661 resultados para PATOLOGIAS PODALES
The physiologist H. Selye defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any factors that endanger homeostasis (balance of internal environment) of the individual. These factors, agents stressors, are able to activate the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, thus resulting in the physiological responses to stress by the release of glucocorticoids that leads to psychophysiological changes, including effects on cognitive functions such as learning and memory. When this axis is acutely stimulated occurs a repertoire of behavioral and physiological changes can be adaptive to the individual. Notwithstanding, when the HPA axis is chronically stimulated, changes may favor the development of, such as anxiety disorders. Some drugs used in the clinic for the treatment of anxiety disorders these can exert effects on cognitive function, on the HPA axis and on the anxiety. In this context, the aim of our study was to investigate the effects of administration i.p. acute of diazepam (DZP, 2 mg/kg), buspirone (BUS, 3 mg/kg), mirtazapine (MIR, 10 mg/kg) and fluoxetine (FLU, 10 mg/kg) in male mice submitted to acute restraint stress, and evaluated using plus-maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT), which simultaneously evaluates parameters such as learning, memory and anxiety. Our results demonstrated that (1) the administration of DZP and BUS, but not FLU, promoted anxiolytic effects in animals; (2) administration mirtazapine caused sedative effect to animals; (3) in the training session, the animals treated with BUS, MIR and FLU learned the task, on the other hand DZP group showed impairment in learning; (4) in the test session, animals treated with DZP, BUS, and MIR showed deficits in relation to discrimination between the enclosed arms, aversive versus non-aversive arm, demonstrating an impairment in memory, however, animals treated with FLU showed no interference in the retrieval of this memory; (5) acute stress did not interfere in locomotor activity, anxiety, or learning on the learning task, but induced impairment in retrieval memory, and the group treated with FLU did not demonstrated this deficit of memory . These results suggest that acute administration of drugs with anxiolytic and antidepressant activity does not interfere with the learning process this aversive task, but impair its retrieval, as well as the acute restraint stress. However, the antidepressant fluoxetine was able to reverse memory deficits promoted by acute stress, which may suggest that modulation, even acutely serotonergic neurotransmission, by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of this neurotransmitter, interferes on the process of retrieval of an aversive memory
During the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathologies, there are many factors that have an influence on the therapeutical process. It is possible that the demonstration using videotapes or photographs of movements that will be learned can assist the codification, classification and reorganization of the elements of the task in familiar diagrams and thus facilitate the process of motor rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance in the test of recognition of sequences of functional activities such as water drinking and hair combing presented partially (by photos) and completely (by video) to the patients with encephalic vascular accident . The sample was generated from 12 patients (62 ± 8 years) and 10 healthy subjects (53 ± 5 years), of both sex, divided in two groups for which 5 functional activities were presented partially and completely, in 4 sequences that varied between reached and not reached objectives and correct and incorrect movements, during 24 trials. The test t'Student was applied to verify differences in the recognition time between the groups, and to compare the performance between the tests carried through at 9:00 am and retests at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. To compare the frequency between the types of reply, the test Qui-square was used. It was verified that the patients presented a greater recognition time and a lower number of correct answers than the healthy subjects, and had better performances in the recognition of the complete sequence than the partial one. Bigger frequency was observed in the reply that the objective and the movement were being presented correctly, however the healthy subjects had soon indicated the correct reply in the first trials. An improvement tendency was observed in the performance, when the stages of tests and retests had been carried through in the same schedule. According to the results, it is suggested that the patients with stroke can better recognize the correct movements of a functional activity when it is presented completely in video form, what can influence the choice of the therapeutical strategy during the process of motor rehabilitation
During the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathologies, there are many factors that have an influence on the therapeutical process. It is possible that the demonstration using videotapes or photographs of movements that will be learned can assist the codification, classification and reorganization of the elements of the task in familiar diagrams and thus facilitate the process of motor rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance in the test of recognition of sequences of functional activities such as water drinking and hair combing presented partially (by photos) and completely (by video) to the patients with encephalic vascular accident . The sample was generated from 12 patients (62 ± 8 years) and 10 healthy subjects (53 ± 5 years), of both sex, divided in two groups for which 5 functional activities were presented partially and completely, in 4 sequences that varied between reached and not reached objectives and correct and incorrect movements, during 24 trials. The test t'Student was applied to verify differences in the recognition time between the groups, and to compare the performance between the tests carried through at 9:00 am and retests at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. To compare the frequency between the types of reply, the test Qui-square was used. It was verified that the patients presented a greater recognition time and a lower number of correct answers than the healthy subjects, and had better performances in the recognition of the complete sequence than the partial one. Bigger frequency was observed in the reply that the objective and the movement were being presented correctly, however the healthy subjects had soon indicated the correct reply in the first trials. An improvement tendency was observed in the performance, when the stages of tests and retests had been carried through in the same schedule. According to the results, it is suggested that the patients with stroke can better recognize the correct movements of a functional activity when it is presented completely in video form, what can influence the choice of the therapeutical strategy during the process of motor rehabilitation
Psychiatric reform occurring in Brazil has progressed significantly during the last two decades, both in the transformation of the help structure and in the treatment of madness. At the same time a paralell movement is observed marked by the maintenance of the hospital centered or psychiatric ward ideology present not only in the psychiatric institutions but also in the substitute services in the cities and , above all, in the ways of contemporary subjectivation. We affirm that the idea of deinstitutionalization is intertwined with capitalistic agent both from the epistomological, assistance, and legal aspect as from the cultural one. This work aims mainly to discuss madness and subjectivity from the ethic esthetic-political perspective, specially the wishes of the psychiatric hospital, which we inhabit and who inhibits our interactions and our desired and creative productivity. We do also want to access the invisible threads that capture and modify madness, which make our cities a means for the production of pathologies, and those that, on the contrary, insinuate a process of resistance, facilitating life and health
the institutionalized elderly presents for being more fragile a lot of body balance s changes, which can induce falls and health frailty. One of the consequences of it is the appearance of dizziness, vestibular or not. This study aims to identify the risk factors related to dizziness in institutionalized elderly, with and without vestibular disorders, in the city of Natal-RN. Method: a case-control study realized in 12 regulated by Health Surveillance Long Term Care Institutions for the elderly in Natal-RN. Elected seniors with good cognitive level and able to walk, totaling 115 individuals, and of these, 102 were selected according to the presence of dizziness in the last year (n = 51) and their controls (n = 51), paired by sex and age. The 51 elderly patients with dizziness were divided into 3 groups case: case one, for elderly with dizziness and without vestibulopathy (n=38); case two, for elderly with dizziness and vestibulopathy (n=13) and case three, for all the seniors with dizziness, or added to the case 1 case 2 (n=51). The 51 seniors who served as controls were also divided into three groups, according to the number of individuals of each case: control 1, n = 38, control 2, n = 13 control and 3 (sum of 1 control with control 2), n = 51. As possible risk factors were analyzed variables related to characteristics of the institution, to the habits of life of older people and those concerned with the health of the elderly. For statistical analysis, we used the chi-square or Fisher exact test for a significance level of 5% and calculating the association magnitude between variables by measuring the Odds Ratio. Results: as risk factors for dizziness without vestibular disorders were found the presence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, as well as the presence of three or more disorders for elderly and use of gastric protector drugs. For the elderly group from case two were found no associated risk factor. For elderly patients with dizziness in the case group three, we observed the same risk factors found for the elderly in the case group one, plus the presence of osteoarthritis pathology, which was also significant for this group. Conclusion: dizziness in institutionalized elderly is associated with systemic common diseases in this age group and the vestibulopathy presents itself as pathology on an isolated way, not being possible, with our data, associate it with non-risk factors
RACIONAL: O número de cirurgias ambulatoriais realizadas em hospitais, como em clínicas particulares, cresce a cada dia. Hoje, em alguns países, como a França, há predomínio das cirurgias ambulatoriais em relação às hospitalares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente os pacientes operados no Serviço de Cirurgia Ambulatorial do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, SP. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Foram estudados retrospectivamente 437 casos clínicos de patologias orificiais, analisando a distribuição por faixa etária, por sexo, por patologias e as complicações pós-operatórias. RESULTADOS: Notou-se predomínio de pacientes com idade inferior a 45 anos (62,8%), prevalência do sexo feminino (56%), sendo a doença hemorroidária (45,1%) a principal patologia e a dor e sangramento as complicações mais freqüentes (9,8% e 7,3%). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados satisfatórios observados demonstram a possibilidade de realização, em ambulatório, de diversos procedimentos simples em patologias anorretais freqüentes, a baixo custo e poucas complicações, sendo estas não superiores às observadas em cirurgia hospitalar.
This work aims to characterize the workers in mineral activities exposed to lung injuries in Parelhas Municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, seeking to relate respiratory diseases to the mining activity. The studied area (Parelhas City), with about 19,700 inhabitants, is located in the Serido region, approximately 232 km far from Natal City. The number of people involved in informal mining activity (garimpo) in the Seridó region reaches about 5,000. These workers generally do not use any kind of individual protection equipments and develop, at early ages of greater productivity, severe forms of diseases, which end up disabling them to professional activities, family and social life. Deceases by respiratory problems (e.g. silicosis) have been reported in very young adults. A descriptive observational study was conducted based on information from the records found in Dr. José Augusto Dantas Hospital, between the years 1996- 2006. The occupational and socio-economic features of the population, which was selected by using the hospital records, were achieved through individually answered forms. The purpose was to link the occupational activities with the respiratory diseases. The next stage of the research was an observational case-control study, in the 1:1 proportion. The achieved data allowed confirming the central hypothesis of the research, which states that the pneumoconiosis cases are due to the mineral-based activities in the studied area. The final step of the investigation tried to assess the knowledge of relatives of students in public and private elementary and high schools from Parelhas City, regarding silicosis. About 15.4% of urban schools were analyzed through application of a structured questionnaire. The results show distinct socio-economic levels and a difference in the perception of the relatives of students in public and private schools, concerning silicosis. It was possible to identify the characteristics of the population economically involved with mineral-based activities and to define the group that deserves preferential attention in preventive actions. The work indicates some environmental problems caused by inadequate mining operations in the region
A miocardiopatia diabética é uma doença do músculo cardíaco causada pelo diabetes mellitus e não relacionada às patologias vascular e valvular ou à hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Observações experimentais e clínicas têm demonstrado hipertrofia, necrose, apoptose e aumento do tecido intersticial miocárdico. Acredita-se que a miocardiopatia diabética seja decorrente de anormalidades metabólicas como hiperlipidemia, hiperinsulinemia e hiperglicemia, e de alterações do metabolismo cardíaco. Tais alterações podem causar aumento do estresse oxidativo, fibrose intersticial, perda celular e comprometimento do trânsito intracelular de íons e da homeostase do cálcio. Clinicamente, é possível a detecção de disfunção diastólica assintomática na fase inicial. No momento em que surgem os sinais e sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca, observamos disfunção diastólica isolada, sendo que o comprometimento da função sistólica, habitualmente, é tardio. O tratamento da miocardiopatia diabética com insuficiência cardíaca não difere das miocardiopatias de outras etiologias e deve seguir as diretrizes de acordo com o comprometimento da função ventricular, se diastólica isolada ou diastólica e sistólica.
FUNDAMENTO: A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) é comum em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e estenose aórtica (EAo) e, com certa frequência, encontramos associação entre estas patologias. Mas, em tal situação, não está clara a importância de cada uma na HVE. OBJETIVO: 1 - Avaliar em pacientes portadores de EAo, submetidos previamente a estudo ecocardiográfico, a magnitude da HVE, nos casos de EAo isolada e associada à HAS; 2 - Avaliar o padrão de remodelamento geométrico nas duas situações. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, observacional e transversal, incluindo 298 pacientes consecutivos, com EAo ao ecocardiograma. HVE foi considerada para massa miocárdica > 224g em homens e > 162g em mulheres. Os pacientes foram classificados como portadores de EAo leve (gradiente máximo < 30,0 mmHg), moderada (entre 30 e 50,0 mmHg) e grave (> 50,0 mmHg), além disso, foram separados em dois subgrupos: com e sem HAS. RESULTADOS: Nos três níveis de lesão aórtica, a massa ventricular esquerda foi maior na EAo associada à HAS do que na EAo isolada (EAo leve: 172 ± 45 vs 223 ± 73g, p < 0,0001; EAo moderada: 189 ± 77 vs 245 ± 81g, p = 0,0313; EAo grave: 200 ± 62 vs 252 ± 88g, p = 0,0372). Presença de HAS esteve associada a maior risco de HVE (OR = 2,1,IC95%:1,2-3,6; p = 0,012). Pacientes com EAo grave e HAS apresentaram predomínio de hipertrofia concêntrica, quando comparados com aqueles normotensos (p = 0,013). CONCLUSÃO: em pacientes com EAo, a presença de HAS foi um fator adicional de aumento da massa ventricular esquerda, interferindo também na geometria ventricular.
Objetivo: Simplificar o cálculo do índice prognóstico inflamatório nutricional (IPIN) empregando número menor de variáveis com conseqüente redução do custo da análise. Materiais e métodos: Foram estudados 54 pacientes e 12 indivíduos-controle com 48 ± 20 (média ± dp) anos de idade. As principais patologias dos pacientes eram: doença arterial periférica (22), pênfigo foliáceo (7), doença inflamatória intestinal (7), trauma (6) e pós-operatório de ortognatia (3). Foram obtidas amostras de sangue periférico, colhidas em jejum para dosagens de proteínas positivas (+) e negativas (-) de fase aguda (PFA) pelo método nefelométrico. Proteína C reativa (PCR), alfa-1-glicoproteína-ácida (alfa-1-GA), alfa-1-antitripsina (alfa-1-AT) e ceruloplasmina (CER) foram as PFA+ e albumina (Alb), transtiretina (TTR), transferrina (TF) e proteína ligadora do retinol (RBP) foram as representantes das PFA-. Esses valores foram analisados quanto à associação de correlação isolada ou associadamente na fórmula do índice prognóstico inflamatório e nutricional (IPIN = PCR + alfa-1-GA / Alb + TTR). de acordo com o índice prognóstico inflamatório e nutricional, os pacientes foram classificados em grupo-controle (G1); pacientes sem infecção/inflamação (IPIN < 1, G2) ou com risco de inflamação/infecção (IPIN > 1, G3). em seguida os pacientes do G3 foram subdivididos em baixo risco (G3A, n = 16); médio risco ( G3B, n = 10); alto risco (G3C, n = 6) e com risco de morte (G3D, n = 11). Os resultados foram correlacionados entre si (teste de Spearman) ou submetidos às comparações entre grupos (teste de Kruskall-Wallis). Resultados: Houve relação significativa entre as variáveis PCR ´ alfa-1-GA (r = 0,49), Alb ´ TTR (r = 0,60), Alb ´ RBP (r = 0,58), Alb ´ TF (r = 0,39), TTR ´ RBP (r = 0,56) e TTR´ TF (r = 0,43) e as melhores relações encontradas entre PFA+ e PFA- foram: PCR ´ Alb (r = - 0,71), PCR ´ TTR (r = - 0,54), PCR ´ TF (r = - 0,39) e alfa-1-GA ´ Alb (r = - 0,35). Os valores do IPIN mostraram a diferenciação G3 > (G1 = G2) e G3 > G3A. Entre todas as proteínas dosadas apenas PCR, Alb e TTR discriminaram os grupos: sendo G3 > (G1= G2) para PCR e G3< (G1= G2) para Alb e TTR. Apenas PCR, TTR e TF discriminaram a morbimortalidade com G3D > G3A (para PCR) e G3D < G3A (para TTR e TF). PCR/Alb e IPIN apresentaram concordância de valores para os riscos de complicações. Conclusão: Assim, conclui-se pela possibilidade de substituição do IPIN pela relação PCR/albumina, mais simples e de menor custo, mantendo-se o mesmo poder e sensibilidade para diagnóstico dos graus de risco de complicações.
In this work, the study of some complex systems is done with use of two distinct procedures. In the first part, we have studied the usage of Wavelet transform on analysis and characterization of (multi)fractal time series. We have test the reliability of Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method (WTMM) in respect to the multifractal formalism, trough the calculation of the singularity spectrum of time series whose fractality is well known a priori. Next, we have use the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method to study the fractality of lungs crackles sounds, a biological time series. Since the crackles sounds are due to the opening of a pulmonary airway bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli which was initially closed, we can get information on the phenomenon of the airway opening cascade of the whole lung. Once this phenomenon is associated with the pulmonar tree architecture, which displays fractal geometry, the analysis and fractal characterization of this noise may provide us with important parameters for comparison between healthy lungs and those affected by disorders that affect the geometry of the tree lung, such as the obstructive and parenchymal degenerative diseases, which occurs, for example, in pulmonary emphysema. In the second part, we study a site percolation model for square lattices, where the percolating cluster grows governed by a control rule, corresponding to a method of automatic search. In this model of percolation, which have characteristics of self-organized criticality, the method does not use the automated search on Leaths algorithm. It uses the following control rule: pt+1 = pt + k(Rc − Rt), where p is the probability of percolation, k is a kinetic parameter where 0 < k < 1 and R is the fraction of percolating finite square lattices with side L, LxL. This rule provides a time series corresponding to the dynamical evolution of the system, in particular the likelihood of percolation p. We proceed an analysis of scaling of the signal obtained in this way. The model used here enables the study of the automatic search method used for site percolation in square lattices, evaluating the dynamics of their parameters when the system goes to the critical point. It shows that the scaling of , the time elapsed until the system reaches the critical point, and tcor, the time required for the system loses its correlations, are both inversely proportional to k, the kinetic parameter of the control rule. We verify yet that the system has two different time scales after: one in which the system shows noise of type 1 f , indicating to be strongly correlated. Another in which it shows white noise, indicating that the correlation is lost. For large intervals of time the dynamics of the system shows ergodicity
Objetivo: avaliar as alterações hemodinâmicas e estruturais cardíacas maternas nos três trimestres da gestação e relacioná-las com a classificação do recém-nascido, de acordo com o peso/idade gestacional. Métodos: foi realizada avaliação ecocardiográfica em 22 gestantes, sem patologias, para estudo do débito cardíaco, pressão arterial média, diâmetro do átrio esquerdo e resistência periférica, em três períodos da gestação: antes da 12ª , na 26ª e na 36ª semanas de gestação. Dezessete gestantes deram à luz recém-nascidos com peso adequado, quatro, recém-nascidos pequenos, e uma gestante, recém-nascido grande para a idade gestacional. Resultados: nas mães que deram à luz recém-nascidos pequenos para a idade gestacional, o débito cardíaco e o diâmetro do átrio esquerdo mantiveram-se inalterados, com tendência de elevação da pressão arterial média e aumento de 28% da resistência periférica, durante a gestação. As mães que deram à luz recém-nascidos adequados para idade gestacional tiveram aumento médio do débito cardíaco de 19% entre o primeiro e segundo trimestres e de 8% entre o segundo e terceiro trimestres da gestação. O diâmetro do átrio esquerdo elevou-se próximo de 9% durante a gestação, com manutenção da pressão arterial média e tendência de queda da resistência periférica. Conclusões: os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho suportam a associação entre adaptação hemodinâmica e peso do RN
Relatamos um caso de aneurisma da bifurcação da artéria carótida interna, cuja ruptura se deu para dentro de cisto de aracnóide da fissura silviana. em revisão da literatura apenas 3 casos foram descritos. Discutimos ainda os aspectos clínicos atípicos do caso, as características dos achados cirúrgicos e uma correlação etiopatogênica entre as duas patologias.
OBJETIVO: A catarata é a principal causa tratável de cegueira e deficiência visual em países subdesenvolvidos. Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar se a catarata continua sendo uma importante causa de cegueira no centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal, de caráter observacional, realizado em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, para as quais o centro de referência é a cidade de Botucatu. A amostra estabelecida para este estudo, de forma aleatória, seria composta por 5.555 indivíduos, sendo que foram examinados 4.229 indivíduos (8.458 olhos), ou seja, 78% da amostra pretendida. Os indivíduos foram submetidos a um exame oftalmológico completo que consistia em avaliação da acuidade visual (com e sem correção), tonometria, biomicroscopia, fundoscopia e exame refracional. O diagnóstico de catarata foi dado aos indivíduos que apresentassem opacidade de cristalino na biomicroscopia, de acordo com o Sistema de Classificação de Opacidade do Cristalino II (LOCS II). Olhos apresentando deficiência visual ou cegueira, com a melhor correção e causados por catarata, foram considerados após excluir outras patologias que pudessem causar baixa da acuidade visual (AV). Olhos com deficiência visual foram considerados quando 0,05 < AV < 0,3 e olhos cegos quando AV < 0,05. Indivíduos com deficiência visual foram considerados quando 0,05 < AV < 0,3 e indivíduos cegos quando AV < 0,3, no melhor olho com a melhor correção. Foi considerado o número de olhos com catarata, o número de olhos com deficiência visual e cegueira e o número de indivíduos com deficiência visual e cegueira. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de catarata na população estudada foi de 4,94% (209 indivíduos), afetando principalmente indivíduos com mais de 50 anos (92,34%) e do sexo feminino (61,11%). A catarata foi a causa de deficiência visual para 0,96% e a causa de cegueira para 0,52% de toda a população estudada. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostraram que a prevalência de catarata na população estudada é semelhante aos índices de países desenvolvidos.
Objetivo: descrever caso clínico de um lactente com insuficiência renal crônica terminal, causada por hiperoxalúria primária.Método: após revisão da literatura, verifica-se a raridade da doença; na França, a prevalência é de 1,05/milhão, com taxa de incidência de 0,12/milhão/ano. Pesquisa abordando centros especializados mundiais detectou, em 1999, 78 casos em lactentes; destes, em 14% o quadro inicial foi de uremia. A gravidade e a raridade da doença sugerem o relato deste caso.Resultados: criança de sexo feminino, com quadro de vômitos e baixo ganho de peso desde os primeiros meses de vida, desenvolveu insuficiência renal terminal aos 6 meses de idade, sendo mantida em tratamento dialítico desde então. Aos 8 meses, foi encaminhada para esclarecimento diagnóstico, apresentando déficit pôndero-estatural grave e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: uréia= 69 mg/dl, creatinina=2,2 mg/dl e clearance de creatinina= 12,5 ml/min/1.73m²SC. O exame de urina foi normal, a ultra-sonografia renal revelou tamanho normal e hiperecogenicidade de ambos os rins. A dosagem de oxalato urinário foi de 9,2mg/kg/dia ou 0,55 mmol/1.73m²SC, e a relação oxalato:creatinina, de 0,42. A biópsia renal diagnosticou presença de grande quantidade de depósitos de cristais de oxalato de cálcio no parênquima renal. A radiografia de ossos longos evidenciou sinais sugestivos de osteopatia oxalótica, e a fundoscopia indireta, sinais de retinopatia por oxalato. A criança foi mantida em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua, tendo sido iniciado tratamento com piridoxina.Conclusões: a hiperoxalúria primária deve ser considerada como um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de insuficiência renal crônica em lactentes, especialmente na ausência de história sugestiva de outras patologias.