novels search after a completely new picture of Jesus. Novels written for instance by Norman Mailer, José Saramago, Michèle Roberts, Marianne Fredriksson, and Ki Longfellow provide an inversive revision of the canonic Gospels. They read the New Testament in terms of the present age. In their adaptation the story turns often into a critique of the whole Christian history. The investigated contrast-novels end up with an appropriation that is based on prototypical rewriting. They aim at the rehabilitation of Judas, and some of them make Mary Magdalane the key figure of Christianity. Saramago describes God as a blood thirsty tyrant, and Mailer makes God combat with the Devil in a manichean sense as with an equal. Such ideas are familiar both from poststructuralist philosophy and post-metaphysical death-of-God theology. The main result of the intertextual analysis is that these scholars have adopted Nietzschean ideas in their writing. Quite unlike earlier Jesus-novels, these more recent novels present a revision that produces discontinuity with the original source text, the New Testament. The intertextual strategy is based on contradiction. The reader wittnesses contesting and challenging, the authors attack Biblical beliefs and attempt to dissolve Christian doctrines. An attack on Biblical slave morality and violent concept of God deprives Jesus of his Jewish Messianic identity, makes Old Testament law a contradiction of life, calls sacrificial soteriology a violent pattern supporting oppression, and presents God as a cruel monster who enslaves people under his commandments and wishes their death. The new Jesus-figure contests Mosaic Law, despises orthodox Judaism, abandons Jewish customs and even questions Old Testament monotheism. In result, the novels intentionally transfer Jesus out of Judaism. Furthermore, Jewish faith appears in a negative light. Such an intertextual move is not open anti-Semitism but it cannot avoid attacking Jewish worship. Why? One reason that explains these attitudes is that Western culture still carries anti-Judaic attitudes beneath the surface covered with sentiments of equality and tolerance. Despite the evident post-holocaust consciousness present in the novels, they actually adopt an arrogant and ironical refutation of Jewish beliefs and Old Testament faith. In these novels, Jesus is made a complete opposite and antithesis to Judaism. Key words: Jesus-novel, intertextuality, adaptation, slave morality, Nietzsche, theodicy, patriarchy.
This study in EU law analyses the reasoning of the Court of Justice (the Court of Justice of the European Union) in a set of its preliminary rulings. Preliminary rulings are answers to national courts questions on the interpretation (and validity) of EU law called preliminary references. These questions concern specific legal issues that have arisen in legal disputes before the national courts. The Court of Justice alone has the ultimate authority to interpret EU law. The preliminary rulings bind the national courts in the cases giving rise to the preliminary reference, and the interpretations of EU law offered in the preliminary rulings are considered generally binding on all instances applying EU law. EU law is often described as a dynamic legal order and the Court of Justice as at the vanguard of developing it. It is generally assumed that the Court of Justice is striving to realise the EU s meta-level purpose (telos): integration. Against this backdrop one can understand the criticism the Court of Justice is often faced with in certain fields of EU law that can be described as developing. This criticism concerns the Court s (negatively) activist way of not just stating the law but developing or even making law. It is difficult to analyse or prove wrong this accusation as it is not in methodological terms clearly established what constitutes judicial activism, or more exactly where the threshold of negative activism lies. Moreover, one popular approach to assessing the role of the Court of Justice described as integration through law has become fairly political, neglecting to take into consideration the special nature of law as both facilitating and constraining action, not merely a medium for furthering integration. This study offers a legal reasoning approach of a more legalist nature, in order to balance the existing mix of approaches to explaining what the Court of Justice does and how. Reliance on legal reasoning is found to offer a working framework for analysis, whereas the tools for an analysis based on activism are found lacking. The legal reasoning approach enables one to assess whether or not the Court of Justice is pertaining to its own established criteria of interpretation of EU law, and if it is not, one should look more in detail at how the interpretation fits with earlier case-law and doctrines of EU law. This study examines the reasoning of the Court of Justice in a set of objectively chosen cases. The emphasis of the study is on analysing how the Court of Justice applies the established criteria of interpretation it has assumed for itself. Moreover, the judgments are assessed not only in terms of reasoning but also for meaningful silences they contain. The analysis is furthermore contextualised by taking into consideration how the cases were commented by legal scholars, their substantive EU law context, and also their larger politico-historical context. In this study, the analysis largely shows that the Court of Justice is interpreting EU law in accordance with its previous practice. Its reasoning retains connection with the linguistic or semiotic criteria of interpretation, while emphasis lies on systemic reasoning. Moreover, although there are a few judgments where the Court of Justice offers clearly dynamic reasoning or what can be considered as substantive reasoning stemming from, for example, common sense or reasonableness, such reasons are most often given in addition to systemic ones. In this sense and even when considered in its broader context, the case-law analysed in this study does not portray a specifically activist image of the Court of Justice. The legal reasoning approach is a valid alternative for explaining how and why the Court of Justice interprets EU law as it does.
Resumen: El trabajo permite reconstruir el itinerario de la reacción inmediata del ultra realismo de Walter Burley frente a la crítica nominalista, tomando base en la teoría física y particularmente, en el tema del tiempo. Entendemos que el análisis comparativo de las doctrinas de Burley y de Ockham permitirá arrojar cierta luz sobre la historia de los primeros e importantes enfrentamientos al ockhamismo, procurando conformar una intelección nueva del siglo XIV donde Burley pasaría a ser un personaje de interés al motivar la reflexión de una figura como la de Ockham. Centramos nuestro análisis en torno a dos tópicos: aquel vinculado con la determinación del concepto de tiempo y su distinción del movimiento; y en segundo término, consideraremos el problema de la unicidad o pluralidad de tiempos. El trabajo propone tentativamente que ambos autores conocieron mutuamente sus doctrinas, se leyeron y corrigieron recíprocamente; y las profundas diferencias que conforman sus sistemas deben buscarse en una fundamentación gnoseo-ontológica diversa.
Resumen: Existe una realidad que supera todo, que es la internacionalización de las relaciones jurídicas y el derecho legislado en un país no es ni puede ser autosuficiente para resolver los litigios que se presentan y es allí donde como necesidad sociológica aparece el derecho procesal internacional, como parte integrante del derecho internacional privado. La cooperación jurisdiccional de primer grado es comprensiva de un marco amplio en el plano convencional, que resulta en general adecuado en sus ratificaciones para la República, que a su vez posee regulación interna. La concepción del orden público será más flexible en la cooperación jurisdiccional internacional y no integra el orden público la cosa juzgada en el país, ni la litispendencia, elementos que han de evaluarse al momento del reconocimiento. Este primer grado de cooperación abarca en sentido amplio las distintas vías de comunicación entre las que principalmente se encuentran las comunicaciones de mero trámite, la obtención de pruebas en el extranjero y la información del derecho extranjero. Como vía de comunicación, en su finalidad, el exhorto busca la realización de la justicia. El control de la competencia judicial internacional en los exhortos internacionales como requisito de la obligatoriedad para el juez requerido, es eliminado en las modernas tendencias, limitándose a la compatibilidad de él con el orden público del juez requerido. En este rumbo deberían orientarse las futuras reformas de la legislación interna en la materia.
El presente trabajo resalta uno de los debates acerca de las independencias hispanoamericanas, aquel en torno a las influencias filosóficas sobre éstas, en especial, de las doctrinas populistas de soberanía (Francisco Suárez en particular). Para ello se rastrea en la primera obra que postuló dicha tesis, el trabajo de Manuel Giménez Fernández, y luego se revisan los textos que al estudiar los procesos independentistas se preguntaron por las influencias, así como otros trabajos que dentro del mismo registro, hicieron énfasis en la discusión teórica de las doctrinas y sus alcances. Por último, se revisa la historiografía actual que, reacia a plantear el debate en torno a influencias ilustradas o escolásticas, busca analizar las culturas políticas y los imaginarios colectivos.
Resumen: Los actos de alcance general que emiten los diversos poderes del Estado –emanados de un legislador concebido latu sensu– pueden ser visualizados de dos maneras. Por un lado, se los puede considerar como emanados de un legislador que no tiene límites en su discrecionalidad; por el otro, como emanados de un legislador que se halla sujeto, en su discrecionalidad, a importantes limitaciones, de carácter inmutable y de plena actualidad. El presente trabajo destaca y ejemplifica las insuficiencias de las doctrinas de la no limitación de la discrecionalidad del legislador, y pone en primer plano los elementos iniciales para limitar esa discrecionalidad en la enseñanza tomista.
Si bien la preocupación por la temporalidad no asume en Henri de Lubac un desarrollo sistemático, sin embargo es posible encontrarla como una temática subyacente y transversal en muchos de sus textos, relacionada estrechamente con la reflexión sobre el valor y el sentido de la historia. El autor propone indagar sobre el valor de lo temporal en la confrontación con las doctrinas del budismo, del humanismo ateo y de Joaquín de Fiore. El misterio del sobrenatural es la cuestión teológica elegida para exponer la respuesta y posición del teólogo francés en relación a la temporalidad. Finalmente la apertura de perspectivas críticas permitirá prolongar su pensamiento en preocupaciones actuales.
Este trabalho se propõe a desvendar os contornos principiológicos e instrumentais daquilo que doravante iremos chamar Justo Processo Coletivo Laboral, ramo especialíssimo do processo dedicado à resolução de lides trabalhistas metaindividuais. O foco de nossas atenções é a tutela que é prestada em favor e não contra a coletividade. A falta de disposições específicas na CLT a respeito da tutela de direitos difusos, coletivos e individuais homogêneos próprios à realidade do trabalho torna imperiosa a inserção do Processo Trabalhista no circuito normativo de tutela coletiva, no chamado microssistema coletivo de tutela, composto, dentre outros diplomas, pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor e pela Lei da Ação Civil Pública. A acomodação do Processo do Trabalho no ambiente coletivista será feita à luz da constelação de princípios constitucionais do processo e sob influxo do paradigma processual instrumental. A partir da identificação das principais barreiras que repelem o trabalhador do Poder Judiciário, procura-se demonstrar de que modo podem as ações coletivas contribuir para sua superação e assim para alavancar e universalizar o acesso à justiça, meta síntese para a qual convergem todos os esforços da processualística contemporânea. Apresentadas suas nuanças principiológicas, parte-se para a análise de seus principais institutos e do modo como deverá ser operacionalizado no dia-a-dia, isto é, de como irá funcionar. A crise de efetividade do processo de bases individualistas, especialmente para o trabalhador hipossuficiente, acentua a importância do devido processo legal coletivo do trabalho, instrumentalmente vocacionado a tornar justo o embate Capital X Trabalho e a conduzir grupos de trabalhadores de uma só vez à justa ordem jurídico-social.
Em 1993, John Rawls, notável filósofo e professor da distinta Harvard University, publicou seu Political Liberalism, um livro em que pela primeira vez sintetiza sistematicamente o conceito de razão pública, uma ideia chave de sua teoria da justiça como equidade (justice as fairness). Segundo Rawls, a razão pública consiste fundamentalmente no modo e conteúdo adequados ao debate e à fundamentação de escolhas essenciais de justiça no espaço público de uma democracia constitucional. Nesse sentido, Rawls advoga que o único meio razoável de justificação da coerção estatal reside no reconhecimento e/ou obtenção de consensos (overlapping consensus) em relação às escolhas essenciais de uma sociedade democrática, o que só é possível se atores públicos e privados se despojarem de suas respectivas doutrinas filosóficas ou morais abrangentes ao debater e decidir tais questões essenciais de justiça. A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a proposta de razão pública de Rawls, dentro do contexto de sua teoria da justiça como equidade, propondo-se a verificar se o pensamento rawlsiano procede no contexto jurídico-filosófico da pós-modernidade e se a sua teoria pode ser concretamente aplicada aos ordenamentos jurídicos contemporâneos, em especial no que tange ao conteúdo e pleno exercício da liberdade religiosa pelos cidadãos de um estado constitucional democrático.
O presente trabalho contempla o projeto da Revista Americana, publicada entre 1909 e 1919, idealizado pelo Barão do Rio Branco e realizado por seu pupilo Arthur Guimarães de Araújo Jorge. Verificaremos a coleção da Revista, sob a perspectiva das revistas culturais e políticas característica do início do século XX, que se constituíam veículos de divulgação de cultura, idéias e doutrinas. A análise do objeto consiste em ponderar o comprometimento com o projeto inicial avaliando as transformações sofridas ao longo dos dez anos que esteve em circulação. Para além do conteúdo do periódico, este estudo busca revelar a rede de sociabilidade envolvida com a publicação, que passava pelos quadros do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, da Academia Brasileira de Letras e do Ministério das Relações Exteriores.
A presente tese tem como objetivo analisar as mirações do Santo Daime dentro de um enfoque psicossocial. Tendo como base teórica a teoria das representações sociais e a psicologia social, será feita uma análise do estado alterado de consciência conhecido como miração, resultante do uso ritual do chá do Santo Daime. Utilizamos uma metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, que envolveu extensa pesquisa bibliográfica, bem como entrevistas semi-estruturadas com membros do grupo daimista conhecido como Cefluris, ou linha do Padrinho Sebastião. A partir deste material, foi feita uma análise onde se procurou compreender a miração articulada às práticas sociais e ao discurso dos membros da doutrina. O Daime é uma religião relativamente pequena, com poucos seguidores, mas desperta interesse de diversas áreas de pesquisa por ter como ponto central a experiência do chá com propriedades psicoativas e a uma série de práticas e discursos ecumênicos, populares e ecológicos. Outro ponto debatido é sua relação com outras religiões e saberes que ao longo da História articulam o ser humano com as chamadas Plantas Mestras, ou enteógenas. A psicologia social e o estudo das religiões sem dúvida podem contribuir muito para aprofundar a compreensão nesta área de grande importância para o mundo contemporâneo.
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo da tutela jurídica do meio ambiente, especificamente pela utilização do ramo penal. Como a natureza é um bem jurídico importante para a viabilidade da vida dos seres humanos e a perpetuação da espécie, resta clara a relevância da proteção normativa deste valor constitucionalmente protegido. Uma vez previsto na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, há uma ordem constitucional para o meio ambiente ser objeto de tutela pelos ramos civil, administrativo e penal. Contudo, a coexistência destas esferas para a mesma finalidade encontra certos problemas de ordem prática e técnica. Depois de uma abordagem histórica, política, social e filosófica da proteção ambiental, a dissertação discorre sobre os diversos âmbitos jurídicos que asseguram a perpetuação do verde para as futuras gerações e sua manutenção para os cidadãos da atualidade. Depois de um estudo sobre os diversos elementos do direito administrativo e civil, o penal é analisado especificamente. Esta abordagem abrange tanto doutrinas nacionais, como internacionais. O estudo de Direito Comparado apresenta todas as formas e possibilidades de proteção ambiental pelo direito penal, verificando sua necessidade, adequação e viabilidade para tanto.
Neste trabalho foi realizada uma análise do projeto de paz perpétua apresentado por Immanuel Kant em seu ensaio À Paz Perpétua: Um Projeto Filosófico. Para uma melhor compreensão crítica desse projeto, o trabalho vai além de Paz Perpétua e analisa outros escritos políticos de Kant, como, por exemplo, Metafísica dos Costumes e O Conflito das Faculdades. O trabalho também inclui a análise de intérpretes contemporâneos da obra de Kant. A metodologia do trabalho foi analisar as obras de Kant, e também obras de seus intérpretes, pertinentes ao tema da deontologia da paz. O foco da exposição do trabalho foi o caráter deontológico que Kant atribui ao seu projeto de paz. A ideia kantiana de uma deontologia da paz é composta por uma série de conceitos, deveres e ideias. Por isso, a análise desse trabalho se dirige principalmente ao exame dessas partes integrantes da deontologia da paz. Ideias como republicanismo, estado de natureza, liga de Estados livres, Estado mundial, direito cosmopolita, hospitalidade, etc, foram os principais objetos de análise desse trabalho. Ao final do trabalho, podemos concluir que a realização da paz perpétua não é um dever moral sem importância na filosofia prática de Kant, mas sim o sumo bem político cuja possibilidade de implementação está intrinsicamente ligada à própria validade da doutrina do direito. O trabalho também conclui que o projeto de Kant tem muita influência nas relações internacionais contemporâneas. Doutrinas como a da democracia cosmopolita e a da paz pela democracia enxergam o projeto de paz de Kant como base teórica para suas propostas.
Filozofia antyczna wobec problemu interpretacji. Rozwój alegorezy od przedsokratyków do Arystotelesa
The present work examines the beginnings of ancient hermeneutics. More specifically, it discusses the connection between the rise of the practice of allegoresis, on the one hand, and the emergence of the first theory of figurative language, on the other. Thus, this book investigates the specific historical and cultural circumstances that enabled the ancient Greeks not only to discover the possibility of allegorical interpretation, but also to treat figurative language as a philosophical problem. By posing difficulties in understanding the enigmatic sense of various esoteric doctrines, poems, oracles and riddles, figurative language created the context for theoretical reflection on the meaning of these “messages”. Hence, ancient interpreters began to ponder over the nature and functions of figurative (“enigmatic”) language as well as over the techniques of its proper use and interpretation. Although the practice of allegorical interpretation was closely linked to the development of the whole of ancient philosophy, the present work covers only the period from the 6th to the 4th century B.C. It concentrates, then, on the philosophical and cultural consequences of allegoresis in the classical age. The main thesis advocated here has it that the ancient Greeks were in-clined to regard allegory as a cognitive problem rather than merely as a stylistic or a literary one. When searching for the hidden meanings of various esoteric doc-trines, poems, oracles and riddles, ancient interpreters of these “messages” assumed allegory to be the only tool suitable for articulating certain matters. In other words, it was their belief that the use of figurative language resulted from the necessity of expressing things that were otherwise inexpressible. The present work has been organized in the following manner. The first part contains historical and philological discussions that provide the point of departure for more philosophical considerations. This part consists of two introductory chapters. Chapter one situates the practice of allegorical interpretation at the borderline of two different traditions: the rhetorical-grammatical and the hermeneutical. In order to clearly differentiate between the two, chapter one distinguishes between allegory and allegoresis, on the one hand, and allegoresis and exegesis, on the other. While pointing to the conventionality (and even arbitrariness) of such distinctions, the chapter argues, nevertheless, for their heuristic usefulness. The remaining part of chapter one focuses on a historical and philological reconstruction of the most important conceptual tools of ancient hermeneutics. Discussing the semantics of such terms as allēgoría, hypónoia, ainigma and symbolon proves important for at least two crucial reasons. Firstly, it reveals the mutual affinity between allegoresis and divination, i.e., practices that are inherently connected with the need to discover the latent meaning of the “message” in question (whether poem or oracle). Secondly, these philological analyses bring to light the specificity of the ancient understanding of such concepts as allegory or symbol. It goes without saying that antiquity employed these terms in a manner quite disparate from modernity. Chapter one concludes with a discussion of ancient views on the cognitive value of figurative (“enigmatic”) language. Chapter two focuses on the role that allegoresis played in the process of transforming mythos into logos. It is suggested here that it was the practice of allegorical interpretation that made it possible to preserve the traditional myths as an important point of reference for the whole of ancient philosophy. Thus, chapter two argues that the existence of a clear opposition between mythos into logos in Preplatonic philosophy is highly questionable in light of the indisputable fact that the Presocratics, Sophists and Cynics were profoundly convinced about the cognitive value of mythos (this conviction was also shared by Plato and Aristotle, but their attitude towards myth was more complex). Consequently, chapter two argues that in Preplatonic philosophy, myth played a function analogous to the concepts discussed in chapter one (i.e., hidden meanings, enigmas and symbols), for in all these cases, ancient interpreters found tools for conveying issues that were otherwise difficult to convey. Chapter two concludes with a classification of various types of allegoresis. Whilst chapters one and two serve as a historical and philological introduction, the second part of this book concentrates on the close relationship between the development of allegoresis, on the one hand, and the flowering of philosophy, on the other. Thus, chapter three discusses the crucial role that allegorical interpretation came to play in Preplatonic philosophy, chapter four deals with Plato’s highly complex and ambivalent attitude to allegoresis, and chapter five has been devoted to Aristotle’s original approach to the practice of allegorical interpretation. It is evident that allegoresis was of paramount importance for the ancient thinkers, irrespective of whether they would value it positively (Preplatonic philosophers and Aristotle) or negatively (Plato). Beginning with the 6th century B.C., the ancient practice of allegorical interpretation is motivated by two distinct interests. On the one hand, the practice of allegorical interpretation reflects the more or less “conservative” attachment to the authority of the poet (whether Homer, Hesiod or Orpheus). The purpose of this apologetic allegoresis is to exonerate poetry from the charges leveled at it by the first philosophers and, though to a lesser degree, historians. Generally, these allegorists seek to save the traditional paideia that builds on the works of the poets. On the other hand, the practice of allegorical interpretation reflects also the more or less “progressive” desire to make original use of the authority of the poet (whether Homer, Hesiod or Orpheus) so as to promote a given philosophical doctrine. The objective of this instrumental allegoresis is to exculpate philosophy from the accusations brought against it by the more conservative circles. Needless to say, these allegorists significantly contribute to the process of the gradual replacing of the mythical view of the world with its more philosophical explanation. The present book suggests that it is the philosophy of Aristotle that should be regarded as a sort of acme in the development of ancient hermeneutics. The reasons for this are twofold. On the one hand, the Stagirite positively values the practice of allegoresis, rehabilitating, thus, the tradition of Preplatonic philosophy against Plato. And, on the other hand, Aristotle initiates the theoretical reflection on figurative (“enigmatic”) language. Hence, in Aristotle we encounter not only the practice of allegoresis, but also the theory of allegory (although the philosopher does not use the term allēgoría). With the situation being as it is, the significance of Aristotle’s work cannot be overestimated. First of all, the Stagirite introduces the concept of metaphor into the then philosophical considerations. From that moment onwards, the phenomenon of figurative language becomes an important philosophical issue. After Aristo-tle, the preponderance of thinkers would feel obliged to specify the rules for the appropriate use of figurative language and the techniques of its correct interpretation. Furthermore, Aristotle ascribes to metaphor (and to various other “excellent” sayings) the function of increasing and enhancing our knowledge. Thus, according to the Stagirite, figurative language is not only an ornamental device, but it can also have a significant explanatory power. Finally, Aristotle observes that figurative expressions cause words to become ambiguous. In this context, the philosopher notices that ambiguity can enrich the language of a poet, but it can also hinder a dialectical discussion. Accordingly, Aristotle is inclined to value polysemy either positively or negatively. Importantly, however, the Stagirite is perfectly aware of the fact that in natural languages ambiguity is unavoidable. This is why Aristotle initiates a syste-matic reflection on the phenomenon of ambiguity and distinguishes its various kinds. In Aristotle, ambiguity is, then, both a problem that needs to be identified and a tool that can help in elucidating intricate philosophical issues. This unique approach to ambiguity and figurative (“enigmatic”) language enabled Aristotle to formulate invaluable intuitions that still await appropriate recognition.