857 resultados para Legal maxims


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[ES]A lo largo de estas páginas se analiza la igualdad o desigualdad de las mujeres respecto a los varones ante el control formalizado de la justicia penal a la hora de condenarlas a penas tan rigurosas como los azotes, el destierro o la horca; y ante el control informal ejercido por la familia, reprimiendo los comportamientos considerados ilícitos al margen de los tribunalesde justicia públicos.


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The European Commission Report on Competition in Professional Services found that recommended prices by professional bodies have a significant negative effect on competition since they may facilitate the coordination of prices between service providers and/or mislead consumers about reasonable price levels. Professional associations argue, first, that a fee schedule may help their members to properly calculate the cost of services avoiding excessive charges and reducing consumers’ searching costs and, second, that recommended prices are very useful for cost appraisal if a litigant is condemned to pay the legal expenses of the opposing party. Thus, recommended fee schedules could be justified to some extent if they represented the cost of providing the services. We test this hypothesis using cross‐section data on a subset of recommended prices by 52 Spanish bar associations and cost data on their territorial jurisdictions. Our empirical results indicate that prices recommended by bar associations are unrelated to the cost of legal services and therefore we conclude that recommended prices have merely an anticompetitive effect.


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[ES]En este libro se analiza la evolución tanto del bosque guipuzcoano como del aprovechamiento, el ordenamiento legal y la conflictividad en torno al mismo, entre los siglos XV al XVIII.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) se enmarca en otro proyecto de mayor envergadura, cuyo objetivo final es estudiar la eficiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones informáticas para organizaciones fundamentadas en herramientas CMS Open Source(código libre) basadas en Java y PHP. El presente PFC se ha desarrollado en el área jurídica y se ha propuesto Liferay como CMS. A través del gestor se debía buscar la manera de compartir los documentos de tal manera que estuvieran alojados en un servidor donde cualquier usuario previamente registrado pudiera acceder a ellos desde un sitio remoto. Además debía tener una sección de calendario dónde crear eventos. Como gestor documental Liferay cumple con las expectativas, pudiendo satisfacer todas las funcionalidades necesarias del proyecto. El único inconveniente encontrado, ha sido el no poder desarrollar algunos detalles de algunos módulos para ceñirse exactamente a las necesidades deseadas. Idioma: Castellano.


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La creación, consolidación y proliferación de spin-offs universitarias requiere que se cumplan una serie de requisitos previos: inversión en I+D que contribuya a crear nuevas oportunidades tecnológicas; capital-riesgo para financiar las primeras etapas de desarrollo de una spin-off; una cultura favorable al emprendizaje en el entorno universitario; programas específicos de apoyo a la creación de spin-offs; un marco regulatorio-institucional que favorezca la I+D+i, la protección de la propiedad intelectual y la aproximación de los investigadores al mundo empresarial. En este artículo se analiza la reciente y previsible evolución del marco legal para la creación de spin-offs en la universidad española.


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Considers the legal issues which arise in relation to the taking of or possession of images still and moving) of children for use in an Open Education Resource. JLL


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This guidance is for staff in universities involved in developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), and considers the legal issues focusing particularly on the intellectual property rights (IPR) issues and data protection.


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This report compares the legal status of research data in the four KE partner countries. The report also addresses where European copyright and database law poses flaws and obstacles to the access to research data and singles out pre-conditions for openly available data. Background of the study Intellectual property right regulations regarding primary research data are a recurrent topic in the discussion on the improvement of access to research data. In fact in the final report of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data ‘Riding the Wave’ creating clarity on this was considered very important in improving awareness for all parties involved. According to the recommendations of the report legal issues should be “worked out so that they encourage, and not impede, global data sharing” http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/e-infrastructure/docs/hlg-sdi-report.pdf. While open access to research data is a widely recognised goal, achieving it remains a challenge. As European national laws still diverge and sometimes remain unclear it can be difficult for interested parties to fully comprehend in which ways open access to research data can be legally obtained. Based on these discussions the Knowledge Exchange working group on primary research data has commissioned a comparative report on the legal status of research data in the four KE partner countries. The study has been conducted by the Centre for Intellectual Property Law (CIER) at Utrecht University. The report aims at informing Knowledge Exchange and associated stakeholders on the state of the law concerning access to research data in the KE partner countries (Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom) and to give an insight in how these laws work in practice. This is explained in several characteristic situations pertaining to open access to research data. The purpose of the report is to identify flaws and obstacles to the access to research data and to single out pre-conditions for openly available data. This is in view of the current discussions concerning open access to research data, especially those originating from publicly funded research. The report intends to be both a description of the status quo of the legislation and a practical instrument to prepare further activities in raising awareness on the potential benefit of improved access to research data, and developing means to support the improved access for research purposes


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Discute os impactos jurídicos e econômicos do pagamento por serviços ambientais com recursos públicos em Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP) e Reserva Legal (RL) e contribui para o avanço do debate acerca da instituição de uma política nacional de pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil.


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On October 24, 1871, a massacre of eighteen Chinese in Los Angeles brought the small southern California settlement into the national spotlight. Within a few days, news of this “night of horrors” was reported in newspapers across the country. This massacre has been cited in Asian American narratives as the first documented outbreak of ethnic violence against a Chinese community in the United States. This is ironic because Los Angeles’ small population has generally placed it on the periphery in historical studies of the California anti-Chinese movement. Because the massacre predated Los Angeles’ organized Chinese exclusion movements of the late 1870s, it has often been erroneously dismissed as an aberration in the history of the city.

The violence of 1871 was an outburst highlighting existing community tensions that would become part of public debate by decade’s close. The purpose of this study is to insert the massacre into a broader context of anti-Chinese sentiments, legal discrimination, and dehumanization in nineteenth century Los Angeles. While a second incident of widespread anti-Chinese violence never occurred, brutal attacks directed at Chinese small businessmen and others highlighted continued community conflict. Similarly, economic rivalries and concerns over Chinese prostitution that underlay the 1871 massacre were manifest in later campaigns of economic discrimination and vice suppression that sought to minimize Chinese influence within municipal limits. An analysis of the massacre in terms of anti-Chinese legal, social and economic strategies in nineteenth-century Los Angeles will elucidate these important continuities.


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A introdução do ensino médico-legal nos currículos de Direito, já assegura longa data e teve sua proposta relatada por Rui Barbosa e aprovada na Câmara dos Deputados, após o que o Governo brasileiro determinou a criação da cátedra de Medicina Legal nas Faculdades de Direito do país a partir de 1891. Ao longo de muitos anos foi disciplina obrigatória nos cursos de Direito transparecendo a importância da matéria na formação dos profissionais, mormente aqueles que militam na esfera criminal, mas também aplicável a, praticamente, todas as especialidades da área jurídica. A despeito da evolução das ciências forenses, que introduziram no século XXI novos horizontes da sua aplicação no contexto jurídico, ressalto ainda a própria cobrança da matéria nos concursos, para aqueles que almejam a carreira Policial. No entanto, independente da indiscutível importância da matéria, na formação acadêmica do profissional de direito, o Ministério da Educação decidiu estabelecer a Medicina Legal como disciplina optativa nos cursos de Direito. Essa medida veio ao de encontro dos interesses sociais, pois a sociedade, na busca de seus direitos, requer profissionais bem formados, com conhecimento compatível com a evolução científica. Ensinar Medicina Legal é uma árdua tarefa, pois há necessidade de valorizar mais a atividade docente e proporcionar meios para que esse ensino seja amplamente desenvolvido na formação da carreira jurídica. No presente trabalho são expostas as argumentações técnicas e pedagógicas para a manutenção de disciplina como obrigatória nos Cursos de graduação em Direito, visando, com isso, uma formação acadêmica mais completa, que corresponda a sua importante aplicação nas diversas áreas do Direito, bem como sua implantação como disciplina obrigatória nos exames de ordem da OAB.