916 resultados para Rich and Suter diagrams


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Exploramos con un estudio de caso la lectura como práctica social en la vida de un adolescente que acaba de abandonar los estudios en 1º de Bachillerato. Desde el prisma teórico de los Nuevos Estudios de Literacidad, analizamos su punto de vista y sus creencias sobre las prácticas lectoras dominantes y vernáculas en las que participa, dentro y fuera del Instituto. A pesar de su fuerte desinterés por la lectura académica, nuestro informante ha construido una vida lectora variada y activa al margen de la escuela.


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Des de fa una dècada es parla de la convergència digital, que ha propiciat la conjunció de la informàtica amb els mitjans de comunicació i la interconnexió en xarxa. Actualment circulen amb facilitat suports vells i nous cada vegada més flexibles. La conseqüència per als usuaris és que avui disposen d’una varietat àmplia de continguts connectats permanentment en qualsevol lloc i en qualsevol moment, a través de diverses plataformes i amb una convivència rica i complexa. En aquest context, aquest article mostra les conclusions d’un estudi de camp sobre l’ús, el consum i les preferències de suports i de continguts de la comunicació digital per part de grups d’infants, de joves, d’adults i de gent gran a Catalunya.


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El artículo explora las utilidades didácticas del dictado (la práctica comunicativa de oralizar o leer en voz alta un escrito) para el aprendizaje funcional de una lengua materna o extranjera, en los diversos niveles de enseñanza. Después de criticar el uso tradicional de este ejercicio lingüístico, presentamos once formas diferentes de desarrollar un dictado en clase, con sus particulares contenidos, objetivos y metodologías. También analizamos con detalle la técnica más tradicional del dictado magistral, en la que el docente dicta palabra por palabra un texto al alumnado, poniendo énfasis en la ortografía; ofrecemos algunas orientaciones para incrementar el componente comunicativo de esta propuesta. Las conclusiones finales proponen entender esta técnica como un recurso metodológico variado, rico y sugerente, adaptado a cada situación de aprendizaje —y no como una práctica obligatoria y fosilizada.


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The Competine Creek watershed is a 24,956 acre sub-watershed of Cedar Creek. The creek traverses portions of three counties, slicing through rich and highly productive Southern lowa Drift Plain soils. The watershed is suffering from excessive sediment delivery and frequent flash floods that have been exacerbated by recent high rainfall events. Assessment data reveals soil erosion estimated to be 38,435 tons/year and sediment delivery to the creek at 15,847 tons/year. The Competine Creek Partnership Project is seeking WIRB funds to merge with IDALS-DSC funds and local funds, all targeted for structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) within the 2,760 acres of High Priority Areas (HPAs) identified by the assessment process. The BMPs will include grade stabilization structures, water and sediment basins, tile-outlet terraces, CRP, and urban storm water conservation practices. In addition, Iowa State University Extension-Iowa Learning Farm is investing in the project by facilitating a crop sampling program utilizing fall stalk nitrate, phosphorous index, and soil conditioning index testing. These tests will be used by producers as measures of performance to refine nutrient and soil loss management and to determine effective alternatives to reduce sediment and nutrient delivery to Competine Creek.


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Context. White dwarfs can be used to study the structure and evolution of the Galaxy by analysing their luminosity function and initial mass function. Among them, the very cool white dwarfs provide the information for the early ages of each population. Because white dwarfs are intrinsically faint only the nearby (~ 20 pc) sample is reasonably complete. The Gaia space mission will drastically increase the sample of known white dwarfs through its 5-6 years survey of the whole sky up to magnitude V = 20-25. Aims. We provide a characterisation of Gaia photometry for white dwarfs to better prepare for the analysis of the scientific output of the mission. Transformations between some of the most common photometric systems and Gaia passbands are derived. We also give estimates of the number of white dwarfs of the different galactic populations that will be observed. Methods. Using synthetic spectral energy distributions and the most recent Gaia transmission curves, we computed colours of three different types of white dwarfs (pure hydrogen, pure helium, and mixed composition with H/He = 0.1). With these colours we derived transformations to other common photometric systems (Johnson-Cousins, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and 2MASS). We also present numbers of white dwarfs predicted to be observed by Gaia. Results. We provide relationships and colourcolour diagrams among different photometric systems to allow the prediction and/or study of the Gaia white dwarf colours. We also include estimates of the number of sources expected in every galactic population and with a maximum parallax error. Gaia will increase the sample of known white dwarfs tenfold to about 200 000. Gaia will be able to observe thousands of very cool white dwarfs for the first time, which will greatly improve our understanding of these stars and early phases of star formation in our Galaxy.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the catabolic gene diversity for the bacterial degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic dark earth of Amazonia (ADE) and their biochar (BC). Functional diversity analyses in ADE soils can provide information on how adaptive microorganisms may influence the fertility of soils and what is their involvement in biogeochemical cycles. For this, clone libraries containing the gene encoding for the alpha subunit of aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (α-ARHD bacterial gene) were constructed, totaling 800 clones. These libraries were prepared from samples of an ADE soil under two different land uses, located at the Caldeirão Experimental Station - secondary forest (SF) and agriculture (AG) -, and the biochar (SF_BC and AG_BC, respectively). Heterogeneity estimates indicated greater diversity in BC libraries; and Venn diagrams showed more unique operational protein clusters (OPC) in the SF_BC library than the ADE soil, which indicates that specific metabolic processes may occur in biochar. Phylogenetic analysis showed unidentified dioxygenases in ADE soils. Libraries containing functional gene encoding for the alpha subunit of the aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenases (ARHD) gene from biochar show higher diversity indices than those of ADE under secondary forest and agriculture.


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Yhteisön langaton palvelualusta on konsepti langattomien yhteisöllisten verkkopalveluiden tarjoamiseen.Konsepti perustuu langattomaan WLAN-reititinlaitteeseen sekä Linux-käyttöjärjestelmäpohjaiseen laiteohjelmistoon, joiden avulla voidaan tarjota paikallisia, erilaisten pienten yhteisöjen käyttöön tarkoitettuja langattomia verkkopalveluita.Soveltuvia käyttökohteita voivat olla esimerkiksi asuntoyhteisöjen välinen tiedotuskanava tai perheen sisäinen viihdekeskus, jonka kautta voidaan tarjota yhteisön toimintaa helpottavia ja tavoitteita edistäviä palveluita. Yhteisön langattomat palvelut perustuvat vapaisiin ohjelmistoihin, jotka mahdollistavat monipuolisen palveluvalikoiman luomisen. Langattoman palvelualustan avulla pienten yhteisöjen tarvitsemat langattomat palvelut voidaan luoda helposti, edullisesti ja joustavasti, ilman kaupallisten palveluoperaattoreiden asettamia rajoituksia.


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Diplomityössä on käsitelty kolmea kokonaisuutta. Työssä on tutkittu RFID- teknologian hyödyntämistä kattilalaitostyömaan asennusvalvonnassa, prosessisähköistyksen osa-alueiden automatisoimista sekä edellä mainittujen asiakokonaisuuksien yhdistämistä. Prosessisähköistyksen osa-alueista työssä on käsitelty sähköpääkaavioita, sähköasennustyyppejä, toimitusrajakaavioita sekä potentiaalintasausta. Tutkittavienasiakokonaisuuksien yhdistävänä tekijänä on projektitietokanta, joka yrityksellä on käytössä. RFID- teknologiaa tutkitaan MOVER- hankkeen yhteydessä. Työssä yritetään selvittää mahdollisia tulevaisuuden hyötyjä, jos asennusraportointi suoritettaisiin mobiililla ratkaisulla. Prosessisähköistyksen osa-alueista sähköpääkaavioiden laatimista on pyritty automatisoimaan. Sähkö- asennustyyppien ja potentiaalintasauksen kohdalla tarkoituksena oli tuottaa esimerkkiratkaisuja, joita voitaisiin jatkokehittää tulevaisuudessa. Toimitusrajakaavioiden korvaajaksi kehitettiin uutta menetelmää, joka tulisi sisältämään automatiikkaa toimiakseen.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata ja ymmärtää henkilöstön suhdetta suomalaiseen osuustoiminnalliseen organisaatioon. Suhdetta pyritään ymmärtämään organisaatioon identifioitumisen, psykologisen omistajuuden, organisaatioon sitoutumisen ja psykologisen sopimuksen kautta. Tavoitteena on tulkita mikä näistä henkilöstön ja organisaation suhdetta kuvaavista käsitteistä auttaa parhaiten ymmärtämään kyseistä suhdetta. Lisäksi pyritään ymmärtämään osuustoiminnallisuuden merkitystä henkilöstön ja organisaation suhteessa. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmetodina on käytetty teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty kahdellatoistayksilöhaastattelulla tutkimuksen kohteena olevan organisaation henkilöstöstä. Haastateltavien valinnalla pyrittiin saamaan mahdollisimman laaja ja monipuolinenkuva organisaatiosta mm. henkilöstön työtehtävien, aseman ja työssäolovuosien avulla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että henkilöstön suhdetta organisaatioon määrittävät parhaiten organisaatioon sitoutuminen ja identifioituminen, joihin osuustoiminnallisuus luo pohjaa arvomaailmallaan ja turvallisuuden tunteen avulla.


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Glutaredoxins are members of a superfamily of thiol disulfide oxidoreductases involved in maintaining the redox state of target proteins. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two glutaredoxins (Grx1 and Grx2) containing a cysteine pair at the active site had been characterized as protecting yeast cells against oxidative damage. In this work, another subfamily of yeast glutaredoxins (Grx3, Grx4, and Grx5) that differs from the first in containing a single cysteine residue at the putative active site is described. This trait is also characteristic for a number of glutaredoxins from bacteria to humans, with which the Grx3/4/5 group has extensive homology over two regions. Mutants lacking Grx5 are partially deficient in growth in rich and minimal media and also highly sensitive to oxidative damage caused by menadione and hydrogen peroxide. A significant increase in total protein carbonyl content is constitutively observed in grx5cells, and a number of specific proteins, including transketolase, appear to be highly oxidized in this mutant. The synthetic lethality of the grx5 and grx2 mutations on one hand and ofgrx5 with the grx3 grx4 combination on the other points to a complex functional relationship among yeast glutaredoxins, with Grx5 playing a specially important role in protection against oxidative stress both during ordinary growth conditions and after externally induced damage. Grx5-deficient mutants are also sensitive to osmotic stress, which indicates a relationship between the two types of stress in yeast cells.


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Tämä diplomityökuuluu tietoliikenneverkkojen suunnittelun tutkimukseen ja pohjimmiltaan kohdistuu verkon mallintamiseen. Tietoliikenneverkkojen suunnittelu on monimutkainen ja vaativa ongelma, joka sisältää mutkikkaita ja aikaa vieviä tehtäviä. Tämä diplomityö esittelee ”monikerroksisen verkkomallin”, jonka tarkoitus on auttaa verkon suunnittelijoita selviytymään ongelmien monimutkaisuudesta ja vähentää verkkojen suunnitteluun kuluvaa aikaa. Monikerroksinen verkkomalli perustuu yleisille objekteille, jotka ovat yhteisiä kaikille tietoliikenneverkoille. Tämä tekee mallista soveltuvan mielivaltaisille verkoille, välittämättä verkkokohtaisista ominaisuuksista tai verkon toteutuksessa käytetyistä teknologioista. Malli määrittelee tarkan terminologian ja käyttää kolmea käsitettä: verkon jakaminen tasoihin (plane separation), kerrosten muodostaminen (layering) ja osittaminen (partitioning). Nämä käsitteet kuvataan yksityiskohtaisesti tässä työssä. Monikerroksisen verkkomallin sisäinen rakenne ja toiminnallisuus ovat määritelty käyttäen Unified Modelling Language (UML) -notaatiota. Tämä työ esittelee mallin use case- , paketti- ja luokkakaaviot. Diplomityö esittelee myös tulokset, jotka on saatu vertailemalla monikerroksista verkkomallia muihin verkkomalleihin. Tulokset osoittavat, että monikerroksisella verkkomallilla on etuja muihin malleihin verrattuna.


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Although the number of invasive bryophytes is much lower than that of higher plants, they threaten habitats that are often species rich and of high conservation relevance. Their potential of spread has, however, never been determined. Here, we assess whether the three most invasive bryophyte species shifted their niche during the invasion process and whether the extent of the study area defined to calibrate the model (geographic background, GB) affects model transferability. We then determine whether ecological niche models (ENMs) developed in their native range can be projected in other areas to assess their invasive potential. The macroclimatic niches of Campylopus introflexus, Orthodontium lineare and Lophocolea semiteres were compared in their native range (Southern Hemisphere) and in their invasion range (Northern Hemisphere) using ordination techniques. ENMs from an ensemble model were calibrated in the native range and projected onto the Northern Hemisphere using different GBs. No evidence for niche expansion in the invaded range was found and the species occur in the invaded range under climate conditions that are similar to those in the native range. The performance of the models to predict occurrences in the invaded range increased with the extent of the GB. The potential range of all species included entire regions on continents where they are still absent. The expansion of the investigated species appears to be constrained by climate conditions that are similar to those currently prevailing in their native range, which is consistent with our failure to demonstrate macroclimatic niche shift in the invaded range. The use of large GBs is recommended in such vagile organisms with large, disjunct distributions. The models indicated that invasive bryophyte species might become a threat in central and eastern Europe, North America and eastern Asia if accidentally introduced or naturally dispersed.


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Os games digitais possuem um valor educativo importante e têm sido reconhecidos pelos educadores como um rico e produtivo espaço que proporciona conteúdos de aprendizagem para os estudantes, melhorando, através dele, o desenvolvimento cognitivo do aluno. Este artigo explora as oportunidades cognitivas dos games digitais como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem e mostra um estudo de caso: o jogo de Joan de Peratallada. O objetivo desse estudo é promover o diálogo e a possível colaboração entre um jogo digital cognitivo aplicado as escolas primárias de forma a colaborar com a ensino de historia de Catalunha, Espanha.


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As increasingly large molecular data sets are collected for phylogenomics, the conflicting phylogenetic signal among gene trees poses challenges to resolve some difficult nodes of the Tree of Life. Among these nodes, the phylogenetic position of the honey bees (Apini) within the corbiculate bee group remains controversial, despite its considerable importance for understanding the emergence and maintenance of eusociality. Here, we show that this controversy stems in part from pervasive phylogenetic conflicts among GC-rich gene trees. GC-rich genes typically have a high nucleotidic heterogeneity among species, which can induce topological conflicts among gene trees. When retaining only the most GC-homogeneous genes or using a nonhomogeneous model of sequence evolution, our analyses reveal a monophyletic group of the three lineages with a eusocial lifestyle (honey bees, bumble bees, and stingless bees). These phylogenetic relationships strongly suggest a single origin of eusociality in the corbiculate bees, with no reversal to solitary living in this group. To accurately reconstruct other important evolutionary steps across the Tree of Life, we suggest removing GC-rich and GC-heterogeneous genes from large phylogenomic data sets. Interpreted as a consequence of genome-wide variations in recombination rates, this GC effect can affect all taxa featuring GC-biased gene conversion, which is common in eukaryotes.


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For years a literature on the uses that political parties make of information andcommunication technologies (ICTs) has been developed. It is a rapidly increasing, rich,and interesting field in the forefront of the investigation in political science. Generally,these works start from the expectation that the ICTs have a regenerative potential forliberal democracies and for the political parties as well. In developed societies, politicalparties have experienced some transformations that have leaded them to an increasingdivorce with the public. This divorce is shown by the decay of party adscription andmembership, and also by the decay of the conventional political participation. In thetheoretical discussion this situation has been described as ¿the crisis of the democracy¿(Norris, 1999). According to the more radically oriented scholars this crisis reflects theincapacities of liberal democracies. In this sense, ICTs suppose a great opportunity tosurpass the representative institutions and to institutionalize new forms of directdemocracy. More moderate scholars have considered that ICTs offer the opportunity for¿renaissance¿ for representative institutions, as they can reinforce the bonds between thepublic and its representatives.