394 resultados para Engraulis japonicus


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A pattern recognition protein (PRP), lipopolysaccharide and beta-1,3-glucan binding protein (LGBP) cDNA was cloned from the haemocyte of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis by the techniques of homology cloning and RACE. Analysis of nucleotide sequence revealed that the full-length cDNA of 1,275 bp has an open reading frame of 1,098 bp encoding a protein of 366 amino acids including a 17 amino acid signal peptide. Sequence comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of F. chinensis LGBP showed a high identity of 94%, 90%, 87%, 72% and 63% with Penaeus monodon BGBP, Litopenaeus stylirostris LGBP, Marsupenaeu japonicus BGBP, Homarus gammarus BGBP and Pacifastacus leniusculus LGBP, respectively. The calculated molecular mass of the mature protein is 39,857 Da with a deduced pI of 4.39. Two putative integrin binding motifs, RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) and a potential recognition motif for beta-1,3-linkage of polysaccharides were observed in LGBP sequence. RT-PCR analysis showed that LGBP gene expresses in haemocyte and hepatopancreas only, but not in other tissues. Capillary electrophoresis RT-PCR method was used to quantify the variation of mRNA transcription level during artificial infection with heat-killed Vibrio anguillarum and Staphylococcus aureusin. A significant enhancement of LGBP transcription was appeared at 6 h post-injection in response to bacterial infection. These results have provided useful information to understand the function of LGBP in shrimp.


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Perciformes, the largest order of vertebrates with 20 suborders, is the most diverse fish order that dominates vertebrate ocean life. The complete mitochondrial control region (CR) of Trichiurus japonicus (Trichiuridae, Scombroidei) and Pampus sp. (Stromateidae, Stromateoidei) were amplified and sequenced. Together with data from GenBank, the tandem repeats in the mitochondrial CR from 48 species, which covered nine suborders of Perciformes, are reported in this study. The tandem repeats tend to be long in the suborder Percoidei and Stromateoidei. The identical repeats in 21 species of Cichlidae suggest a common origin and have existed before species divergence. Larimichthys crocea shows tandem repeats instead of the typical structure of the central conserved sequence blocks, which was first reported in Perciformes and vertebrates. This might have resulted from interruption of the polymerase activity during the H-strand synthesis. The four broader patterns presented here for the tandem repeats, including those in both the 5' and 3' ends, only in the either 5' or 3' end, and in the central conserved domain of the control region, will be useful for understanding the evolution of species.


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本论文以大连沿海养殖刺参劾皱纹盘鲍为研究对象,利用组织学、超微病理学、病理生理学的方法,开展了患病病理学研究,并对可能诱发刺参和皱纹盘鲍病害的原因,以及病变过程进行了初步探讨。 中国北方养殖刺参[Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka)]幼参和成参的急性口围肿胀病。急性口围肿胀病是爆发于中国北方辽宁省和山东省沿岸养殖刺参群体中的一种新发现的疾病,并且从2004年开始已经引起刺参的大面积死亡现象,经济损失重大。 本文报道在养殖患病刺参的肠上皮细胞内发现大量的病毒样颗粒。这是首次报道病毒样粒子感染刺参。组织学检查表明该病毒具有包涵体结构,寄生于肠上皮细胞中。电镜检查的结果表明,该病毒粒子呈球形,直径80-100纳米,螺旋状核衣壳,具有囊膜结构且囊膜表面具有纤突结构。 进一步的形态学和病理学分析发现该病毒具有许多报道的关于冠状病毒的特征。细胞质内的 病毒颗粒大部分以团聚方式存在于一个完整的包膜内,形成典型的病毒包涵体结构。最明显的细胞病理学特征是细胞质内大面积的粒状物质的存在,该区域相对缺少相应的细胞器。在病毒包涵体内的管状结构,核衣壳包涵体以及双层膜囊泡也在病变细胞内发现。 在病参体内未发现立克次氏体,衣原体,细菌以及其他寄生生物。 中国北方养殖皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)的肌肉萎缩症病理研究 。 在2004年和2005年的中国北方海区,养殖皱纹盘鲍幼体和成体群体中爆发了严重的肌肉萎缩症。肌电图监测显示病鲍的肌肉萎缩是肌源性的而不是神经源性的。 与正常对照组对比结果显示,病鲍的肌纤维数量和肌纤维直径都显著降低。 肌酶谱测定结果显示,病鲍血清中的肌酸激酶水平,肌酸激酶—肌同工酶水平和乳酸脱氢酶水平,与正常血清对比,呈显著升高状态,说明病鲍体内发生了肌细胞损伤。超薄切片电镜检测结果显示在发生病变的肌细胞内存在双螺旋丝状结构的包涵体(Paired helical filaments, PHFs), 该结构是人类患包涵体肌炎的主要的病理特征。 本文首次报道在无脊椎动物中发现双螺旋丝包涵体结构。 对损伤的肌纤维的进一步研究发现了异常增生的小圆柱体结构(Small Cylinder Structure, SCS)和致密小体(Dense colored particles, DCP),同时观察到这两种异常结构与肌纤维的损伤直接相关。本文还对该病的感染机制作了探讨。 中国北方皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai)肌肉萎缩的病理生理研究。严重的足肌肉萎缩症是鲍的一种慢性致死性疾病。在中国北方的养殖皱纹盘鲍群体中第一次发现是在2000年,随后在各养殖海区,自然海区及实验室养殖过程中都发现了该病的暴发。 超微结构电镜检测显示肌肉纤维损伤严重,其内的大部分肌原纤维断裂或消失。 大量的花瓣状的糖原颗粒聚集在断裂的肌原纤维中,还有一些被包裹在包膜内。 这说明在病鲍体内的糖原代谢处于被抑制状态(或停止状态),随后的血清学检测表明病鲍血清中的葡萄糖含量与正常对照的含量显著降低,也证明了糖代谢途径的终止。病鲍血清中胆固醇和甘油三酯的量显著降低,伴随着高密度脂蛋白的水平显著升高,说明脂肪代谢途径的亢进状态。病鲍血清中的二氧化碳水平的显著降低说明出现了酸碱平衡紊乱,通过病因学分析可知该酸碱平衡紊乱应属于代谢性酸中毒。病鲍血清中的钠离子和钾离子浓度显著升高,无机磷和镁离子浓度显著降低说明出现了患病皱纹盘鲍体内出现了电解质紊乱。病鲍血清中蛋白质含量的检测表明患病皱纹盘鲍已出现低蛋白血症,说明病鲍出现了严重的营养不良。病鲍血清中的尿酸含量,胆碱酯酶水平和γ-转肽酶水平与正常对照组相比显著降低。各项指标检测的结果说明糖代谢途径的终止造成了病鲍一系列的调节体系的不平衡和各种生理功能的紊乱,甚至造成了鲍的最终死亡。


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第一部分 刺参遗传连锁图谱的构建 利用AFLP和微卫星标记以一个远缘地理杂交家系为作图群体,以拟测交理论为作图策略,构建了刺参Apostichopus japonicus的雌性和雄性遗传连锁图谱。利用62对AFLP引物组合,对亲本和93个个体进行了分离分析,共得到3572个标记,其中具有多态性的标记为点数为1133个,多态性比例为31.5%。平均每个引物对产生18.3个多态片段。1133个多态性位点中,294个标记在父母本中都出现并在后代中分离,839个标记在父本或母本中出现并在子代分离,其中母本443(52.8%)个分离标记,父本396(47.2%)个分离标记。卡方检验显示,556个标记符合孟德尔1:1分离。筛选微卫星标记中30个在家系中具有作图信息,其中19个可用于母本作图,19个可用于父本作图。 利用Mapmaker 3.0/EXP软件对分离标记进行连锁分析。358个分子标记用于雌性遗传连锁分析,其中包括19个微卫星标记,199个AFLP标记和11个微卫星标记定位在雌性框架图谱中。雌性框架图谱共有25个连锁群,总长度为3148.3 cM。标记之间最大间隔为37.5 cM,平均间隔为17.0 cM,连锁群的分子标记数最大为21个最小为4个。用于雄性连锁分析的分子标记共有332个,其中包含19个微卫星标记。207个标记定位于23个连锁群上,其中AFLP标记数为196个,微卫星标记数为11个。23个连锁群总长度为3059.8 cM,标记间最大间隔38.6 cM,平均间隔16.6 cM。每个连锁群的长度范围在40 cM到271.4 cM之间,标记数在18到4个之间,包括二、三连体在内的雄性连锁图谱共覆盖3227 cM。雌雄基因组的预测长度分别为4053.7 cM和3816.3 cM,因此,所构建的雌雄连锁图谱覆盖率分别为84.0%和84.5%。通过共有微卫星标记,有3个连锁群在两个图谱中对应。分子标记在两个图谱中呈均匀分布,没有成簇现象。 分子标记筛选、遗传图谱的构建为刺参分子标记辅助选择育种,经济性状QTL定位和比较基因作图打下基础,并且最终将促进中国刺参遗传改良和新品种的培育工作。 第二部分 卵母细胞成熟过程研究 对刺参卵母细胞的体外诱导成熟方法进行探索,并且通过透射电子显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和激光共聚焦显微镜结合超薄切片技术及间接免疫荧光染色技术研究卵母细胞成熟的生物学过程。 分别利用在海参中有诱导作用的海星神经提取液和二硫苏糖醇(DTT)对从成熟卵巢解剖出的刺参卵母细胞进行诱导成熟试验,结果显示,刺参的卵母细胞在海水中不会发生自发成熟,海星神经提取液以及神经提取液加滤泡悬浮液对卵母细胞没有诱导成熟的作用,而二硫苏糖醇处理可以诱导卵母细胞生发泡破裂,当DTT溶液的浓度处于10-1 mol/L到10-3 mol/L之间时,对刺参卵母细胞的促熟作用较为明显,在10-2 mol/L左右时,卵母细胞的诱导成熟率可以达到90%以上。未成熟的卵母细胞处于第一次减数分裂前期,不具备受精能力。经DTT诱导后,生发泡发生移动并破裂,染色体排列到赤道板上,然后第一、二极体先后排出,诱导成熟的卵母细胞排出极体的时间与自然受精的卵子一致。在卵母细胞成熟过程中有受精膜举起的现象,说明精子入卵不是受精膜举起的必要条件。卵母细胞只有在生发泡破裂之后才具有受精能力,从生发泡破裂到第二极体排出前的整个减数分裂过程中,卵母细胞都可以受精,但是只有在第一极体排出前受精的卵母细胞才能发生卵裂。人工促熟的卵母细胞受精后,形成的胚胎似乎并不能正常发育,试验过程中最多只得到了8细胞期的胚胎,之后细胞便产生畸形并停止分裂,最终裂解消失。 利用DTT诱导刺参卵母细胞成熟,综合运用光镜、电子显微镜及激光共聚焦技术观察卵母细胞成熟过程,分析了卵母细胞表面动物极突起在卵母细胞脱滤泡中的作用,以及卵母细胞动物极突起和微管组织在生发泡移动过程中所起的作用。卵母细胞通过动物极突起连接到滤泡上,在脱滤泡作用开始时,卵母细胞动物极突起刺入并穿过滤泡膜,使得滤泡膜表面形成一个缺口,然后整个卵母细胞开始从缺口处挤出。脱滤泡的作用力来源有两种:胶膜层的水合作用以及滤泡的收缩。通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察,未成熟的卵母细胞中存在5种类型的微管,并且有两个微管组织中心锚定在卵母细胞突起下方。减数分裂重新启动时,生发泡沿微管向动物极移动,至细胞膜下时破裂。微管解聚对照实验证明驱动生发泡移动的细胞结构为微管束。生发泡破裂后,两个微管组织中心组织形成减数分裂纺锤体,然后第一极体以“收缩-排出”的独特方式排出。 本研究填补了刺参繁殖生物学研究中的缺失环节,为刺参人工繁育技术提供理论基础和指导。


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针对目前刺参养殖业中面临的问题,系统研究了刺参的基础生物学、组织学,生理生态学和呼吸生理学特征,评估了刺参的养殖容量,优化了养殖模式,以嵊泗列岛为例,系统研究了刺参南移后的存活和生长等特征。研究结果如下: 1.刺参体腔液细胞存在于刺参的体腔中,体腔液细胞行使免疫防御、营养贮存和运输的功能。根据形态和功能上的特征可分为小淋巴细胞、桑葚细胞、吞噬细胞、结晶细胞、纺缍细胞和振动细胞。体腔液细胞的形态和结构与其功能密切相关。不同特征的细胞可能是同一类型体腔液细胞的不同发育阶段。体腔液细胞平均密度为(3.79 ± 0.65)×106 cells /ml-1. 刺参的血淋巴细胞可分为小淋巴细胞、桑葚细胞、吞噬细胞和结晶细胞。刺参体腔液细胞可分为小淋巴细胞、桑葚细胞、吞噬细胞、结晶细胞、纺锤细胞和振动细胞。刺参吞噬细胞的吞噬率与温度呈正相关,并呈现出强烈的凝集现象。 2.刺参的血管、呼吸树、肌细胞和体腔内皮细胞的超微结构复杂,与其功能密切相关。夏眠前后刺参消化道明显萎缩,上皮细胞重吸收现象显著,结果显示组织结构的改变与外界环境相适应。刺参夏眠时体腔液pH和PO2升高,PCO2降低。连续取样对刺参体腔液血气指标没有显著性影响。刺参体腔液的%Extrw和%EwO2与体重呈负相关。 3.刺参的扰动导致底质中有机物含量、TOC、TN、叶绿素和细菌含量降低,刺参粪便中有机物含量高于周围底质,刺参对摄食底质具有选择性。刺参的扰动能增强底质的稳定性,与对照组相比,硫化物含量和氧化还原电位降低。 4.根据水体理化指标变化和自然沉积有机物的供饵力,结合不同温度下大规格刺参对自然生物沉积物的吸收率,计算刺参的养殖容量。浅海典型水域刺参的养殖容量约为109.40 g y-1m-2。 5.前三岛近岛水域底质有机物含量高于离岸深水水域,且粒度较离岸水域细,大多在0.20 mm以下。刺参的放流浓度和参礁的放置深度应选择在5-12m。刺参的放养规格宜为经人工越冬后体长在8-10厘米的参苗,体重超过30克。 6.研究了三种规格的刺参笼养殖存活和生长特征,初步建立了刺参筏式笼养技术。投喂海带,存活率达到83%以上。密度对刺参的生长有着显著的影响,随着实验的进行,放养密度增加,刺参的体重减小。4月后,随着温度的升高和海况的改变,刺参的生长率下降。刺参南移养殖模式的适宜放养密度应控制在3-5头,放养规格应在40g以上,经过5-6个月的生长能达到100g左右。


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本文主要以花鲈[Lateolabrax.japonicus (C.& V.)]和褐牙鲆[Paralichthys olivaceus(T. & S.)]作为海洋肉食性鱼类的代表种类,根据鱼类生态生理学理论,通过设定不同饥饿时问下因子水平,研究两种鱼类摄食率、排粪率、转化效率和SGR等生态生理效率的状态变化。其目的在于研究高营养级鱼类在海洋生态系统中的下行控制作用(Top-down Effect),以及肉食性鱼类的生态对策与鱼类资源补充机制的相互关系,为深入解析鱼类资源生产力及其持续利用海洋生物资源,提供科学依据。其主要研究结果概述如下:1.花鲈: 饥饿0(对照组)、4、8、12、16d后恢复投喂,过量投喂淡水桡足类,温度为19.5±2.0℃,初始体重为0.61-0.93g,平均体重为0.79g实验周期为28d。1.1饥饿时间对花鲈的体重损失率产生显著影响,受过饥饿的个体的湿重失率 (LR_W)与饥饿时间(t)的关系为:LR_W=2.2164t-3.6634(r~2=0.9767,p13d)的个体的排粪率显著大于其它各组,其它各组间排粪率差异不显著;2.2在整个实验周期36d内,对照组与经受3—8d饥饿的实验组的SGR显著大于经受饥饿时间大于lOd的实验组,饥饿3-8d的完全补偿生长,饥饿10-15d 的个体发生部分补偿生长,饥饿18d的个体不能补偿生长;经受饥饿个体的摄食率低于对照组;除了饥饿18d的个体的饵料转化率显著小于对照组外,其它各组的转化率没有显著差异;经受长时间饥饿(>13d)的个体的排粪率显著大于其它各组,其它各组问没有显著的差异。2.3平均体重为2.59g的褐牙鲆,饥饿至不可恢复点(PNR)的时间大于18d。3.花鲈和褐牙鲆在经受饥饿后的体重损失率与饥饿的时间正相关。在实验期间,花鲈体重损失率与饥饿时间成一次线性关系,褐牙鲆体重损失率与饥饿时间成对数函数关系。在饥饿后均会发生补偿生长。3.1比较研究结果,表明在适当时间饥饿后的个体均会发生补偿生长,其超生长速度与饥饿时间密切相关。花鲈在饥饿至不可恢复点的临界状态时发生最强烈的超生长现象,而褐牙鲆则是在饥饿3—5d后恢复投喂时可以观测到最高速度的超生长。3.2经受适当时间饥饿后的个体在短期内,其摄食率大于对照组的摄食强度。曾经饥饿的时间越长,花鲈在饥饿结束后的摄食率越高,褐牙鲆在饥饿结束后的高摄食率持续的时间越长。3.3经受适当时间饥饿后的个体,在短期内的转化率均会大于对照组的转化 效率,且随饥饿时间而加强;高转化效率持续的时间与饥饿时间无关。褐牙鲆的高转化率持续的时间很短,且很快下降至低于对照组的水平,其下降程度与饥饿时问成正相关,经受过度饥饿的花鲈和褐牙鲆转化率显著低于对照组。3.4花鲈的补偿生长是饵料转化率提高的结果;而褐牙鲆的补偿生长的原因则因其经受的饥饿程度而异。从饥饿后恢复投喂较短的时间周期(4d和6d)看,花鲈和褐牙鲆的补偿生长是转化率和摄食率共同提高的结果;但从饥饿后恢复投喂较长的时问周期(12d和1 8d)看,经受短期(4-8d)饥饿的花鲈的补偿生长是转化率显著提高的结果,而经受长期(12d)饥饿的花鲈的补偿生长是转化率显著提高的结果,褐牙鲆则是摄食率显著提高的结果。3.5从整个实验周期来看,对花鲈的饥饿降低了其生长速度和饵料转化率,但对褐牙鲆的短期饥饿(<8d)不会降低其生长速度,也不会影响一定时间(3-13d)饥饿的个体的饵料转化率。


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在浅海养殖系统中,生源要素的形态和动态对滤食性贝类生长有着重要影响,与此同时,滤食性贝类对系统中的生源要素的动态也具有重要作用,国外学者对此研究的比较多,但在我国研究甚少。在本论文中利用室内模拟实验和海上调查的方法,研究滤食性贝类的生物过滤、生物沉积及排泄作用对浅海养殖系统中生源要素动态的影响。室内模拟实验部分:1998年4月至6月间,在烟台利用室内规格相同的水池,建立了栉孔贝扇(Chlamys farreri)不同养殖密度单养、栉孔扇贝和海带(Laminaria japonica)混养、栉孔扇贝和海带、刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)多元化养殖等三种养殖模式,九个养殖系统和一个对照系统,实验中各池的温度、光照、盐度和换水量基本一致,定期测定实验池中颗粒有机碳(POC)、颗粒氮(PN)和水体及沉积物中营养盐的含量。实验结果表明:1 栉孔扇贝大量滤食水体中的颗粒物质,导致水体中颗粒物质浓度的降低,水体中POC和PN的现存量与栉孔扇贝的放养密度负相关,水体中颗粒物的缺乏会限制栉孔扇贝的生长,当POC、PN的现存量分别降低到0.09mg/L、0.015mg/L时,就会限制栉孔扇贝的生长。2 栉孔扇贝排泄代谢产物增加了水体中无机营养盐的浓度,栉孔扇贝排泄的氮以NH_4~+-N为主,占三氮的93.5%;海带可为栉孔扇贝生长提供一部分饵料。3 实验期间硅浓度低于或近于2umol/L,限制了硅藻的生长,实验后期水体中氮盐浓度降低,氮磷比小于10,可能限制了浮游植物的生长,减少了栉孔扇贝的饵料生物,从而抑制了栉孔扇贝的生长。4 在栉孔扇贝单养和贝藻参混养系列中,沉积物中有机物、有机碳、有机氮、有机磷及总磷的含量随栉孔扇贝放养密度的增大而减少。5 在贝藻混养系列中的栉孔扇贝生长好于单养系列,在贝藻参混养系列中的海带生长速度快于贝藻混养系列;单养和贝藻参混养模式中栉栉孔扇贝的日产量均以放养密度中等的(20个/m~2)养殖系统较高。海上调查部分:于1997年冬季、1998年春季和夏季,在烟台四十里湾海区进行了三次野外调查,分别在养殖海区和非养殖海区取得沉积物柱状样,测定沉积物中有机质和间隙水中无机营养盐的含量。实验结果表明:6 养殖区沉积物中有机质的含量大于非养殖区,平均高约22%。7 养殖海区沉积物间隙水中营养盐的浓度大于非养殖海区,其中养殖区NH_4~+-N、PO_4~(3-)-P 的浓度分别高于非养殖区50%和200%-400%,NO_3~--N, NO_2~--N 的浓度差别不明显;沉积物间隙水中营养盐浓度冬季较小,而春夏季浓度较高;氮盐以NH_4~+-N 为主,占90%以上。8 养殖海区沉积物-海水界面间营养盐扩散通量大于非养殖海区,烟台四十里湾沉积物-海水界面间NH_4~+-N, PO_4~(3-)-P, NO_3~--N, NO_2~--N 冬、春、夏三季平均扩散通分别为249.99 umol/m~2/d、3.78 umol/m~2/d、5.24 umol/m~2/d、0.83mol/m~2/d。


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Stomach contents were examined of 4527 adult individuals of 12 flatfish species collected during the 1982 - 1983 Bohai Sea Fisheries Resources Investigation. Their food habits, diet diversity, similarity of prey taxa, trophic niche breadth and diet overlap were systematically analysed. Ninety-seven prey species belonging to the Coelenterata, Nemertinea, Polychaeta, Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata, Hemichordata and fish were found and five of them were considered to be principal prey for flatfishes: Alpheus japonicus, Oratosquilla oratoria, Alpheus distinguendus, Loligo japonicus and Crangon affinis. Among the flatfishes, Paralichthys olivaceus was piscivorous, whereas Pseodopleuronectes yokohamae and Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini both had polychaetes and molluscs as their main prey groups. Pleuronichthys cornutus was classified as a polychaete-mollusc eater, with a strong preference for crustaceans. Verasper variegatus, Cynoglossus semilaevis, Eopsetta grigorjewi and Cleisthenes herzensteini ate crustaceans. Kareius bicoloratus was classified as a mollusc-crustacean eater: Cynoglossus abbreviatus, Cynoglossus joyneri and Zebrias zebra were grouped as crustacean-fish eaters. However, Z. zebra also took polychaetes and C. abbreviatus and C. joyneri preyed on some molluscs. Trophic relationships among the flatfishes were complicated, but they occupied distinctive microhabitats in different seasons and selected their specific prey items, which was favourable to the stability of the flatfish community in the Bohai Sea.


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Objective To study the transfer of paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) using four simulated marine food chains: dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense -> Arterriia Artemia salina -> Mysid shrimp Neomysis awatschensis; A. tamarense-N. awatschensis: A. taniarense A. salina -> Perch Lateolabrax japonicus; and A. tamarense -> L. japonicus. Methods The ingestion of A. tamarense, a producer of PST, by L. japonicus, N. awatschensis, and A. salina was first confirmed by microscopic observation of A. tamarense cells in the intestine samples of the three different organisms, and by the analysis of Chl.a levels iii the samples. Toxin accumulation in L. japonicus and N. awatschensis directly from the feeding on A. tamarense or indirectly ibrough the vector of A. salina was then studied. The toxicity of samples was measured using the AOAC mouse bioassay method, and the toxin content and profile of A. tamarense were analyzed by the HPLC method. Results Both A. salina and N. awatschensis could ingest A. tamarense cells. However, the ingestion capability of A. salina exceeded that of N. awatschensis. After the exposure to the culture of A. tamarense (2 000 cells(.)mL(-1)) for 70 minutes, the content of ChLa in A. salina and N. awatschensis reached 0.87 and 0.024 mu g-mg(-1), respectively. Besides, A. tamarense cells existed in the intestines of L. japonicus, N. awatschensis and A. salina by microscopic observation. Therefore, the three organisms could ingest A. tamarense cells directly. A. salina could accumulate high content of PST, and the toxicity of A. salina in samples collected on days 1, 4, and 5 of the experiment was 2.18, 2.6, and 2.1 MU(.)g(-1), respectively. All extracts from the samples could lead to death of tested mice within 7 minutes, and the toxin content in arternia sample collected on the 1st day was estimated to be 1.65x10(-5) pg STX equa Vindividual. Toxin accumulation in L. japonicus and N. awatschensis directly from the feeding on A. tamarense or indirectly froin the vector of A. salina was also studied. The mice injected with extracts from L. japonicus and N. awatschensis samples that accumulated PST either directly or indirectly showed PST intoxication symptoms, indicating that low levels of PST existed in these samples. Conclusion Paralytic shellfish toxins can be transferred to L. japonicus, N. awatschensis, and A. salina from A. taniarense directly or indirectly via the food chains.


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通过对贵州花江峡谷喀斯特石漠化区4种典型石漠化植物群落中11种常见植物种叶片的δ^13C值测定,研究了各植物种对影响植物碳同位素分馏的主要环境因子(土壤储水量、大气相对湿度、光照强度、土壤厚度)的响应,分析了石漠化梯度中不同土层土壤储水量、大气相对湿度、土壤有机质、年均气温、光照强度等环境因子梯度变化与植物叶片δ^13C值的关系。结果表明,大部分物种的δ^13C值对环境因子的变化趋势表现为随环境水分好转呈下降趋势,即水分利用效率下降;也有部分物种呈稳定不变或逆势上升趋势。相关性分析表明,清香木(Pistacia weinmannifolia)、石岩枫(Mallotus repandus)、红背山麻杆(Alchornea trewioides)的主导因子是土层储水量;肾蕨(Nephrolepis cordifolia)、野桐(Mallotus japonicus var。floccosus)的主导因子是土壤厚度;肾蕨、八角枫(Alangium chinense)、构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)的主导因子是光照强度;而广西密花树(Rapanea kwangsiensis)、圆叶乌桕(Sapium rot undifolium)和灰毛浆果楝(Cipadessa cinerascens)则分辨不出主导因子,即环境影响因素更为综合。总体而言,叶片高δ^13C值是对低水分、高光、低资源环境的适应.


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La industria pesquera es un elemento importante para la economía peruana por ser una fuente generadora de divisas. El subsistema de pesca para consumo humano indirecto (CHI) representa el 80 por ciento en términos de volumen de desembarque de los recursos hidrobiológicos y, está basada únicamente en la explotación de la especie anchoveta (Engraulis ringens). En los sesenta años de existencia de la pesca para harina de pescado, se han dado varios episodios en los que el stock de anchoveta estuvo cerca de desaparecer producto del sobredimensionamiento de la industria, regulación inadecuada y fenómenos climáticos. En los últimos años se dictaron normas y leyes para regular el sector y proteger los recursos. El D.L. 1084 estableció los límites máximos de captura por embarcación perturbando en gran medida al subsector pesca para harina de pescado. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar cómo una organización dedicada a la producción de harina de pescado se adaptó en el ámbito organizacional y tecnológico a las perturbaciones institucionales del sector. El abordaje de estudio fue la epistemología fenomenológica, mediante un análisis del tipo cualitativo y utilizando como metodología el estudio de caso aplicado a la empresa Corporación Hayduk. Identificando como la implementación de estas nuevas leyes disminuyó la incertidumbre e impulsaron innovaciones organizacionales y tecnológicas en Hayduk que permitieron eliminar capacidad ociosa y dosificar esfuerzos por una mayor producción de harinas Premium, orientando el negocio hacia una mayor productividad, creación de valor y apertura de nuevos mercados internacionales con mayores estándares de calidad y con mejor obteobtención de rentas por la venta de harina de pescado.


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We synthesise and update results from the suite of biophysical, larval-dispersal models developed in the Benguela Current ecosystem. Biophysical models of larval dispersal use outputs of physical hydrodynamic models as inputs to individual-based models in which biological processes acting during the larval life are included. In the Benguela, such models were first applied to simulate the dispersal of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax ichthyoplankton, and more recently of the early life stages of chokka-squid Loligo reynaudii and Cape hakes Merluccius spp. We identify how the models have helped advance understanding of key processes for these species. We then discuss which aspects of the early life of marine species in the Benguela Current ecosystem are still not well understood and could benefit from new modelling studies.


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European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) are southern, warm water species that prefer temperatures warmer than those found in boreal waters. After about 40 years of absence, they were again observed in the 1990s in increasing quantities in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Whereas global warming probably played a role in these northward migrations, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the contraction of the subpolar gyre were important influences. Sardine re-invaded the North Sea around 1990, probably mainly as a response to warmer temperatures associated with the strengthening of the NAO in the late 1980s. However, increasing numbers of anchovy eggs, larvae, juveniles and adults have been recorded only since the mid-1990s, when, particularly, summer temperatures started to increase. This is probably a result of the complex dynamics of ocean–atmosphere coupling involving changes in North Atlantic current structures, such as the contraction of the subpolar gyre, and dynamics of AMO. Apparently, climate variability drives anchovies and sardines into the North and Baltic Seas. Here, we elucidate the climatic background of the return of anchovies and sardines to the northern European shelf seas and the changes in the North Sea fish community in the mid-1990s in response to climate variability.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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O controlo da amónia durante o transporte de peixe vivo, é uma das problemáticas mais exigentes ao nível de controladores químicos. Até então, o AmQuel® apresenta-se como uma alternativa e possível solução para esta problemática. Este produto foi testado em diversas situações, manipulando-se concentrações iniciais e taxas de excreção de amónia. Na primeira parte (I), através do acompanhamento de um transporte efectivo de corvinas (Argyrosomus regius Asso, 1801) e duas simulações de transporte, de corvinas e de cavalas (Argyrosomus regius e Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782). Na parte laboratorial (II), foram testadas diversas simulações de taxas de excreção de amónia e o efeito quelante do AmQuel® sobre estas. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se uma relação linear entre AmQuel® e amónia e uma possível inferência na concentração de cortisol libertada para a água. Os resultados obtidos laboratorialmente demonstraram que pequenas diferenças nas concentrações de cada cocktail escolhido poderão ter resultados distintos no controlo de amónia. O Cocktail B (15/15/7.5 ppm) demonstrou ser eficaz no controlo de amónia, para taxas de excreção inferiores a 5mg/h, mesmo com concentração inicial (0.25mg/L) de amónia no tanque. Cocktails inferiores a 15/15/7.5 ppm revelaram-se ineficazes no controlo de amónia, para taxas de excreção superiores a 1mg/h. Estes resultados irão facilitar a escolha do cocktail de AmQuel® mais adequado, consoante o tempo e características de cada transporte.