979 resultados para Rodríguez Cao, Jesús, 1853-1868
The journalistic boom that occurred in Argentina from the second half of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of an active afroporteña press that defend the interests of the black community. This paper, in addition to reviewing the history of the Afro-Argentines newspapers, emphasizes the role played by the elite of African descent in the promotion of modernity among his brothers, while exploring the possible bases for an identity in the ideas spread.
The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.
Cooperatives have a long historical experience in the Spanish economy and have demonstrated their ability to compete against traditional firms in the market. To maintain this capability, while taking advantage of the competitive advantages associated with their idiosyncrasies as social economy enterprises, they should take into consideration that the economy is increasingly globalized and increasingly knowledge-based, especially with regards to technological content. As a consequence, the innovative capacity appears to be a key aspect in order to be able to challenge competitors. This article characterizes the innovative behavior of cooperatives in the region of Castile and Leon and analyses the internal and external factors affecting their innovative performance, based on data from a survey of 581 cooperatives. The results of the empirical analysis, which is performed by multivariate binary logistic regression on various types of innovation, lead us to identify the size of the organizations, the existence of planning, the R & D activities and the human capital as the main determining factors.
Modern scientific world-view has undermined traditional myths, the functional survival of which seems to depend today in the West on a positivist justification. This would place them in the field of real History, through their study and revitalization by pseudoscientific disciplines such as the Atlantis and the ancient astronaut hypotheses. These have inspired new epic poems in (regular) verse that combine classic and/or biblical myths with a (pseudo)scientific modern world-view. For example, the critical rewriting of Noah’s myth by using the ancient astronaut hypothesis as a fictional device to produce a contemporary kind of plausibility allowed Abel Montagut to renew epic poetry, updating it also by adopting science fiction chronotopes in order to structure his fictional construction and to generate a high ethical sense for our time. Thus, his Poemo de Utnoa (1993) / La gesta d’Utnoa (1996), which has become a major classic of the literature in Esperanto thanks to its original version in this language, is a landmark of both science fiction and neo-biblical epics. This poem is written from a secular and purely literary perspective.
La necesidad de contar con un mapa de base científica que cubriera todo el territorio español llevó al Estado a crear en paralelo varias Comisiones con cometidos geodésicos, topográficos y cartográficos durante la década de 1850. La labor simultánea de estas Comisiones se prolongó hasta 1859, cuando se aprobó la Ley de Medición del Territorio, que las fusionó en un único organismo. Este artículo analiza aspectos técnicos de los trabajos que realizaron estas Comisiones a partir de la información contenida en algunos documentos que custodia el Archivo Topográfico del IGN. Las conclusiones que se extraen son que estas Comisiones acometieron operaciones geodésicas que resultaron cruciales en el establecimiento ulterior de la red de triangulación peninsular, realizaron mediciones topográficas que fueron reutilizadas veinte años después en el levantamiento del Mapa Topográfico Nacional, e idearon las características catastrales que fueron adoptadas durante todo el siglo posterior para el Catastro de España.
In the popular mind, the concept of 'emigration' usually refers to people voluntarily leaving one country to go to another in search of a new and better life. It presupposes some degree of choice, although it is accepted that for many emigrants, such as those who left Ireland during the nineteenth century, there were few incentives to stay at home. Current scholarship on voluntary and forced movements of people demonstrates that the distinction between the categories of 'voluntary emigrant' and 'forced exile' is often blurred. Orm Overland's study of refugee communities in the United States highlights the fact that, although the differences between the 'emigrant' and the 'exile' may be clear in extreme cases, this is not always true, as there may be 'pressing political or economic reasons behind a decision to emigrate'. Migration scholars Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen also question the adequacy of conceptual models of migration based on what Lindsay Proudfoot and Dianne Hall refer to as the 'straightforward binarism between free and unfree emigration'. The questions raised by these scholars are very relevant to the study of Irish people who left their country during the second half of the nineteenth century immediately after they had been discharged from prison or from Dundrum. Their stories are discussed here against a background of substantial scholarship on emigration from Ireland and on the criminal justice system within Ireland. According to David Fitzpatrick, at least eight million men, women and children emigrated from Ireland between 1801 and 1921. This large-scale movement of people was generally characterised by the voluntary emigration of individuals who funded their own passages. However, it also included schemes of assisted emigration, funded variously by governments, landlords, the poor law authorities, earlier emigrants, and philanthropists. In addition, it included people who were transported from Ireland by means of the criminal justice system a practice that had originated in the seventeenth century. What is less well known is that after the end of transportation from Ireland to eastern Australia in 1853, to Bermuda in 1863 and to Western Australia in 1868, Irish convicts continued to be channelled towards emigration by being offered early release if they agreed to leave Ireland. These people, and especially the women among them, are the subject of this article.
Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) activation has been proposed as a cardinal feature of tumourigenesis, although the precise mechanism, frequency, relevance, and extent of NF-kappaB activation in lymphomas remain to be fully elucidated. In this study, expression profiling and tissue microarray studies of 209 and 323 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) respectively, including the most frequent sub-types of NHL, were employed to generate a hypothesis concerning the most common NF-kappaB targets in NHL. These analyses showed that NF-kappaB activation is a common phenomenon in NHL, resulting in the expression of distinct sets of NF-kappaB target genes, depending on the cell context. BCL2 and BIRC5/Survivin were identified as key NF-kappaB targets and their expression distinguished small and aggressive B-cell lymphomas, respectively. Interestingly, in the vast majority of B-cell lymphomas, the expression of these markers was mutually exclusive. A set of genes was identified whose expression correlates either with BIRC5/Survivin or with BCL2. BIRC5/Survivin expression, in contrast to BCL2, was associated with a signature of cell proliferation (overexpression of cell cycle control, DNA repair, and polymerase genes), which may contribute to the aggressive phenotype and poor prognosis of these lymphomas. Strikingly, mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia expressed highly elevated levels of BCL2 protein and mRNA, higher than that observed in reactive mantle zone cells or even in follicular lymphomas, where BCL2 expression is deregulated through the t(14;18) translocation. In parallel with this observation, BIRC5/Survivin expression was higher in Burkitt's lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma than in non-tumoural germinal centre cells. In vitro studies confirmed that NF-kappaB activation contributes to the expression of both markers. In cell lines representing aggressive lymphomas, NF-kappaB inhibition resulted in a decrease in BIRC5/Survivin expression. Meanwhile, in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)-derived lymphocytes, NF-kappaB inhibition resulted in a marked decrease in BCL2 expression.
As instituições de ensino superior (IES), quando analisadas do ponto de vista da sua localização no território, produzem efeitos de natureza diversa: económico-financeira, de melhoria do ambiente urbano, de melhoria do capital humano, transferência de conhecimento entre as instituições de ensino superior e o tecido produtivo, entre outros. A frequência de ensino superior é entendida, na generalidade dos casos, pelos estudantes e pelas famílias, como um investimento. Um investimento numa vida melhor, decorrente, em boa medida, da capacidade de enfrentar com maior robustez o mercado de trabalho e obter melhores remunerações e, consequentemente, melhor qualidade de vida. Neste texto temos como objectivo discutir de que forma as IES localizadas no Alentejo têm vindo a promover a melhoria da qualificação da população da região. Não obstante o conhecimento poder ser produzido e transmitido no seio das IES entre docentes, investigadores e estudantes, mais determinante para o desenvolvimento territorial é a forma como ele chega às organizações da região. A conjuntura atual é, provavelmente, a mais difícil que as IES portuguesas conheceram desde a expansão do ensino superior iniciada na década de 80 do século XX. Por isso nos parece tão relevante, para o país e para o Alentejo em particular, conhecer como está estruturada a procura de ensino superior bem como de que forma as IES se têm mostrado relevantes na melhoria da qualificação da população.