991 resultados para ICP-MS -menetelmät
Die pneumatische Zerstäubung ist die häufigste Methode der Probenzuführung von Flüssigkeiten in der Plasmaspektrometrie. Trotz der bekannten Limitierungen dieser Systeme, wie die hohen Probenverluste, finden diese Zerstäuber aufgrund ihrer guten Robustheit eine breite Anwendung. Die flussratenabhängige Aerosolcharakteristik und pumpenbasierte Signalschwankungen limitieren bisher Weiterentwicklungen. Diese Probleme werden umso gravierender, je weiter die notwendige Miniaturisierung dieser Systeme fortschreitet. Der neuartige Ansatz dieser Arbeit basiert auf dem Einsatz modifizierter Inkjet-Druckerpatronen für die Dosierung von pL-Tropfen. Ein selbst entwickelter Mikrokontroller ermöglicht den Betrieb von matrixkodierten Patronen des Typs HP45 mit vollem Zugriff auf alle essentiellen Betriebsparameter. Durch die neuartige Aerosoltransportkammer gelang die effiziente Kopplung des Tropfenerzeugungssystems an ein ICP-MS. Das so aufgebaute drop-on-demand-System (DOD) zeigt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen und miniaturisierten Zerstäubern eine deutlich gesteigerte Empfindlichkeit (8 - 18x, elementabhängig) bei leicht erhöhtem, aber im Grunde vergleichbarem Signalrauschen. Darüber hinaus ist die Flexibilität durch die große Zahl an Freiheitsgraden des Systems überragend. So ist die Flussrate über einen großen Bereich variabel (5 nL - 12,5 µL min-1), ohne dabei die primäre Aerosolcharakteristik zu beeinflussen, welche vom Nutzer durch Wahl der elektrischen Parameter bestimmt wird. Das entwickelte Probenzuführungssystem ist verglichen mit dem pneumatischen Referenzsystem weniger anfällig gegenüber Matrixeffekten beim Einsatz von realen Proben mit hohen Anteilen gelöster Substanzen. So gelingt die richtige Quantifizierung von fünf Metallen im Spurenkonzentrationsbereich (Li, Sr, Mo, Sb und Cs) in nur 12 µL Urin-Referenzmaterial mittels externer Kalibrierung ohne Matrixanpassung. Wohingegen beim pneumatischen Referenzsystem die aufwändigere Standardadditionsmethode sowie über 250 µL Probenvolumen für eine akkurate Bestimmung der Analyten nötig sind. Darüber hinaus wird basierend auf der Dosierfrequenz eines dualen DOD-Systems eine neuartige Kalibrierstrategie vorgestellt. Bei diesem Ansatz werden nur eine Standard- und eine Blindlösung anstelle einer Reihe unterschiedlich konzentrierter Standards benötigt, um eine lineare Kalibrierfunktion zu erzeugen. Zusätzlich wurde mittels selbst entwickelter, zeitlich aufgelöster ICP-MS umfangreiche Rauschspektren aufgenommen. Aus diesen gelang die Ermittlung der Ursache des erhöhten Signalrauschens des DOD, welches maßgeblich durch das zeitlich nicht äquidistante Eintreffen der Tropfen am Detektor verursacht wird. Diese Messtechnik erlaubt auch die Detektion einzeln zugeführter Tropfen, wodurch ein Vergleich der Volumenverteilung der mittels ICP-MS detektierten, gegenüber den generierten und auf optischem Wege charakterisierten Tropfen möglich wurde. Dieses Werkzeug ist für diagnostische Untersuchungen äußerst hilfreich. So konnte aus diesen Studien neben der Aufklärung von Aerosoltransportprozessen die Transporteffizienz des DOD ermittelt werden, welche bis zu 94 Vol.-% beträgt.
In this study more than 450 natural sapphire samples (most of basaltic type) collected from 19 different areas were examined. They are from Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Quy Chau, two unknown sources from the north (Vietnam); Bo Ploi, Khao Ploi Waen (Thailand); Ban Huay Sai (Laos); Australia; Shandong (China); Andapa, Antsirabe, Nosibe (Madagascar); Ballapana (Sri Lanka); Brazil; Russia; Colombia; Tansania and Malawi. rnThe samples were studied on internal characteristics, chemical compositions, Raman-, luminescence-, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)-, and ultraviolet-visible-near infrared (UV-Vis-NIR)- spectroscopy. The internal features of these sapphire samples were observed and identified by gemological microscope, con focal micro Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The major and minor elements of the samples were determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and the trace elements by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). rnThe structural spectra of sapphire were investigated by con focal Raman spectroscopy. The FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the vibration modes of OH-groups and also to determine hydrous mineral inclusions in sapphire. The UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy was used to analyze the cause of sapphire color. rnNatural sapphires contain many types of mineral inclusions. Typically, they are iron-containing inclusions like goethite, ilmenite, hematite, magnetite or silicate minerals commonly feldspar, and often observed in sapphires from Asia countries, like Dak Nong, Dak Lak in the south of Vietnam, Ban Huay Sai (Laos), Khao Ploi Waen and Bo Ploi (Thailand) or Shandong (China). Meanwhile, CO2-diaspore inclusions are normally found in sapphires from Tansania, Colombia, or the north of Vietnam like Quy Chau. rnIron is the most dominant element in sapphire, up to 1.95 wt.% Fe2O3 measured by EPMA and it affects spectral characteristics of sapphire.rnThe Raman spectra of sapphire contain seven peaks (2A1g + 5Eg). Two peaks at about 418.3 cm-1 and 577.7 cm-1 are influenced by high iron content. These two peaks shift towards smaller wavenumbers corresponding to increasing iron content. This shift is showed by two equations y(418.3)=418.29-0.53x andy(577.7)=577.96-0.75x, in which y is peak position (cm-1) and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). By exploiting two these equations one can estimate the Fe2O3 contents of sapphire or corundum by identifying the respective Raman peak positions. Determining the Fe2O3 content in sapphire can help to distinguish sapphires from different origins, e.g. magmatic and metamorphic sapphire. rnThe luminescence of sapphire is characterized by two R-lines: R1 at about 694 nm and R2 at about 692 nm. This characteristic is also influenced by high iron content. The peak positions of two R-lines shift towards to smaller wavelengths corresponding to increasing of iron content. This correlation is showed by two equations y(R_2 )=692.86-0.049x and y(R_1 )=694.29-0.047x, in which y is peak position (nm) of respective R-lines and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Two these equations can be applied to estimate the Fe2O3 content of sapphire and help to separate sapphires from different origins. The luminescence is also applied for determination of the remnant pressure or stress around inclusions in Cr3+-containing corundum by calibrating a 0-pressure position in experimental techniques.rnThe infrared spectra show the presence of vibrations originating from OH-groups and hydrous mineral inclusions in the range of 2500-4000 cm-1. Iron has also an effect upon the main and strongest peak at about 3310 cm-1. The 3310 cm-1 peak is shifted to higher wavenumber when iron content increases. This relationship is expressed by the equation y(3310)=0.92x+3309.17, in which y is peak position of the 3310 cm-1 and x is Fe2O3 content (wt.%). Similar to the obtained results in Raman and luminescence spectra, this expression can be used to estimate the Fe2O3 content and separate sapphires from different origins. rnThe UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra point out the strong and sharp peaks at about 377, 387, and 450 nm related to dispersed Fe3+, a broad band around 557 and 600 nm related to intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) Fe2+/Ti4+, and a broader band around 863 nm related to IVCT of Fe2+/Fe3+. rnGenerally, sapphires from different localities were completely investigated on internal features, chemical compounds, and solid spectral characteristics. The results in each part contribute for identifying the iron content and separate sapphires from different localities order origins. rn
I complessi intrusivi alcalini, e i loro prodotti di alterazione, costituiscono una delle principali risorse di materie prime ad alto valore economico. Il magmatismo alcalino è di solito associato a fenomeni di rifting continentale che può essere legato o ad un’incipiente divergenza di placche litosferiche (Rift dell’Africa Orientale) o ad eventi distensivi post-collisionali. La caratterizzazione petrografica, geochimica e geocronologia di questi complessi sono prerequisiti essenziali per ogni progetto di prospezione mineraria. In Italia uno dei complessi alcalini più conosciuti è il Plutone Oligocenico della Valle del Cervo (Biella). La petrografia e la composizione degli elementi maggiori e in traccia dei diversi litotipi che lo compongono sono conosciuti nella letteratura geologica. Le datazioni radiometriche disponibili, tuttavia, sono limitate a dati Rb-Sr su separati di biotite e a più recenti dati U-Pb su zircone separato dal piccolo nucleo granitico del Plutone Oligocenico della Valle del Cervo. In entrambi i casi sono state ottenute età radiometriche di circa 30 Ma. Questo lavoro di tesi si basa sull’analisi degli isotopi U-Pb di zirconi separati dalla sienite e dal monzogranito a megacristalli di ortoclasio che costituiscono gran parte del Plutone Oligocenico della Valle del Cervo. Dopo una caratterizzazione petrografica e geochimica dei campioni scelti si è proceduto alla separazione degli zirconi tramite i metodi di routine che includono separazione gravimetrica, magnetica e liquidi pesanti. I rapporti isotopici U-Pb degli zirconi sono stati determinati presso l’Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Unità di Pavia, usando la tecnica di spettrometria di massa accoppiata ad una microsonda ad ablazione laser (LA ICP-MS). Le età U-Pb medie determinate per la sienite (33 Ma) e per il monzogranito a megacristalli di ortoclasio (29 Ma) sono da considerarsi età magmatiche relative alla cristallizzazione dei fusi che diedero origine a queste rocce.
Homeopathic preparations are used in homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine. Although there is evidence of effectiveness in several clinical studies, including double-blinded randomized controlled trials, their nature and mode of action could not be explained with current scientific approaches yet. Several physical methods have already been applied to investigate homeopathic preparations but it is yet unclear which methods are best suited to identify characteristic physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. The aim of this study was to investigate homeopathic preparations with UV-spectroscopy. In a blinded, randomized, controlled experiment homeopathic preparations of copper sulfate (CuSO(4); 11c-30c), quartz (SiO(2); 10c-30c, i.e., centesimal dilution steps) and sulfur (S; 11×-30×, i.e., decimal dilution steps) and controls (one-time succussed diluent) were investigated using UV-spectroscopy and tested for contamination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The UV transmission for homeopathic preparations of CuSO(4) preparations was significantly lower than in controls. The transmission seemed to be also lower for both SiO(2) and S, but not significant. The mean effect size (95% confidence interval) was similar for the homeopathic preparations: CuSO(4) (pooled data) 0.0544% (0.0260-0.0827%), SiO(2) 0.0323% (-0.0064% to 0.0710%) and S 0.0281% (-0.0520% to 0.1082%). UV transmission values of homeopathic preparations had a significantly higher variability compared to controls. In none of the samples the concentration of any element analyzed by ICP-MS exceeded 100 ppb. Lower transmission of UV light may indicate that homeopathic preparations are less structured or more dynamic than their succussed pure solvent.
Plutonium is present in the environment as a consequence of atmospheric nuclear tests, nuclear weapons production and industrial releases over the past 50 years. To study temporal trends, a high resolution Pu record was obtained by analyzing 52 discrete samples of an alpine firn/ice core from Colle Gnifetti (Monte Rosa, 4450 m a.s.l.), dating from 1945 to 1990. The 239Pu signal was recorded directly, without decontamination or preconcentration steps, using an Inductively Coupled Plasma - Sector Field Mass Spectrometer (ICP-SFMS) equipped with an high efficiency sample introduction system, thus requiring much less sample preparation than previously reported methods. The 239Pu profile reflects the three main periods of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing: the earliest peak lasted from 1954/55 to 1958 and was caused by the first testing period reaching a maximum in 1958. Despite a temporary halt of testing in 1959/60, the Pu concentration decreased only by half with respect to the 1958 peak due to long atmospheric residence times. In 1961/62 Pu concentrations rapidly increased reaching a maximum in 1963, which was about 40% more intense than the 1958 peak. After the signing of the "Limited Test Ban Treaty" between USA and USSR in 1964, Pu deposition decreased very sharply reaching a minimum in 1967. The third period (1967-1975) is characterized by irregular Pu concentrations with smaller peaks (about 20-30% of the 1964 peak) which might be related to the deposition of Saharan dust contaminated by the French nuclear tests of the 1960s. The data presented are in very good agreement with Pu profiles previously obtained from the Col du Dome ice core (by multi-collector ICP-MS) and Belukha ice core (by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, AMS). Although a semi-quantitative method was employed here, the results are quantitatively comparable to previously published results.
Quantitative meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials investigating the specific therapeutic efficacy of homeopathic remedies yielded statistically significant differences compared to placebo. Since the remedies used contained mostly only very low concentrations of pharmacologically active compounds, these effects cannot be accounted for within the framework of current pharmacology. Theories to explain clinical effects of homeopathic remedies are partially based upon changes in diluent structure. To investigate the latter, we measured for the first time high-field (600/500 MHz) 1H T1 and T2 nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation times of H2O in homeopathic preparations with concurrent contamination control by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Homeopathic preparations of quartz (10c–30c, n = 21, corresponding to iterative dilutions of 100−10–100−30), sulfur (13x–30x, n = 18, 10−13–10−30), and copper sulfate (11c–30c, n = 20, 100−11–100−30) were compared to n = 10 independent controls each (analogously agitated dilution medium) in randomized and blinded experiments. In none of the samples, the concentration of any element analyzed by ICP-MS exceeded 10 ppb. In the first measurement series (600 MHz), there was a significant increase in T1 for all samples as a function of time, and there were no significant differences between homeopathic potencies and controls. In the second measurement series (500 MHz) 1 year after preparation, we observed statistically significant increased T1 relaxation times for homeopathic sulfur preparations compared to controls. Fifteen out of 18 correlations between sample triplicates were higher for controls than for homeopathic preparations. No conclusive explanation for these phenomena can be given at present. Possible hypotheses involve differential leaching from the measurement vessel walls or a change in water molecule dynamics, i.e., in rotational correlation time and/or diffusion. Homeopathic preparations thus may exhibit specific physicochemical properties that need to be determined in detail in future investigations.
The natural abundance of stable Se isotopes in methylselenides reflects sources and formation conditions of methylselenides. We tested the effects of (i) different inorganic Se species spiked to soils and (ii) different soil samples on the extent of fungal biomethylation of Se and the Se isotope ratios (δ82/76Se) in methylselenides. Furthermore, we assessed the decrease of dissolved, bioavailable Se during three days of equilibration of the soils with Se-enriched solutions. We conducted closed microcosm experiments containing soil spiked with Se(IV) or Se(VI), a growth medium, and the fungus species Alternaria alternata for 11 d. The concentrations and isotope ratios of Se were determined in all components of the microcosm with multicollector ICP-MS. The equilibration of the spiked Se(IV) and Se(VI) for 3 d resulted in a decrease of dissolved, bioavailable Se concentrations by 32 to 44% and 8 to 14%, respectively. Very little isotope fractionation occurred during this phase, and it can be attributed to mixing of the added Se with the pre-existing Se in the soils and minor Se(IV) reduction in one experiment. In two of the incubated soils – moderately acidic roadside and garden soils – between 9.1 and 30% of the supplied Se(IV) and 1.7% of the supplied Se(VI) were methylated while in a strongly acidic forest soil no Se methylation occurred. The methylselenides derived from Se(IV) were strongly depleted in 82Se (δ82/76Se = − 3.3 to − 4.5‰) compared with the soil (0.16–0.45‰) and the added Se(IV) (0.20‰). The methylselenide yield of the incubations with Se(VI) was too small for isotope measurements. Our results demonstrate that Se source species and soil properties influence the extent of Se biomethylation and that the produced methylselenides contain isotopically light Se.
Here, we present sedimentological, trace metal, and molecular evidence for tracking bottom water redox-state conditions during the past 12,500 years in nowadays sulfidic and meromictic Lake Cadagno (Switzerland). A 10.5 m long sediment core from the lake covering the Holocene period was investigated for concentration variations of the trace metals Mn and Mo (XRF core scanning and ICP-MS measurements), and for the presence of anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria (carotenoid pigment analysis and 16S rDNA real time PCR). Our trace metal analysis documents an oxic-intermediate-sulfidic redox-transition period beginning shortly after the lake formation similar to 12.5 kyr ago. The oxic period is characterized by low sedimentary Mn and Mo concentrations, as well as by the absence of any remnants of anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Enhanced accumulation/preservation of Mn (up to 5.6 wt%) in the sediments indicates an intermediate, Mn-enriched oxygenation state with fluctuating redox conditions during a similar to 2300-year long transition interval between similar to 12.1 and 9.8 kyr BP. We propose that the high Mn concentrations are the result of enhanced Mn2+ leaching from the sediments during reducing conditions and subsequent rapid precipitation of Mn-(oxyhydr) oxide minerals during episodic and short-term water-column mixing events mainly due to flood-induced underflows. At 9800 +/- 130 cal yr BP, a rapid transition to fully sulfidic conditions is indicated by the marked enrichment of Mo in the sediments (up to 490 ppm), accompanied by an abrupt drop in Mn concentrations and the increase of molecular biomarkers that indicate the presence of anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria in the water column. Persistently high Mo concentrations >80 ppm provide evidence that sulfidic conditions prevailed thereafter until modern times, without any lasting hypolimnetic ventilation and reoxygenation. Hence, Lake Cadagno with its persistently stable chemocline offers a framework to study in great temporal detail over similar to 12 kyr the development of phototrophic sulfur bacteria communities and redox processes in a sulfidic environment, possibly depicting analogous conditions in an ancient ocean. Our study underscores the value of combining sedimentological, geochemical, and microbiological approaches to characterize paleo-environmental and -redox conditions in lacustrine and marine settings.
The Suretta nappe of eastern Switzerland contains a series of meta-igneous rocks, with the Rofna Porphyry Complex (RPC) being the most prominent member. We present LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon data from 12 samples representing a broad spectrum of meta-igneous rocks within the Suretta nappe, in order to unravel the pre-Alpine magmatic history of this basement unit. Fine-grained porphyries and coarse-grained augengneisses from the RPC give crystallization ages between 284 and 271 Ma, which either represent distinct magma pulses or long-lasting magmatic activity in a complex magma chamber. There is also evidence for an earlier Variscan magmatic event at ~320–310 Ma. Mylonites at the base of the Suretta nappe are probably derived from either the RPC augengneisses or another unknown Carboniferous–Permian magmatic protolith with a crystallization age between 320 and 290 Ma. Two polymetamorphic orthogneisses from the southern Suretta nappe yield crystallization ages of ~490 Ma. Inherited zircon cores are mainly of late Neoproterozoic age, with minor Neo- to Paleoproterozoic sources. We interpret the Suretta nappe as mainly representing a Gondwana-derived crustal unit, which was subsequently intruded by minor Cambrian–Ordovician and major Carboniferous–Permian magmatic rocks. Finally, the Suretta nappe was thrust into its present position during the Alpine orogeny, which hardly affected the U–Pb system in zircon.
The Opalinus Clay formation in North Switzerland is a potential host rock for a deep underground radioactive waste repository. The distribution of U-238, U-234 and Th-230 was studied in rock samples of the Opalinus Clay from an exploratory borehole at Benken (Canton of Zurich) using MC-ICP-MS. The aim of U-234 was to assess the in situ, long-term migration behaviour in this rock. Very low hydraulic conductivities of the Opalinus Clay, reducing potential of the pore water and its chemical equilibrium with the host rock are expected to render both U-238 and Th-230 immobile. If U is heterogeneously distributed in the Opalinus Clay, gradients in the supply of U-234 from the rock matrix to the pore water by the decay of U-238 will be established. Diffusive redistribution separates U-234 from its immobile parent U-238 resulting in bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity disequilibria. These may provide a means of estimating the mobility of U-234 in the rock if the diffusion rate of U-234 is significant compared to its decay rate. Sampling was carried out on two scales. Drilling of cm-spaced samples from the drill-core was done to study mobility over short distances and elucidate possible small-scale lithological control. Homogenized 25-cm-long portions of a 2-m-long drill-core section were prepared to provide information on transport over a longer distance. Variations in U and/or Th content on the cm-scale between clays and carbonate-sandy layers are revealed by beta-scanning, which shows that the (dominant) clay is richer in both elements. Samples were digested using aqua regia followed by total HF dissolution, yielding two fractions. in all studied samples U was found to be concentrated in the HF digestion fraction. It has a high U/Th ratio and a study by SEM-EDS points to sub-mu m up to several mu m in size zircon grains as the main U-rich phase. This fraction consistently has U-234/U-238 activity ratios below unity. The minute zircon grains constitute the major reservoir of U in the rock and act as constant rate suppliers of U-234 into the rock matrix and the pore water. The aqua regia leach fraction was found to be enriched in Th, and complementary to the HF fraction, having U-234/U-238 activity ratios above unity. It is believed that these U activity ratios reflect the surplus of having U-234 delivered from the zircon grains. Some cm-spaced samples show bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios that are markedly out of equilibrium. In most of them a striking negative correlation between the total U content and the bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios is observed. This is interpreted to indicate net U-234 transfer from regions of higher supply of U-234 towards those of lower supply which is, in most cases, equivalent to transfer from clayey towards carbonate/sandy portions of the rock. In contrast, the 25 cm averaged samples all have uniform bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios in equilibrium, indicating U immobility in the last 1-1.5 Ma on this spatial scale. It is concluded that the small-scale lithological variations which govern U spatial distribution in the Opalinus Clay are the major factor determining U-234 in situ supply rates, regulating its diffusive fluxes and controlling the observed bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios. A simple box-model is presented to simulate the measured bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios and to give an additional insight into the studied system. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tungsten isotope compositions of magmatic iron meteorites yield ages of differentiation that are within ±2 Ma of the formation of CAIs, with the exception of IVB irons that plot to systematically less radiogenic compositions yielding erroneously old ages. Secondary neutron capture due to galactic cosmic ray (GCR) irradiation is known to lower the ε182W of iron meteorites, adequate correction of which requires a measure of neutron dosage which has not been available, thus far. The W, Os and Pt isotope systematics of 12 of the 13 known IVB iron meteorites were determined by MC-ICP-MS (W, Os, Pt) and TIMS (Os). On the same dissolutions that yield precise ε182W, stable Os and Pt isotopes were determined as in situ neutron dosimeters for empirical correction of the ubiquitous cosmic-ray induced burn-out of 182W in iron meteorites. The W isotope data reveal a main cluster with ε182W of ∼−3.6, but a much larger range than observed in previous studies including irons (Weaver Mountains and Warburton Range) that show essentially no cosmogenic effect on their ε182W. The IVB data exhibits resolvable negative anomalies in ε189Os (−0.6ε) and complementary ε190Os anomalies (+0.4ε) in Tlacotepec due to neutron capture on 189Os which has approximately the same neutron capture cross section as 182W, and captures neutrons to produce 190Os. The least irradiated IVB iron, Warburton Range, has ε189Os and ε190Os identical to terrestrial values. Similarly, Pt isotopes, which are presented as ε192Pt, ε194Pt and ε196Pt range from +4.4ε to +53ε, +1.54ε to −0.32ε and +0.73ε to −0.20ε, respectively, also identify Tlacotepec and Dumont as the most GCR-damaged samples. In W–Os and W–Pt isotope space, the correlated isotope data back-project toward a 0-epsilon value of ε192Pt, ε189Os and ε190Os from which a pre-GCR irradiation ε182W of −3.42±0.09 (2σ) is derived. This pre-GCR irradiation ε182W is within uncertainty of the currently accepted CAI initial ε182W. The Pt and Os isotope correlations in the IVB irons are in good agreement with a nuclear model for spherical irons undergoing GCR spallation, although this model over-predicts the change of ε182W by ∼2×, indicating a need for better W neutron capture cross section determinations. A nucleosynthetic effect in ε184W in these irons of −0.14±0.08 is confirmed, consistent with the presence of Mo and Ru isotope anomalies in IVB irons. The lack of a non-GCR Os isotope anomaly in these irons requires more complex explanations for the production of W, Ru and Mo anomalies than nebular heterogeneity in the distribution of s-process to r-process nuclides.
Rice has the predilection to take up arsenic in the form of methylated arsenic (o-As) and inorganic arsenic species (i-As). Plants defend themselves using i-As efflux systems and the production of phytochelatins (PCs) to complex i-As. Our study focused on the identification and quantification of phytochelatins by HPLC-ICP-MS/ESI-MS, relating them to the several variables linked to As exposure. GSH, 11 PCs, and As–PC complexes from the roots of six rice cultivars (Italica Carolina, Dom Sofid, 9524, Kitrana 508, YRL-1, and Lemont) exposed to low and high levels of i-As were compared with total, i-As, and o-As in roots, shoots, and grains. Only Dom Sofid, Kitrana 508, and 9524 were found to produce higher levels of PCs even when exposed to low levels of As. PCs were only correlated to i-As in the roots (r=0.884, P <0.001). However, significant negative correlations to As transfer factors (TF) roots–grains (r= –0.739, P <0.05) and shoots–grains (r= –0.541, P <0.05), suggested that these peptides help in trapping i-As but not o-As in the roots, reducing grains’ i-As. Italica Carolina reduced i-As in grains after high exposure, where some specific PCs had a special role in this reduction. In Lemont, exposure to elevated levels of i-As did not result in higher i-As levels in the grains and there were no significant increases in PCs or thiols. Finally, the high production of PCs in Kitrana 508 and Dom Sofid in response to high As treatment did not relate to a reduction of i-As in grains, suggesting that other mechanisms such as As–PC release and transport seems to be important in determining grain As in these cultivars.
A natural smoky quartz crystal from Shandong province, China, was characterised by laser ablation ICP-MS, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and solution ICP-MS to determine the concentration of twenty-four trace and ultra trace elements. Our main focus was on Ti quantification because of the increased use of this element for titanium in- quartz (TitaniQ) thermobarometry. Pieces of a uniform growth zone of 9 mm thickness within the quartz crystal were analysed in four different LA-ICP-MS laboratories, three EPMA laboratories and one solution-ICP-MS laboratory. The results reveal reproducible concentrations of Ti (57 ± 4 lg g-1),Al (154 ± 15 lg g-1), Li (30 ± 2 lg g-1), Fe (2.2 ± 0.3 lg g-1), Mn (0.34 ± 0.04 lg g-1), Ge (1.7 ± 0.2 lg g-1) and Ga (0.020 ± 0.002 lg g-1) and detectable, but less reproducible, concentrations of Be, B, Na, Cu, Zr, Sn and Pb. oncentrations of K, Ca, Sr, Mo, Ag, Sb, Ba and Au were below the limits of detection of all three techniques. The uncertainties on the average concentration determinations by multiple techniques and laboratories for Ti, Al, Li, Fe, Mn, Ga and Ge are low; hence, this quartz can serve as a reference material or a secondary reference material for microanalytical applications involving the quantification of trace elements in quartz.
The phase assemblages and compositions in a K-bearing lherzolite + H2O system are determined between 4 and 6 GPa and 850–1200 °C, and the melting reactions occurring at subarc depth in subduction zones are constrained. Experiments were performed on a rocking multi-anvil apparatus. The experiments had around 16 wt% water content, and hydrous melt or aqueous fluid was segregated and trapped in a diamond aggregate layer. The compositions of the aqueous fluid and hydrous melt phases were measured using the cryogenic LA-ICP-MS technique. The residual lherzolite consists of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and garnet, while diamond (C) is assumed to be inert. Hydrous and alkali-rich minerals were absent from the run products due to preferred dissolution of K2O (and Na2O) to the aqueous fluid/hydrous melt phases. The role of phlogopite in melting relations is, thus, controlled by the water content in the system: at the water content of around 16 wt% used here, phlogopite is unstable and thus does not participate in melting reactions. The water-saturated solidus, i.e., the first appearance of hydrous melt in the K–lherzolite composition, is located between 900 and 1000 °C at 4 GPa and between 1000 and 1100 °C at 5 and 6 GPa. Compositional jumps between hydrous melt and aqueous fluid at the solidus include a significant increase in the total dissolved solids load. All melts/fluids are peralkaline and calcium-rich. The melting reactions at the solidus are peritectic, as olivine, clinopyroxene, garnet, and H2O are consumed to generate hydrous melt plus orthopyroxene. Our fluid/melt compositional data demonstrate that the water-saturated hybrid peridotite solidus lies above 1000 °C at depths greater than 150 km and that the second critical endpoint is not reached at 6 GPa for a K2O–Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–Cr2O3(–TiO2) peridotite composition.
Monazite-bearing Alpine clefts located in the Sonnblick region of the eastern Tauern Window, Austria, are oriented perpendicular to the foliation and lineation. Ion probe (SIMS) Th–Pb and U–Pb dating of four cleft monazites yields crystallization ages of different growth domains and aggregate regions ranging from 18.99 ± 0.51 to 15.00 ± 0.51 Ma. The crystallization ages obtained are overlapping or slightly younger than zircon fission track ages but older than zircon (U–Th)/He cooling ages from the same area. This constrains cleft monazite crystallization in this area to *300–200 �C. LA-ICP-MS data of dated hydrothermal monazites indicate that in graphite-bearing, reduced host lithologies, cleft monazite is poor in As and has higher La/Yb values and U concentrations, whereas in oxidised host rocks opposite trends are observed. Monazites show negative Eu anomalies and variable La/Yb values ranging from 520 to 6050. The positive correlation between Ca and Sr concentration indicates dissolution of plagioclase or carbonates as the source of these elements. The data show that early exhumation and cleft formation in the Tauern is related to metamorphic dome formation caused by the collision of the Adriatic with the European plate and that monazite crystallization in the clefts occurred later. Our data also demonstrate that hydrothermal monazite ages offer great potential in helping to constrain the chronology of exhumation in collisional orogens.