952 resultados para Elderly People
The purpose of the research was to investigate operational processes related to home care of the elderly as well as use of assistive devices in smart home environments, and operational processes that are generally related to use of assistive devices – from the point of view of productivity improvement. The themes were looked into from the points of view of both the elderly and care personnel. In addition, perspectives of near relatives of the elderly, of the larger service system as well as of companies that provided assistive devices to the smart homes were taken into consideration. In the study of home care processes, 32 customer interviews and 17 employee interviews were carried out. This report contains a summary that is based on a separate report of the home care study. The study of home care was conducted in 2006. The use of technological and mechanical assistive devices and the related operational processes were investigated with the help of the smart home pilot in 2007–2008. The study is described in this report. The smart home pilot was implemented in four different housing service units for elderly people at Lahti, Nastola and Hollola. They were in use during short-term housing periods related to, for instance, end of hospitalisation, holidays of caring relatives and assessment of living and housing conditions. More than 60 different assistive devices and technologies were brought to the smart homes. During the pilot period, experiences of customers and personnel as well as processes related to the use of assistive devices were investigated. The research material consisted of 20 survey questionnaires of personnel and customers, four interviews with customers, five interviews with personnel, feedback survey responses from 14 companies, and other data that were collected, for instance, in orientation events. The research results highlighted the need for tailored services based on an elderly person’s needs and wishes, while taking advantage of innovative and technological solutions. As in the earlier home care study, also assistive device-related operational processes were looked into with the help of concepts of ‘resource focus’, ‘lost motion’ and ‘intermediate landing’. The following were identified as central operational processes in assistive device-related services (regardless of the service provider): (1) acquisition process of technologies and assistive devices as well as of rearrangement and rebuilding works in the home, (2) introduction and orientation process (of the elderly, their relatives and care personnel), (3) information and communication process, and (4) service and monitoring process. In addition, the research focused on design and desirability of assistive devices as well as their costs, such as opportunity costs. The process-based points of view gave new knowledge that may be used in the future to develop service processes and clarify their ownership so that separately managed cross-functional processes could be built with participants from different sectors to operate alongside organisations of elderly care. Development of functionality of assistive device-related services is a societally significant issue.
Ikäihminen tietokoneen käyttäjänä : Nettirohkeus-kurssien sisällön ja opetusmenetelmien kehittäminen
Opinnäytetyöni koostuu Kontupisteen Nettirohkeus-kurssien uudistetusta kurssirungosta sekä kirjallisesta osasta, johon kuuluu alkuperäisten Nettirohkeus-kurssien kenttähavainnointituloksien sekä uudistetun kurssirungon käytettävyystestauksen tulosten raportointi. Opinnäytetyön teososa, Nettirohkeus-kurssien uudistettu kurssirunko sisältää tutkimuksen avulla aikaansaadun johdonmukaisemman rakenteen sekä uusia yksityiskohtia opetuksessa, joita ei alkuperäisellä kurssilla ollut otettu huomioon. Uudistettu kurssirunko on kehitetty havainnoimalla alkuperäisen kurssin opetusta ja myöhemmin korjaamalla käytettävyystestauksessa havaitut puutteet ja epäkohdat. Nettirohkeus-kursseja on järjestetty Kontulassa sijaitsevan Kontupisteen tiloissa. Kontupiste on Lasipalatsin Mediakeskus Oy:n hanke, jonka tavoitteisiin kuuluu uusien helposti lähestyttävien palvelukonseptien kehittäminen tietoyhteiskunnan arkisiin tarpeisiin. Kurssit on tarkoitettu kaikille tietokoneenkäytön aloittelijoille, mutta koska tutkimuksen kohteena olleen vuoden 2007 syksyn kurssien kaikki oppilaat olivat iäkkäämpiä ihmisiä, tutkimuksessa käsitellään ikäihmisiä tietokoneen ja Internetin käytön oppijoina. Internetin ja tietokoneen käyttö ovat tärkeitä taitoja kansalaisille alati kehittyvässä tietoyhteiskunnassa. Tämän päivän ikäihmiset ovat tottuneet käyttämään henkilökohtaisia asiakaspalveluita arjessaan, eivätkä ole saaneet koulutusta tietotekniikan käyttöön saatika kasvaneet lapsesta tietotekniikan kehityksen mukana. Teososan uudistettu kurssirunko vastaa tutkimuksen avulla löytyneiden erityisvaatimuksien mukaista rakennetta.
La diverticulite colique aiguë est une pathologie fréquente en particulier chez les personnes âgées et d'origine caucasienne. La prévalence est plus importante chez les sédentaires et les personnes ayant un régime comprenant peu de fibres. Son diagnostic se base principalement sur la tomodensitométrie (CT) qui permet d'orienter la prise en charge thérapeutique. Ces dernières années, le traitement de la diverticulite aiguë a passablement changé avec notamment une évolution vers une restriction des indications du traitement chirurgical électif ou en urgence et une désescalade thérapeutique, avec réduction de l'antibiothérapie et du nombre d'hospitalisations. Cet article passe en revue l'épidémiologie, les moyens diagnostiques et la prise en charge de cette pathologie digestive courante. Acute diverticulitis of the colon is a frequent pathology especially among elderly people and people of Caucasian origin. The prevalence is higher among sedentary people and in people with low-fiber diet. Its diagnosis is mainly based on computed tomography (CT) that allows guiding the therapeutic management. Over the last few years the treatment of acute diverticulitis has passably changed with in particular an evolution toward a restriction of the elective and emergency surgery indications and a reduction of the antiobiotherapy and hospitalization number. This article reviews the epidemiology, the diagnostic tools, and the management of this frequent digestive pathology.
The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge.
Aquest estudi té com objectiu observar les relacions entre les estratègies de cura (formal, informal, mixta) que fan servir els cuidadors de persones grans dependents, la seva situació social i les seves motivacions per la decisió respecte a com fan la cura. L’estat del tema destaca el predomini de les cures informals sobre les formals en els models de benestar mediterranis i la rellevància de la interacció entre factors personals socioculturals i les polítiques socials en la presa de decisions individuals sobre la cura de la dependència. La llei de la dependència, de recent implementació a l’Estat espanyol, ha universalitzat l’accés als recursos formals, creant un nou paradigma d’interacció cuidadors-recursos. Es tracta d’un estudi observacional, transversal, descriptiu de tipus mixt quantitatiu/qualitatiu realitzat a partir d’entrevistes individuals als cuidadors de dependents ingressats en una unitat geriàtrica d’atenció intermèdia. Es recullen dades sobre el context sociofamiliar, l’estratègia de cura, l’autopercepció i les motivacions. Els resultats mostren que els cuidadors combinen prestacions econòmiques i serveis (públics i privats) per adaptar al màxim l’estratègia a les condicions del dependent i a les seves pròpies. Tenen la convicció generalitzada que l’atenció cal fer-la al domicili per motius de reciprocitat i respecte a la persona cuidada. El pas a l’atenció residencial és una decisió molt difícil pels cuidadors. La implantació de la llei de la dependència ha normalitzat la relació entre cuidadors i recursos formals, però la burocratització i la insuficiència de l’oferta de serveis no afavoreixen canvis substancials en la provisió de l’ajut, que continua essent majoritàriament informal. La millora en la percepció de continuïtat d’atenció entre el domicili i la residència, i també en la gestió i l’oferta de serveis formals públics es presenten com a reptes de treball importants al nostre país.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of dependent elderly people users of the home care services (SAD) of the regional council in Osona (Consell Comarcal d´Osona) , and the characteristics of formal and informal types of support they use. Methodology. An observational study of a transversal format has been carried out, with retrospective and descriptive purposes. The target population is 63 people (26 men and 37 women) included in the program of the regional SAD They have a recognized dependence grade approved by the law 39 /2006, December 14th , promoting the individual autonomy and care of elderly people in a dependent situation. The data were collected by social workers of basic social services, first with a home visit and followed by handed out questionnaires, specifically designed for this study, in order to obtain information on socio-demographic characteristics, and the type of support formal and informal. The obtained results on the SAD users are women in a 58.7% and a 41.3 % are men. The 84% of the total sampling are 80 years old and more, being the average age of 85.2 years old. 45% of them are married, 41% are widows and widowers and 14% are single. 54% are rated with severe dependence (grade II), 42.8% with high dependence (grade III). 86% live accompanied. 100% have an informal caregiver and a 95% of the times, the caregiver is a relative who in 73% of the cases the dedication time is permanent. The coverage of the SAD has an average of 4.27 hours per week and per user. The formal services most used are the technical (62%), also the assessment of an occupational therapist at home (57%) and the telecare service in a (56%). Conclusions. The SAD is used primarily for women in an advanced age and severe dependence. The informal assistance structures have an informal caregiver, being a member of the family mostly, living with the dependent, and mainly in a permanent dedication basis. The SAD has a varied intensity in each case. The formal support services complementary to the SAD, are largely used in all cases.
Objectiu: Aquest estudi pretén aportar coneixement sobre el model d’atenció que reben les persones de més de 79 anys dependents del municipi de Vic. Analitzar en quina mesura es fa ús dels serveis formals i quines variables influeixen en la utilització d’aquest. Mètode: Estudi retrospectiu, descriptiu i transversal. De metodologia quantitativa. La població d’estudi són aquelles persones de 80 i més anys de Vic que van sol·licitar la valoració de dependència entre els anys 2007-2010, amb un grau II o III de dependència reconegut i un Pla Individual d’Atenció validat i concedit per la Generalitat de Catalunya (n=453). Les dades provenen de registres de la Generalitat de Catalunya i de l’Àrea d’Afers Socials i Ciutadania de l’Ajuntament de Vic. Les variables dependents són la utilització de recursos formals (teleassitència, servei d’atenció domiciliària –públic i privat- , centre de dia, residència i prestacions econòmiques derivades de la llei de la dependència). El grau de dependència, el gènere, l’edat, l’estat civil, la convivència, el cuidador principal i el nivell de renda es van considerar variables independents. Resultats: El model d’atenció majoritari és el que complementa el suport informal amb el formal (62.3%). L’ús de recursos formals té un paper subsidiari (37.7%). La variable convivència influeix de forma significativa amb l’ús de serveis formals (p<0.001 en l’ús de TAS, el SAD públic i el SAD privat) . Conclusió: Els disseny de programes i criteris de provisió de serveis haurien de contemplar no només el grau de dependència sinó també variables més d’entorn com la convivència. No obstant, existeix encara poca evidència científica en aquesta línia, per això s’hauria de potenciar l’ investigació que permetés analitzar les variables de la funció social de forma més acurada. Paraules clau: Dependència, suport formal, suport informal.
Aims: This study was carried out to evaluate surgical treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) with special interest in present status and controversial issues: stenting as a palliative procedure for metastasized CRC (I), duration of thromboprophylaxis after the surgical treatment of CRC (II), treatment of the increasing population of elderly people (III) and the quality of life (QoL) after surgery for rectal cancer with special reference to pelvic floor dysfunction (IV). Materials and methods: The material consisted of patients with CRC operated on at Turku University Hospital between 2003 and 2008. In study II the data was collected retrospectively from electronic archives. In other studies the follow-up data was collected at postoperative control visits. In study IV the RAND-36 standardized questionnaire and additional questions assessing urinary, sexual and anorectal dysfunction were used. Results: The results of the current study showed that self-expanding metallic stents provided an alternative to palliative surgery in the treatment of obstructive CRC. Low molecular heparin given s.c. for a median of 11 days until hospital discharge seemed to provide sufficient thromboprophylaxis after surgery. With preoperative selection elderly patients with rectal cancer were suitable for major surgery for rectal cancer with morbidity and mortality rates comparable to those in younger patients. There was no difference between preoperative and one year postoperative general QoL for operated rectal cancer patients. Postoperative pelvic dysfunction was associated with an impaired QoL in some dimensions. Conclusions: Many individual factors regarding the patient and the disease must be taken into account when making treatment decisions in CRC to ensure successful treatment of CRC, patient satisfaction and QoL.
AbstractThe types of compounds used in the production of biomaterials, namely metals, ceramics, synthetic and natural polymers, as well as composite materials, are discussed in the present work, together with details of their application and evolution from biocompatible to bioactive, biodegradable, and biomimetic clinical products. The chemical structure, the three-dimensional structure, and the molecular organization of compounds frequently used in the manufacture of relevant classes of biomaterials are discussed, along with their advantages and some of their major limitations in specific clinical applications. The main chemical, physical, mechanical, and biological requirements of biomaterials categories are presented, as well as typical tissular responses to implanted biomaterials. Reasons for the recent economic growth of the biomaterials market segment are addressed, and the most successful biomaterial categories are discussed, emphasizing areas such as orthopedic and cardiovascular implants, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, and controlled drug release devices. Finally, the need for the development of innovative and more accessible biomaterials, due to the expected increase in the number of elderly people and the growing trend of personalized medical procedures, is pointed out.
Tutkimus on toimeksianto Yritykseltä X, joka halusi selvitettävän, millaista markkinapotentiaalia on nähtävissä ikäihmisten palveluasumisessa Suomessa asuville venäjänkielisille. Markkinoiden analysoinnin lisäksi tutkimuksessa on selvitetty kohderyhmän kuluttajakäyttäytymistä ja ostokykyä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena ei ole antaa toimeksiantajalle valmista investointipäätöstä, vaan tuoda tietoa markkinoista ja kohderyhmästä päätöksenteon tueksi. Käytössä on ollut neljä empiiristä aineistoa. Primääriaineistona ovat asiantuntija¬haastattelut sekä kyselyt Yrityksen X venäjänkielisille työntekijöille ja maksaja-asiakkaille – eli kuntien ja sairaanhoitopiirien edustajille. Sekundääriaineistona on joukko suomalaisten Venäjä-asiantuntijoiden viime vuosien tutkimuksia. Pro gradun teoriaosuus on tiivis. Teorian on auttanut kirjoittajaa tarkastelemaan palveluasumisen markkinoita kansainvälisellä vivahteella sekä suomalaisittain uuden kuluttajaryhmän kuluttajakäyttäytymistä ja ostokykyä. Suomessa asuvia venäjänkielisiä ikäihmisiä ei ole aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltu omana kohderyhmänään, mutta heistä on tehty paljon yhteiskunnallista tutkimusta. Tätä on hyödynnetty muun muassa tarkasteltaessa kohderyhmän kulttuurisia piirteitä, sosiaalisia tapoja, kieltä ja uskontoa. Suomessa asuvista venäjänkielisistä ikäihmistä ei voi puhua yhtenäisenä ryhmänä. Osa yli 65-vuotiaista on suomen kielen taitoisia ja työssään menestyneitä, mutta monen maahanmuuttajan sosiaalinen asema laski heidän muuttaessaan Suomeen. Neuvostoliitossa asuneet ovat tottuneet niukkoihin olosuhteisiin, siihen että samassa taloudessa asui jopa kolme sukupolvea, ja että perhe piti huolta yhteiskunnan tuen ollessa niukkaa. Vaikka venäläisessä kulttuurissa vanhainkodeilla on huono maine, voidaan Suomessa asuvien ikäihmisten keskuudessa nähdä positiivista suhtautumista palveluasumista ja suomalaisia julkispalveluja kohtaan. Mikäli Yritys X rakentaa yksikön Lappeenrantaan, kannattaa potentiaalisina asiakkaina nähdä myös venäläiset terveysmatkailijat ja suunnitella palvelutarjonta laajemmin kuin vain Suomessa asuville venäjänkielisille. Mikäli yksikkö tulee Helsinkiin, on kilpailijana ortodokseille ja venäjänkielisille vanhuksille tarkoitettu Helenan vanhainkoti.
To evaluate the impact of electroconvulsive therapy on arterial blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, and the occurrence of ischemia or arrhythmias, 38 (18 men) depressive patients free from systemic diseases, 50 to 83 years old (mean: 64.7 ± 8.6) underwent electroconvulsive therapy. All patients were studied with simultaneous 24-h ambulatory blood pressure and Holter monitoring, starting 18 h before and continuing for 3 h after electroconvulsive therapy. Blood pressure, heart rate, heart rate variability, arrhythmias, and ischemic episodes were recorded. Before each session of electroconvulsive therapy, blood pressure and heart rate were in the normal range; supraventricular ectopic beats occurred in all patients and ventricular ectopic beats in 27/38; 2 patients had non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. After shock, systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure increased 29, 25, and 24% (P < 0.001), respectively, and returned to baseline values within 1 h. Maximum, mean and minimum heart rate increased 56, 52, and 49% (P < 0.001), respectively, followed by a significant decrease within 5 min; heart rate gradually increased again thereafter and remained elevated for 1 h. Analysis of heart rate variability showed increased sympathetic activity during shock with a decrease in both sympathetic and parasympathetic drive afterwards. No serious adverse effects occurred; electroconvulsive therapy did not trigger any malignant arrhythmias or ischemia. In middle-aged and elderly people free from systemic diseases, electroconvulsive therapy caused transitory increases in blood pressure and heart rate and a decrease in heart rate variability but these changes were not associated with serious adverse clinical events.
TP53, a tumor suppressor gene, has a critical role in cell cycle, apoptosis and cell senescence and participates in many crucial physiological and pathological processes. Identification of TP53 polymorphism in older people and age-related diseases may provide an understanding of its physiology and pathophysiological role as well as risk factors for complex diseases. TP53 codon 72 (TP53:72) polymorphism was investigated in 383 individuals aged 66 to 97 years in a cohort from a Brazilian Elderly Longitudinal Study. We investigated allele frequency, genotype distribution and allele association with morbidities such as cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, obesity, neoplasia, low cognitive level (dementia), and depression. We also determined the association of this polymorphism with serum lipid fractions and urea, creatinine, albumin, fasting glucose, and glycated hemoglobin levels. DNA was isolated from blood cells, amplified by PCR using sense 5'-TTGCCGTCCCAAGCAATGGATGA-3' and antisense 5'-TCTGGGAAGGGACAGAAGATGAC-3' primers and digested with the BstUI enzyme. This polymorphism is within exon 4 at nucleotide residue 347. Descriptive statistics, logistic regression analysis and Student t-test using the multiple comparison test were used. Allele frequencies, R (Arg) = 0.69 and P (Pro) = 0.31, were similar to other populations. Genotype distributions were within Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. This polymorphism did not show significant association with any age-related disease or serum variables. However, R allele carriers showed lower HDL levels and a higher frequency of cardiovascular disease than P allele subjects. These findings may help to elucidate the physiopathological role of TP53:72 polymorphism in Brazilian elderly people.
The aim of the study and research questions: The aim of this study is to illuminate how caring communion can aid in promoting health as becoming in elderly people in the context of natural caring. The target group of the study consists of elderly citizens living at home. The focus of this thesis is on the concept of communion and how caring communion can affect the inner health resources in a patient’s inner health domain, as well as how caring communion can support health as becoming and inner health resources in the elderly. The main research questions of this study are the following: 1) what does communion mean? 2) what does caring communion mean? 3) what is the connection between caring communion and health? Theoretical perspective: The theoretical perspective of this qualitative study relies on the caritative caring theory as developed by scholars of caring sciences at the Åbo Academi University’s Vasa unit. The caritas motive is based on an ethos built on a consideration of togetherness, i.e. caring communion, a place where one feels at home and where one can be the person one was meant to be. Methodology: A hermeneutic research approach based on Gadamer (1997) permeates the study. This entails that understanding and interpretation become central. The study conducted in the thesis is divided into three sub-studies. Sub-study one and two are based on ontological determination whereas the third sub-study is carried out by contextual determination. The first sub-study is conducted by etymological and semantic analysis of the concept of communion (gemenskap) based on Koort (1975) and the second sub-study by determining the basic epistemological category of the concept based on Eriksson (2010b). Sub-study three is conducted through content analysis of 18 multidisciplinary and 13 caring science articles and dissertations based on Kvale (2009). The aim in the third sub-study is to define caring communions in various contexts of meaning based on Eriksson´s model of conceptual determination (2010b). All studies are interpreted through hermeneutic interpretation where the continuous movement from a part of a whole, to the whole, to part again, leads to new understanding. Finally, the findings from all the three sub-studies are compared to the concepts of pre-understanding and the inner-health-domain model of Wärnås (2002). Results: The results of the study offer a description of the dimensions of caring communion and a model that illuminates how caring communion can further health as becoming. The fundamentals of caring communion rest on the idea of a human being’s absolute right to dignity as a base for communion. The concept of communion contains a moral, an ethical, and a spiritual component. In communion, there exists a moral and ethical responsibility and a willingness to commit oneself. The individual is part of a connection or relation and knows the aim and course for the communion. A caring connection, a caring culture, a caring atmosphere and caring listening are characteristics of caring communion. In caring communion, the elderly feel trusting and see themselves as unique, powerful, and valuable. The model demonstrates that when the elderly are able to rest in caring communion, the virtues of courage and faith become strong and desire for life awaken within the elderly and health as becoming becomes possible. Conclusions: The outcome of the study is that all communion is not necessarily caring communion. In order for communion to be caring and for the elderly to achieve health as becoming, there are certain criteria that must be met. This is especially important when designing activities for the elderly in the context of natural caring.
Internet of Things or IoT is revolutionizing the world we are living in, similarly the way Internet and the web did few decades ago. It is changing how we interact with the things surrounding us. Electronic health and remote patient monitoring are the ways of utilizing these technological improvements towards the healthcare. There are many applications of IoT in eHealth such as, it will open the gate to provide healthcare to the remote areas of the world, where healthcare through traditional hospital systems cannot be provided. To connect these new eHealth IoT systems with the existing healthcare information systems, we can use the existing interoperability standards commonly used in healthcare information systems. In this thesis we implemented an eHealth IoT system based on Health Level 7 interoperability standard for continuous data transmission. There is not much previous work done in implementing the HL7 for continuous sensor data transmission. Some of the previous work was limited to sensors which are not continuous in nature and some of it is only theatrical architecture. This thesis aims to prove that it is possible to implement an eHealth IoT system by using sensors which require continues data transmission, such as respiratory sensors, and to connect it with the existing eHealth information system semantically by using HL7 interoperability standard. This system will be beneficial in implementing eHealth IoT systems for those patients, who requires continuous healthcare personal monitoring. This includes elderly people and patients, whose health need to be monitored constantly. To implement the architecture, HL7 v2.5 is selected due to its ease of implementation and low size. We selected some open source technologies because of their open licenses and large developer community. We will also review the most efficient technology available in every layer of eHealth IoT system and will propose an efficient system.