745 resultados para Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
O objetivo principal desta Dissertação foi avaliar as relações entre a Violência Física entre Parceiros Íntimos (VFPI) e o estado nutricional em mulheres adultas. As informações que subjazem a pesquisa originaram-se de um inquérito domiciliar realizado no Distrito de Campos Elíseos, Município de Duque da Caxias, entre abril e novembro de 2010. A população de estudo foi selecionada por meio de amostragem por conglomerados em três estágios (setor censitário, domicílio, indivíduo) com técnicas de amostragem inversa para a seleção dos domicílios. A amostra incluiu 625 mulheres com idade entre 20 e 59 anos, em que no período da entrevista relataram possuir algum relacionamento amoroso nos últimos 12 meses e apresentaram critérios elegíveis para a realização da antropometria. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevista com mulher utilizando-se um questionário estruturado, contendo escalas previamente validadas, como a Revised Conflict Tatics Scales (CTS2) para a mensuração da VFPI e também por meio da aferição do peso e estatura para o cálculo do IMC (kg/m2).Os resultados da dissertação são apresentados no artigo intitulado Violência física entre parceiros íntimos: um fator de risco para o excesso de peso entre mulheres adultas?. As análises sugerem que amostra estudada seja representativa de uma população de baixa/média renda. A prevalência de sobrepeso foi de 36,5% [IC95%: 30,9-42,1%], de obesidade 29,9% [IC95%: 23,3-36,4%] e 27,1% [IC95%: 19,6-34,7%] das mulheres relataram alguma forma de VFPI. Refutando a hipótese central desta dissertação, após o controle das variáveis escolaridade da mulher, idade, cor da pele, estado civil, gravidez anterior, mal uso de álcool pelo companheiro e apoio social, a ocorrência de VFPI reduziu a probabilidade de sobrepeso (OR: 0,54; p-valor 0,093) e obesidade (OR: 0,35; p-valor 0,001), indicando que há uma tendência ao menor peso entre as mulheres que referiram a VFPI nos últimos doze meses. Estes resultados corroboram estudos anteriores que afirmam que tanto a violência entre parceiros íntimos, como o excesso de peso, são importantes problemas de saúde pública no Brasil, merecendo ser prontamente enfrentados. Os achados sobre as repercussões da VFPI no estado nutricional obtidos nesta pesquisa vão na mesma direção de duas pesquisas que estudaram as consequências do abuso físico na Índia, mas divergem dos encontrados no Egito e nos EUA que não encontraram esta associação. Em função da falta de consenso entre os achados e do reduzido número de estudos sobre o tema, sugere-se que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas.
[ES]Se aborda la Mediación Penal desde la perspectiva de la nueva normativa que ha entrado en vigor o estará vigente próximamente. Incluye un estudio sobre la supresión de las faltas, la creación de los denominados Delitos Leves en el Código Penal y la incorporación del Principio de Oportunidad. (Reforma del Código Penal y Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal). Especial relevancia del Estatuto de la Víctima del Delito, y la influencia y aplicación a Víctimas de Violencia de Género. Así como la especial consideración a la Justicia Restaurativa en la Mediación Penal. Se elabora un estudio sobre la Mediación Penal en los Anteproyectos de Reforma de 2011 y 2012.
O tema desse estudo é a violência contra mulheres, em específico a violência doméstica, assunto com grande mascaramento social e diretamente relacionado às desigualdades socioeconômicas e à assimetria de poder entre homens e mulheres, de acordo com as perspectivas feministas. A maioria das mulheres são vítimas de seus parceiros, reforçando a ideia que é no próprio domicílio que a mulher sofre as maiores repressões. Logo, é nesse ambiente familiar que devemos trabalhar as concepções de desigualdade de gênero e violência doméstica. Assim, o objetivo foi analisar a concepção de adolescentes do sexo masculino sobre a violência doméstica, através de um grupo focal, em uma instituição de educação pública. Apresentou como resultado o conceito de violência doméstica ainda fortemente associado às agressões físicas, porém eles não admitem justificativas para tais atos; valorizam o trabalho e a renda de homens e mulheres da sociedade atual e reforçam a importância da educação para que as ações de violência doméstica diminuam. Os resultados foram discutidos a partir da Perspectiva dos Funcionamentos, da Maria Clara Dias, que acredita que o básico para cada indivíduo é singular e distinto na busca por justiça social. Conclui-se que as falas são características do processo de transição cultural, retratadas através da expectativa de um mundo mais justo e igualitário para todos, baseado na educação.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia Jurídica
Practice Links is a free e-publication for practitioners working in Irish social services, voluntary and nongovernmental sectors. Practice Links was created to enable practitioners to keep up-to-date with new publications, electronic resources and conference opportunities. Issue 34 includes notifications of Barnardos training sessions and details regarding a domestic violence research project.
The GAD Advocacy Service is funded by the London Borough of Greenwich Directorate of Neighbourhood Services; its remit to support disabled people experiencing Hate Crime, Domestic Violence and Harassment. Run by disabled personnel and giving advice to all disabled people it is unique in London. Since its inception in 2004, the Advocacy Service has been stretched to its limit - there is a need to extend the remit of the Advocacy Service to give specialist legal advice on other issues. In 2003, the CEDRM-UK project was set up in the University of Greenwich Law Department as part of the Disability Rights Promotion International Legal Education and Research Project; its objectives were firstly, to facilitate the collection of data on the effectiveness of legislation in promoting the rights of disabled persons; and secondly, to pilot new methods in teaching and training in Human Rights Law – students acquire an expertise in Human Rights Law through research into the practical application of legislation relating to civil and human rights in the daily life of the community. In July 2007, GAD and CEDRM-UK embarked on a joint project to report on the work of the Advocacy Service and to create a database to support its caseload. The 2008-9 Project team will report on their work and findings relating to facilitating equality in the workplace; the inclusion of cancer, HIV and multiple sclerosis within the legal definition of disability and the implications of the statutory duty to promote disability equality for the provision of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren. [From the Author]
Within the United Kingdom there is growing awareness of the need to identify and support the small number of children who are living in families experiencing multiple problems. Research indicates that adverse experiences in childhood can result in poor outcomes in adulthood in terms of lack of employment, poorer physical and mental health and increases in social problems experienced. It is acknowledged that most of these children are known to child welfare professionals and that some are referred to social services, subsequently entering the child protection system. This paper reports research conducted with twenty-eight experienced child welfare professionals. It explores their views about families known to the child protection system with long-term and complex needs in relation to the characteristics of children and their families; the process of intervention with families; and the effects of organisational arrangements on practice. The research indicates that these families are characterised by the range and depth of the problems experienced by the adults, such as domestic violence, mental health difficulties and substance misuse problems, and the need for professionals to have good inter-personal skills and access to specialist therapeutic services if families are to be supported to address their problems.
The article debates the issues involved in safeguarding and protecting children in maternity services and offers implications for professional practice. Midwives and other staff who work as members of the maternity team have a safeguarding role to play in the identification of babies and children who have been abused, or at risk of abuse, and in subsequent intervention and protection services. The study highlights how domestic violence increases during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and is significantly related to all types of child maltreatment up to the child's fifth year, and children under one being at the highest risk of injury, or death. Close inter-agency liaison is required with midwives who are accountable and not afraid to challeneg hiostorical working practices.
Irish Social Work and Social Care Law is a new textbook that introduces students to the law governing the practice of social work and social care in Ireland. The book provides a clear and concise guide to both the legal framework and the substantive law relating to social care and social work. It presents social care and social work law in an accessible manner, focussing on the specialist functions performed by social care professionals such as child protection, adopting and fostering, disability and mental health. It also considers the broader issues that affect service users in a social care context such as domestic violence, youth justice and the asylum system.
During the past 30 years, the focus on the extent and nature of child abuse and neglect has been coupled with an increasing interest in the impact on children’s development, health and mental wellbeing. Child maltreatment is both a human rights violation and a complex public health issue, likely caused by a myriad of factors that involve the individual, the family, and the community. Child abuse includes any type of maltreatment or harm inflicted upon children and young people in interactions between adults (or older adolescents). Such maltreatment is likely to cause enduring harm to the child.
The different forms of abuse and neglect often occur together in one family and can affect one or more children. These include, in deceasing level of frequency: neglect; physical abuse and non-accidental injury; emotional abuse; and sexual abuse (Cawson et al, 2000; 2002). Recently, bullying and domestic violence have been included as forms of abuse of children.
There is a sizeable body of literature on the relationship between types of child maltreatment and a variety of negative health and mental health consequences. These include biological, psychological, and social deficits (for reviews, see Crittenden, 1998; Kendall-Tackett, 2001; 2003). Aside from the serious physical and health consequences of child maltreatment, several emotional and behavioural consequences for children have been noted in the literature.
This study explored the processes, background information, and perceived reasons why children and young people returned home while remaining in care, in the five HSC Trusts in Northern Ireland. The research also focused on understanding the functions the Care Order had for social services, the birth parents, and young people involved.
It was found that on 31st March 2009, there were 193 children/young people living with their birth parents on a Care Order in Northern Ireland. This is eight per cent of the total population of Looked After children, and is lower than had been anticipated from governmental statistics. In total, the case files of 47 of these young people (24% of them) were reviewed, and interviews were conducted with ten of them and their birth parent/s.
The analysis revealed that the majority of them had in common a parental background history of alcohol abuse and domestic violence, and most return breakdowns in the study were related to continuing parental alcohol and/or drugs misuse. While some children had a planned return home after parents had engaged in supports and completed assessments, many young people had returns that were not planned, as they initiated the move themselves, or previous foster placements had broken down and there were no alternative placements identified for them. Many of these young people essentially ‘voted with their feet’, and social services were required to ensure that they remained safe in often less than optimal circumstances.
After returning home, for many, Care Orders remained for initially unintended lengthy periods because of the risks posed by parents’ intermittent alcohol abuse and their lifestyle, contact issues, and parents’ desire to ensure that their children were able to access the supports that they needed. Thus, Care Orders at home tended to serve two main functions: to either monitor and/or support the placement.
Most child maltreatment occurs within the context of high risk families. There are ethical, economic and ecological reasons why physical abuse in such families should be a major concern. Physical abuse is a significant issue throughout the UK. Yet, while neglect and other forms of abuse are receiving focused attention, physical abuse may languish under the misconceptions that it is no longer a problem, is addressed elsewhere, or is just too overwhelming an issue.
The physical abuse of children can involve regular, violent treatment at the hands of parents or carers over a number of years. Its physical effects may last for days and may result in actual physical injury. It is not accidental. Although physical abuse can occur in any family, it is prevalent in particular sectors of society, where families may be vulnerable to a combination of complex risk factors such as domestic abuse, alcohol and drug (mis)use, and mental health issues. These factors are present in 34% of Serious Case Reviews (SCRs).
The authors provide an increased understanding of risk, analysis, impact, learning and the current landscape of service delivery in relation to the physical abuse of children living in high risk families for professional, postgraduate and policy-making audiences.
The From Boys to Men Project was funded by the Economic and Social Research
Council to explore why some boys become domestic abuse perpetrators when
others do not. In so doing, it sought to establish what more could be done to
reduce the number of young men who become perpetrators. The study
involved three phases of data collection including: Phase 1 - a survey of school
children aged 13-14, Phase 2 - focus groups with 69 young people aged 13-19,
and Phase 3 - life history interviews with 30 young men, aged 16-21, who had experienced domestic violence as victims, perpetrators or witnesses.
The From Boys to Men Project was funded by the Economic and Social Research
Council to explore why some boys become domestic abuse perpetrators when
others do not. In so doing, it sought to establish what more could be done to
reduce the number of young men who become perpetrators. The study
involved three phases of data collection including: Phase 1 - a survey of school
children aged 13-14, Phase 2 - focus groups with 69 young people aged 13-19,
and Phase 3 - life history interviews with 30 young men, aged 16-21, who had experienced domestic violence as victims, perpetrators or witnesses.