746 resultados para Qualifications professionnelles
A qualidade é um factor-chave na indústria automóvel. Todos os fornecedores de componentes para a indústria automóvel estão sujeitos a qualificações e auditorias sistemáticas, com vista a melhorar os processos e verificar a sua rastreabilidade. Quando os processos assentam essencialmente em mão-de-obra intensiva, torna-se muito mais difícil atingir a ambicionada meta dos zero-defeitos, e a garantia da qualidade pode ficar comprometida, sendo necessário instalar procedimentos de controlo mais apurados. No entanto, se o processo ou processos forem convenientemente definidos, e se optar por capital intensivo em detrimento da mão-de-obra intensiva, a garantia da qualidade pode ser uma realidade, podendo ser fortemente minimizadas as operações de controlo da qualidade. Este trabalho teve por base a necessidade de reduzir fortemente, ou eliminar mesmo, o aparecimento de defeitos de montagem num sistema designado por remachado. Após cuidada análise do processo instalado, já parcialmente automatizado, mas ainda fortemente dependente de mão-de-obra, procedeu-se ao projecto de um equipamento capaz de reproduzir o mesmo efeito, mas que acomodasse alguns possíveis defeitos oriundos dos fornecedores dos componentes que são inseridos neste conjunto, colocados a montante na cadeia de fornecimento do produto. O equipamento resultante deste trabalho permitiu baixar o tempo de ciclo, acomodar a variabilidade dimensional detectada nos componentes que constituem o conjunto e reduzir drasticamente o número de não-conformidades.
The INOTEC-Empresa – the Technological Innovation Plan for Enterprises in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (RAA) - was developed in 2006-2007, at the request of the Regional Government, with the main aim of promoting innovation within small and medium enterprises. The methodological approach used in the development of the INOTEC – Empresa Plan was designed to obtain a comprehensive view of regional actors and included a document review, participation of the various actors through interviews, a collection of statements from RAA – Região Autónoma dos Açores – entrepreneurs, academics, public leaders and other key players, together with an analysis of their views and a survey of the innovation dynamics of the most relevant Azorean enterprises. The INOTEC-Empresa – the Technological Innovation Plan for Enterprises – comprises seven programmes aimed at promoting innovation in the Region. This paper focuses on the Programmes for Qualification of Human Resources and the Development of Scientific and Technological Capacities for Innovation. Some socio-economic data and the metrics selected to assess and benchmark the implementation of the Plan will als
Para obter o Grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas apresento este projecto de tradução do ensaio de Vincent Jouve “La Littérature selon Roland Barthes” e análise crítica das dificuldades tradutórias encontradas. Para a tradutora é uma actividade inovadora e aliciante. A selecção da obra reveste-se de argumentos tanto pessoais como profissionais sendo particularmente oportuna, pois coincide com o centenário de nascimento de Barthes. Roland Barthes é um autor rico, complexo e desconcertante que, embora pouco estudado à época, levanta emoções extremas: adorado por uns e detestado por outros. O ensaio de Vincent Jouve reflecte essa riqueza quer de forma quer de conteúdo. Participar na divulgação, mesmo que só académica, destes autores é muito gratificante. O ensaio literário tem características próprias, que o tornam semelhante a uma manifestação artística, privilegia-se o sentido traduzindo a obra sem recorrer a progamas de tradução. Este relatório é composto por três partes fundamentais: a preparação prévia, a tradução e a análise das dificuldades. O apêndice é constituido pela obra traduzida e pelos capítulos analizados (I e IV), en Francês.
Das Ziel des vorliegenden Forschungsprojekts besteht darin, die Arbeitsfähigkeit von Arbeitnehmern zu verbessern, die wegen unspezifischer Nacken- und/oder Kreuzschmerzen bei der Arbeit fehlen. Zu diesem Zweck haben wir ein Interventionsmodell entwickelt, das die modernen Ansätze der Rehabilitation bei Rückenerkrankungen mit den Erkenntnissen und Vorgehensweisen der Arbeitswissenschaften erweitert [Autoren S. 939] Le but du présent projet de recherche est d'améliorer la capacité de travail d'employés en arrêt à la suite de lombalgies et/ou de cervicalgies non spécifiques. C'est dans cette perspective que nous avons développé un modèle d'intervention fondé sur les principes de la réhabilitation des affections rachidiennes et les mesures professionnelles en relation avec l'ergonomie à la place de travail [auteurs p. 939]
This contribution aims at exploring the significance of the new generation of UNESCO conventions for the recognition of higher education qualifications. It discusses three possible scenarios and links them to the empirical findings of a study that compares the enabling conditions of the first generation of recognition conventions established in the 1970s and 1980s with the ones establishing the second generation today. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the paper argues that the changes illustrate a more general shift in the architecture of the global order and highlights a new role of UNESCO.
Cet article porte sur les tiraillements identitaires des cadres intermédiaires des hôpitaux romands. Face à des réformes hospitalières nombreuses et de grande ampleur, les cadres intermédiaires sont contraints d'endosser un rôle managérial remettant en cause leur attachement à leur groupe professionnel d'origine. De multiples tensions professionnelles les conduisent à accepter une managérialisation de leur rôle, d'une part, tout en continuant à défendre leur corporation professionnelle, d'autre part.
La coexistence des charges professionnelles, familiales, et d'aide à des ascendants expose la Génération Sandwich (GS) à des risques potentiels pour sa santé. Toutefois, les connaissances sur la GS sont insuffisantes pour permettre aux infirmières du secteur de la santé au travail de développer des interventions en promotion de la santé basées sur des preuves. Ce manque de clarté est préoccupant au vu de certaines tendances sociodémographiques. La présente étude vise à dresser le portrait des travailleurs de la GS en examinant les liens entre leurs caractéristiques, leurs charges co-existantes et leur santé perçue. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé un cadre de référence salutogénique. puis, nous l'avons utilisé pour conduire une recherche descriptive corrélationnelle transversale. un questionnaire électronique a permis de récolter les données de 826 employés d'une administration publique suisse. L'examen a montré que 23.5 % de l'échantillon appartenait à la GS. Cette appartenance ne dépendait pas du sexe. la charge de travail totale (70.5 h/sem) de la GS différait significativement de celle du reste de l'échantillon (62.8 h/sem). Nous n'avons pas trouvé de relation entre cette charge totale et la santé physique ou mentale des femmes. En revanche, il y avait une relation négative entre cette charge totale et la santé physique des hommes, et cette relation était proche du seuil de significativité pour la santé mentale de ces derniers. Grâce à une analyse soucieuse de faire évoluer favorablement les inégalités de genre (gender-transformative), cette étude fournit des pistes pour fonder des interventions préventives en faveur de la santé des membres de la GS.
Internationally, policies for attracting highly-skilled migrants have become the guidelines mainly used by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Governments are implementing specific procedures to capture and facilitate their mobility. However, all professions are not equal when it comes to welcoming highly-skilled migrants. The medical profession, as a protective market, is one of these. Taking the case of non-EU/EEA doctors in France, this paper shows that the medical profession defined as the closed labour market, remains the most controversial in terms of professional integration of migrants, protectionist barriers to migrant competition and challenge of medical shortage. Based on the path-dependency approach, this paper argues that non-EU/EEA doctors' issues in France derive from a complex historical process of interaction between standards settled in the past, particularly the historical power of medical corporatism, the unexpected long-term effects of French hospital reforms of 1958, and budgetary pressures. Theoretically, this paper shows two significant findings. Firstly, the French medical system has undergone a series of transformations unthinkable in the strict sense of a path-dependence approach: an opening of the medical profession to foreign physicians in the context of the Europeanisation of public policy, acceptance of non-EU/EEA doctors in a context of medical shortage and budgetary pressures. Secondly, there is no change of the overall paradigm: significantly, the recruitment policies of non-EU/EEA doctors continue to highlight the imprint of the past and reveal a significant persistence of prejudices. Non-EU/EEA doctors are not considered legitimate doctors even if they have the qualifications of physicians which are legitimate in their country and which can be recognised in other receiving countries.
Variante(s) de titre : Tribune des fonctionnaires et retraités CGT
Contient : « La maniere de benistre l'Oriflambe en l'eglise mgr. St Denis » ; « Ordo ad inungendum et coronandum Regem. » (Texte latin) ; « Ordo ad reginam benedicendam » ; Formulaire de lettres royaux et taxes des notaires (en latin) ; « Notes et enseignemens touchant les offices des notaires et secrétaires du Roy... » ; Récit des obsèques du roi Charles VI (1422) ; « Prothocole de lettres closes » ; Lettres des rois Jean II (1350), Charles V (1365) et Louis XI (1465), confirmant les privilèges des notaires et secrétaires du Roi ; « Estât et nombre des officiers qui doivent estre à la cour du Roy et en toute maison de prince du sane royal » ; « Serement du Roy à son sacre » ; « Etates mundi. » — Vers sur le caractère des différents peuples : « Anglicus angelus est. ; Qualifications de diverses villes : « Boloigne la grasse... — Andegavis vino... » — Note sur les années bissextiles ; « Privilegia regum et regni Francie » ; « Duces... et quo ordine Pares veniant. » — « Les Traitiés fais entre les rois de France et d'Angleterre » ; Liste des différents ordres religieux ; Liste des livres de la Bible, en vers ; « Les noms en latin et en françoys des arceveschez estans ou royaume de France... et les eveschez... » ; « Extractum de registris Camere compotorum Parisius, de regaliis ecclesiarum regni Francie » ; « Capitula que tenentur petere a Rege licenciam eligendi episcopum » ; Tableau généalogique des rois de France, depuis Pharamond jusqu'à Charles VII, et liste des « Douze pers de France, — ducz » et « contes tenans du Roy » ; Ex libris de « Jehan Bellehure, de Chervey » (Aube), — de « Thiesser » et « Prevostat »
The purpose of this study was to examine the perceived preparedness of college students for the transition from college to full-time employment. The study was concerned with the interest and rationale behind developing a required Exit Course for college students in order to improve the college to work transition. As well, possible content of an Exit Course was evaluated. The importance of addressing college to work transitions is highlighted by two phenomena. First, there are specific employability skills that employers in Canada are seeking in newly hired employees. Second, the provincial government in Ontario is determining college funding based on graduate employment statistics which are measured by graduate satisfaction, graduate employment, and employer satisfaction. The research concentrated on the following stakeholders involved in the transition from college to work: (a) current students, (b) recent graduates, (c) support staff who assist students in college to work transition (Career Educators), and (d) employers. Through qualitative research, including focus groups and interviews, these stakeholder groups participated in the research to determine if the Exit Course was a viable solution to facilitate the transition from college to work. Focus groups were conducted with current students, while one-on-one, semi-structured interviews were conducted with recent graduates, Career Educators, and employers. Common themes elicited from the participants included the following: (a) although students were perceived by the participants of this study to be technically prepared for employment, they were perceived to have weak job search skills and unrealistic expectations of the world of work unless they had received the benefits of a Co-operative Education experience; (b) an Exit Course was seen as a viable solution to the issues involved in college to work transition; (c) an Exit Course should be comprised of skills necessary to obtain and succeed in a job and the course should be taught by individuals with extensive qualifications in this area; and (d) there is a need to develop college and business partnerships to ensure that students are connected to employers. Educators within post secondary institutions, specifically colleges, can benefit from the information provided within this study to gain a better understanding of the perceived level of preparedness of students for the transition from college to work. Suggestions with regard to how to improve this transition were made, with specific reference to the addition of an Exit Course as one possible solution.
The grades seven and eight physical education program of the Norfolk Board of Education was evaluated with respect to fitnesslevel improvement, an objective of the Ministry of Education for the province of Ontario. The Canada Fitness Award battery of fitness tests was used to measure fitness levels. It was established that in September the students were unfit, and in May they were fit. This indicated that the Norfolk physical education program was effective, with respect to the criterion used for this research. In addition, it was discovered that fitness-level improvement was significantly related to certain variables: teacher qualifications, teaching experience, school, and participation in extracurricular physical activity. Considering the results of the research, it was recommended that the Norfolk Board of Education hire young, qualified physical education teachers; create the position of Physical Education Consultant; and strive to create equitable resources for physical education instruction, in order that the school to which a student belongs no longer will be a determinant of fitness improvement.
The By-Law reads: "A By-Law to change the Qualification of a director of the Corporation. Be it enacted and is hereby enacted as a By-law of Barnes Wines, Limited that: - Whereas it is deemed expedient to change the qualifications of a Director of the Corporation; Be it therefore enacted as a By-law of Barnes Wines, Limited, as follows: That By-law no. 75 of the Corporation be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Paragraph 4 thereof. Enacted this 9th day of April, 1973. Witness the Corporate seal of the Corporation."
By-Law no. 88 reads: "Being a By-Law relating to the qualifications of Directors of the Company. Be it and it is hereby enacted as a By-Law of the Company as follows: By-Law No. 88 Section 4 of By-Law No. 75, as amended by By-Law No. 84, is hereby repealed." It was enacted January 7th, 1974 and confirmed in the shareholders meeting on April 18th, 1974.