962 resultados para Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)


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This article discusses the dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin and the grounds of the linguistic sign in Umberto Eco, with the intention to use the themes and authors, to support the teaching-learning methodologies of foreign language (English and Spanish) at the public school of São Paulo state. The conceptual approach of the two authors allows us to infer that learning a foreign language is effected by the appropriation of utterances and cultural knowledge, pedagogical concept that confronts the traditional method used in the São Paulo school, which is based mainly on grammar teaching and lexicons. The paper derives the theoretical research used to support a dissertation, posing and evaluates preliminary, the integration of traditional theaters in foreign language in public schools, with digital environments (in online courses), and also the educational effects -the use of audiovisual material at the classroom and online learning.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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[ES] El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo el análisis de las listas de vocabulario bilingües español-francés creadas en torno al tema de la indumentaria e incluidas en los diferentes repertorios léxicos organizados por temas que han sido ampliamente empleados como herramienta básica para la enseñanza del vocabulario esencial de una lengua extranjera. La investigación combina, por tanto, tres líneas principales: lexicográfica, dada la naturaleza del corpus, léxico-semántica, puesto que se traza la evolución de las voces registradas en esos listados y didáctica, pues contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de la historia de la enseñanza del vocabulario.


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[EN]Applying a CLIL methodological approach marks a shift in emphasis from language learning based on linguistic form and grammatical progression to a more ‘language acquisition’ one which takes account language functions. In this article we will study the elements of the “language of instruction” of the area of Maths in Secondary Education, by focusing on the analysis of the communicative functions, and the lexical and the cultural items present in the textbook in use. Our aim is to present the CLIL teacher with the linguistic and didactic implications that he or she should take into consideration when implementing the bilingual syllabuses with their students. In order to do that, we will present our conclusions emphasizing the need for coordination in different content areas, linguistic and communicative contents, between the foreign language teacher and the CLIL subject one.


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[ES]El presente artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar cómo el uso de los textos musicales –canciones, como popularmente se conocen– influye en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. Una investigación llevada a cabo con estudiantes de una clase de 2º de ESO nos ha servido para confirmar las hipótesis que en un principio teníamos en lo concerniente a la adquisición de las ocho competencias básicas mediante tareas en las clases de lengua inglesa. Así, el diseño de rúbricas con unos criterios e instrumentos de evaluación específicos nos ha permitido evaluar el grado de adquisición de competencias básicas concretas. [EN]This paper focuses on the impact that the use of music texts –commonly referred to with the term ‘songs’– has on students in teaching English as a foreign language. Through a survey carried out with students of a 2nd year class of Spanish Secondary Education, our initial assumptions in terms of acquisition of key competences in English learning were validated. in acquiring specific key competences by using tasks, rubrics –consisting of detailed assessment criteria and tools– were designed and implemented as the assessment method in order for students to successfully attain specific learning objectives.


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While spoken codeswitching (CS) among Latinos has received significant scholarly attention, few studies have examined written CS, specifically naturally-occurring CS in email. This study contributes to an under-studied area of Latino linguistic practices by reporting the results of a study of CS in the emails of five Spanish-English bilingual Latinos. Methods are employed that are not often used in discourse analysis of email texts, namely multi-dimensional scaling and tree diagrams, to explore the contextual parameters of written Spanish-English CS systematically. Consistent with the findings of other studies of CS in CMC, English use was most associated with professional or formal contacts, and use of Spanish, the participants’ native language, was linked to intimacy, informality, and group identification. Switches to Spanish functioned to personalize otherwise transactional or work-related English-dominant emails. The article also discusses novel orthographic and linguistic forms specific to the CMC context.


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Our proposal presents some aspects and results of a project of the University of Bern dealing with the consequences of retirement on multilingual competences. Referring to De Bot (2007), who defined "language related major life events" as moments in life relevant for changes in multilingual competences, we assume that retirement can be a turning point in a language biography. Firstly, there are phenomena, such as the cessation of the use of a foreign language, which was formerly related to work. Secondly, retirement might elicit the improvement of foreign language skills as a way to spend excess time after retirement or as a “cognitive exercise”. Many language schools have identified the people of advanced age as a group of major interest and increasingly offer so-called 50+ (fifty plus) courses in their curriculum. Furthermore, the concept of lifelong learning is increasingly gaining importance, as the reference by the European commission (LLP) indicates. However, most of the programs are intended for educated middle-class people and there are considerably fewer offers for people who are less familiar with learning environments in general. The present paper aims at investigating the multilingual setting of an offer of the second kind: a German language course designed for retired, established Italian workforce migrants living in the city of Berne, Switzerland. The multilingual setting is given by the facts that migrants living in Berne are confronted with diglossia (Standard German and Swissgerman dialects), that the Canton of Berne is bilingual (German and French) and that the migrants' mother tongue, Italian, is one of the Swiss national languages. As previous studies have shown, most of the Italian migrants have difficulties with the acquisition of Standard German due to the diglossic situation (Werlen, 2007) or never even learnt any of the German varieties. Another outcome of the linguistic situation the migrants are confronted with in Berne, is the usage of a continuum of varieties between Swissgerman dialect and Standard German (Zanovello-Müller, 1998). Therefore, in the classroom we find several varieties of German, as well as the Italian language and its varieties. In the present paper we will investigate the use of multilingual competences within the classroom and the dynamics of second language acquisition in a setting of older adults (>60 years old), learning their host country’s language after 40 years or more of living in it. The methods applied are an ethnographic observation of the language class, combined with qualitative interviews to gain in-depth information of the subjects’ life stories and language biographies.


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Desde comienzos del siglo XIX, el sector editorial experimenta un fuerte crecimiento en París. Entre los libreros-editores, unas pocas editoriales, como Denné, se especializan en la venta y la producción de obras en lenguas extranjeras. El establecimiento fundado por esta familia, la Librería Española y Americana, se vuelve el punto de encuentro de hispanohablantes que se encuentran en la capital y que quieren comprar o hacer publicar sus libros en su lengua materna. Tal fue, probablemente, el caso de Eugenio Cambaceres


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Desde comienzos del siglo XIX, el sector editorial experimenta un fuerte crecimiento en París. Entre los libreros-editores, unas pocas editoriales, como Denné, se especializan en la venta y la producción de obras en lenguas extranjeras. El establecimiento fundado por esta familia, la Librería Española y Americana, se vuelve el punto de encuentro de hispanohablantes que se encuentran en la capital y que quieren comprar o hacer publicar sus libros en su lengua materna. Tal fue, probablemente, el caso de Eugenio Cambaceres


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Desde comienzos del siglo XIX, el sector editorial experimenta un fuerte crecimiento en París. Entre los libreros-editores, unas pocas editoriales, como Denné, se especializan en la venta y la producción de obras en lenguas extranjeras. El establecimiento fundado por esta familia, la Librería Española y Americana, se vuelve el punto de encuentro de hispanohablantes que se encuentran en la capital y que quieren comprar o hacer publicar sus libros en su lengua materna. Tal fue, probablemente, el caso de Eugenio Cambaceres


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RESUMEN La adquisición de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras (LE) y/o Lenguas para Fines Específicos (LFE) debe ser un proceso de aprendizaje consciente y explícito cuyo fin es la transmisión de conocimientos teóricos, el desarrollo de habilidades comportamentales y de actitudes positivas a través del contacto con la/s cultura/s meta. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo general contribuir al desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural comercial del estudiante de español de los negocios (EN). Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de los manuales para su enseñanza. En concreto, hemos auditado los manuales de EN con el fin de conocer la metodología didáctica que emplean en la enseñanza de la competencia comunicativa intercultural comercial, tomando como marco de referencia el enfoque intercultural para la enseñanza de las Lenguas de los Negocios. Para alcanzar este fin se ha dividido la investigación en tres partes: 1) la revisión de los antecedentes sobre la enseñanza del componente intercultural y del análisis de materiales en los cursos de LFE; 2) la configuración de un constructo teórico que permitiera a la vez, seleccionar el objeto de estudio, diseñar el instrumento de análisis y disponer de un marco de referencia valorativo; 3) y la creación, pilotaje y aplicación del instrumento de análisis, y la auditoría de los datos. Los resultados muestran que, en líneas generales, predomina una visión tradicional de la cultura; un escaso tratamiento de la relación lengua-y-cultura; un seguimiento parcial de los principios pedagógicos para la adquisición de la competencia comunicativa intercultural; un tratamiento bajo de las habilidades interculturales específicas en las interacciones comerciales; y una cobertura parcial de las habilidades interculturales generales, las cuales se centran fundamentalmente en la adqusición de saberes teóricos. PALABRAS CLAVE: competencia comunicativa intercultural; comunicación intercultural comercial; español de los negocios; español para fines específicos; auditoria de manuales didácticos. ABSTRACT The acquisition of intercultural communicative competence in Foreign Language (FL) and / or Languages for Specific Purposes teaching (LSP) must be a conscious and explicit learning to develop knowledge, skills and positive attitudes through contact with the target culture/s. The overall objective of this thesis is to assist the development of the intercultural communicative competence of the student of Spanish for Business (SB) through the audit of the teaching textbooks published in the last decade through a multidisciplinary approach to teaching LSP. The audit was carried out in order to ascertain the underlying approach and course design for the development of the intercultural communicative competence; to state the methodological approach to culture, language-and-culture relationship, culture teaching, culture acquisition and course design. To achieve this objective, the work has been divided into four parts: 1) review of the background on teaching the intercultural component and the analysis of materials in a courses of LSP through a multidisciplinary approach, 2) configuration of a theoretical construct allowing to select the object of study, to design the analytical instrument and to have an evaluative framework, together with the selection of a corpus of Spanish for Business textbooks, 3) development of the analytical instrument and 4) application of the analytical instrument and audit of selected textbooks. The results show that, in the textbooks analyzed, dominated a traditional view of culture, a low ratio treatment of the language-and-culture relationship, a partial implementation of the pedagogical principles for the acquisition of intercultural communicative competence; poor treatment of specific intercultural skills in business interactions, and partial coverage of the general cultural skills, which focus primarily on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. KEY WORDS: Intercultural communicative competence; Intercultural communicative competence; Spanish for Business; Spanish for Specific Purposes; Textbook audit


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La progresiva internacionalización de las universidades españolas convierte a estas organizaciones en escenarios plurilingües. El español convive en ellos con otras lenguas, en especial el inglés, como vehículo de acceso y transmisión de conocimiento especializado. Esto requiere un proceso de alfabetización académica en lengua extranjera que tendrían que asumir las universidades de acogida, con objeto de preservar a los alumnos de los fracasos en los programas internacionales. Por el momento, en España, los programas de grado o de posgrado no establecen filtros con umbrales lingüísticos mínimos de acceso, a excepción de algunas universidades que se limitan a requerir certificados de grado de dominio del español general. No existen exámenes públicos de ingreso, o exámenes propios de postadmisión, que evalúen la habilidad lingüística comunicativa en contextos académicos. En este trabajo, se parte de la hipótesis de que los exámenes que certifican un grado de dominio de español general no sirven al propósito de discriminar a los alumnos capaces de seguir con éxito los programas de las universidades. Para verificarla, se desarrolla una prueba de examen específica que mida la capacidad de emplear el español en contextos académicos. La prueba se centra en las tareas que se revelan, en una primera fase exploratoria de la investigación, como más necesarias en lo que se refiere al uso del español como lengua vehicular: las clases magistrales. Una vez pilotada, se administró junto con otras destinadas a evaluar el grado de dominio de la lengua en contextos generales. Los resultados obtenidos del contraste de estas mediciones y de diversos análisis de los datos arrojan evidencias de que este tipo de prueba mide un constructo específico: la habilidad de uso del español en contextos académicos. ABSTRACT The progressive internationalization of Spanish universities has transformed these organizations into plurilingual scenarios. Spanish lives in them sharing the stage with other languages, especially English, as a means of access and transmission of expert knowledge. This requires a process of academic literacy in foreign language that host universities should assume, in order to safeguard students from failures in international programs. At the moment, in Spain, undergraduate or graduate programs do not set filters with minimum language requirements to gain access, except for some universities that merely require certificates of general Spanish. There are no Spanish language public admission exams, or post-enrollment tests of their own, to assess the communicative language ability of foreign students in academic contexts. In this dissertation, we start from the hypothesis that those tests that certify the student degree of mastery of the Spanish language do not serve the purpose of discriminating against students capable of successfully pursuing university programs. To prove it, a specific test that measures the ability to use Spanish in academic contexts was developed. This language test focused on the tasks associated with the most common genre, which revealed prominent in a first exploratory phase of the investigation, related to the use of Spanish as a means of instruction: university lectures. Once piloted, the test was administered along with others designed to assess the degree of mastery of the language in general contexts. Contrast results of these measurements and various analyzes of the data showed evidence that this type of test measures a specific construct: the ability to use Spanish in academic contexts.


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Introducción y objetivos: Conocer y analizar las preferencias laborales y la intención de emigrar de los estudiantes de 4º de Grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Murcia (España). Método: Estudio de diseño descriptivo concurrente e incidental, previo análisis bibliográfico. Se incluyó 37 test. Los participantes recibieron personalmente una encuesta de variables sociodemográficas y de intención de futuro. El análisis estadístico de los datos se realizó mediante el SPSS 15.0. Resultados: De los 37 encuestados el 35,1% fueron varones y el 64,9% mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 50 años. La mayoría de encuestados (94,6%) conoce al menos un idioma. La primera intención de futuro mayoritaria es trabajar en España (40,5%), seguida de preparar la especialización (EIR) (35,1%); la segunda intención muestra las mismas preferencias que la primera. En ambos casos emigrar lo eligió el 15%. No dominar ningún idioma es factor excluyente para emigrar, aunque saber algún idioma no es determinante para emigrar. Todos los encuestados que eligieron emigrar son menores de 25 años. Ninguno de los mayores de 25 años eligió como primera opción preparar la especialización, siendo en los menores de 25 años la opción preferida. Conclusiones: Los jóvenes enfermeros españoles deciden desarrollar su profesión fuera de España impulsados más por una necesidad que al interés por trabajar en el extranjero. Los órganos gestores españoles deberían poner en marcha programas que fomentasen la rápida inserción laboral de los jóvenes enfermeros en su país.


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This thesis explores the role of multimodality in language learners’ comprehension, and more specifically, the effects on students’ audio-visual comprehension when different orchestrations of modes appear in the visualization of vodcasts. Firstly, I describe the state of the art of its three main areas of concern, namely the evolution of meaning-making, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and audio-visual comprehension. One of the most important contributions in the theoretical overview is the suggested integrative model of audio-visual comprehension, which attempts to explain how students process information received from different inputs. Secondly, I present a study based on the following research questions: ‘Which modes are orchestrated throughout the vodcasts?’, ‘Are there any multimodal ensembles that are more beneficial for students’ audio-visual comprehension?’, and ‘What are the students’ attitudes towards audio-visual (e.g., vodcasts) compared to traditional audio (e.g., audio tracks) comprehension activities?’. Along with these research questions, I have formulated two hypotheses: Audio-visual comprehension improves when there is a greater number of orchestrated modes, and students have a more positive attitude towards vodcasts than traditional audios when carrying out comprehension activities. The study includes a multimodal discourse analysis, audio-visual comprehension tests, and students’ questionnaires. The multimodal discourse analysis of two British Council’s language learning vodcasts, entitled English is GREAT and Camden Fashion, using ELAN as the multimodal annotation tool, shows that there are a variety of multimodal ensembles of two, three and four modes. The audio-visual comprehension tests were given to 40 Spanish students, learning English as a foreign language, after the visualization of vodcasts. These comprehension tests contain questions related to specific orchestrations of modes appearing in the vodcasts. The statistical analysis of the test results, using repeated-measures ANOVA, reveal that students obtain better audio-visual comprehension results when the multimodal ensembles are constituted by a greater number of orchestrated modes. Finally, the data compiled from the questionnaires, conclude that students have a more positive attitude towards vodcasts in comparison to traditional audio listenings. Results from the audio-visual comprehension tests and questionnaires prove the two hypotheses of this study.